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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

Was he spied on or investigates by them? I believe he’s been under criminal investigation several times in his life.

Ivanka and don jr just got away with a crime recently. Trumps lawyer donated to the DA and the charges went away

The FSB was openly rigging the election in early 2016;

Page – And holy sh-t Cruz just dropped out of the race. It’s going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable.

Strzok – What?!?!??

Page – You heard that right my friend.

Strzok – I saw trump won, figured it would be a bit

Strzok – Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE....

Page – It sure does. We need to talk about follow up call tomorrow. We still never have.

Strzok – K. Rybicki just sent another version.

Page – Bill just popped his head in, hopefully to talk to him.

Strzok – Hope so. Just left Bill. Talked about the speed, the [redacted] stuff relating to the case, and what I told you about earlier.

Strzok – He changed President to "another senior government official."}

Page – And holy sh-t Cruz just dropped out of the race. It’s going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable.

Strzok – What?!?!??

Page – You heard that right my friend.

Strzok – I saw trump won, figured it would be a bit

Strzok – Now the pressure really starts to finish MYE....

Page – It sure does. We need to talk about follow up call tomorrow. We still never have.

Strzok – K. Rybicki just sent another version.

Page – Bill just popped his head in, hopefully to talk to him.

Strzok – Hope so. Just left Bill. Talked about the speed, the [redacted] stuff relating to the case, and what I told you about earlier.

Strzok – He changed President to "another senior government official."}

Read FBI's Strzok, Page texts about Trump

The FSB was merely another branch of the DNC

Can you say TREASON, I knew you could...

Strzok needs the needle, sooner rather than later.
A. Hasn’t this happened with every administration?

B Do you think trump won’t collide with his new fbi pick? You think that guys not loyal?

C. Trumps like lex Luther of course they didn’t want him to win

The FSB rigging elections for the democrats? Maybe, but they haven't gotten caught before.

It is treason though.

Oh and amusing that you compare Trump to a criminal when he was running against a literal mob boss, the partner of Pablo Escabor, his right hand in the USA.
Great, quote the FBI saying her server was hacked or for the 3,413rd time, expose yourself to the forum as the fucking moron you are.........

Again Li'l Kim? You'll only lie again.

Well, for the lurkers...

The latest document release by the FBI, which contains a further 100 pages of "302s" or summaries from interviews conducted with various parties close to Hillary's private server, reveals a troubling fact: according to an interview conducted on June 6, 2016 with an unnamed employee working for a US defense contractor specializing in the areas of "missile, space and intelligence", classified documents linked to Hillary Clinton's private server were discovered in Romanian during a broader search for confirmation whether Clinton's private server had been breached from the outside.

Specifically, the FBI specifically was trying to determine "if there was an intrusion into Clinton's server and, if so, whether exfiltrated data fell into the hands of a foreign power."

The probe was conducted after an unnamed woman who worked as a senior staff member in the US Senate Judiciary Committee contacted the witness and whom she asked if it was possible to determine if Clinton's server had been compromised. Since the unnamed woman did not have the funding for the project, in August 2015 she met Newt Gingrich, who recommended she speak with a person at conservative watchdog site Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch then put $32,000 behind the effort in February or March of this year. The project entailed scouring the "deep web" for evidence that Clinton's server, or that of her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal, was hacked.

What the probe found was disturbing, and contradicts the findings presented by FBI director James Comey.

The witness told the FBI that he reviewed the data and found files from Sidney Blumenthal's server residing on a server in Romania. The witness further said that he believe Blumenthal had a personal server "because he found some of Blumental's files on the server in Romania, but not any of Blumenthal's emails. The Romanian server contained approximately 200 Microsoft Word, Excel, and other file types belonging to Blumenthal."}

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania
what abuses? be specific... because Carter page was being groomed as a Russian asset and said he was "representing the Kremlin".

