What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

Most of the Asians I have met have been independent and well employed. And as a bonus, they could speak proper English, unlike some gutter rats I have had the misfortune to know.

Hey, Bruce, sweetie, here's a racist you can denounce, right here...
Awww, so you never read what I wrote to them?

Maybe you should search my responses to Odium, SOB, and those like them before you make any further comments because I have bashed both sides equally, but of course you will claim you never saw it and when provided the evidence you will then say you can not read every post...

Oddly, I never see any of you guys challenge these mutants...

Also seeing you are white you are part of the White Supremacist that hate asians, so can you please clarify how much you hate them?

Naw, I love Asians... especially the women!!!


Not onlt are you a white Supremacists but sexist from your response.

Feel to look my conversations with Steve Mcgarrett, Odium, Speed Shooter ( forget that one name ) and a few more and discover I do not support Whitr Supremacists views at all.

Because you claim I never called them on it does not mean I have not and in fact it is you just ignoring facts because I do not agree with you majority of the time...
Here is a list of some of the more significant white extremist organizations in America today:

American Renaissance, is a monthly racialist magazine published by the New Century Foundation.

American Freedom Party, formerly known as the American Third Position Party, is an American political party which promotes white supremacy.

American Nazi Party, is a neo-Nazi organization.

Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is one of the largest and most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the United States, responsible for murders and other violent crimes.

Aryan Nations, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group known as the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a “terrorist threat”, and the RAND Corporation has called it the “first truly nationwide terrorist network” in the US.

Council of Conservative Citizens, is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white separatism.

Creativity Movement, (formerly known as the World Church of the Creator) is a white supremacist politico organization that advocates the racialist religion, Creativity.

EURO, is a white separatist organization in the United States. Led by former Louisiana state representative and presidential primary candidate David Duke, it was founded in 2000.

Ku Klux Klan, often abbreviated KKK and informally known as The Klan.

National Alliance, is a white supremacist political organization.

National Association for the Advancement of White People, is a white supremacist organization in the United States incorporated on December 14, 1953 in Delaware by Bryant Bowles which presents itself as a civil rights organization such as the NAACP.

National Policy Institute, is a think tank based in Augusta, Georgia in the United States.

National Socialist Movement (United States), a party founded in 1974. Since 2005 the party has become very active, staging many marches and demonstrations.

National Vanguard, was an American National Socialist organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded by Kevin Alfred Strom and former members of the National Alliance.

Nationalist Movement, is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a “pro-majority” position.

Occidental Quarterly, is a printed far-right quarterly journal with a web segment, TOQ Online, including interviews, essays and reviews on the website.[

Phineas Priesthood, is a Christian Identity movement that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion.

Volksfront, describes itself as an international fraternal organization for persons of European descent.

White Aryan Resistance, is a neo-Nazi white supremacist organization founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.

Here Is a List of White Supremacist Extremist Organizations in America |
If this is what you truly believe then you must take down the whole system. Replacing people does not change the system. For your own is ph ukn you over to even if they agree with you. Are they willing to give up their salaries, benefits and pensions if they work for a government entity, monopoly or something similar? You must collapse the economic system and rebuild it to what you want. You have some Hispanic backing for that I would think. You have Islamic backing for that. Would extreme feminists and extreme gays go for it? You must take down the law/corrections/judicial fiefdoms. And the blue areas is a start and a gimmee if you are for real. Revolution seems to be your mantra. I can't blame you if people screwed with you. But there are very few martyrs that make a difference if the spark is never lit. If you wait it out there may be issues anyway.
No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.

Those are the white supremacists, eh? Besides you, who are the black supremacists on this board, house negro?
IM2 in here trying to recruit the 2 or 3 asians that post on this board to join the hate whitey club.
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.

The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.

Taistoi !
Not onlt are you a white Supremacists but sexist from your response.

Feel to look my conversations with Steve Mcgarrett, Odium, Speed Shooter ( forget that one name ) and a few more and discover I do not support Whitr Supremacists views at all.

Because you claim I never called them on it does not mean I have not and in fact it is you just ignoring facts because I do not agree with you majority of the time...

There are white Supremacists on this very thread, and you didn't call a one of them out.
Not onlt are you a white Supremacists but sexist from your response.

Feel to look my conversations with Steve Mcgarrett, Odium, Speed Shooter ( forget that one name ) and a few more and discover I do not support Whitr Supremacists views at all.

