“What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During his speech 'against' ISIS, President Obama made the argument for passing and enforcing even MORE gun laws, despite - once again - perpetrators proving, in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, that terrorists and criminals do NOT obey gun laws.

At one point, in making his case for more gun legislation, Obama asked, “What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”

I have a couple of BETTER questions for President Obama:

1. What could POSSIBLY be the argument for Obama to allow a suspected terrorist / someone on the ‘No Fly’ List not only to fly into the US but to meet with him / his administration inside the W.H.?!

White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric
“The White House confirmed to Fox News what the Investigative Project on Terrorism reported two days ago — that the administration met with the deputy of a radical cleric who is barred from entering the United States, and whose organization supports Hamas. Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah served as vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group headed by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, who has urged Muslim nations to acquire nuclear weapons, demanded the death of American soldiers in Iraq, and defended Hitler.”

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/28/fox-white-house-confirms-meeting-with-deputy-of-banned-muslim-brotherhood-cleric/

2. How is the Obama administration going to appropriately vet 10,000 - 65,000 Syrian 'refugees' coming from a 'terrorist hotbed' / nation in civil war who have no records, no official documentation, and no real way to tell who they are when his administration can't even properly vet and keep individuals ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST from working in his own Homeland Security administration?!

72 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working for Dept of Homeland Security
"Back in August, we did an investigation--the inspector General did--of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security. The director had to resign because of that. Then we went further and did and eight-airport investigation. We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate. We had folks--this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate."
LINK: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3368098/posts

73 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working For Airlines
"The good news from the Department of Homeland's Security new report on the TSA's "multi-layered process to vet aviation workers for potential links to terrorism": That process is "generally effective." The bad news: There were still 73 individuals who should never have gotten jobs with airlines because they were tagged with terrorism-related category codes. The main problem, the report notes, is that, under current interagency watchlist policy, the TSA isn't allowed to receive every bit of terrorism-related data, meaning airlines often have to fend for themselves in determining whether a job applicant is properly vetted, including whether an applicant is lawfully allowed to work in the US and if the applicant has committed any crimes that would disqualify him from gaining unsupervised access to secure airport areas."
LINK: http://www.newser.com/story/207975/tsa-hired-73-workers-on-terror-watchlist-dhs.html

...and we're not just talking about 'low level' employees with Islamic Extremist / Terrorist Ties that have been hired:

DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties
"A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism."

LINK: DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties - Judicial Watch

*** Yet Obama wants us to believe that his administration's vetting process is 2nd to none, and he WILL keep us safe (despite the 4 successful terrorist attacks against the US on American soil during his administration...SO FAR...)


Obama and his administration has cozied up to would-be / potential and actual terrorists - people on the 'No Fly' List FOR A REASON, hired them as advisors, and has even hired nearly 80 of them ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST to work INSIDE of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.

He aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking over the govt of Egypt.
He has supported HAMAS.
He helped Al Qaeida take over Libya.
He named associated members of the Muslim Brotherhood as his 'advisors'
70+ on the 'Terrorist Watch' List = Dept of Homeland Security employees, working in airports (AFTER 9/11)
He helped fund, arm, protect, and train ISIS

And let's not forget he / his administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in the deaths of over 500 innocent people - to include 2 US citizens.

So despite Obama declaring that the 2nd biggest threat we face (behind Global Warming) is a LACK of MORE gun laws, it seems the BIGGEST threat may be Obama's willingness to support, fund, arm, train, hire, and protect terrorists and potential terrorists.

Obama suggested yesterday that we need to prove who we are and that terrorism will not change us by continuing to welcome in thousands of improperly / non-vetted foreigners from the homeland of ISIS, from a nation split by civil war, whose ideology goes totally against this country's foundation, principles, and beliefs. Islamic Extremism is a CANCER, and Obama has INVITED that CANCER into his administration while seeking to FORCE that CANCER upon the rest of us.

No worries....imposing more, stricter gun laws on law abiding citizens - who are the only ones who will be obeying them - will save us all.

