What Does Santa Claus Have To Do With Christianity?

Jesus isn't dead, how silly of you.

Jeremiah 10:1-5 ESV

A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil...
not according to the bible.....but then again neither is superman.
Colossians 2:16 ESV

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
God likes celebration:

Psalm 150:1-6 ESV

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Luke 15:23-24 ESV

And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate
Naw, just setting the anti-Christian loons straight. When you start preaching what Jesus thinks of this or that, it's generally a good idea to show you what the scripture actually says.
Naw, just setting the anti-Christian loons straight. When you start preaching what Jesus thinks of this or that, it's generally a good idea to show you what the scripture actually says.
wrong it's you rationalizing about his perceived behavior and way of thinking from a book he never read...thanks for playing.
Jesus isn't dead, how silly of you.

Jeremiah 10:1-5 ESV

A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil...

This verse doesn't disprove Christmas trees. I searched and searched for opinions and was able to disprove it. It is talking about a scarecrow and Christmas trees don't wear pants.
Naw, just setting the anti-Christian loons straight. When you start preaching what Jesus thinks of this or that, it's generally a good idea to show you what the scripture actually says.
wrong it's you rationalizing about his perceived behavior and way of thinking from a book he never read...thanks for playing.

Lol..you're a rare idiot, but the way you devote yourself to your stupidity makes me think that deep down, you really want knowledge. You're just too stupid and lazy to actually pursue it.

The Holy Spirit can help you with that, if you ask.

Anyway, I don't need to rationalize anything. My point is that you are rationalizing half-cocked and uneducated statements with...nothing. When you or others make claims about how much Jesus would disapprove of this or that (while claiming you don't believe in Jesus out the other side of your mouth) well then the best way to set you straight is to show you what the Bible (and thus God and Christ) actually said about whatever it is you're popping off about.

Now your brilliant come back will be "Oh yeah a book of myths is really a great source" but this is as idiotic as the first silliness because YOU are the ones making claims about who YOU claim is a fictional character, who is fleshed out only by a book of myths....to then claim that the book of myths cannot tell you what the alleged make believe character said/thought/ordained is to say that YOU are just making shit up, whole cloth. You admit that your statements about what Jesus likes and doesn't like is rooted solely in your own head, not in scripture...and therefore completely irrelevant.

If Jesus isn't the son of God, and the Scripture isn't an accurate representation of what he thought/thinks/said/adjoured, then what is your point to blab about what Jesus believed....? There's no way to know what Jesus believed, according to you, in which case..what's your point in pretending that he believed anything? To deny that the bible represents what he believed/wanted, while at the same time pretending to KNOW what he believed/wanted...well it's a little schizophrenic. As I'm sure you know.
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He's morphed from St. Nicholas, who was a Greek philanthropist in the..third? Fourth? Century. He gave his wealth to the needy....he was made a saint, and his saint day is in December.

This isn't rocket science ppl.
true, but he wasn't a white guy either..

of course he was.

he was as white as one can possibly be.
unfucking real. Just because someone is depicted white does not mean they are wrong and evil. Jesus you fools keep letting the progressives control you by using stupid fucking issues like this.
not the letting progressives control you ploy!again.
Jesus (if he actually existed) was not white portraying him as such is inaccurate and a fraud.

Of course he was. He WAS white :D
Er, no, it's not bullshit.

Unless you can pull a study that says, unequivocally, that Jews are a separate race, or non-white.

of course they are not. it is just a reminiscence of the ages old antisemitism that Jews are "separate race".

they are Semitic subtype of Caucasians, which is white.

Jews of the first century actually more resembled other European nations than Jews in modern day. And territory of Judea, Galilee and Samaria was such an international conglomerate in the first century that depicting people living there 2000 years ago as they see it nowadays is ridiculous to say the least.

If one wants to find out how people of the first century looked liked one has to go to Israel for a trip - they have plenty of archaeological and anatomical reconstructions of the inhabitants of those times - with plenty of redheads and blondes with blue eyes among the Jews. Mary Magdalene is believed to be a natural blonde.


