What Does the American Flag Mean to the World?

I'm a dudette....... Let's not kid ourselves, one party is not better than the other. They both have their ridiculous positions on issues.

Sorry about the dude thingy, lol. Genders are so fluid now, it is hard to tell online.

As to the two major parties, yes, both are definitely controled and run by the DC Political Establishment, AKA Corporate Crony Network.

But each have their own brand of evil. The GOP used to be Open Borders anti-nationalists who would eat little babies whole, stolen from the Middle Class, but they have always been Patriotic about it.

The Dims are not Patriotic at all, think that such makes someone a low brow pin head, and they celebrate the dis-honor of the American flag every time they get the chance.

The evil is a sort of Yin-Yang thingy.

No worries, I wasn't offended you didn't know I was a girl.

I agree with several of your points. Both parties have forgotten their role is to the people not special interests or themselves.
They may be shooting themselves in the foot. After all. isn't it being shoved down our throats the the U.S. flag is racist? Ranks right up there with the Confederate battle flag. They should also be careful of the hand signs they make or words they say.
Some of us believe the flag is being shoved down our throats in spite of all its racist, white supremacist roots. Virtually no other developed country mandates public displays of "patriotism" like the USA does.

We hear so many times how the Left wring their hands in angst about world opinion.
I suppose it all depends whose ox is being gored...
Ah, you think "the world opinion" is important. [...]
Only you naval gazing American hating Leftards think America should bow to anyone.
Those Hong Kong protesters aren't calling for more exploitation and acquisition, are they?

"Capitalists seek to maximize profits and reduce the cost of labor. This sums up capitalism at its core.

"It is defined by these immutable objectives.

"It is not about democracy.

"It is not, as has been claimed, about wealth creation for the working class. It has nothing to do with freedom.

"Those capitalists, especially in corporations, who are not able to increase profits and decrease the cost of labor, through layoffs, cutting wages, destroying unions, offshoring, outsourcing or automating jobs, are replaced.

"Personal ethics are irrelevant.

"Capitalists are about acquisition and exploitation."

The Capitalists Are Afraid
Hilarious how you idiots choose to remain living in a capitalist society.
Those Hong Kong protesters aren't calling for more exploitation and acquisition, are they?

"Capitalists seek to maximize profits and reduce the cost of labor. This sums up capitalism at its core.

"It is defined by these immutable objectives.

"It is not about democracy.

"It is not, as has been claimed, about wealth creation for the working class. It has nothing to do with freedom.

"Those capitalists, especially in corporations, who are not able to increase profits and decrease the cost of labor, through layoffs, cutting wages, destroying unions, offshoring, outsourcing or automating jobs, are replaced.

"Personal ethics are irrelevant.

"Capitalists are about acquisition and exploitation."

The Capitalists Are Afraid
Hilarious how you idiots choose to remain living in a capitalist society.
Hilarious how you idiots choose to remain living in a capitalist society
Patience, my little porker

Trump is having a rope sale.
Some of us believe the flag is being shoved down our throats in spite of all its racist, white supremacist roots.
Please continue pretending the Civil War, the 13th,14th and 15th Amendments and the Civil Rights Act never existed. It makes you seem so reasonable and mature.

Virtually no other developed country mandates public displays of "patriotism" like the USA does.
When was the last time someone forced you to salute or bow down to the flag? Go ahead and include all the details. Take your time, child.
Some of us believe the flag is being shoved down our throats in spite of all its racist, white supremacist roots.
Please continue pretending the Civil War, the 13th,14th and 15th Amendments and the Civil Rights Act never existed. It makes you seem so reasonable and mature.

Virtually no other developed country mandates public displays of "patriotism" like the USA does.
When was the last time someone forced you to salute or bow down to the flag? Go ahead and include all the details. Take your time, child.
Please continue pretending the Civil War, the 13th,14th and 15th Amendments and the Civil Rights Act never existed. It makes you seem so reasonable and mature.
Can you spot any familiar faces?
Can you spot any familiar faces?
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
Can you spot any familiar faces?
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
Your ignorance nearly matches your arrogance, Butch:

Slavery Made America

"...by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."
Can you spot any familiar faces?
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
Your ignorance nearly matches your arrogance, Butch:

Slavery Made America

"...by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."
Slaves were cheap labor. They didn’t make squat.
American ingenuity and ambition made America.
It means they want Trump's help with their protest. That's it.
EXACTLY! They see the US as a beacon of hope. We are a nation that the world looks at as someone who helps other nations fight against tyrants. Our reputation is great!
We have backed tyrants everywhere.
It means they want Trump's help with their protest. That's it.
EXACTLY! They see the US as a beacon of hope. We are a nation that the world looks at as someone who helps other nations fight against tyrants. Our reputation is great!
We have backed tyrants everywhere.
Only within the context of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’.
Can you spot any familiar faces?
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
Your ignorance nearly matches your arrogance, Butch:

Slavery Made America

"...by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."
There is not a nation on earth that didn’t practice the institution of slavery, ignoramus.
Can you spot any familiar faces?
No. Is a small band of miscreants and losers in Charlottesville supposed to define America as it has corrected and
long since moved past the sin of slavery (which was never embraced outside of the deep South) as I documented?

Get a life, Junior. You are a hateful squalid little turd.
He’s just envious that America is the greatest nation in history.

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