What did you have for dinner?

Lucy Hamilton, don't you know yet that most of the people who post on this forum are bat shit crazy yet? You cannot believe anything a person tells you online. People lie, especially on anonymous internet forums. Lol.

I'm the Princess of Morocco, BTW. I am super rich too. :D

Well some of them I've noticed are slightly off the beam.

I was brought up in an honourable environment and was taught not to tell people lies, in fact in hindsight I've been perhaps too honest here and of course my honesty has caused me some problems.

As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

Ain't touching that. Chris is good people too, so you two work it out. :meow:

Yes well she made very strange and confusing comments yesterday.

I missed it. But see if you can cut her some slack. We all need slack now and then.


Meanwhile, I just had a nice sandwich on good German pumpernickel bread. The real stuff, not that air-filled Amerikanski pillow bread.
Tonight is grill night....weather is awesome...both kids will be here this weekend (well kids to me, I guess 25 and 21 is kind of past that)
Thinkin' burgers and I have some hot italian sausages....maybe baked taters.
I had spaghetti...have made my own sauce for many years...I bet it has been 20 years since I bought a jar of spag. sauce.

Mr. Lucy didn't get home until 6pm, one of his patients was off their meds, shall we say.

So for dinner he's making Roast Sea Bass with a glazing of Orange Blossom honey, garlic and fennel, steamed broccoli with Hollandaise sauce and boiled Charlotte potatoes with butter....this should take him about 50 minutes, so we'll have dinner at about 9pm.

The Hollandaise sauce he made the other day, it's been in the fridge, it's quite easy to make, here's a simple recipe.


  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 50g (2 oz) unsalted butter, chilled
  • 175g (6 oz) unsalted butter, melted
  • salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Prep:5min › Cook:15min › Ready in:20min

  1. Add egg yolks to a small saucepan; whisk until lemon yellow and slightly thick, about 1 minute. Whisk in lemon juice.
  2. Add 1/2 the chilled butter, and place over very low heat. Whisk constantly while butter is melting, and continue whisking until thick enough to see the pan between strokes. Remove pan from heat, and beat in remaining chilled butter. Repeat. Whisk in melted butter a little bit at a time. Season with salt and white pepper to taste.
I had spaghetti...have made my own sauce for many years...I bet it has been 20 years since I bought a jar of spag. sauce.

Mr. Lucy didn't get home until 6pm, one of his patients was off their meds, shall we say.

So for dinner he's making Roast Sea Bass with a glazing of Orange Blossom honey, garlic and fennel, steamed broccoli with Hollandaise sauce and boiled Charlotte potatoes with butter....this should take him about 50 minutes, so we'll have dinner at about 9pm.

The Hollandaise sauce he made the other day, it's been in the fridge, it's quite easy to make, here's a simple recipe.


    • 3 egg yolks
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    • 50g (2 oz) unsalted butter, chilled
    • 175g (6 oz) unsalted butter, melted
    • salt to taste
    • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Prep:5min › Cook:15min › Ready in:20min

    • Add egg yolks to a small saucepan; whisk until lemon yellow and slightly thick, about 1 minute. Whisk in lemon juice.
    • Add 1/2 the chilled butter, and place over very low heat. Whisk constantly while butter is melting, and continue whisking until thick enough to see the pan between strokes. Remove pan from heat, and beat in remaining chilled butter. Repeat. Whisk in melted butter a little bit at a time. Season with salt and white pepper to taste.

The St. Dalfour Orange Blossom Honey is completely divine, we always have this, if you've never had Orange Blossom Honey, well you need to try it, of course if someone doesn't like the taste of oranges, they won't like it.

Tonight is grill night....weather is awesome...both kids will be here this weekend (well kids to me, I guess 25 and 21 is kind of past that)
Thinkin' burgers and I have some hot italian sausages....maybe baked taters.

The weather here, it's raining, I think it might rain all the weekend :(
Tonight is grill night....weather is awesome...both kids will be here this weekend (well kids to me, I guess 25 and 21 is kind of past that)
Thinkin' burgers and I have some hot italian sausages....maybe baked taters.

