What did Tom Cotton mean when he said "slavery was a necessary evil?" The irony of his saying that at the same time as John Lewis' passing is not


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
simply coincidence. the NYT and Hannah-Jones admitted error in stating that perpetuating slavery for Englishmen, once England ended it, was the most important motivation for the American Revolution. But there would never have been a constitution without accepting slavery. Did Cotton mean that accepting slavery was an evil that necessarily had to be tolerated to achieve the const?

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.

Instead of portraying America as “an irredeemably corrupt, rotten and racist country,” the nation should be viewed “as an imperfect and flawed land, but the greatest and noblest country in the history of mankind,” Cotton said.

First of all, there's no source that shows Lincoln believed the FOUNDERS put America on a path to end slavery. Quite the opposite, as facts developed ending in his assassination. LOL

But does he believe in the intellectual fallacy that slavery offered "positives?"
simply coincidence. the NYT and Hannah-Jones admitted error in stating that perpetuating slavery for Englishmen, once England ended it, was the most important motivation for the American Revolution. But there would never have been a constitution without accepting slavery. Did Cotton mean that accepting slavery was an evil that necessarily had to be tolerated to achieve the const?

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.

Instead of portraying America as “an irredeemably corrupt, rotten and racist country,” the nation should be viewed “as an imperfect and flawed land, but the greatest and noblest country in the history of mankind,” Cotton said.

First of all, there's no source that shows Lincoln believed the FOUNDERS put America on a path to end slavery. Quite the opposite, as facts developed ending in his assassination. LOL

But does he believe in the intellectual fallacy that slavery offered "positives?"

The immortal words of Hillary Rodham Clinton seem applicable here: "What Difference At This Point Does It Make?".

simply coincidence. the NYT and Hannah-Jones admitted error in stating that perpetuating slavery for Englishmen, once England ended it, was the most important motivation for the American Revolution. But there would never have been a constitution without accepting slavery. Did Cotton mean that accepting slavery was an evil that necessarily had to be tolerated to achieve the const?

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.

Instead of portraying America as “an irredeemably corrupt, rotten and racist country,” the nation should be viewed “as an imperfect and flawed land, but the greatest and noblest country in the history of mankind,” Cotton said.

First of all, there's no source that shows Lincoln believed the FOUNDERS put America on a path to end slavery. Quite the opposite, as facts developed ending in his assassination. LOL

But does he believe in the intellectual fallacy that slavery offered "positives?"

The immortal words of Hillary Rodham Clinton seem applicable here: "What Difference At This Point Does It Make?".

It matters for what America is.
What did Tom Cotton mean when he said "slavery was a necessary evil?"
Let me splain it to you bentdog that even you can understand.
Slavery was a necessary evil just like:
  1. At one time, it was necessary to put men in the bowels of boats and have them row with long oars because they had no motors.
  2. Just like at one time it took 30,000 men doing grueling labor in the hot sun chiseling stone and hauling huge blocks to build the Pyramids because they had no heavy machinery.
  3. Just like at one time they rode horses because there were no cars.
  4. Just like at one time, men pushed giant wheels because there was no machine to grind grain.
  5. Just like in the 20 centuries before Christ to 20 centuries after Christ, man fought wars to take land and conquer nations because they needed resources and labor to get work done.
Just like that at one time, they needed workers to do labor and pick cotton to drive industry, so "elected" weaker populations to the jobs they didn't want to do and paid them in food and housing and clothes.

That's why it pays to learn history, that's why it paid to develop technology to do away with that need, and that's why it paid to be strong and the stronger nation. This drove nations to be strong rather than weak, so they could conquer and advance rather than be weak and be lead, this is what drove nations to develop technology to increase production.

So you sent Bentdick, it wasn't so much that slavery was wrong as much as a necessary sign of the times and it drove nations be be strong as well as compelled technology, so in that sense, it was all part of what made us what we are today and we might not have made it without it.

