What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

The Bible says it's an abomination. True story :)
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

so was adultery but Jesus prevented that.
Jesus welcomed all people no matter who they were.
There are many thing in the OT and NT that we as a society that have changed over the years.
Gays cannot help what they are, it is the way their body responds, how they were born to be. It is not a choice. Many species created by god have homosexuality.
There are far more admonishments against heterosexuals in the bible that of gay
If there is a creator god that has any thought or feeling, it should care for all it's creations, not just a select few.
The Bible says it's an abomination. True story :)
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.
Another fake Indian fail....shocker
The Bible says it's an abomination. True story :)
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

so was adultery but Jesus prevented that.
Jesus welcomed all people no matter who they were.
There are many thing in the OT and NT that we as a society that have changed over the years.
Gays cannot help what they are, it is the way their body responds, how they were born to be. It is not a choice. Many species created by god have homosexuality.
There are far more admonishments against heterosexuals in the bible that of gay
If there is a creator god that has any thought or feeling, it should care for all it's creations, not just a select few.
You don't know it's not a choice.

It may be a psychological disorder or mental illness.

There is no conclusive evidence either way.

In any case this thread is about the bible.

G-D clearly condemns homosexual behavior.
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

so was adultery but Jesus prevented that.
Jesus welcomed all people no matter who they were.
There are many thing in the OT and NT that we as a society that have changed over the years.
Gays cannot help what they are, it is the way their body responds, how they were born to be. It is not a choice. Many species created by god have homosexuality.
There are far more admonishments against heterosexuals in the bible that of gay
If there is a creator god that has any thought or feeling, it should care for all it's creations, not just a select few.
You can care about a person and still know that some behavior that he is doing is a sin and wrong.
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.
LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Men wrote the Bible. Men wrote the Constitution. Therefore, the Constitution trumps the Bible.

Too bad said Constitution doesn't mention homo coupling, no? And I'll bet if you went back in time and asked the Founding Fathers about it they'd look at you like you have worms coming out your ears.
Actually there are laws against sodomy.

Our Constitution trumps state laws.

You started a thread about the Bible, promptly got your teeth kicked in and now you're all over the map. You're tiresome
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.
Men wrote the Bible. Men wrote the Constitution. Therefore, the Constitution trumps the Bible.

Too bad said Constitution doesn't mention homo coupling, no? And I'll bet if you went back in time and asked the Founding Fathers about it they'd look at you like you have worms coming out your ears.
Actually there are laws against sodomy.

Our Constitution trumps state laws.

You started a thread about the Bible, promptly got your teeth kicked in and now you're all over the map. You're tiresome

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.
It must be about as important as government welfare programs.
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
I'm starting to tire of you batting this chick around.

Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.
Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?

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