Carter Page "worked with the Kremlin" ONCE. Preparing a scholarly paper for WTO Trade negotiations that you or anyone can pull up read on line. And he spent 3 years there opening a Merill Lynch franchise in Russia. Absolutely NOTHING nefarious or illegal about any of that. At least 10 times more open than Podesta representing SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. With 100s of shady oligarchs and mafioso holding loans and interests THRU SberBank..

And during the time he was working in Russia he COOPERATED with the FBI and Intel who also warned him when there were attempts to recruit him for "deeper issues". It's hysterical the lies that appeared about him in the Steele Dossier. Steele was told by Russian Intel pranksters, that Page was offered 30% of GasProm in exchange for helping them. That would make him one of the richest men in the world. About $22 BILL dollars. He's laughed about it on TV.. It's patently ridiculous and phony -- like the REST of that "dossier"
you have a problem with him being observed while on foreign soil?

The FISA warrant opened up DOMESTIC spying on him and ANY association of his. Going as far back as the archives on NSA spy system go.. People who don't KNOW that's what a FISA warrant is for and refuse to accept facts, shouldn't be buggering opinions on any of this.
but please tell me why none of the people indicted are complaining about the FISA warrants but deluded right-wingers are.

You're clueless oblivious and in denial if you haven't heard about 10 of top level FBI folks being FIRED, DEMOTED or QUITTING over the FISA abuse and Clinton Investigation matters just since about a year.. Again it's useless to waste time with you because you're denial about govt abuse applies to ANYTHING that taints your tribe.

Do you even KNOW about the IG report that's being leaked and due out soon? Or the names Strok and Page as FBI agents?

Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?
Sorry, but I already posted a link to the article. I am under no obligation now to explain it to you. If you're interested, feel free to read the article.

In other words, nothing.

That only means you either didn’t read the article or you didn’t understand it. Either way, that’s on you.
The original purpose of the investigation was collusion or obstruction to hide the collusion, but thus far no collusion so why this on and on and on until someone finds something that won't even be related to the original case ?? It's a witch hunt and vengeful case to take Trump down because he won the election, and because he immediately started talking tough afterwards about solving the long awaited issues concerning the nation.

Mueller is investigating collusion. He's starting at the bottom and has already found collusion between Page and the Russian military. Collusion between Manafort and the Russian oligarch Diripasca.

Now Mueller is seeing how high up collusion goes. He's not about to accuse anybody of collusion before having solid evidence of it.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is on a witch hunt. Collusion, which isn't even a crime. failed over a year ago. The only "collusion" was between the Clinton mob, the FSB with the help of McCabe,. and the Kremlin using Fusion GPS as bag man for the slander and libel Putin crafted for these traitors. Torquemada is busy "investigating" SEC violations from 13 years ago. Of course he is IGNORING most of the perps, because he is a hack of ill-repute. Torquemada is a thug, a goon. He uses mob tactics to try and coerce witnesses and suspects, let's just call them "victims." There is little doubt that the partnership of Paul Manafort and the Podesta brothers did indeed launder cash. But then, why is only Manafort indicted, not John or Tony Podesta?

The answer is simple, Mewler is a fucking hack. A goon of the left with no interest in fact or justice. He is the witch hunter, he will do ANYTHING, legal or otherwise, to attack Trump. He thinks he can torture Manafort to provide statements against Trump, as he did to Flynn. Mewler-Torquemada is a punk, gutter scum.
Who needs to find collusion when Mueller can get Trump for obstruction of justice?

The wet dream of you Stalinists has no legal basis. Comey, who very likely is part of the treason McCabe and Strzok engaged in, worked at the pleasure of the president.

That you "haz a sadz" that Trump fired the guy you were screaming must be fired is utterly irrelevant.

Tell me Li'l Kim, are you really and in fact too stupid to grasp that your coup has failed, or are you just continuing to spew lies on behalf of Kim Jong Un because that will ensure a few grains of rice for your family? If so, I can understand it.
Great, quote the FBI saying her server was hacked or for the 3,413rd time, expose yourself to the forum as the fucking moron you are.........

