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What do you hope happens?

If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?

Just myself in general

To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming

550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!

Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.
Damn... what an asshole...
I wonder if he has any loved ones or children? :eusa_think: Does he have friends and family? Where is the love and hope?

Does he think that the government is more important than the people?
I have a wife and kids. I have a VERY small group of friends but I don't trust people in general. I don't get emotionally attached to people and bout the only people I would die for are my wife and kids.
Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I like to think that nobody goes into office thinking that their policies will be detrimental to the country, and nobody leaves office hoping that their legacy was being a shitty President. All we can hope for is that no matter who wins our system of checks and balances keeps their more potentially detrimental ideas from ever passing Congress.

I would have liked to think so, but between the meat puppet faggot and the sociopath hag, I see a desire for money as the highest priority. These two assholes might even believe that their policies are "progress", but so did the nazis, bolsheviks, fascists, Khmer Rouge and "The People's Temple". I doubt they give a shit about legacy either. Why will they care when they're dead? It's the wealth and POWER they want.

Those of us with an awareness of history understand that these policies are regressive. They lead to despotic regimes, and all you have to do is witness a modern day pogrom committed by leftists openly in public. We are facing dark times if these people aren't put in their place. These SJW are merely annoying now. If they EVER got a pinch of authority they'll make brown shirts look like girl scouts.

I don't care for Trump, but hitlery is unacceptable as a human being let alone a POTUS. I would actually have prefered Bernie had he beat the bitch in the democrook primary.

Well that is he had beaten her officially, because I'm pretty sure he did according to the votes.

....... give Hillary 10 to 20 years in a Federal prison for her crimes and lets see if the rest of these corrupt bastards straighten out.
I don't think that you understand. Presidents are expendable. They are go-fers. They make no decisions. It's the businessmen who make all decisions. Hillary is just a mule who takes risks for big bucks. If she does a good job the business tycoons will bail her out of a tough spot and she'll be exonerated by the next president ........ just like all the others before her. There is no lesson to learn for future politicians. Money makes people immune in a corrupt system.
If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?

Just myself in general

To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming

550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!

Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.
Damn... what an asshole...
Damn what a whining little girl! Oh and yes I AM an asshole and I take much pride in that. Keeps the fucking idiots away!

Not the one you need to "keep away."
They're going to call you a terrorist now GLASNOST.
They've called me everything else already.....
Which is exactly what you want.
What business is it of yours? .....
You're the one who keeps begging for the attention, whore.
That's twice you've tried to get my attention and I still don't know who you are. But your time is up. You failed to impress me and I won't be bothered by you any longer.
Why are you yelling at me? I'm not the one who is thinking of emigrating.

Settle down I'm not yelling at you.

I realize sarcastic tones are impossible to convey.

When reading my posts sometimes it's best to read them as if Denis Leary had written them.

For me. I cannot live under this /regime/ anymore. My pride cannot take it, my wallet cannot take it, my heart cannot take it.
I understand.

We have been on the wrong side of the war for a long time.
True, true.

Trump is the last chance to save it ...
Do you think so? It's clear that Hillary won't do anything but sit on her sofa snorting cocaine and watching reruns of 'Green Acres' but do you think Trump is good enough to do a good job? Just asking.

....... without the mainstream media and with blind and complacent libs... They twist everything, they plant lies, they send violence and blame us ...... .
That's a good enough reason to leave town, alright. What are your options?
They're going to call you a terrorist now GLASNOST.
They've called me everything else already.....
Which is exactly what you want.
What business is it of yours? .....
You're the one who keeps begging for the attention, whore.
That's twice you've tried to get my attention.....

That's 50,000 times you've begged for attention, whore.
Europe is probably a much better idea. Seriously.

The whole point is ti escape the socialist corrupt hell hole hitlery will bring.

How the FUCK would going to euroweenieland improve things? That's the way libturds want it to be here, why can't they just take their stupid asses there?

Oh right. If they have enough money to do it, they probably want to keep at least half of it from being taxed away upon arrival.

So, where are you going, big-mouth?
I hope the FBI investigations continue and Americans and American politicians regain their faith.
Any moron posting shit like this ^^^^^ needs to GTFO of my country NOW. Regardless of which POS wins Tuesday, we have no room for anti-American scum who would post shit like this ^^^^^.

Any good American should hope that no matter who is elected they do only good things for the country. If you're rooting for failure before anyone even takes office then you can take your ass to another country.

Trump is the last chance to save it ...
Do you think so? It's clear that Hillary won't do anything but sit on her sofa snorting cocaine and watching reruns of 'Green Acres' but do you think Trump is good enough to do a good job? Just asking.

I honestly do. Obama just signed presidential orders One basically for biochemical warfare [depopulation "theory" - starting /tomorrow/], the other is all hands on deck greenie stuff (which is designed entirely to drive up the cost of things to keep the peasants under their fingers.) Both have "situations" give power to the UN - which is the de-facto NWO.

