What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

You should at least know what a verse means before you try to use it to justify your opinion. That particular one has to do with women being subservient to men. Nothing to do with being gay.

In Chapter 11 Paul teaches his thoughts on the relationships that God, man, and women have and the customs of grooming their hair. Even though he teaches the one is over the other, he starts the above mentioned verse with the word, "Nevertheless". In Greek it is the word, "plen" which has the following meanings:

from BibleStudyTools.com
  1. moreover, besides, but, nevertheless
  2. besides, except, but
What Paul is saying is that there are the things I've mentioned but besides that or except that or moreover "neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord."

The verse stands on its own and means exactly what is being said. In the Lord, the man is not without the woman and the woman is not without the man. They are meant to be together. This is why God created man and woman and commanded them in the Old Testament to:

Genesis 1:28
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

A homosexual union cannot fulfill this very early commandment by God.

It was important that man and woman multiply and replenish the earth together. This is why Adam says:

Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

There are verses in both the old and new testament that clearly show that homosexuality is a sin.

Pretending to be knowledgable about scriptures is not going to get you very far. I suggest you actually study them in the whole context of the Bible.

I don't pretend anything. If you contend the old testament laws are still binding, then I suggest you quit being a hypocrite and abide by all of them instead of just picking out the ones you like. I won't bother getting into the many ways Paul's teachings contradict what Jesus said.

Matthew 5:17
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Good for you. I guess that means you don't eat seafood, pork, hamburgers, don't wear cotton blend clothes, cut your hair or shave, and don't touch a woman, even a pat on the head or a peck on the cheek, when it's that time of the month, and are prepared to kill any kids you might have for back talking. I'm impressed.
On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?

He's not saying he's better. He's simply saying don't judge unless you want to be labeled a hypocrite. If you want to play this game with me I'll play, but you've already lost. How? Read the bible.

Maybe you should be taking notes on what he said, because YOU are judging, and YOU are a hypocrite. "I'm right. I don't have to prove I'm right. Just read this. I'm SURE it says I'm right, and I'm MUCH too busy to verify it."

The difference is I've read the Bible and there is no prohibition of judging in it. In fact, we are specifically commanded to judge. We are told to judge righteously.

But they think it's wrong to judge, yet don't have a problem judging people. It's disingenuous and yes even hypocritical.

So you've read the bible. Do you actually think you are the only one around here who has done that? Of course we make judgments every day to determine the choices we will make, whether you will believe what others say and apply it to your own life, or not. Life is a continuous stream of choices, and we need to use good judgment. However, even though we are certainly required to make judgments for our own choices, it's Gods place to decide who is guilty of what sin. He didn't ask for your help, and he certainly doesn't need it.
On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.
Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

Bingo. With Love. Love is the key.
On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

But if walks in to a business and was refused service it becomes a hate crime
On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?

He's not saying he's better. He's simply saying don't judge unless you want to be labeled a hypocrite. If you want to play this game with me I'll play, but you've already lost. How? Read the bible.

Maybe you should be taking notes on what he said, because YOU are judging, and YOU are a hypocrite. "I'm right. I don't have to prove I'm right. Just read this. I'm SURE it says I'm right, and I'm MUCH too busy to verify it."

The difference is I've read the Bible and there is no prohibition of judging in it. In fact, we are specifically commanded to judge. We are told to judge righteously.

But they think it's wrong to judge, yet don't have a problem judging people. It's disingenuous and yes even hypocritical.

They confuse judging the soul with judging the actions. This is why they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
What a wonderful example of providing a response to a question I never asked, and/or a statement I never made.

At this point, I have no clue what conversation you're in or what you're discussing, but it's not this conversation or this topic.

God gives us freedom of choice and God hands down the punishment not man. Who are we to judge gays? 45 pages and finally someone with brains to end it.

Riiiiight. You just throw out a statement about how you think things are, and that's "having brains" and "ending it".

Too bad for you that no one gives a crap how you decide things are, or that the conversation is over.

I can't say I think much of an alleged Christian who really thinks God expects us all to wander around, slack-jawed, saying, "I can't have an opinion. I can't know right from wrong, because that's 'judging', and only God can judge." Mind you, I do know quite a few Christians who think religiosity requires a lack of discernment and critical thinking, so it's not surprising.

So tell me, did your church just not teach the sections about sin and a tree being known by its fruits, discerning good from evil and being in the world but not of it? Or were you just hiding behind the baptismal when they covered those things?

Since I know what the Bible actually means by "judge not", and would therefore never presume to know the state of your soul, I can say that state of your religious education is appalling so far.