Again Li'l Kim? You'll only lie again.

Well, for the lurkers...

The latest document release by the FBI, which contains a further 100 pages of "302s" or summaries from interviews conducted with various parties close to Hillary's private server, reveals a troubling fact: according to an interview conducted on June 6, 2016 with an unnamed employee working for a US defense contractor specializing in the areas of "missile, space and intelligence", classified documents linked to Hillary Clinton's private server were discovered in Romanian during a broader search for confirmation whether Clinton's private server had been breached from the outside.

Specifically, the FBI specifically was trying to determine "if there was an intrusion into Clinton's server and, if so, whether exfiltrated data fell into the hands of a foreign power."

The probe was conducted after an unnamed woman who worked as a senior staff member in the US Senate Judiciary Committee contacted the witness and whom she asked if it was possible to determine if Clinton's server had been compromised. Since the unnamed woman did not have the funding for the project, in August 2015 she met Newt Gingrich, who recommended she speak with a person at conservative watchdog site Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch then put $32,000 behind the effort in February or March of this year. The project entailed scouring the "deep web" for evidence that Clinton's server, or that of her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal, was hacked.

What the probe found was disturbing, and contradicts the findings presented by FBI director James Comey.

The witness told the FBI that he reviewed the data and found files from Sidney Blumenthal's server residing on a server in Romania. The witness further said that he believe Blumenthal had a personal server "because he found some of Blumental's files on the server in Romania, but not any of Blumenthal's emails. The Romanian server contained approximately 200 Microsoft Word, Excel, and other file types belonging to Blumenthal."}

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania
Gee, what a surprise, your link to FBI documents returns the message, This page does not seem to exist…

Regardless, the source for your second link actually says, ”in other words, not only could Hillary's home server have been hacked, but a file listing the names of jihadists in Libya may have found its way to an unsecured server in Romania.”

”could” is not ”was” and ”May” is not ”did” and no report ever said her server was hacked.

Damn, are you ever demented. :cuckoo:
When you won't play along with make pretend it's not obstruction.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has a real problem with Trump.

First off, his job is to get Trump. Trump has been found guiltily and Torquemada has to find or create what Trump is guilty of.

Secondly, Mewler has a "style" to investigating, which includes phone books and breaking the fingers of suspects. Some tough guys think they can stand up to having their fingers broken, like Flynn did, so then Mewlers starts breaking the fingers of their wife and children. Let's see if Flynn is too tough to talk if Mewler has his daughter raped in front of him, yaknowwhatImean?

See, Mewler has already gone after Trump's children, and continues to do so. That is how he operates. But when Mewler vowed to bankrupt the son of Flynn, it was a deadly serious threat. Torquemada had means, motive, and opportunity to carry out the threat he made against the family of Michael Flynn. Trump is a different story. While there is zero doubt that Mewler would have Ivanka gang raped to get Trump. he lacks the power to pull it off. Trump had the financial means to fight off Mewler's financial extortion. The mobster tactics that define Mewler-Torquemada simply don't work.
Great, quote the FBI saying her server was hacked or for the 3,413rd time, expose yourself to the forum as the fucking moron you are.........

Again Li'l Kim? You'll only lie again.

Well, for the lurkers...

The latest document release by the FBI, which contains a further 100 pages of "302s" or summaries from interviews conducted with various parties close to Hillary's private server, reveals a troubling fact: according to an interview conducted on June 6, 2016 with an unnamed employee working for a US defense contractor specializing in the areas of "missile, space and intelligence", classified documents linked to Hillary Clinton's private server were discovered in Romanian during a broader search for confirmation whether Clinton's private server had been breached from the outside.

Specifically, the FBI specifically was trying to determine "if there was an intrusion into Clinton's server and, if so, whether exfiltrated data fell into the hands of a foreign power."