Clinton is not going to snooze... If I had to /guess/ I'd say she's going to rescue them all from the terrorist attacks tomorrow, sweep all her criminal shit under the rug, then go to war - war is great for the economy and she happens to owe a favor to some war plane manufacturers - plus there that fucking Putin who will not "come to heel"

Either way. I'm wealthy and I want /nothing/ to do with their NWO, I will bow to no one. I will /not/ become a UN stooge. I've kept a low profile to avoid that shit hole and I suspect they intend to ensnare every one of us in their scandalous shit. Thats why I say I'll become "Stateless" and an "[ex]American Financial Refugee" limited ports but there's holes they haven't filled yet.

....... without the mainstream media and with blind and complacent libs... They twist everything, they plant lies, they send violence and blame us ...... .
That's a good enough reason to leave town, alright. What are your options?

$5k denounces citizenship - presuming they don't cancel it through some means in the next two weeks and force me to stay and pay their new taxes.

We have a chalet in France with our buddies who fled during the onset (the OWS crisis) for interim, but I think we're going to hit the bucket list ASAP and stay out of dodge until we get a gauge on how volatile things are going to be. I am rather expecting riots regardless of the vote results - questions are; does Obama declare martial law (lawyer doesn't think they'd let us leave if so,) will Putin put up with it (I doubt he'll heel to anyone either, though how far that goes idk I'm Front Lines of the Cold War so if they were to invade well...,) and how fast can we secure a p-jet over in France heh

For now at least the UN doesn't particularly like "stateless" but we have UN protections. I'm hoping they'll leave in the loophole for another say 20 years - probably be dead then :p
By the way gentlemen - I absolutely do /not/ hope for America's failure. There's 300m people to consider after all. However, it's the fucking Clinton's and they are so scandal ridden /already/ and now they have an agenda. I am not blind. I actually care more about American's than you selfish sheep libs who've destroyed her. But at a point, it's a lost cause, and I'm not going down with /your/ blind ship, I'm going to take the wheel and GTFOD thanks.
If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?

Just myself in general

To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming

550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!

Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.

Any moron posting shit like this ^^^^^ needs to GTFO of my country NOW. Regardless of which POS wins Tuesday, we have no room for anti-American scum who would post shit like this ^^^^^.

He is bitter because he cares and can see how the window for saving this nation is closing fast.

If HIllary wins, people like him will be the very least of your worries.
By the way gentlemen - I absolutely do /not/ hope for America's failure. There's 300m people to consider after all. However, it's the fucking Clinton's and they are so scandal ridden /already/ and now they have an agenda. I am not blind. I actually care more about American's than you selfish sheep libs who've destroyed her. But at a point, it's a lost cause, and I'm not going down with /your/ blind ship, I'm going to take the wheel and GTFOD thanks.

The constant use of / in your posts make them difficult to read. Are you writing in english or HTML? Pick one.
Styfe /do/ fuck off telling me how to type my posts - don't like it - there's an ignore button use it.

My fellow patriots, sometimes you cede a battle to win the war. The problem here, is we are not just talking about the Clinton's, we are talking about - Obama is in, the other politicians are in (its possible even Sanders is in now.) Then go global, its UN, all their people.) This might be a... lay low and wait until there is a path to victory. You military folks know, you don't always just go in guns blazing. See what's up before you lock and load - but don't go off half cocked, alright?

And let us not forget - there is still a chance that we can win this battle. Rumor is there might be more. I think we'll find out tomorrow.
If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?

Just myself in general

To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming

550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!

Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.

Any moron posting shit like this ^^^^^ needs to GTFO of my country NOW. Regardless of which POS wins Tuesday, we have no room for anti-American scum who would post shit like this ^^^^^.

He is bitter because he cares .....

Bullshit. He has admitted he cares about nothing but himself.
If Trump "loses" on Tuesday what do you hope happens?

Just myself in general

To start I hope Trump doesn't concede AT ALL as in NEVER I would hope he pushes it even farther,lawsuits,sets up parallel administration etc we all know he won't win the lawsuits as the system is rigged completely against him
Then we move onto the Criminal actually running the country into the ground. You people asked for it and I hope you get ALL of what's coming

550% more Muslims so I hope for DAILY terrorist attacks
WIDE open borders I hope more crime,more welfare being crushed,job wages get drowned down
I hope she sells the oval office to the highest bidder
I hope she starts a war with Russia and we get NUKED!

Overall I hope EVERYTHING that can go completely wrong for America if they "elect" the Criminal does go wrong. They will have brought it on themselves and will deserve ALL of it. My America will be a dying carcass of garbage and nothing can be saved of it so the sooner it collapses the better.

Any moron posting shit like this ^^^^^ needs to GTFO of my country NOW. Regardless of which POS wins Tuesday, we have no room for anti-American scum who would post shit like this ^^^^^.

He is bitter because he cares .....

Bullshit. He has admitted he cares about nothing but himself.

No, he didn't. At least not in the post you responded to.

He's very bitter because he cares and he sees a Hillary win as a disaster that this nation will not recover from.

THus his wishing ill on those who's actions have, in his opinion, are likely to have destroyed a nation he does care about.

Someone who really doesn't care, would not be so angry.

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