Zone1 What do you have to say about trinity keeping all the religions in mind?

It grew to 34 million and then Constantine grabbed hold of it. So, no. There was no beheading until Rome took over. And, even then, your portrayal of Christians is unfounded. Up until that point, it was the other way around where tyrants like Nero, as an atheist, killed Christians for sport. Atheists and idol worshippers killed Christians.
Now, with that said, the RCC was actually founded in 590 A.D. From that point on, there were time periods where Popes were wicked and did evil things. We call it the "Dark Ages" because it really was a time of full apostasy from Christ's teachings, doctrines as well as ordinances performed improperly and many just dropped altogether. Catholics don't agree but I believe this to be true and why the Lord called Joseph Smith to end the apostasy and restore His Church the way he did in his days and Paul's days. This included restoration of all things like doctrines and ordinances.
The majority of nations back then were murderous.
It grew to 34 million and then Constantine grabbed hold of it. So, no. There was no beheading until Rome took over. And, even then, your portrayal of Christians is unfounded. Up until that point, it was the other way around where tyrants like Nero, as an atheist, killed Christians for sport. Atheists and idol worshippers killed Christians.
Now, with that said, the RCC was actually founded in 590 A.D. From that point on, there were time periods where Popes were wicked and did evil things. We call it the "Dark Ages" because it really was a time of full apostasy from Christ's teachings, doctrines as well as ordinances performed improperly and many just dropped altogether. Catholics don't agree but I believe this to be true and why the Lord called Joseph Smith to end the apostasy and restore His Church the way he did in his days and Paul's days. This included restoration of all things like doctrines and ordinances.
restoration of all things like doctrines and ordinances

What positive doctrines and ordinances have their origins from the NT aside from a tithe?
restoration of all things like doctrines and ordinances

What positive doctrines and ordinances have their origins from the NT aside from a tithe?
Actually, tithes were mentioned in the OT in Malachi. Although, Jesus did say render unto Cesar that which is Cesar's and to God that which is God's. Actually, everything is his anyway. We don't take money and property with us. We potentially will receive universes (mansions) in eternal life. So, their is one doctrine pretty much lost. The ordinances pertaining to this were lost even though there is mention in the Bible of baptism for the dead and sealing powers of husbands and wives when Jesus was answering the question about marriage and heaven. "Whatsoever bound (by ordinance) on earth will be bound in heaven." During the apostasy, this was lost so Jesus also mentioned "whatsoever is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven." Reject the fulness of this gospel and these eternal opportunities to be with you spouse eternally will be lost. And, so will contact with Jesus and the Father as well.
Where did I say you were wrong? You are but still. Take a chill pill brother. I've shared with you where there are scriptures that suggest three separate personages even in the same place at the same time. I've shared where Jesus came after his resurrection sat and ate with two of his disciples that thought they were seeing a ghost. I think they also thought Jesus didn't keep his resurrected body either and were taught that by the religious leaders of their time. Yet, Jesus was clear and straightened them out stating that his resurrected body is flesh and bones (no blood). Also, His spirit which is most likely the blood of resurrected bodies. Just my opinion. If Jesus has a body then why not the Father? Most Christians believe they are the same person.
Cool story. :rolleyes:
Actually, tithes were mentioned in the OT in Malachi. Although, Jesus did say render unto Cesar that which is Cesar's and to God that which is God's. Actually, everything is his anyway. We don't take money and property with us. We potentially will receive universes (mansions) in eternal life. So, their is one doctrine pretty much lost. The ordinances pertaining to this were lost even though there is mention in the Bible of baptism for the dead and sealing powers of husbands and wives when Jesus was answering the question about marriage and heaven. "Whatsoever bound (by ordinance) on earth will be bound in heaven." During the apostasy, this was lost so Jesus also mentioned "whatsoever is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven." Reject the fulness of this gospel and these eternal opportunities to be with you spouse eternally will be lost. And, so will contact with Jesus and the Father as well.
I wish you luck with non-White nations.
People talk about trinity in almost all the religions and now even science has also proved that matter can only be dissected till the protons, neutrons and electrons. What is your opinion on this? Why everything ends up in three.
"Our Opinions" do not matter. What matters is that which God has determined to reveal to mankind in a method that can be comprehended. No man can nor ever will completely understand/comprehend the Godhead. As the Apostle is quoted stating this obvious realization, "Oh, the depth and the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable and His ways past finding out." -- Romans 11:33