The weather here, it's raining, I think it might rain all the weekend :(

Last fall at one point here in western Carolina we had rain for ten days straight. So ---- it could be worse.
But just to stay on topic, it could not be wurst.
Tonight is grill night....weather is awesome...both kids will be here this weekend (well kids to me, I guess 25 and 21 is kind of past that)
Thinkin' burgers and I have some hot italian sausages....maybe baked taters.

The weather here, it's raining, I think it might rain all the weekend :(

Last fall at one point here in western Carolina we had rain for ten days straight. So ---- it could be worse.
But just to stay on topic, it could not be wurst.

"But just to stay on topic, it could not be wurst."

Pogo darling, don't give up the day job :eusa_whistle:
Well some of them I've noticed are slightly off the beam.

I was brought up in an honourable environment and was taught not to tell people lies, in fact in hindsight I've been perhaps too honest here and of course my honesty has caused me some problems.

As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

Ain't touching that. Chris is good people too, so you two work it out. :meow:

Yes well she made very strange and confusing comments yesterday.

I missed it. But see if you can cut her some slack. We all need slack now and then.


Meanwhile, I just had a nice sandwich on good German pumpernickel bread. The real stuff, not that air-filled Amerikanski pillow bread.

So what did you have on your Pumpernickel sammich?
As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

Ain't touching that. Chris is good people too, so you two work it out. :meow:

Yes well she made very strange and confusing comments yesterday.

I missed it. But see if you can cut her some slack. We all need slack now and then.


Meanwhile, I just had a nice sandwich on good German pumpernickel bread. The real stuff, not that air-filled Amerikanski pillow bread.

So what did you have on your Pumpernickel sammich?

Turkey. It was fowl.
Still is, I understand.
Lucy Hamilton, don't you know yet that most of the people who post on this forum are bat shit crazy yet? You cannot believe anything a person tells you online. People lie, especially on anonymous internet forums. Lol.

I'm the Princess of Morocco, BTW. I am super rich too. :D

Well some of them I've noticed are slightly off the beam.

I was brought up in an honourable environment and was taught not to tell people lies, in fact in hindsight I've been perhaps too honest here and of course my honesty has caused me some problems.

As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

Ain't touching that. Chris is good people too, so you two work it out. :meow:

Yes well she made very strange and confusing comments yesterday.

What was strange or confusing about my comments? Is it news to you that some people will lie? :doubt:
Lucy Hamilton, don't you know yet that most of the people who post on this forum are bat shit crazy yet? You cannot believe anything a person tells you online. People lie, especially on anonymous internet forums. Lol.

I'm the Princess of Morocco, BTW. I am super rich too. :D

Well some of them I've noticed are slightly off the beam.

I was brought up in an honourable environment and was taught not to tell people lies, in fact in hindsight I've been perhaps too honest here and of course my honesty has caused me some problems.

As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

And why would you go and say something like this? Which of my posts did you find so offensive? :)
Lucy Hamilton, don't you know yet that most of the people who post on this forum are bat shit crazy yet? You cannot believe anything a person tells you online. People lie, especially on anonymous internet forums. Lol.

I'm the Princess of Morocco, BTW. I am super rich too. :D

Well some of them I've noticed are slightly off the beam.

I was brought up in an honourable environment and was taught not to tell people lies, in fact in hindsight I've been perhaps too honest here and of course my honesty has caused me some problems.

As I said way back Ooosie --- that was the first thing I noticed about you. :thup:

Thanks Pogo :smile:

It seems to have annoyed Chris for some bizarre reason, she must prefer dishonest people.

Ain't touching that. Chris is good people too, so you two work it out. :meow:

And what is that? You should help your wife if she is working and you aren't.

Help her do what?
I do the cooking and she rinses the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher. Other than that everything else is taken care of.

Who cleans, who does the laundry, who takes care of the kids? Women are not slaves.

Maid,the dry cleaners and no kids ....

You have a maid? Good grief. Lol. Oh sorry, I's just one of the regular folks. :D

They really arent all that expensive.

For dinner Mr. Lucy is making Tagliatelle with Parma ham, Porcini mushrooms, asparagus and Cerignola olives with a Basil, garlic, thyme and black pepper crème fraîche salsa.

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