Zone1 What do you have to say about trinity keeping all the religions in mind?

Reading comprehensions again. Okay, so you are good with that God the Father is therefore a glorified resurrected man who has at least one wife (Male and Female). Also, "God" is plural meaning the Godhead of three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God. But again, I said that the OT came before the NT for a reason. The people of Israel coming out of Egypt were not ready for the higher law that Moses first came down with. He broke it and then when back to obtain the lower or lesser law, the Ten Commandments. This would lead people back to the higher law of Christ.
The Trinity by Origin was a side note that become incorporated later into the Book of John.
The urge to personify God as human as possible is a sick Roman concept.
Geez, man, don't you know anything?!
The Trinity by Origin was a side note that become incorporated later into the Book of John.
The urge to personify God as human as possible is a sick Roman concept.
Geez, man, don't you know anything?! At Jesus baptism was the Father speaking to Jesus that he was pleased. The Holy Ghost descended over him white like a dove, not a dove. Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven. Many references to the Father and the Holy Ghost before the Book of Revelation. Don't you know anything?
Jesus is resurrected and God. So, He's now a glorified man that even came and ate with a couple of His disciples. Don't you know anything?
There's nothing in the OT either that the Father or Son are not glorified men. That's a made up construct by ignorant Sadducees, Pharisees, Rabbis... At Jesus baptism was the Father speaking to Jesus that he was pleased. The Holy Ghost descended over him white like a dove, not a dove. Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven. Many references to the Father and the Holy Ghost before the Book of Revelation. Don't you know anything?
Jesus is resurrected and God. So, He's now a glorified man that even came and ate with a couple of His disciples. Don't you know anything?
There's nothing in the OT either that the Father or Son are not glorified men. That's a made up construct by ignorant Sadducees, Pharisees, Rabbis...
Get off the drugs.
Yes we do. The true Gospel taught in the true Church doesn't believe that all who don't accept Christ in this life are damned to eternal life. That is false doctrine according to the Bible and our current day prophets and apostles.
No. You don't. He invites who he wants to the wedding feast. You aren't God, you won't become a god and you don't speak for God.
I'm also that as well. I am a Melchizedek Priesthood holder and have ministerial responsibilities. Right now, I'm a counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency ministry.
Which explains why you are so dogmatic. You practice the form of religion not the spirit of religion.
No. You don't. He invites who he wants to the wedding feast. You aren't God, you won't become a god and you don't speak for God.
I wouldn't follow that God. That false god you are talking about then would not care what you do in your life. You could be the worst person on the planet, Hitler, had you could still be invited? No, God loves us so he sent apostles and prophets to let us each know the parameters it takes to enter into one of the three mansions in heaven spoken in First Corinthians chapter 15. And, in our true gospel, the Lord expounded on what it takes to be invited into one of the 3 kingdoms of glory in heaven, That can be found in our present day scriptures from the Lord, Doctrine and Covenants Section 76.
Which explains why you are so dogmatic. You practice the form of religion not the spirit of religion.
False doctrine...You first have to know your religion (doctrine) before you can live it. You only have a portion of the true doctrine and therefore can only obtain a portion of what is spiritual. The key is to be able to live your fulness of your religion doctrine. I'm sharing the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is in His spirit. Why would I want to follow a spirit that is less than what Jesus has provided today? That would be dumb.
Prove me wrong on any of the three statements. And then get off drugs. I'll pop some more popcorn while waiting... :popcorn:
How can I prove you wrong on “facts” that don’t exist?
It’s obvious you know a bit about Jewish history but overall you’re pathetic.
How can I prove you wrong on “facts” that don’t exist?
It’s obvious you know a bit about Jewish history but overall you’re pathetic.
I know quite a bit about Jewish History. It's been changed to thwart the conversions of Jews over the centuries and millenniums. But, it cannot be hidden still. Anyways, what does that have to do with the Trinity.
At Jesus baptism was the Father speaking to Jesus that he was pleased. The Holy Ghost descended over him white like a dove, not a dove. Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven. Many references to the Father and the Holy Ghost before the Book of Revelation. Don't you know anything?
Jesus is resurrected and God. So, He's now a glorified man that even came and ate with a couple of His disciples. Don't you know anything?
There's nothing in the OT either that the Father or Son are not glorified men. That's a made up construct by ignorant Sadducees, Pharisees, Rabbis...
I wouldn't follow that God. That false god you are talking about then would not care what you do in your life. You could be the worst person on the planet, Hitler, had you could still be invited? No, God loves us so he sent apostles and prophets to let us each know the parameters it takes to enter into one of the three mansions in heaven spoken in First Corinthians chapter 15. And, in our true gospel, the Lord expounded on what it takes to be invited into one of the 3 kingdoms of glory in heaven, That can be found in our present day scriptures from the Lord, Doctrine and Covenants Section 76.
How many gods do you suppose exist? I suggest you review Job 40 before you start mouthing off to God.