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He is definitely transparent. That much he had correct.... :/
If I invent a fuck toy, it is going to be called Obama.
No...YOU / WE are Obama's 'f* toy'...cause he has been F*ing with you / us all for 7 years now.... :p
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Obama calls for more gun laws.
- California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

Obama wants to prevent guns from being bought illegally.
- The guns used by the California Terrorist Duo were bought legally

Obama wants high capacity ammo mags outlawed
- They are illegal in California.

Obama calls for laws preventing those on Terrorist Watch Lists from buying guns.
- The California Terrorist Duo were not on any list

Obama wants American gun owners properly vetted
- The female California terrorist passed his administration's Visa vetting process (So how many terrorist 'refugees' is he going to miss?)

So...ummmm...what ELSE you got, Barry?!
  • How about YOU and your administration cutting ties with Islamic Extremists, Muslims on the 'No Fly List', Muslims on the 'Terrorist Watch' List?

  • How about fixing your administration's 'vetting' process to get all of the Islamic Extremists and potential threats OUT of your own administration before trying to bring 10,000 - 65,000 Syrians into the country?
Well, since the Right loves Putin so much, maybe we should have the same gun control laws as Russia.

The acquisition of guns is based on licenses provided for a five-year period by local police departments at one’s place of residence after a thorough background check, including a review of the petitioner’s ability to store guns safely and an evaluation of his/her medical records. Mentally ill people and those who have been treated for substance abuse are not allowed to possess firearms.

Russian citizens may not own guns that shoot in bursts or have magazines with more than a ten-cartridge capacity.

Article 3 of the Federal Law on Weapons specifies the types of guns that can be used by individuals for self-defense, hunting, and sports activities. These include smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, smooth-bore long-barreled firearms if the rifled part of the barrel is no longer than 140 millimeters, and pneumatic weapons with power of up to 25 joules. Bearing long-barreled weapons for the purpose of self-defense is prohibited.

An individual cannot have more than ten guns in his/her possession, with the exception of guns included in a registered collection of weapons. An individual’s possession of weapons cannot exceed five hunting rifled-bore guns and five smooth-bore long-barreled guns.
Still no reason is offered. Interesting.

I thought at least he'd try, but he went full deflection on that one

I mean, you hate to say it but it seems more and more that the GOP will oppose ANYTHING that Obama endorses. He should come out in favor of breathing and watch these idiots die from holding their breath.
What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”

read the other thread about this that has 150 posts talking about it.
During his speech 'against' ISIS, President Obama made the argument for passing and enforcing even MORE gun laws, despite - once again - perpetrators proving, in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, that terrorists and criminals do NOT obey gun laws.

At one point, in making his case for more gun legislation, Obama asked, “What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”

I have a couple of BETTER questions for President Obama:

1. What could POSSIBLY be the argument for Obama to allow a suspected terrorist / someone on the ‘No Fly’ List not only to fly into the US but to meet with him / his administration inside the W.H.?!

White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric
“The White House confirmed to Fox News what the Investigative Project on Terrorism reported two days ago — that the administration met with the deputy of a radical cleric who is barred from entering the United States, and whose organization supports Hamas. Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah served as vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group headed by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, who has urged Muslim nations to acquire nuclear weapons, demanded the death of American soldiers in Iraq, and defended Hitler.”

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/28/fox-white-house-confirms-meeting-with-deputy-of-banned-muslim-brotherhood-cleric/

2. How is the Obama administration going to appropriately vet 10,000 - 65,000 Syrian 'refugees' coming from a 'terrorist hotbed' / nation in civil war who have no records, no official documentation, and no real way to tell who they are when his administration can't even properly vet and keep individuals ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST from working in his own Homeland Security administration?!