This does not mean that we cannot know something of God. Logic would dictate that if that were the case we would not be having this very conversation, we could not say His Name, or even comprehend the concept of a living God, it would be impossible if we could not comprehend that which God has decided to reveal about Himself/Godhead.

God does reveal in scripture enough that we might know somewhat of His Nature, His Personality, and comprehend that Godhead means..........3 different personalities acting as ONE in purpose and nature.

What the scriptures reveal, making our opinion "moot": The Bible teaches that the Godhead is "1" in nature The Scriptures clearly state that God is ONE (Deut. 6:4) with a parallel passage in (Eph. 4:4-6)

The Bible teaches that God the Father is one personality of the Godhead. The bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is one personality of the Godhead. The bible teaches that the Son is one personality of the Godhead. All 3 personalities are recorded as being present and separate at the same instant. (Matthew 3:16-17). In the book of Genesis we find the passage, "Let US make man in OUR the imagine of God" (1:26-27)

We can only conclude that God is composed of 3 different, disctinct, personalities, as the scriptures declare, in order to enter the Kingdom of God, i.e., the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, The church that Christ constructed........we must be baptized into Christ in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit/Ghost (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38-39)

The scriptures clearly teach that We are conveyed into the Kingdom of God through Water Baptism.....i.e, we enter the church through baptism. (Gal.3:26-27) By which means we are adopted Son's of God and joint heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. (Col. 1:13) states, that we are tranlated into the kingdom of God........
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Why? There are more being baptized in Africa and south of the U.S. boarder than in the U.S. And, more tithes and offerings as well. We are doing fine in the rest of the world.
They are being baptized in order to get clean water and money from the Church, which, by the way, isn't coming their way, and they are still eternally embroiled in inter-Tribal wars.
The Popes of the 20th century needed to make Catholicism a religion as large as Islam and so bullshitted to the African continent that they would feed them if they converted.
The Africans converted 30 years ago and are still starving.
I am well aware that you aren't aware of modern history because you never followed it as you were growing up.
People talk about trinity in almost all the religions and now even science has also proved that matter can only be dissected till the protons, neutrons and electrons. What is your opinion on this? Why everything ends up in three.

Men invented the trinity by satans will at a council of Catholicism in 381ce--Jesus is clear at John 17:3--The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. We all must choose who we believe.
Again Jesus warns of all the false gods, then tells how to properly serve the true God-John 4:22-24--He says--The true followers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.-- Not Father, son and HS.
Men invented the trinity by satans will at a council of Catholicism in 381ce--Jesus is clear at John 17:3--The one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. We all must choose who we believe.
Again Jesus warns of all the false gods, then tells how to properly serve the true God-John 4:22-24--He says--The true followers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.-- Not Father, son and HS.
I believe in accepting the facts in evidence to establish TRUTH. The N.T. is self professed to be the inspired truths given to the Apostles of Christ and the prophets through the Holy Spirit of God as spoken by Jesus. (John 16:13-15). Within those books of records are found existing many prophecies proven to have been fulfilled by the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ....the Son of the Living God. There are some 1817 prophecies contained in the Canon of the Holy many can you prove have not come true? :disbelief:

Yet you demand everyone accept your cults doctrine as truth with a track record such as exists through the little history your cult has been in existence?

How about evidence of the Jehovah's Witnesses? Nothing but FAILED PROPHECIES as history. What do the scriptures declare about those whose predictions fail? "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously (assumed with an arrogance/overbearance void of evidence)........" -- Deut. 18:22 Conclusion? The J.Ws and their bible is based upon nothing but AntiChrist Doctrine promoted by those who refuse to accept Jesus as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit as the 3rd person of the Godhead.

