What Did YOU Hope Obama Would Do, If Elected?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
1) My first hope was he would appoint someone like Eliot Spitzer as Attorney General, someone who would have gone after the departing Bush Administration like a hungry wolf and effectively prosecuted enough of them to ensure the same kind of official criminality would not be repeated any time soon.

2) I hoped he would press for prosecution of the bankers and Wall Street operatives who have looted this Nation's wealth resources and severely diminished the middle class. Instead, Obama retained some of the key figures in the crimes and has allowed those known to be guilty to walk away with impunity.

3) "The American People will know they have an honest President when he (or she) demands the end of marijuana prohibition." (Federal Judge Robert Sweet)

Candidate Obama not only admitted to using marijuana, he emphasized it: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpBzQI_7ez8]Barack Obama "I inhaled frequently" "That was the point" - YouTube[/ame]

Because of the damage marijuana prohibition has done and continues to do to this Nation I hoped Obama, having quite deceptively conveyed a clearly positive impression re: the marijuana issue, would at least be willing to engage in intelligent debate of that issue. Instead he not only has refused to discuss it but his wooden indian Attorney General has interfered with the distribution of medically prescribed marijuana in California.

4) Instead of the "transparency" in government activities Candidate Obama promised he has presided over policies and activities which are increasingly regarded as component of a "surveillance state."

5) In spite of his promise to diminish the aggressively violative provisions contained in the so-called "Patriot Act," Obama has intensified those provisions.

How many broken promises and offensive actions have I missed?
First - take down Bin Laden after Repubicans let him go.

Second - save the car companies which he did.

Third - pass Health Care reform. But I would have preferred single payer, but Republicans wouldn't allow it.

Forth - bring back the economy with a classic stimulus which worked, but would have been better without Republicans messing it up.

5. Take us out of Iraq, which he did.

6. End don't ask don't tell.

7. Pass Lilly Ledbetter, his first piece of legislation.

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

Those are things I wanted him to start with. Imagine how much better it would be without Republicans blocking everything he tries to do.

1. The same thing I hope for from most professional politicians: Please don't cause too much damage.

2. Leverage the fact that he's the most qualified President we've ever had, by far, to address our ongoing race problems. Sadly, he's done little, he's just voted "present", again.

First - take down Bin Laden after Repubicans let him go.

Second - save the car companies which he did.

Third - pass Health Care reform. But I would have preferred single payer, but Republicans wouldn't allow it.

Forth - bring back the economy with a classic stimulus which worked, but would have been better without Republicans messing it up.

5. Take us out of Iraq, which he did.

6. End don't ask don't tell.

7. Pass Lilly Ledbetter, his first piece of legislation.

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

Those are things I wanted him to start with. Imagine how much better it would be without Republicans blocking everything he tries to do.

1 - wrong...Republicans did NOT let him go, they had everything in place that ended up helping to find him. CLINTON let him go....twice.

2 - The car companies still owe us money, and now are building in China and elsewhere.

3 - Against the majority of people not wanting it, and plus he had to bribe a senator to get it to pass.

4 - The stimulus failed (as Obama said, those "shovel ready jobs" weren't so shovel ready.

5 - We got out of Iraq on the date set by the Bush administration.

6 - Big mistake!

7 - I haven't seen or heard of any difference in pay.

8 - Lie

9 - Another lie...what's been done exactly?

10 - Another lie.

Imagine how great it would be if Obama would actually list to the PEOPLE instead of just doing what he wants? I had hoped when he was elected he would prove me wrong. That was a waste of "hope"....
Get rid of the Patriot Act and uphold his oath of Office.

He hasn't and won't do either.

And liberals would SCREAM if the next AG went after him for what he's done. so suck it, b/c no pol will ever be held accountable to the law.
First - take down Bin Laden after Repubicans let him go.

Second - save the car companies which he did.

Third - pass Health Care reform. But I would have preferred single payer, but Republicans wouldn't allow it.

Forth - bring back the economy with a classic stimulus which worked, but would have been better without Republicans messing it up.

5. Take us out of Iraq, which he did.

6. End don't ask don't tell.

7. Pass Lilly Ledbetter, his first piece of legislation.

8. End the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, but Republicans blackmailed him by holding millions of unemployed hostage.

9. Invest in rebuilding American infrastructure. Republicans say "No way Jose".

10. Support education. Republicans say cut education and bring in immigrants who already have degrees.

Those are things I wanted him to start with. Imagine how much better it would be without Republicans blocking everything he tries to do.

2. Good
3. I'd rather have had a system that 1. allowed more power to the patient. 2. Allowed for competition to drive down prices...But hey if it knocks the price down=good.
4. I would of loved a lot more of that money going into infrastructure and technology instead of gold bank accounts. ;)
6. Why should sex matter within the military? Keep your cock in your pants. :eusa_hand:
7. The federal government shouldn't have the power to force private businesses to hire/pay anyone at any amount. States maybe.
8. Well maybe, but I'd lower the corporate as I Increase the income on the rich.
9. You're right. The republicans don't want to see us building our country. Sad.
10. Certainly support investing in education. Right now the system appears to be kind of screwed up and cost far more then it should. :(
Hope and change a trasparent government, no tax hikes on the middle class.... what a bunch of crap that turned out to be
I thought in light of where we were when he became President he would be willing to work with business and not attack them.

Remember his You didn't build that speech.Where he was mocking business owners.
The tax hike on people over $200K.The comment where he said how Much profit is enough.
The we're gonna spread the wealth around comment to Joe the plumber.

And I thought/hoped he would be a President for all the people.
He turned out to be the most divisive President I have ever seen.
he has done a lot of what i wanted him to do in 2008.

-get tobacco under FDA regulation

-increase CAFE standards

-new nuke treaty with russia.

-tackle the health care problem
he has done a lot of what i wanted him to do in 2008.

-get tobacco under FDA regulation

-increase CAFE standards

-new nuke treaty with russia.

-tackle the health care problem

-get tobacco under FDA regulation :gives:

-increase CAFE standards :gives:

-new nuke treaty with russia. seriously :gives:

-tackle the health care problem utter fail, by any measure.
I hoped he would crash and burn so badly the democrats would be hiding in the sewers for generations.

He's almost there.
I had a lot of hopes when I voted for Obama.
1. End the war in Iraq. He did, but took a lot longer than I would have liked.
2. Get OBL. He did.
3. Investigate the previous administration re 9/11 and the Iraq war. Didn't do.
4. Single payer health care. Got a crappy insurance company giveaway instead.
5. Close Gitmo. Didn't do.
6. End Patriot Act and surveillance state. Didn't do. Arguably worse now.
7. Get rid of DHS and TSA. Still have the Gestapo running amok.
8. End Afghanistan war. Still there accomplishing nothing.
9. End War On (Some) Drugs.
10. Go back to Clinton Era tax rates.
I hoped he would get caught having sex with a 5-year-old on the capital steps.

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