As for who decides who gets invited... God's not big on lip service.

Matthew 7​
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day,o ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.​
False doctrine...You first have to know your religion (doctrine) before you can live it. You only have a portion of the true doctrine and therefore can only obtain a portion of what is spiritual. The key is to be able to live your fulness of your religion doctrine. I'm sharing the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is in His spirit. Why would I want to follow a spirit that is less than what Jesus has provided today? That would be dumb.
Actually you are trying to shove Mormonism down my throat. You don't worship God, you worship a man made religion.
I know quite a bit about Jewish History. It's been changed to thwart the conversions of Jews over the centuries and millenniums. But, it cannot be hidden still. Anyways, what does that have to do with the Trinity.
At Jesus baptism was the Father speaking to Jesus that he was pleased. The Holy Ghost descended over him white like a dove, not a dove. Jesus prayed to his Father in Heaven. Many references to the Father and the Holy Ghost before the Book of Revelation. Don't you know anything?
Jesus is resurrected and God. So, He's now a glorified man that even came and ate with a couple of His disciples. Don't you know anything?
There's nothing in the OT either that the Father or Son are not glorified men. That's a made up construct by ignorant Sadducees, Pharisees, Rabbis...
Only morons try to use negative logic.
The Tanach is flush with Jews making mistakes so you have no idea what you’re babbling about.
How many gods do you suppose exist? I suggest you review Job 40 before you start mouthing off to God.

As for who decides who gets invited... God's not big on lip service.

Matthew 7​
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day,o ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.​
Yep, the Lord is speaking about God as though he's speaking about not himself. Thus, the Lord Jehovah is speaking about his Father, Elohim. And, he is doing so through the Holy Spirt (Whirlwind). One Godhead but three separate and distinct personages. Job understood but you don't? This means you still don't know Him. So, He will say to you, "Depart from me you evildoers who pollute the everlasting Gospel. So, what is it that allows one to do the will of Father in Heaven? The is through the authority of the Father given to man to do His will and work. The ordinance like baptism must be with Father's authority which is His Priesthood conferred upon man to do the work or will of the Father. Many unauthorized ministers do baptisms but because they do not hold the proper Priesthood conferred by God, the work will not be registered or bound in Heaven. Which part of Heaven? The Celestial or 3rd level of Heaven as Paul saw. There is still level one and two where Jesus won't be going to.
Actually you are trying to shove Mormonism down my throat. You don't worship God, you worship a man made religion.
I'm not shoving anything down your throat. You are making statements, accusations and asking questions. I'm responding. If you feel like I'm shoving this down your throat, my words are then getting through to you and you just have too much pride to accept the words. Try studying the words, read the Book of Mormon, meditate on the words, pray and ask if they are not true instead of your knee-jerk reaction with things like man-made religion...
Yep, the Lord is speaking about God as though he's speaking about not himself. Thus, the Lord Jehovah is speaking about his Father, Elohim. And, he is doing so through the Holy Spirt (Whirlwind). One Godhead but three separate and distinct personages. Job understood but you don't? This means you still don't know Him. So, He will say to you, "Depart from me you evildoers who pollute the everlasting Gospel. So, what is it that allows one to do the will of Father in Heaven? The is through the authority of the Father given to man to do His will and work. The ordinance like baptism must be with Father's authority which is His Priesthood conferred upon man to do the work or will of the Father. Many unauthorized ministers do baptisms but because they do not hold the proper Priesthood conferred by God, the work will not be registered or bound in Heaven. Which part of Heaven? The Celestial or 3rd level of Heaven as Paul saw. There is still level one and two where Jesus won't be going to.
This is pretty simple... believe you are a good person at your own peril. Shoving Mormonism down people's throats doesn't make you a good person. It makes you a hypocrite.
Only morons try to use negative logic.
The Tanach is flush with Jews making mistakes so you have no idea what you’re babbling about.
I don't know why you keep babbling on about Jewish information when we are covering the Trinity. All while throwing in NT versus... Are you a Jews for Jesus dude?
I'm not shoving anything down your throat. You are making statements, accusations and asking questions. I'm responding. If you feel like I'm shoving this down your throat, my words are then getting through to you and you just have too much pride to accept the words. Try studying the words, read the Book of Mormon, meditate on the words, pray and ask if they are not true instead of your knee-jerk reaction with things like man-made religion...
I can't hear what you are saying over your righteous indignation that not everyone believes as you do.
I don't know why you keep babbling on about Jewish information when we are covering the Trinity. All while throwing in NT versus... Are you a Jews for Jesus dude?
Preach on, brother!!! Throw him in a lake of fire for not believing you are the only one who understands scripture.
I can't hear what you are saying over your righteous indignation that not everyone believes as you do.
Only someone believing they are all that with pride would say something like that. Would you like for me to place you into the body of a pig too? Grow up. That's just another ploy of those caught in a lie.

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