Yet your bible is true and the canon that does not contradict from Genesus to Revelation are the false books?

I pefer to accept the truth behind the prophecies that have been fulfilled. Take for example the prophecies that are detailed and documented as being fulfilled from just one chapter of the Bible as it exists in canonized format. The Book of Isa. and the chapter of 53 alone contains 15 prophecies concerning Jesus the Messiah as being fulfilled within the record found existing int the N.T.

Isaiah declared this about the Messiah. 1. He would be hated (Isa. 53:3) ........fulfilled in the NT record (Matt. 27:39-43). 2. A man of sadness (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (Matt. 26:38) 3. Familiar with suffering (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (Heb. 4:15). 4. Rejected by His people (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (John 1:10-11). 5. Taking our suffering for us (Isa. 53:4), fulfilled (Matt. 8:16-17) 6. Without sin (Isa. 53:9) fulfilled (1 Peter 2:22) 7. Silent to His accusers (Isa. 53:7), fulfilled (Matt. 26:63, 27:12). 8. Taking our sins upon Hiself (Isa 53:5), fulfilled (1 Cor. 15:3). 9. Taking our punishment (Isa. 53: 5), fulfilled (1 Peter 2:24-25). 10. Treated like a criminal (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Luke 22:37). 11. Asking for our forgiveness as adovate (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Luke 23:34)
12. Treated unjustly, shown no justice (Isa. 53:8), fulfilled (Matt. 27:24). 13. Buried with rich people (Isa. 53:9), fulfilled (Matt. 17:57-60). 14. Raised from the dead (Isa. 53:10), fulfilled (Luke 24:6-8). 15. Honored (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Phil 2:9-11).
They are being baptized in order to get clean water and money from the Church, which, by the way, isn't coming their way, and they are still eternally embroiled in inter-Tribal wars.
The Popes of the 20th century needed to make Catholicism a religion as large as Islam and so bullshitted to the African continent that they would feed them if they converted.
The Africans converted 30 years ago and are still starving.
I am well aware that you aren't aware of modern history because you never followed it as you were growing up.
Not so. You should do some real studying on the missions of the LDS Church in Africa as well as other third world countries and what the Church has done there. But, you won't.
I believe in accepting the facts in evidence to establish TRUTH. The N.T. is self professed to be the inspired truths given to the Apostles of Christ and the prophets through the Holy Spirit of God as spoken by Jesus. (John 16:13-15). Within those books of records are found existing many prophecies proven to have been fulfilled by the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ....the Son of the Living God. There are some 1817 prophecies contained in the Canon of the Holy many can you prove have not come true? :disbelief:

Yet you demand everyone accept your cults doctrine as truth with a track record such as exists through the little history your cult has been in existence?

How about evidence of the Jehovah's Witnesses? Nothing but FAILED PROPHECIES as history. What do the scriptures declare about those whose predictions fail? "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously (assumed with an arrogance/overbearance void of evidence)........" -- Deut. 18:22 Conclusion? The J.Ws and their bible is based upon nothing but AntiChrist Doctrine promoted by those who refuse to accept Jesus as the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit as the 3rd person of the Godhead.

Yet your bible is true and the canon that does not contradict from Genesus to Revelation are the false books?

I pefer to accept the truth behind the prophecies that have been fulfilled. Take for example the prophecies that are detailed and documented as being fulfilled from just one chapter of the Bible as it exists in canonized format. The Book of Isa. and the chapter of 53 alone contains 15 prophecies concerning Jesus the Messiah as being fulfilled within the record found existing int the N.T.