That doesn't make us evil, that doesn't make history bad, it makes us necessary victims of time and humanity just as the lion eats the gazelle, and was the road necessary to get us to today.
What it meant was our founders sold out in order to get southern states to join
They figured let future generations.handle it
Cost 600,000 lives

It was not necessary and Cotton is a fool
Absolutely. But accepting that truth means America was founded upon racism. Tom Cotton seems uncomfortable with that. I don't agree with the 1619 folks all along, but McConnell believes the US stopped being racist at some point, and no longer needs voting rights laws? I'm not sure the dems want to bring this up in the campaign, but I'm not sure they can avoid asking the gop when this racism disappeared …. or is it like the virus?

And that even assumes Cotton might not believe America could have existed without the contributions of slave workers. I'm not sure he is even past that hypocrisy
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
Just stop putting words into people’s mouths.
Tom Cottonpicken did tooo say slavery was a necessary evil. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.

Some of the founders may have believed compromising to allow an evil to exist was necessary.
  1. At one time, it was necessary to put men in the bowels of boats and have them row with long oars because they had no motors.
  2. Just like at one time it took 30,000 men doing grueling labor in the hot sun chiseling stone and hauling huge blocks to build the Pyramids because they had no heavy machinery.
  3. Just like at one time they rode horses because there were no cars.
  4. Just like at one time, men pushed giant wheels because there was no machine to grind grain.
  5. Just like in the 20 centuries before Christ to 20 centuries after Christ, man fought wars to take land and conquer nations because they needed resources and labor to get work done.
How many in those examples were paid wages for their work? Why not?
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
When did racism (the acts of society legally discriminating) against blacks end in America? That's the question
Just stop putting words into people’s mouths.
Sorry, but those of us who are not knuckedragging droolers understand that words mean things.

“As the founding fathers said” means he agrees with them.

For example, if I stated:

“As Hitler said, the world’s problems are the fault of the Jews”

That would be me endorsing Hitler’s view, not just reposting it.
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.

England profited off it....and Africans did also.

There were few ships transporting slaves under the US flag...a tremendous amount under the British flag...slaves sold by blacks.

Leftist assholes do not know history
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
When did racism (the acts of society legally discriminating) against blacks end in America? That's the question
Discrimination based on race, color age, sex, etc., has been illegal for a long time. Why are you too stupid to know that? Why are you only fixated on Blacks? You think Blacks are the only ones who face racial discrimination? Every race does. Except Blacks make an industry of it while it is thrust on the rest.
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
When did racism (the acts of society legally discriminating) against blacks end in America? That's the question
Discrimination based on race, color age, sex, etc., has been illegal for a long time. Why are you too stupid to know that? Why are you only fixated on Blacks? You think Blacks are the only ones who face racial discrimination? Every race does. Except Blacks make an industry of it while it is thrust on the rest.

Ask the Irish or Chinese..... or maybe Benpup could do some research
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
When did racism (the acts of society legally discriminating) against blacks end in America? That's the question
Discrimination based on race, color age, sex, etc., has been illegal for a long time. Why are you too stupid to know that? Why are you only fixated on Blacks? You think Blacks are the only ones who face racial discrimination? Every race does. Except Blacks make an industry of it while it is thrust on the rest.
Ah so there is no racism in America. Thank you senators McConnell and Tom Cotton.
America hasn't had slavery for 250 years.. history is history. Except for leftist assholes trying to change it.

I just love this perpetual self-guilt by the Left over slavery as if America invented it, as if every nation on the planet didn't do it since time immortal including the Indians and the Africans, and as if it still does not go on today, albeit in a far more subtle and civilized way.
When did racism (the acts of society legally discriminating) against blacks end in America? That's the question
Discrimination based on race, color age, sex, etc., has been illegal for a long time. Why are you too stupid to know that? Why are you only fixated on Blacks? You think Blacks are the only ones who face racial discrimination? Every race does. Except Blacks make an industry of it while it is thrust on the rest.
Ah so there is no racism in America. Thank you senators McConnell and Tom Cotton.
Bentwick, I know your mental age isn't much past 9 but DO try to please read. I never said there is no racism in America, I said there is racism EVERYWHERE, pinbrain. Black racism, white racism, Indian racism, Asian racism, age discrimination, looks discrimination, sex discrimination, income discrimination, even mask discrimination.

That's human nature. Discrimination is the survival mechanism that got us by for 4 million years.

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