72 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working for Dept of Homeland Security
"Back in August, we did an investigation--the inspector General did--of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security. The director had to resign because of that. Then we went further and did and eight-airport investigation. We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate. We had folks--this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate."
LINK: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3368098/posts

73 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working For Airlines
"The good news from the Department of Homeland's Security new report on the TSA's "multi-layered process to vet aviation workers for potential links to terrorism": That process is "generally effective." The bad news: There were still 73 individuals who should never have gotten jobs with airlines because they were tagged with terrorism-related category codes. The main problem, the report notes, is that, under current interagency watchlist policy, the TSA isn't allowed to receive every bit of terrorism-related data, meaning airlines often have to fend for themselves in determining whether a job applicant is properly vetted, including whether an applicant is lawfully allowed to work in the US and if the applicant has committed any crimes that would disqualify him from gaining unsupervised access to secure airport areas."
LINK: http://www.newser.com/story/207975/tsa-hired-73-workers-on-terror-watchlist-dhs.html

...and we're not just talking about 'low level' employees with Islamic Extremist / Terrorist Ties that have been hired:

DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties
"A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism."

LINK: DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties - Judicial Watch

*** Yet Obama wants us to believe that his administration's vetting process is 2nd to none, and he WILL keep us safe (despite the 4 successful terrorist attacks against the US on American soil during his administration...SO FAR...)


Obama and his administration has cozied up to would-be / potential and actual terrorists - people on the 'No Fly' List FOR A REASON, hired them as advisors, and has even hired nearly 80 of them ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST to work INSIDE of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.

He aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking over the govt of Egypt.
He has supported HAMAS.
He helped Al Qaeida take over Libya.
He named associated members of the Muslim Brotherhood as his 'advisors'
70+ on the 'Terrorist Watch' List = Dept of Homeland Security employees, working in airports (AFTER 9/11)
He helped fund, arm, protect, and train ISIS

And let's not forget he / his administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in the deaths of over 500 innocent people - to include 2 US citizens.

So despite Obama declaring that the 2nd biggest threat we face (behind Global Warming) is a LACK of MORE gun laws, it seems the BIGGEST threat may be Obama's willingness to support, fund, arm, train, hire, and protect terrorists and potential terrorists.

Obama suggested yesterday that we need to prove who we are and that terrorism will not change us by continuing to welcome in thousands of improperly / non-vetted foreigners from the homeland of ISIS, from a nation split by civil war, whose ideology goes totally against this country's foundation, principles, and beliefs. Islamic Extremism is a CANCER, and Obama has INVITED that CANCER into his administration while seeking to FORCE that CANCER upon the rest of us.

No worries....imposing more, stricter gun laws on law abiding citizens - who are the only ones who will be obeying them - will save us all.


Maybe they wanna blow their brains out? :)
These knee-jerk reactions are so bizzare. Why would anyone object to gun dealers being required to perform background checks? We've already had over 200 gun deaths this year! Nobody's rights are being taken away.
Your rant about your right-wing-crazy influenced fear of terrorism and cut & paste Obama bashing had me laughing. Those Right wing media types have you people so fearful you can't even think straight.
Innocent until proven guilty means innocent until proven guilty, not innocent until someone thinks you might be potentially guilty of something in the future.
Innocent until proven guilty means innocent until proven guilty, not innocent until someone thinks you might be potentially guilty of something in the future.

Maybe you should explain this concept to your fellow regressive, candycorn. It seems to think a bureaucrat adding a name to a list is proof of guilt that meets the standards to remove constitutional rights.
Obama wants to send guns to Islamic militants in Syria but wants to take guns from law abiding Americans.
It's insane.
During his speech 'against' ISIS, President Obama made the argument for passing and enforcing even MORE gun laws, despite - once again - perpetrators proving, in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, that terrorists and criminals do NOT obey gun laws.

At one point, in making his case for more gun legislation, Obama asked, “What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”

I have a couple of BETTER questions for President Obama:

1. What could POSSIBLY be the argument for Obama to allow a suspected terrorist / someone on the ‘No Fly’ List not only to fly into the US but to meet with him / his administration inside the W.H.?!

White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric
“The White House confirmed to Fox News what the Investigative Project on Terrorism reported two days ago — that the administration met with the deputy of a radical cleric who is barred from entering the United States, and whose organization supports Hamas. Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah served as vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group headed by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, who has urged Muslim nations to acquire nuclear weapons, demanded the death of American soldiers in Iraq, and defended Hitler.”