Those faces are absolutely Caucasian /white:


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Jesus isn't dead, how silly of you.

Jeremiah 10:1-5 ESV

A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil...

This verse doesn't disprove Christmas trees. I searched and searched for opinions and was able to disprove it. It is talking about a scarecrow and Christmas trees don't wear pants.
sorry chuck but pants had not been invented yet.
Naw, just setting the anti-Christian loons straight. When you start preaching what Jesus thinks of this or that, it's generally a good idea to show you what the scripture actually says.
wrong it's you rationalizing about his perceived behavior and way of thinking from a book he never read...thanks for playing.

Lol..you're a rare idiot, but the way you devote yourself to your stupidity makes me think that deep down, you really want knowledge. You're just too stupid and lazy to actually pursue it.

The Holy Spirit can help you with that, if you ask.

Anyway, I don't need to rationalize anything. My point is that you are rationalizing half-cocked and uneducated statements with...nothing. When you or others make claims about how much Jesus would disapprove of this or that (while claiming you don't believe in Jesus out the other side of your mouth) well then the best way to set you straight is to show you what the Bible (and thus God and Christ) actually said about whatever it is you're popping off about.

Now your brilliant come back will be "Oh yeah a book of myths is really a great source" but this is as idiotic as the first silliness because YOU are the ones making claims about who YOU claim is a fictional character, who is fleshed out only by a book of myths....to then claim that the book of myths cannot tell you what the alleged make believe character said/thought/ordained is to say that YOU are just making shit up, whole cloth. You admit that your statements about what Jesus likes and doesn't like is rooted solely in your own head, not in scripture...and therefore completely irrelevant.

If Jesus isn't the son of God, and the Scripture isn't an accurate representation of what he thought/thinks/said/adjoured, then what is your point to blab about what Jesus believed....? There's no way to know what Jesus believed, according to you, in which case..what's your point in pretending that he believed anything? To deny that the bible represents what he believed/wanted, while at the same time pretending to KNOW what he believed/wanted...well it's a little schizophrenic. As I'm sure you know.
love it when you rationalize not one word in your blathering is fact so my answer stands
nothing you posted refutes...it
" wrong it's you rationalizing about his perceived behavior and way of thinking from a book he never read...thanks for playing" btw since Jesus for all intents and purposes is a fictional or fictionalized character to portray him of two minds is fair.
asshats like yourself are so completely deluded by the myth of what you want Jesus to be like you would not know him.
if Jesus exists do you not think he would see the changes in mankind and respond appropriately?
as to what's schizophrenic it's your death grip on what you wish he would be like tells the tale...
Er, no, it's not bullshit.

Unless you can pull a study that says, unequivocally, that Jews are a separate race, or non-white.

of course they are not. it is just a reminiscence of the ages old antisemitism that Jews are "separate race".

they are Semitic subtype of Caucasians, which is white.

Jews of the first century actually more resembled other European nations than Jews in modern day. And territory of Judea, Galilee and Samaria was such an international conglomerate in the first century that depicting people living there 2000 years ago as they see it nowadays is ridiculous to say the least.

If one wants to find out how people of the first century looked liked one has to go to Israel for a trip - they have plenty of archaeological and anatomical reconstructions of the inhabitants of those times - with plenty of redheads and blondes with blue eyes among the Jews. Mary Magdalene is believed to be a natural blonde.

'Lost Faces of the Bible' reconstructs four skeletal remains using science, forensics | Religion News Service

Those faces are absolutely Caucasian /white:


bullshit only European Jews are considered white. There are black, Arab, Asian, Persian, and Hispanic Jews. Its just that the majority of American Jews are white, so that how they are portrayed in the media. The majority of Israeli Jews are not white.
Fucking progressive racist pukes.

You don't have a clue what you're talking about. It's funny, because I know you think you're smart.

And you sooooo....aren't.

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