Because you claim I never called them on it does not mean I have not and in fact it is you just ignoring facts because I do not agree with you majority of the time...

There are white Supremacists on this very thread, and you didn't call a one of them out.

Awww, I should defend IM2 for his bigoted comment?

Also did you ever figured I have certain trash on ignore because I prefer not to read their filth?

Of course not because you think I enjoy reading idiots like IM2 all day long.

I leave IM2 out of the iggy bin but let be factual the individual is a race baiting bigot and enjoy writing these threads for one purpose and that is something I will keep to myself but he has try to do it to me and got busted quickly for it.

IM2 opening comment stated that those like you hate Asians and from your response earlier it shows you are and only like Asian women that are attractive...

( I am going to use the left logic and call you a racist sexist individual )

So as you complain about me not responding to trash without knowing I put a lot of posters in the iggy bin while you defend IM2 thread about all whites hating Asians tell me that you are just here to troll me...

Now why do you hate Asians?

Was it because they did better in School, their girls laughed at you and they ran a business better than you?

Also why do you agree with IM2 that all Asians are stupid and kiss the white man ass?
Here is a list of some of the more significant white extremist organizations in America today:

American Renaissance, is a monthly racialist magazine published by the New Century Foundation.

American Freedom Party, formerly known as the American Third Position Party, is an American political party which promotes white supremacy.

American Nazi Party, is a neo-Nazi organization.

Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is one of the largest and most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the United States, responsible for murders and other violent crimes.

Aryan Nations, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group known as the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a “terrorist threat”, and the RAND Corporation has called it the “first truly nationwide terrorist network” in the US.

Council of Conservative Citizens, is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white separatism.

Creativity Movement, (formerly known as the World Church of the Creator) is a white supremacist politico organization that advocates the racialist religion, Creativity.

EURO, is a white separatist organization in the United States. Led by former Louisiana state representative and presidential primary candidate David Duke, it was founded in 2000.

Ku Klux Klan, often abbreviated KKK and informally known as The Klan.

National Alliance, is a white supremacist political organization.

National Association for the Advancement of White People, is a white supremacist organization in the United States incorporated on December 14, 1953 in Delaware by Bryant Bowles which presents itself as a civil rights organization such as the NAACP.

National Policy Institute, is a think tank based in Augusta, Georgia in the United States.

National Socialist Movement (United States), a party founded in 1974. Since 2005 the party has become very active, staging many marches and demonstrations.

National Vanguard, was an American National Socialist organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded by Kevin Alfred Strom and former members of the National Alliance.

Nationalist Movement, is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a “pro-majority” position.

Occidental Quarterly, is a printed far-right quarterly journal with a web segment, TOQ Online, including interviews, essays and reviews on the website.[

Phineas Priesthood, is a Christian Identity movement that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion.

Volksfront, describes itself as an international fraternal organization for persons of European descent.

White Aryan Resistance, is a neo-Nazi white supremacist organization founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.

Here Is a List of White Supremacist Extremist Organizations in America |

Now give the total amount of people that belong to those groups and compare that to the White Society Population!

Also then dive further into how many of them vote Republican, Third Party or do not vote!!

After you do that will you report your findings with percentages so people can see the reality or will you just dodge that and spew all whites hate Asians?

Also why do you hate Asians so much?
Awww, I should defend IM2 for his bigoted comment?

Also did you ever figured I have certain trash on ignore because I prefer not to read their filth?

Of course not because you think I enjoy reading idiots like IM2 all day long.

I leave IM2 out of the iggy bin but let be factual the individual is a race baiting bigot and enjoy writing these threads for one purpose and that is something I will keep to myself but he has try to do it to me and got busted quickly for it.

IM2 opening comment stated that those like you hate Asians and from your response earlier it shows you are and only like Asian women that are attractive...

Naw, I like unattractive Asian men... just not in that way... because I'm straight.

But I find it amusing that you get all upset about IM2 but ignore guys like MikeTX who are pretty open in their racism.

So as you complain about me not responding to trash without knowing I put a lot of posters in the iggy bin while you defend IM2 thread about all whites hating Asians tell me that you are just here to troll me...

Now why do you hate Asians?

Was it because they did better in School, their girls laughed at you and they ran a business better than you?

Naw, I have lots of Asian friends.. some of them are even dudes and relatively plain looking women.

The ironic thing being, that despite them doing better in school, I've had more success because, you know, white privilege.

Also why do you agree with IM2 that all Asians are stupid and kiss the white man ass?