The probe was conducted after an unnamed woman who worked as a senior staff member in the US Senate Judiciary Committee contacted the witness and whom she asked if it was possible to determine if Clinton's server had been compromised. Since the unnamed woman did not have the funding for the project, in August 2015 she met Newt Gingrich, who recommended she speak with a person at conservative watchdog site Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch then put $32,000 behind the effort in February or March of this year. The project entailed scouring the "deep web" for evidence that Clinton's server, or that of her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal, was hacked.

What the probe found was disturbing, and contradicts the findings presented by FBI director James Comey.

The witness told the FBI that he reviewed the data and found files from Sidney Blumenthal's server residing on a server in Romania. The witness further said that he believe Blumenthal had a personal server "because he found some of Blumental's files on the server in Romania, but not any of Blumenthal's emails. The Romanian server contained approximately 200 Microsoft Word, Excel, and other file types belonging to Blumenthal."}

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania
Gee, what a surprise, your link to FBI documents returns the message, This page does not seem to exist…

Regardless, the source for your second link actually says, ”in other words, not only could Hillary's home server have been hacked, but a file listing the names of jihadists in Libya may have found its way to an unsecured server in Romania.”

”could” is not ”was” and ”May” is not ”did” and no report ever said her server was hacked.

Damn, are you ever demented. :cuckoo:

Perhaps it is blocked in North Korea?

I'll bet my fellow Americans have no trouble when clicking that link.
Oh, that's right, the Obama regime evicted them from the house they had been in for 9 years, with no explanation.
Jiminy Cricket! With no explanation? Please spare us all your lies! It's Sunday!


Obama is crooked as the day is long, and Lynch is a flat out gangster. The attack on the Russians was a honey trap, Flynn was stupid enough to fall into it. Yes, traitor Strzok illegally tapped Flynn's phone, but Flynn knew the Obama goons are crooks and traitors.
Great, quote the FBI saying her server was hacked or for the 3,413rd time, expose yourself to the forum as the fucking moron you are.........

Again Li'l Kim? You'll only lie again.

Well, for the lurkers...

The latest document release by the FBI, which contains a further 100 pages of "302s" or summaries from interviews conducted with various parties close to Hillary's private server, reveals a troubling fact: according to an interview conducted on June 6, 2016 with an unnamed employee working for a US defense contractor specializing in the areas of "missile, space and intelligence", classified documents linked to Hillary Clinton's private server were discovered in Romanian during a broader search for confirmation whether Clinton's private server had been breached from the outside.

Specifically, the FBI specifically was trying to determine "if there was an intrusion into Clinton's server and, if so, whether exfiltrated data fell into the hands of a foreign power."

The probe was conducted after an unnamed woman who worked as a senior staff member in the US Senate Judiciary Committee contacted the witness and whom she asked if it was possible to determine if Clinton's server had been compromised. Since the unnamed woman did not have the funding for the project, in August 2015 she met Newt Gingrich, who recommended she speak with a person at conservative watchdog site Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch then put $32,000 behind the effort in February or March of this year. The project entailed scouring the "deep web" for evidence that Clinton's server, or that of her close confidante Sidney Blumenthal, was hacked.

What the probe found was disturbing, and contradicts the findings presented by FBI director James Comey.

The witness told the FBI that he reviewed the data and found files from Sidney Blumenthal's server residing on a server in Romania. The witness further said that he believe Blumenthal had a personal server "because he found some of Blumental's files on the server in Romania, but not any of Blumenthal's emails. The Romanian server contained approximately 200 Microsoft Word, Excel, and other file types belonging to Blumenthal."}

Hillary's Server Hacked After All? FBI Docs Reveal A File From Hillary's Server Was Found In Romania
Gee, what a surprise, your link to FBI documents returns the message, This page does not seem to exist…

Regardless, the source for your second link actually says, ”in other words, not only could Hillary's home server have been hacked, but a file listing the names of jihadists in Libya may have found its way to an unsecured server in Romania.”