Isaiah declared this about the Messiah. 1. He would be hated (Isa. 53:3) ........fulfilled in the NT record (Matt. 27:39-43). 2. A man of sadness (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (Matt. 26:38) 3. Familiar with suffering (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (Heb. 4:15). 4. Rejected by His people (Isa. 53:3) fulfilled (John 1:10-11). 5. Taking our suffering for us (Isa. 53:4), fulfilled (Matt. 8:16-17) 6. Without sin (Isa. 53:9) fulfilled (1 Peter 2:22) 7. Silent to His accusers (Isa. 53:7), fulfilled (Matt. 26:63, 27:12). 8. Taking our sins upon Hiself (Isa 53:5), fulfilled (1 Cor. 15:3). 9. Taking our punishment (Isa. 53: 5), fulfilled (1 Peter 2:24-25). 10. Treated like a criminal (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Luke 22:37). 11. Asking for our forgiveness as adovate (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Luke 23:34)
12. Treated unjustly, shown no justice (Isa. 53:8), fulfilled (Matt. 27:24). 13. Buried with rich people (Isa. 53:9), fulfilled (Matt. 17:57-60). 14. Raised from the dead (Isa. 53:10), fulfilled (Luke 24:6-8). 15. Honored (Isa. 53:12), fulfilled (Phil 2:9-11).

The Greek Lexicons are Catholicism translating. They mistranslated by satans will to fit false council teachings. Jesus was NEVER with that religion, satan started it to mislead. And along with all her mislead branches( 33,999 of them) they are--a house divided, they will not stand. You see in Gods view a house divided is the real cult-They fail 100% this true mark-1 Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods truth) no division. Yet the real cult is the originator of calling my religion a cult, yet we pass 1Cor 1:10 100%-- You are seeing backwards.
The Greek Lexicons are Catholicism translating. They mistranslated by satans will to fit false council teachings. Jesus was NEVER with that religion, satan started it to mislead. And along with all her mislead branches( 33,999 of them) they are--a house divided, they will not stand. You see in Gods view a house divided is the real cult-They fail 100% this true mark-1 Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods truth) no division. Yet the real cult is the originator of calling my religion a cult, yet we pass 1Cor 1:10 100%-- You are seeing backwards.
You are still so full of it. It’s the JWs who mistranslate.
You are still so full of it. It’s the JWs who mistranslate.

The JW translators fixed the errors--Truth didnt become abundant until here in these last days-Daniel 12:4)--And at the proper time( when God willed)the holy spirit gave truth thru the teachers Jesus appointed-Matt 24:45
The JW translators fixed the errors--Truth didnt become abundant until here in these last days-Daniel 12:4)--And at the proper time( when God willed)the holy spirit gave truth thru the teachers Jesus appointed-Matt 24:45
They fixed nothing. They lied to gain control over the hearts and minds of people. The first thing their false prophet did was to give a false prophecy on the exact date of the end of the world. Five times their prophet lied and so they stopped calling the leader a prophet.
I have been following the African Continent Charade since the 70s and the Vatican hasn't done dick for anyone that was stupid enough to sell out for a meal.
We aren’t a part of the Catholic Church. But, you can click on the sites I posted and find out what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done to help in Africa.
By the way, if someone is hungry and needs a meal, who are you to deny any Church from providing meals to hungry people? Atheist don’t provide anything. In fact, they kill the poor by starving them.
We aren’t a part of the Catholic Church. But, you can click on the sites I posted and find out what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has done to help in Africa.
By the way, if someone is hungry and needs a meal, who are you to deny any Church from providing meals to hungry people? Atheist don’t provide anything. In fact, they kill the poor by starving them.
The African continent is huge and stuck in the Middle Ages in terms of Murder or be Murdered.
It is sad but nothing anyone does will help people who can't look past the last meal someone provided for them.
You would be better off dedicating 100% of your resources to the poor in civilized nations, including the US.
I know Christians are motivated to work with the desperate who don't ask questions.
The African continent is huge and stuck in the Middle Ages in terms of Murder or be Murdered.
It is sad but nothing anyone does will help people who can't look past the last meal someone provided for them.
You would be better off dedicating 100% of your resources to the poor in civilized nations, including the US.
I know Christians are motivated to work with the desperate who don't ask questions.
That’s not why we work with them. We work with them because we love those who are poor and looked down upon by the civilized world. The civilized world has become a cesspool of evil and laziness.

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