I didn't say I did.

What I would say that for the white racist bigot, the Asians are the "Good minority" because they aren't getting in anyone's face demanding corrections for past wrongs. (Because, frankly, there aren't that many against them compared to Native Americans, Black and Hispanics).
Next up on IM2 agenda will be how Hispanics are lazy and the slaves of white society and how all whites hate Hispanics...

I mean he or she has made it clear all whites belong to White Supremacists groups and hate Asians, so why not have another greatly worded thread by a poster that deem all whites as evil?
No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.

Those are the white supremacists, eh? Besides you, who are the black supremacists on this board, house negro?
I could have named a whole lot more son. And I can't be a house negro and black supremacist at the same time dumb ass. There are no black supremacists here.
IM2 in here trying to recruit the 2 or 3 asians that post on this board to join the hate whitey club.
This is not about hate whitey. Because all whites aren't racists. But you are.
IM2 in here trying to recruit the 2 or 3 asians that post on this board to join the hate whitey club.
This is not about hate whitey. Because all whites aren't racists. But you are.

That is not what you were attempting to claim in your opening comment when you stated whites hate Asians...

Also all your threads are based on your bigoted view of white society...
Here is a list of some of the more significant white extremist organizations in America today:

American Renaissance, is a monthly racialist magazine published by the New Century Foundation.

American Freedom Party, formerly known as the American Third Position Party, is an American political party which promotes white supremacy.

American Nazi Party, is a neo-Nazi organization.

Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is one of the largest and most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the United States, responsible for murders and other violent crimes.

Aryan Nations, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group known as the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a “terrorist threat”, and the RAND Corporation has called it the “first truly nationwide terrorist network” in the US.

Council of Conservative Citizens, is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white separatism.

Creativity Movement, (formerly known as the World Church of the Creator) is a white supremacist politico organization that advocates the racialist religion, Creativity.

EURO, is a white separatist organization in the United States. Led by former Louisiana state representative and presidential primary candidate David Duke, it was founded in 2000.

Ku Klux Klan, often abbreviated KKK and informally known as The Klan.

National Alliance, is a white supremacist political organization.

National Association for the Advancement of White People, is a white supremacist organization in the United States incorporated on December 14, 1953 in Delaware by Bryant Bowles which presents itself as a civil rights organization such as the NAACP.

National Policy Institute, is a think tank based in Augusta, Georgia in the United States.

National Socialist Movement (United States), a party founded in 1974. Since 2005 the party has become very active, staging many marches and demonstrations.

National Vanguard, was an American National Socialist organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded by Kevin Alfred Strom and former members of the National Alliance.

Nationalist Movement, is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a “pro-majority” position.

Occidental Quarterly, is a printed far-right quarterly journal with a web segment, TOQ Online, including interviews, essays and reviews on the website.[

Phineas Priesthood, is a Christian Identity movement that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion.

Volksfront, describes itself as an international fraternal organization for persons of European descent.

White Aryan Resistance, is a neo-Nazi white supremacist organization founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.

Here Is a List of White Supremacist Extremist Organizations in America |
If this is what you truly believe then you must take down the whole system. Replacing people does not change the system. For your own is ph ukn you over to even if they agree with you. Are they willing to give up their salaries, benefits and pensions if they work for a government entity, monopoly or something similar? You must collapse the economic system and rebuild it to what you want. You have some Hispanic backing for that I would think. You have Islamic backing for that. Would extreme feminists and extreme gays go for it? You must take down the law/corrections/judicial fiefdoms. And the blue areas is a start and a gimmee if you are for real. Revolution seems to be your mantra. I can't blame you if people screwed with you. But there are very few martyrs that make a difference if the spark is never lit. If you wait it out there may be issues anyway.

Blah, Blah, Blah. Things don't have to be done as you say. Whites like you have been wrong for the last 500 years. Policies can be changed people can be fired, harsher enforcement of laws pertaining to racism can be implemented.
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason I’m telling you this story is that I’ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isn’t always black and white – excuse the pun. Instead it’s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians – hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure – can be seen as “positive.” And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is “White Vs. Asian.” In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare “white” architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, “beauties,” ships, athletes, “average commoner,” and “medics” to their “Asian” equivalents. I’m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the “white” one is clearly “better” than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the “fair” and unbiased comparisons. When comparing “beauties” of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacist’s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the “positive” comments:

  • I’m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from “Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips”.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • I’m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I don’t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
What’s most fascinating about all these “positive” comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are “prositive.” Here is a sampling of some of the “Asians are evil” comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they don’t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldn’t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasn’t the ‘evil’ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globe’s leaders in copyright infringement. They don’t respect other’s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the “Yellow Peril” for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesn’t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog

Considering the fact that there are only a couple hundred "White Supremacists" in America, why is it particularly important what this tiny minority thinks about our Oriental friends?.
Here is a list of some of the more significant white extremist organizations in America today:

American Renaissance, is a monthly racialist magazine published by the New Century Foundation.