”could” is not ”was” and ”May” is not ”did” and no report ever said her server was hacked.

Damn, are you ever demented. :cuckoo:
"Could" and "may" and "possibly" are the qualifiers in front of every claim you dumbfuck snowflakes make about the bogus Herr Mewler snipe hunt.
what abuses? be specific... because Carter page was being groomed as a Russian asset and said he was "representing the Kremlin".

Carter Page "worked with the Kremlin" ONCE. Preparing a scholarly paper for WTO Trade negotiations that you or anyone can pull up read on line. And he spent 3 years there opening a Merill Lynch franchise in Russia. Absolutely NOTHING nefarious or illegal about any of that. At least 10 times more open than Podesta representing SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. With 100s of shady oligarchs and mafioso holding loans and interests THRU SberBank..

And during the time he was working in Russia he COOPERATED with the FBI and Intel who also warned him when there were attempts to recruit him for "deeper issues". It's hysterical the lies that appeared about him in the Steele Dossier. Steele was told by Russian Intel pranksters, that Page was offered 30% of GasProm in exchange for helping them. That would make him one of the richest men in the world. About $22 BILL dollars. He's laughed about it on TV.. It's patently ridiculous and phony -- like the REST of that "dossier"
you have a problem with him being observed while on foreign soil?

The FISA warrant opened up DOMESTIC spying on him and ANY association of his. Going as far back as the archives on NSA spy system go.. People who don't KNOW that's what a FISA warrant is for and refuse to accept facts, shouldn't be buggering opinions on any of this.
but please tell me why none of the people indicted are complaining about the FISA warrants but deluded right-wingers are.

You're clueless oblivious and in denial if you haven't heard about 10 of top level FBI folks being FIRED, DEMOTED or QUITTING over the FISA abuse and Clinton Investigation matters just since about a year.. Again it's useless to waste time with you because you're denial about govt abuse applies to ANYTHING that taints your tribe.

Do you even KNOW about the IG report that's being leaked and due out soon? Or the names Strok and Page as FBI agents?

Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Yes he did. By writing an academic paper for their WTO meeting. Not classified. No more sinister than Podesta representing the interests of THOUSANDS of oligarchs for SBerBank DURING the campaign when he had COMPLETE access to the presumed future Prez of the US of A. The potential for favors and collusion and promises in THAT relationship is a 100 times greater than with a guy who NEVER ATTENDED a Trump Campaign meeting and HAD NO PULL with the candidate.

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Similarly Flynn is the former CHIEF and head spy of Defense Intelligence Agency. He ALSO knows where the lines are. And HE is not stupid enough to conduct "collusion" out in the open with a Russian Head of State. If that were to happen it would be DEEP in Montana woods or on a yacht 90 miles out to sea. If they didn't get Flynn on THEIR interpretation of lying, they couldn't touch him --- and they're not gonna touch Page either.
Saying that 10,000 times won't make it true.
Page left the campaign in September, 2016.

The warrant to spy on him was issued in October, 2016.

Just how big of a fucking moron are you to not know that after all this time?

It has already been pointed out to you numerous times that the NSA has a recording of every phone call he made for years stored in their database in Utah, and once they have a warrant they have authority to search through that database for his phone calls. They can also search through the phone calls of anyone he spoke with.
Mere words posted by rightards. You lack proof to back any of that.

And again, if the FBI wanted to spy on Trump, there's 100 other people they could have spied on who actually had connections to Trump. Not to mention, they wouldn't have waited until the 10th hour of the election. They would have started their spying much earlier so they could have taken action, had that been their actual goal.

And again, Even when he was with the campaign, he apparently had minimal contact with anyone from the campaign.