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/28/fox-white-house-confirms-meeting-with-deputy-of-banned-muslim-brotherhood-cleric/

2. How is the Obama administration going to appropriately vet 10,000 - 65,000 Syrian 'refugees' coming from a 'terrorist hotbed' / nation in civil war who have no records, no official documentation, and no real way to tell who they are when his administration can't even properly vet and keep individuals ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST from working in his own Homeland Security administration?!

72 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working for Dept of Homeland Security
"Back in August, we did an investigation--the inspector General did--of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security. The director had to resign because of that. Then we went further and did and eight-airport investigation. We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate. We had folks--this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate."
LINK: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3368098/posts

73 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working For Airlines
"The good news from the Department of Homeland's Security new report on the TSA's "multi-layered process to vet aviation workers for potential links to terrorism": That process is "generally effective." The bad news: There were still 73 individuals who should never have gotten jobs with airlines because they were tagged with terrorism-related category codes. The main problem, the report notes, is that, under current interagency watchlist policy, the TSA isn't allowed to receive every bit of terrorism-related data, meaning airlines often have to fend for themselves in determining whether a job applicant is properly vetted, including whether an applicant is lawfully allowed to work in the US and if the applicant has committed any crimes that would disqualify him from gaining unsupervised access to secure airport areas."
LINK: http://www.newser.com/story/207975/tsa-hired-73-workers-on-terror-watchlist-dhs.html

...and we're not just talking about 'low level' employees with Islamic Extremist / Terrorist Ties that have been hired:

DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties
"A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism."

LINK: DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties - Judicial Watch

*** Yet Obama wants us to believe that his administration's vetting process is 2nd to none, and he WILL keep us safe (despite the 4 successful terrorist attacks against the US on American soil during his administration...SO FAR...)


Obama and his administration has cozied up to would-be / potential and actual terrorists - people on the 'No Fly' List FOR A REASON, hired them as advisors, and has even hired nearly 80 of them ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST to work INSIDE of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.

He aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking over the govt of Egypt.
He has supported HAMAS.
He helped Al Qaeida take over Libya.
He named associated members of the Muslim Brotherhood as his 'advisors'
70+ on the 'Terrorist Watch' List = Dept of Homeland Security employees, working in airports (AFTER 9/11)
He helped fund, arm, protect, and train ISIS

And let's not forget he / his administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in the deaths of over 500 innocent people - to include 2 US citizens.

So despite Obama declaring that the 2nd biggest threat we face (behind Global Warming) is a LACK of MORE gun laws, it seems the BIGGEST threat may be Obama's willingness to support, fund, arm, train, hire, and protect terrorists and potential terrorists.

Obama suggested yesterday that we need to prove who we are and that terrorism will not change us by continuing to welcome in thousands of improperly / non-vetted foreigners from the homeland of ISIS, from a nation split by civil war, whose ideology goes totally against this country's foundation, principles, and beliefs. Islamic Extremism is a CANCER, and Obama has INVITED that CANCER into his administration while seeking to FORCE that CANCER upon the rest of us.

No worries....imposing more, stricter gun laws on law abiding citizens - who are the only ones who will be obeying them - will save us all.


And how does any of that justify your desire to allow terror suspects to legally buy guns?
During his speech 'against' ISIS, President Obama made the argument for passing and enforcing even MORE gun laws, despite - once again - perpetrators proving, in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, that terrorists and criminals do NOT obey gun laws.

At one point, in making his case for more gun legislation, Obama asked, “What could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror suspect to buy a semi-automatic weapon?”

I have a couple of BETTER questions for President Obama:

1. What could POSSIBLY be the argument for Obama to allow a suspected terrorist / someone on the ‘No Fly’ List not only to fly into the US but to meet with him / his administration inside the W.H.?!

White House confirms meeting with deputy of banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric
“The White House confirmed to Fox News what the Investigative Project on Terrorism reported two days ago — that the administration met with the deputy of a radical cleric who is barred from entering the United States, and whose organization supports Hamas. Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah served as vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group headed by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, who has urged Muslim nations to acquire nuclear weapons, demanded the death of American soldiers in Iraq, and defended Hitler.”

