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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

There is no reason to assume that Trump meant solely the act of an actual wiretap when he put wiretap in quotations as opposed to surveillance. Yet, when this obvious point was made by White House spokesman Sean Spicer, the media lit up over the White House was changing its allegation"
Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

If Trump wasn't talking to the Russians, his phones weren't being saved by the NSA. There's too much data to record every conversation, and save it.
You remember all the rhetoric as liberals laughed at Trump for suggesting the White House was spying on Trump. Yeah, so funny, what a dope right? Oh sure, "Obama wasn't spying on Trump". That's right, he was just involved.

Once again Trump gets the last laugh. Are liberals prepared to concede they were wrong again?
You seriously asking Trump-Hating Extremists who still refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 election to admit now that Trump and his team WAS spied on?

Even though there is sufficient evidence ... a House Intel Committee Report... AND a IG Report ... proving the FBI illegally / deceptively used Hillary's $12 million debunked report she obtained from a foreign spy working with the Russians to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate...

Bwuhahahaha.... Good luck with that one.
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There is no reason to assume that Trump meant solely the act of an actual wiretap when he put wiretap in quotations as opposed to surveillance. Yet, when this obvious point was made by White House spokesman Sean Spicer, the media lit up over the White House was changing its allegation" Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

If Trump wasn't talking to the Russians, his phones weren't being saved by the NSA. There's too much data to record every conversation, and save it.
I'll assume you meant phone conversations not 'phones' - and you're taking a huge liberty with that speculation "too much data to record every conversation' ........
Trump used the incorrect term, because the NSA no longer has to physically tap your wires. It records every call you make and stores it in a vast database in Utah. All it has to do is get a FISA warrent, and then it can access any phonecall you've made to any person, and then it can access all there calls.

You already been told all this, but you stupidly pretend you don't know it.

Phone calls take up a lot of bandwidth, hence a lot of storage, so the NSA doesn't store every phone call. So once again, Trumps phones weren't taped, they weren't intercepted, they weren't recorded, they weren't saved.

More Bull shit from a bull shitter ..... but I'll give you credit you're not entirely without Wit - I'd say you're halfway there...
Trump used the incorrect term, because the NSA no longer has to physically tap your wires. It records every call you make and stores it in a vast database in Utah. All it has to do is get a FISA warrent, and then it can access any phonecall you've made to any person, and then it can access all there calls.

You already been told all this, but you stupidly pretend you don't know it.

Phone calls take up a lot of bandwidth, hence a lot of storage, so the NSA doesn't store every phone call. So once again, Trumps phones weren't taped, they weren't intercepted, they weren't recorded, they weren't saved.
Wrong, shit for brains. The NSA has admitted that it literally stores every phone call. You have no idea what is possible in the world of tech these days.
That, of course, is not what Trump was talking about. He said he was specifically targeted for a wiretap. That requires a court order. That never happened.

What you're talking about, if it even exists, is a clandestine eavesdrop on all communications which if it's being done, is not being done with the approval of any FICS. Not to mention, that would have been a result of Patriot Act, which was during Bush's terms, Obama's terms, and now Trump's term.

Meaning if that's the dumbass argument you want to make to protect Trump, then defend Trump for wiretapping Obama in his home.
Wrong, shit for brains. The NSA has admitted that it literally stores every phone call. You have no idea what is possible in the world of tech these days.

The NSA intercepts every phone call. Every internet data packet, every microwave transmission, every radio and TV signal. But that's way too much information to store, even in their new facility. So they immediately throw away 80% of what they gather.

So unless Trump was talking to foreigners, his conversations didn't make it into storage. So even with a FISA warrant, there would be nothing to retrieve, if no foreigners were involved.
If the NSA has Trump tower conversations, Trump as president, or through Sessions, or through the CIA or DNI can have the NSA produce everything they have.

And I'm sure Trump tried, only to be told there was NADA.

Or he would have released it.
Trump used the incorrect term, because the NSA no longer has to physically tap your wires. It records every call you make and stores it in a vast database in Utah. All it has to do is get a FISA warrent, and then it can access any phonecall you've made to any person, and then it can access all there calls.

You already been told all this, but you stupidly pretend you don't know it.

Phone calls take up a lot of bandwidth, hence a lot of storage, so the NSA doesn't store every phone call. So once again, Trumps phones weren't taped, they weren't intercepted, they weren't recorded, they weren't saved.

Your admittance of being an imbecuille is duly noted and your concession as well ... ... you were lead to the facts but refused to think. There was once a mathematician who was severely constipated but worked his problem out with a pencil. You seem to be intellectually constipated and I have a #2 pencil you can borrow.
Fake news says Obama facing indictment for spying on Trump

No Evidence Obama Ever Wiretapped Trump Tower, DOJ Says

You find a couple RW nuts that say...yeah....O spied on trump....and you go wild. Please post facts instead of conspiracies...