“I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to him. I don’t think I’ve ever met him. And he actually said he was a very low-level member of I think a committee for a short period of time. I don’t think I ever met him. Now, it’s possible that I walked into a room and he was sitting there, but I don’t think I ever met him.” ~ Donald Trump

“Mr. Page is not an advisor and has made no contribution to the campaign. ... He’s never been a part of our campaign. Period.” ~ Jason Miller, chief Trump campaign spokesman

“You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.” ~ Donald McGahn, Trump attorney and current White House Counsel

“He’s [Page] certainly not part of the campaign I’m running.” ~ Kellyanne Conway, Campaign Manager

The FISA courts were weaponized by deep state ops working on behalf of the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast. Reference Admiral Michael Rogers that fell out of the favor of Barrypuppet's regime for letting President Trump know, little faun. I propose a gentleman's wager to you (even though the term "gentleman" doesn't apply to you) ......I bet that high ranking deep state operatives like the Podesta brothers do the "perp walk" and President Trump survives...loser leaves the forum. Are you willing to wager your ID here on that???????
On noooos, it’s another conspiracy by the idiot who thinks Sandy Hook and 9.11 were false flags. :ack-1:

You believing this is a conspiracy only presents more evidence that it’s not.

It isn't my problem that you are blinder than the proverbial bat and can't see what is right in front of that sloped-skull neanderthal skull of yours.
Carter Page "worked with the Kremlin" ONCE. Preparing a scholarly paper for WTO Trade negotiations that you or anyone can pull up read on line. And he spent 3 years there opening a Merill Lynch franchise in Russia. Absolutely NOTHING nefarious or illegal about any of that. At least 10 times more open than Podesta representing SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. With 100s of shady oligarchs and mafioso holding loans and interests THRU SberBank..

And during the time he was working in Russia he COOPERATED with the FBI and Intel who also warned him when there were attempts to recruit him for "deeper issues". It's hysterical the lies that appeared about him in the Steele Dossier. Steele was told by Russian Intel pranksters, that Page was offered 30% of GasProm in exchange for helping them. That would make him one of the richest men in the world. About $22 BILL dollars. He's laughed about it on TV.. It's patently ridiculous and phony -- like the REST of that "dossier"
The FISA warrant opened up DOMESTIC spying on him and ANY association of his. Going as far back as the archives on NSA spy system go.. People who don't KNOW that's what a FISA warrant is for and refuse to accept facts, shouldn't be buggering opinions on any of this.
You're clueless oblivious and in denial if you haven't heard about 10 of top level FBI folks being FIRED, DEMOTED or QUITTING over the FISA abuse and Clinton Investigation matters just since about a year.. Again it's useless to waste time with you because you're denial about govt abuse applies to ANYTHING that taints your tribe.

Do you even KNOW about the IG report that's being leaked and due out soon? Or the names Strok and Page as FBI agents?

Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Russia thought he was
VP: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money . . . .
Carter Page "worked with the Kremlin" ONCE. Preparing a scholarly paper for WTO Trade negotiations that you or anyone can pull up read on line. And he spent 3 years there opening a Merill Lynch franchise in Russia. Absolutely NOTHING nefarious or illegal about any of that. At least 10 times more open than Podesta representing SberBank DURING THE CAMPAIGN. With 100s of shady oligarchs and mafioso holding loans and interests THRU SberBank..

And during the time he was working in Russia he COOPERATED with the FBI and Intel who also warned him when there were attempts to recruit him for "deeper issues". It's hysterical the lies that appeared about him in the Steele Dossier. Steele was told by Russian Intel pranksters, that Page was offered 30% of GasProm in exchange for helping them. That would make him one of the richest men in the world. About $22 BILL dollars. He's laughed about it on TV.. It's patently ridiculous and phony -- like the REST of that "dossier"
The FISA warrant opened up DOMESTIC spying on him and ANY association of his. Going as far back as the archives on NSA spy system go.. People who don't KNOW that's what a FISA warrant is for and refuse to accept facts, shouldn't be buggering opinions on any of this.
You're clueless oblivious and in denial if you haven't heard about 10 of top level FBI folks being FIRED, DEMOTED or QUITTING over the FISA abuse and Clinton Investigation matters just since about a year.. Again it's useless to waste time with you because you're denial about govt abuse applies to ANYTHING that taints your tribe.