LINK: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/06/28/fox-white-house-confirms-meeting-with-deputy-of-banned-muslim-brotherhood-cleric/

2. How is the Obama administration going to appropriately vet 10,000 - 65,000 Syrian 'refugees' coming from a 'terrorist hotbed' / nation in civil war who have no records, no official documentation, and no real way to tell who they are when his administration can't even properly vet and keep individuals ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST from working in his own Homeland Security administration?!

72 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working for Dept of Homeland Security
"Back in August, we did an investigation--the inspector General did--of the Department of Homeland Security, and they had 72 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were actually working at the Department of Homeland Security. The director had to resign because of that. Then we went further and did and eight-airport investigation. We had staffers go into eight different airports to test the department of homeland security screening process at major airports. They had a 95 percent failure rate. We had folks--this was a testing exercise, so we had folks going in there with guns on their ankles, and other weapons on their persons, and there was a 95 percent failure rate."
LINK: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/3368098/posts

73 Individuals On Terrorist Watch List Working For Airlines
"The good news from the Department of Homeland's Security new report on the TSA's "multi-layered process to vet aviation workers for potential links to terrorism": That process is "generally effective." The bad news: There were still 73 individuals who should never have gotten jobs with airlines because they were tagged with terrorism-related category codes. The main problem, the report notes, is that, under current interagency watchlist policy, the TSA isn't allowed to receive every bit of terrorism-related data, meaning airlines often have to fend for themselves in determining whether a job applicant is properly vetted, including whether an applicant is lawfully allowed to work in the US and if the applicant has committed any crimes that would disqualify him from gaining unsupervised access to secure airport areas."
LINK: http://www.newser.com/story/207975/tsa-hired-73-workers-on-terror-watchlist-dhs.html

...and we're not just talking about 'low level' employees with Islamic Extremist / Terrorist Ties that have been hired:

DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties
"A prominent Muslim advisor at the Obama Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has close ties to a convicted Hamas fundraiser and other radical Islamist causes, including a nonprofit that proclaims sharia is the only legitimate law according to Islam.

Incredibly, this Homeland Security advisor, Mohamed Elibiary, has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism."

LINK: DHS Muslim Advisor Admits Islamist Ties - Judicial Watch

*** Yet Obama wants us to believe that his administration's vetting process is 2nd to none, and he WILL keep us safe (despite the 4 successful terrorist attacks against the US on American soil during his administration...SO FAR...)


Obama and his administration has cozied up to would-be / potential and actual terrorists - people on the 'No Fly' List FOR A REASON, hired them as advisors, and has even hired nearly 80 of them ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST to work INSIDE of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.

He aided the Muslim Brotherhood in taking over the govt of Egypt.
He has supported HAMAS.
He helped Al Qaeida take over Libya.
He named associated members of the Muslim Brotherhood as his 'advisors'
70+ on the 'Terrorist Watch' List = Dept of Homeland Security employees, working in airports (AFTER 9/11)
He helped fund, arm, protect, and train ISIS

And let's not forget he / his administration gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in the deaths of over 500 innocent people - to include 2 US citizens.

So despite Obama declaring that the 2nd biggest threat we face (behind Global Warming) is a LACK of MORE gun laws, it seems the BIGGEST threat may be Obama's willingness to support, fund, arm, train, hire, and protect terrorists and potential terrorists.

Obama suggested yesterday that we need to prove who we are and that terrorism will not change us by continuing to welcome in thousands of improperly / non-vetted foreigners from the homeland of ISIS, from a nation split by civil war, whose ideology goes totally against this country's foundation, principles, and beliefs. Islamic Extremism is a CANCER, and Obama has INVITED that CANCER into his administration while seeking to FORCE that CANCER upon the rest of us.

No worries....imposing more, stricter gun laws on law abiding citizens - who are the only ones who will be obeying them - will save us all.


And how does any of that justify your desire to allow terror suspects to legally buy guns?

If you have evidence, you go before a judge and get a court order to add them to the disqualified list in NICS. Otherwise STFU.
Nothing Barry and his crocodile tears came up with will save a single soul, Barry is a certified dip shit
Just take freedoms away...

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