What do Al Bundy and Colin Kaepernickhave in common?

The fact remains: Kaepernick cannot play football… That’s what happens to no talents

No talents don’t make the NFL.

No talents do of course, post stupid conservative crap on the internet.
People are talking about Nike for the first time in years, buzz is good

Any publicity is good publicity?
Obviously. Stock is up. Sales are up.

Earnings are important not necessarily sales and I don’t believe there has been an earnings release since the news.
How do earnings go up? How do stocks go up and why?

Earnings can go up if sales are stagnant but costs and expenses are reduced. Margin is a lot more important to Nike than top line sales. They can easily boost sales but lowering prices but that would shrink margins and could negatively impact earnings.

Stocks go up by supply/demand/rumor not always tied to earnings but frequently they are.

Taking a business course.
Very good. If your sales plummet do you think your earnings will go up?
Any publicity is good publicity?
Obviously. Stock is up. Sales are up.

Earnings are important not necessarily sales and I don’t believe there has been an earnings release since the news.
How do earnings go up? How do stocks go up and why?

Earnings can go up if sales are stagnant but costs and expenses are reduced. Margin is a lot more important to Nike than top line sales. They can easily boost sales but lowering prices but that would shrink margins and could negatively impact earnings.

Stocks go up by supply/demand/rumor not always tied to earnings but frequently they are.

Taking a business course.
Very good. If your sales plummet do you think your earnings will go up?

Define plummet. Probably not. You would not know this early anyway as the shipments are gone to retailers. You won’t really know for another 60 days or so. Depending on Nikes supply chain.
And you wingnuts think all military and police think exactly the same.

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Apparently Moonbats think they are all fooling anyone with this faux protest...since they insist on Kneeling knowing this bs is based on distorted facts and is now just being used as a tool to protest Trump.

Just think, of Trump had just not stuck his nose into something that has nothing to do with that office of the President of the US, this could be all over by now.

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Maybe. It is a definitely a polarizing situation.

People are talking about Nike for the first time in years, buzz is good

Any publicity is good publicity?

I would say that Trump proved that old adage to be pretty darn true.
You are not playing in the NFL either.


Guess who’s not playing in the NFL? Colin Kaepernick
I never said I was a football player, obviously Colin kaepernick is not a football player either

Yeah, but he got paid 36 million dollars for not being one...a tad better than you! :21::21:


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