Do you even KNOW about the IG report that's being leaked and due out soon? Or the names Strok and Page as FBI agents?

Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Yes he did. By writing an academic paper for their WTO meeting. Not classified. No more sinister than Podesta representing the interests of THOUSANDS of oligarchs for SBerBank DURING the campaign when he had COMPLETE access to the presumed future Prez of the US of A. The potential for favors and collusion and promises in THAT relationship is a 100 times greater than with a guy who NEVER ATTENDED a Trump Campaign meeting and HAD NO PULL with the candidate.

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Similarly Flynn is the former CHIEF and head spy of Defense Intelligence Agency. He ALSO knows where the lines are. And HE is not stupid enough to conduct "collusion" out in the open with a Russian Head of State. If that were to happen it would be DEEP in Montana woods or on a yacht 90 miles out to sea. If they didn't get Flynn on THEIR interpretation of lying, they couldn't touch him --- and they're not gonna touch Page either.

the Russians thought he was an idiot....but they were still using him for any help he could give. for the record, if you notice, cater page hasn't been found guilty. or charged with anything. that does not diminish the fact that he ended up the subject of multiple FISA warrants because he was running around with Russian spies. No one believes that was harmless. he also held himself out as "representing the Kremlin". he was a wanna be. which doesn't in any way legitimize the FISA warrants or their multiple renewals.

but carry on.
Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Yes he did. By writing an academic paper for their WTO meeting. Not classified. No more sinister than Podesta representing the interests of THOUSANDS of oligarchs for SBerBank DURING the campaign when he had COMPLETE access to the presumed future Prez of the US of A. The potential for favors and collusion and promises in THAT relationship is a 100 times greater than with a guy who NEVER ATTENDED a Trump Campaign meeting and HAD NO PULL with the candidate.

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Similarly Flynn is the former CHIEF and head spy of Defense Intelligence Agency. He ALSO knows where the lines are. And HE is not stupid enough to conduct "collusion" out in the open with a Russian Head of State. If that were to happen it would be DEEP in Montana woods or on a yacht 90 miles out to sea. If they didn't get Flynn on THEIR interpretation of lying, they couldn't touch him --- and they're not gonna touch Page either.

the Russians thought he was an idiot....but they were still using him for any help he could give. for the record, if you notice, cater page hasn't been found guilty. or charged with anything. that does not diminish the fact that he ended up the subject of multiple FISA warrants because he was running around with Russian spies. No one believes that was harmless. he also held himself out as "representing the Kremlin". he was a wanna be. which doesn't in any way legitimize the FISA warrants or their multiple renewals.

but carry on.

LOL! "cater page"!!!!!!
Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Russia thought he was
VP: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money . . . .

And what media sewer that you frequent did THAT come from? And how did THEY get it.? This is presumably from Pence right? Did this leak out of the 702 NSA spying that you CLAIM never happened?

:19: What's incriminating in that? That Page is greedy and successful using his years of Business and Russian expertise? :ack-1:

You DO KNOW that Page being "in Russia all the time" was ENCOURAGED when the Soviet Union fell. Both left and right TOGETHER split their skivvies to be the FIRST over there to introduce them to capitalism and free markets. There were Commerce Dept programs in place to HOOK folks up and make introductions. That's how Page got the gig to set up Merrill Lynch networks over there in the 1st place.

You've been brainwashed and propagandized so much by leftist media that NONE of you actually KNOW the history leading up to this.

Russia Russia Russia. Does that STILL get you horny you little toads???
Why lie?

The FBI was actually monitoring Page's connections with Russia from as far back as at least 2013. His trip to Russia in 2016 is what led them to obtain a FISA warrant on him.

The things that don't add up about Carter Page

Carter Page, a 46-year-old energy industry consultant with longstanding ties to Russia.....