You find a couple LW nuts that say...Nay So I guess that's where you have to think for yourself - right ? The problem is you lefties are like a fat guy farting on an elevator - you're wrong on so many levels and so many are incapable of independent thought ...
The only phone calls that are saved by the NSA are those to or from foreigners.

Wrong again.

Here's Brennan admitting he spied on the Trump campaign:

The Washington Post and a number of other mainstream media outlets are sensing blood in the water in the wake of former CIA Director John Brennan’s public testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. The Post headlined a front page featured article with Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump. The article states that Brennan during the 2016 campaign “reviewed intelligence that showed ‘contacts and interaction’ between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign.” Politico was also in on the chase in an article entitled Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides.

The precise money quote by Brennan that the two articles chiefly rely on is “I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and US persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. It raised questions in my mind whether or not Russia was able to gain the co-operation of those individuals.”
There is no reason to assume that Trump meant solely the act of an actual wiretap when he put wiretap in quotations as opposed to surveillance. Yet, when this obvious point was made by White House spokesman Sean Spicer, the media lit up over the White House was changing its allegation" Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

If Trump wasn't talking to the Russians, his phones weren't being saved by the NSA. There's too much data to record every conversation, and save it.
Wrongo, moron. The NSA has more than enouch space to store every phone call made in this county. They have millions of PETA bytes. Do you know what a PETA byte is? They have already admitted they store every phone call.
The only phone calls that are saved by the NSA are those to or from foreigners.

Wrong again.

Here's Brennan admitting he spied on the Trump campaign:

The Washington Post and a number of other mainstream media outlets are sensing blood in the water in the wake of former CIA Director John Brennan’s public testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. The Post headlined a front page featured article with Brennan’s explosive testimony just made it harder for the GOP to protect Trump. The article states that Brennan during the 2016 campaign “reviewed intelligence that showed ‘contacts and interaction’ between Russian actors and people associated with the Trump campaign.” Politico was also in on the chase in an article entitled Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides.

The precise money quote by Brennan that the two articles chiefly rely on is “I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and US persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. It raised questions in my mind whether or not Russia was able to gain the co-operation of those individuals.”
That was because Russians were wiretapped, not because Trump was; and Trump's people were in contact with such Russians. When are you ever going to learn that?
They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.

It was a lie then- and its a lie now.

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

But good attempt at peddling the Trumpster lies.

Now you're trying to hide behind long winded bs replies

And by long winded bs- you mean I am showing just another example of your Dear Leader's lies.

Trumpsters always get pissy when their Dear Leader's lies are detailed.

Lie then- and its a lie now.

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

What happened to the proof that Trump said he would give. Oh well, over a year and Trump's justice department can't find even an iota of evidence that Trumps phones were tapped.

A peculiarity about Trump is that his language and idioms often mask legitimate issues. This is the case with the disclosure that Trump officials were subject to surveillance by the Obama Regime.

Trump triggered a libtarded response with the tweet “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.

He followed with “How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!”

The leftarded media demanded proof, When none was immediately forthcoming they pounced again on the Trumpster for failing to support his claims .

However, that is when the media seemed to switch roles and fell into a loop of repeating the same accusation over and over again

They refused to even acknowledge reasonable interpretations of the tweet or the possibility that there might have been surveillance. Interpretations such as "define Sex" lol lol By Bill Clinton

One of the most daming examples of libtarded mania is the insistence that Trump was referring only to wiretapping and no other form of surveillance.

“Wiretap has often been used as a generality for surveillance, particularly among those of Trump’s generation. It is the same colloquial meaning as when the Supreme Court commonly used “eavesdropping” to refer to surveillance.It was not limiting decisions like Katz v. United States to circumstances where people hid in the eaves of homes and listened to conversations within

There is no reason to assume that Trump meant solely the act of an actual wiretap when he put wiretap in quotations as opposed to surveillance. Yet, when this obvious point was made by White House spokesman Sean Spicer, the media lit up over the White House was changing its allegation"
Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

Well that is a very nice piece of rationalization for Trump's lies.

A peculiarity about Trump is that his language and idioms often mask legitimate issues. This is the case with the disclosure that Trump officials were subject to surveillance by the Obama Regime.

A peculiarity of the Trumpsters is villainize those they perceive as enemies of Trump- therefore the 'Obama Regime'.

Yes- after Trump's rather astonishing claims- people demanded some proof of those astonishing claims.