American Freedom Party, formerly known as the American Third Position Party, is an American political party which promotes white supremacy.

American Nazi Party, is a neo-Nazi organization.

Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is one of the largest and most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the United States, responsible for murders and other violent crimes.

Aryan Nations, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group known as the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a “terrorist threat”, and the RAND Corporation has called it the “first truly nationwide terrorist network” in the US.

Council of Conservative Citizens, is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white separatism.

Creativity Movement, (formerly known as the World Church of the Creator) is a white supremacist politico organization that advocates the racialist religion, Creativity.

EURO, is a white separatist organization in the United States. Led by former Louisiana state representative and presidential primary candidate David Duke, it was founded in 2000.

Ku Klux Klan, often abbreviated KKK and informally known as The Klan.

National Alliance, is a white supremacist political organization.

National Association for the Advancement of White People, is a white supremacist organization in the United States incorporated on December 14, 1953 in Delaware by Bryant Bowles which presents itself as a civil rights organization such as the NAACP.

National Policy Institute, is a think tank based in Augusta, Georgia in the United States.

National Socialist Movement (United States), a party founded in 1974. Since 2005 the party has become very active, staging many marches and demonstrations.

National Vanguard, was an American National Socialist organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded by Kevin Alfred Strom and former members of the National Alliance.

Nationalist Movement, is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a “pro-majority” position.

Occidental Quarterly, is a printed far-right quarterly journal with a web segment, TOQ Online, including interviews, essays and reviews on the website.[

Phineas Priesthood, is a Christian Identity movement that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion.

Volksfront, describes itself as an international fraternal organization for persons of European descent.

White Aryan Resistance, is a neo-Nazi white supremacist organization founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.

Here Is a List of White Supremacist Extremist Organizations in America |
If this is what you truly believe then you must take down the whole system. Replacing people does not change the system. For your own is ph ukn you over to even if they agree with you. Are they willing to give up their salaries, benefits and pensions if they work for a government entity, monopoly or something similar? You must collapse the economic system and rebuild it to what you want. You have some Hispanic backing for that I would think. You have Islamic backing for that. Would extreme feminists and extreme gays go for it? You must take down the law/corrections/judicial fiefdoms. And the blue areas is a start and a gimmee if you are for real. Revolution seems to be your mantra. I can't blame you if people screwed with you. But there are very few martyrs that make a difference if the spark is never lit. If you wait it out there may be issues anyway.

Blah, Blah, Blah. Things don't have to be done as you say. Whites like you have been wrong for the last 500 years. Policies can be changed people can be fired, harsher enforcement of laws pertaining to racism can be implemented.


Those like you would change the meaning of racism and pass laws against whites just for being white.

You do not want to be treated equal but what you want is revenge.

Also something to know slavery still exists today and those like you deny it and play victim while those like me fight it daily.
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason I’m telling you this story is that I’ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isn’t always black and white – excuse the pun. Instead it’s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians – hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure – can be seen as “positive.” And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is “White Vs. Asian.” In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare “white” architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, “beauties,” ships, athletes, “average commoner,” and “medics” to their “Asian” equivalents. I’m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the “white” one is clearly “better” than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the “fair” and unbiased comparisons. When comparing “beauties” of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacist’s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the “positive” comments:

  • I’m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from “Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips”.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • I’m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I don’t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
What’s most fascinating about all these “positive” comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are “prositive.” Here is a sampling of some of the “Asians are evil” comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they don’t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldn’t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasn’t the ‘evil’ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globe’s leaders in copyright infringement. They don’t respect other’s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the “Yellow Peril” for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesn’t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
You are a racist.
What I would say that for the white racist bigot, the Asians are the "Good minority" because they aren't getting in anyone's face demanding corrections for past wrongs. (Because, frankly, there aren't that many against them compared to Native Americans, Black and Hispanics).

Whites are ok with asians because they don't commit a lot of violent crime. Imagine that.

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