So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Yes he did. By writing an academic paper for their WTO meeting. Not classified. No more sinister than Podesta representing the interests of THOUSANDS of oligarchs for SBerBank DURING the campaign when he had COMPLETE access to the presumed future Prez of the US of A. The potential for favors and collusion and promises in THAT relationship is a 100 times greater than with a guy who NEVER ATTENDED a Trump Campaign meeting and HAD NO PULL with the candidate.

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Similarly Flynn is the former CHIEF and head spy of Defense Intelligence Agency. He ALSO knows where the lines are. And HE is not stupid enough to conduct "collusion" out in the open with a Russian Head of State. If that were to happen it would be DEEP in Montana woods or on a yacht 90 miles out to sea. If they didn't get Flynn on THEIR interpretation of lying, they couldn't touch him --- and they're not gonna touch Page either.

the Russians thought he was an idiot....but they were still using him for any help he could give. for the record, if you notice, cater page hasn't been found guilty. or charged with anything. that does not diminish the fact that he ended up the subject of multiple FISA warrants because he was running around with Russian spies. No one believes that was harmless. he also held himself out as "representing the Kremlin". he was a wanna be. which doesn't in any way legitimize the FISA warrants or their multiple renewals.

but carry on.

That's apparently NOT what the FBI TOLD the FISA court. Instead they relied on drunken FSB or former KGB PROFESSIONAL liars that Steele got paid to pump.. And garbage from the amateur PERSONAL spy of Hillary Clinton -- Sidney the Slimeball Blumenthal (via Steele)... Like a Scooby Operation that was.

I've explained the "representing the Kremlin" part to you now twice. You're NOT gonna refute it. And you can not FIND anything else that Page bragged about in terms of "representing the Kremlin".. He told the TRUTH. And the FBI already KNEW the truth. Just as I told it to you.

That's why they tossed the phony ass "dossier" at the FISC. Multiple times. The FBI was DESPERATE to have an opening into spying on the Trump campaign. At least the main CONSPIRATORS did.
So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Russia thought he was
VP: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money . . . .

And what media sewer that you frequent did THAT come from? And how did THEY get it.??
Was Carter Page a spy? For the Russians? Or the US?

Then in March, according to his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Page met with Podobnyy over a “coke or coffee.” In an FBI transcript of Podobnyy discussing Page with a fellow SVR officer in April of 2013, he calls Page an “idiot,” but somebody who the Russians could work with because of his “enthusiasm” and desire “to earn lots of money.”

What media sewers do you get your unsubstantiated claims from?
So, aside from going to Russia, what has Carter Page done that justified the FBI's suspicion of him?

You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Russia thought he was
VP: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money . . . .

Russia Russia Russia. Does that STILL get you horny you little toads???

Now, now that is verging into personal attacks. We don't want that.

You are the only one discussing sexual urges in this thread and in relation to Russia.

Why? I guess it has to do with all of the unsubstantiated claims you have made.
You mean other than Russia trying to recruit him as a spy?

not just them trying to recruit him.... him being cooperative and saying he "represented the Kremlin"

Page is ex Navy Intelligence. He KNOWS where the lines are. He's not that stupid.

Russia thought he was
VP: [Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. Plus he writes to me in Russian [to] practice the language. He flies to Moscow more often than I do. He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project he could rise up. Maybe he can. I don’t know, but it’s obvious that he wants to earn lots of money . . . .

And what media sewer that you frequent did THAT come from? And how did THEY get it.??
Was Carter Page a spy? For the Russians? Or the US?

Then in March, according to his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Page met with Podobnyy over a “coke or coffee.” In an FBI transcript of Podobnyy discussing Page with a fellow SVR officer in April of 2013, he calls Page an “idiot,” but somebody who the Russians could work with because of his “enthusiasm” and desire “to earn lots of money.”

What media sewers do you get your unsubstantiated claims from?

You didn't answer MY questions. . You first... The questions about the alleged quote from "VP""... ALL of them. I'm working way too hard here.

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