There are two parts to Trump's claims:
a) That Trump and Trump Towers were being 'wiretapped'- or as clarified by Sean Spicer, cleaning up after Trump- 'subject to surveillance'. And
b) That President Obama had personally ordered the surveillance- oddly enough referring to McCarthism.

Both are false. It was pretty obvious that both were false from the beginning because Trump didn't provide any evidence of them from the beginning. Nor was there anything preventing Trump from releasing any evidence- since he has the authority to declassify anything.

So lets take them case by case:
Who was 'wire-tapped'- subject to surveillance?
Paul Manafort- who was 'wire tapped'- prior to becoming Trump's campaign chairman- and after he was no longer campaign chairman. Not Trump- not Trump's campaign.

Carter Page- who was 'wire tapped' in October 2016- after he had left the Trump campaign. Not Trump- not Trump's campaign.

Michael Flynn- whose conversation was picked up on a wiretap of the Russian Ambassador. Not Trump. Not a wiretap on Trump or Trump's campaign- a wire tap of the Russian Ambassador and one of Trump's associates caught in a lie to the FBI.

So is there any evidence that Trump or Trump Tower was 'bugged'? None at all.

Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr said on 16 March there were "no indications" that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the US government either before or after Election Day 2016.

Earlier that day, House Speaker Paul Ryan also said "no such wiretap existed".

And the previous day, House of Representatives Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes said: "We don't have any evidence."

"I don't think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower," he told a news conference.

"Are you going to take the tweets literally?" asked Rep Nunes. "If so, clearly the president was wrong."

So its not just a literal interpretation of Trump's tweets that is wrong.

It is that there is no stretch of the truth that can make Trump's tweets truthful.

There was no surveillance of Trump.
There was no surveillance of Trump's campaign
So President Obama could not have ordered either.

Trump lied- in order to attack President Obama- and to attack the legitimate investigation into possible connections between his campaign and Russia.

What happened to the proof that Trump said he would give. Oh well, over a year and Trump's justice department can't find even an iota of evidence that Trumps phones were tapped.
It has already been confirmed, moron.

The Justice Department....headed by Jeff iamnotaracist Sessions has denied it over and over. Get your facts from real news. FIX News even knows its a lie...


Funny how you demand a link- when you didn't provide anything to support your 'claim'.

Oh wait- how could you?

Links were / are posted and you refuse to acknowledge them

Not by the person I responded to.

Nor could it be- since Trump's phones were not tapped.
Trump used the incorrect term, because the NSA no longer has to physically tap your wires. It records every call you make and stores it in a vast database in Utah. All it has to do is get a FISA warrent, and then it can access any phonecall you've made to any person, and then it can access all there calls.

You already been told all this, but you stupidly pretend you don't know it.

Phone calls take up a lot of bandwidth, hence a lot of storage, so the NSA doesn't store every phone call. So once again, Trumps phones weren't taped, they weren't intercepted, they weren't recorded, they weren't saved.
Wrong, shit for brains. The NSA has admitted that it literally stores every phone call. You have no idea what is possible in the world of tech these days.
That, of course, is not what Trump was talking about. He said he was specifically targeted for a wiretap. That requires a court order. That never happened.

What you're talking about, if it even exists, is a clandestine eavesdrop on all communications which if it's being done, is not being done with the approval of any FICS. Not to mention, that would have been a result of Patriot Act, which was during Bush's terms, Obama's terms, and now Trump's term.

Meaning if that's the dumbass argument you want to make to protect Trump, then defend Trump for wiretapping Obama in his home.

How would Trump be responsible for something that happened before he was president? What a dumbfuck.

The FISA warrant on Carter Page was used to retrieve every phone call they made during the campaign and the transition.

You're still sticking with the dumbass snowflake definition of the term "wiretap," obviously. That's why anything you post on this subject can immediately be dismissed.
They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.

It was a lie then- and its a lie now.

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

But good attempt at peddling the Trumpster lies.

Now you're trying to hide behind long winded bs replies

And by long winded bs- you mean I am showing just another example of your Dear Leader's lies.

Trumpsters always get pissy when their Dear Leader's lies are detailed.

Lie then- and its a lie now.

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

Trump used the incorrect term, because the NSA no longer has to physically tap your wires. It records every call you make and then stores it in a vast database in Utah. All it has to do is get a FISA warrent, and then it can access any phonecall you've made to any person, and then it can access all their calls.

You already been told all this, but you stupidly pretend you don't know it.
Great, then show evidence that of a FISA warrant issued to listen in on Trump's phones in Trump Tower and prove Obama requested the warrant......

I'm looking forward to this... :popcorn:
And ... as expected .... nothing from bripat9643. Proof that he was full of shit all along.


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