I never said you can't point it out for what it is being a sin. However, to use it to try to punish someone or saying it more than once is pushing your religion on another and that goes against the bible, because we are supposed to say it with love and out of love. This is where Christians fall into sin and don't understand what they are doing is hurting and driving others from Christianity rather than bringing them closer to Christ. You say it once then drop it. Ever hear about the part in the bible about planting a seed?

Now Churches can repeat things because that's why their member go there.

No, hypocrite, you just decided that anyone who objects to it because it's a sin is "trying to punish someone and pushing religion on others" and can't possibly be saying it out of love. And where, precisely, did your vaunted church - which is clearly not worth the paper its hymnals are printed on, if it really taught you this dreck passing for Christianity - find the whole "say it once, and then never again" doctrine? Which book and verse was that, the "one and done" witnessing?

Planting a seed? Really? You must not garden, if you think you grow a plant by dropping a seed in the dirt, then walking away and leaving it to itself. Know what that gets you, Old MacDonald? A dead seed. Unless what you planted was a weed, which jibes nicely with the dandelion fluff you're trying to pass off.

I'm going to connect you and Avatar4321 in 1 response, because that is all that I will need.

Saves me time by letting me ignore it from the get-go.
Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

But if walks in to a business and was refused service it becomes a hate crime

Call it whatever you want. Doesn't make it anything I have to respect or take seriously.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Well, I guess that would be true, if the Left-Think belief that people are interchangeable blocks to be stuffed in the pigeonholes of Group Identity Politics so beloved by all mindless bigots.

Unfortunately for you and all your brethren, that ain't true. So when you're ready to ASK me what I believe, instead of TELLING me what I believe based on the faceless group you've decided to assign me to to facilitate your prejudice and hatred and self-congratulation, you just let me know.

Until then, I want to thank you for so clearly informing me that you have less to say than even I previously thought you did, and are less deserving of respect and acknowledgement than even I thought you were.

As with all bigots, you are now dismissed.

OK.....I'm politely asking you how or why your homophobic rants are any different from all the other homophobic rants that are so common here. I really want to know what differentiates you from all the other nuts. As far as dismissing me, how you gonna do that when you have nothing to do with my choice to be here?
Do you have some sort of dismissing super power that I haven't heard about?
Heh, she's probably splashing holy water on her monitor while chanting "the power of Christ compels you". What a ditz. Replies a hundred times to everyone screaming that she doesn't care what anybody else thinks. Fine, if you don't care then go read elsewhere and STFU.
Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Well, I guess that would be true, if the Left-Think belief that people are interchangeable blocks to be stuffed in the pigeonholes of Group Identity Politics so beloved by all mindless bigots.

Unfortunately for you and all your brethren, that ain't true. So when you're ready to ASK me what I believe, instead of TELLING me what I believe based on the faceless group you've decided to assign me to to facilitate your prejudice and hatred and self-congratulation, you just let me know.

Until then, I want to thank you for so clearly informing me that you have less to say than even I previously thought you did, and are less deserving of respect and acknowledgement than even I thought you were.

As with all bigots, you are now dismissed.

OK.....I'm politely asking you how or why your homophobic rants are any different from all the other homophobic rants that are so common here. I really want to know what differentiates you from all the other nuts. As far as dismissing me, how you gonna do that when you have nothing to do with my choice to be here?
Do you have some sort of dismissing super power that I haven't heard about?
Heh, she's probably splashing holy water on her monitor while chanting "the power of Christ compels you". What a ditz. Replies a hundred times to everyone screaming that she doesn't care what anybody else thinks. Fine, if you don't care then go read elsewhere and STFU.

Now I've got the image of her throwing water on her computer, and I've been giggling like a little girl for the last few minutes. Funny how something so absurd occasionally hits the right spot so perfectly . Thanks
Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

No one is advocating for any laws by saying the Bible says sodomy is sinful.
So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

No one is advocating for any laws by saying the Bible says sodomy is sinful.

You , nor anybody else on the right has been able to produce any substantial justification for their opposition to gay rights other than their personal religious beliefs that it is sinful. .
When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

No one is advocating for any laws by saying the Bible says sodomy is sinful.

You , nor anybody else on the right has been able to produce any substantial justification for their opposition to gay rights other than their personal religious beliefs that it is sinful. .

Ok, I'm getting irritated. Too much repetitive information. Anybody that doesn't agree with this is a fing moron. Have a great day!
God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

No one is advocating for any laws by saying the Bible says sodomy is sinful.

You , nor anybody else on the right has been able to produce any substantial justification for their opposition to gay rights other than their personal religious beliefs that it is sinful. .

Ok, I'm getting irritated. Too much repetitive information. Anybody that doesn't agree with this is a fing moron. Have a great day!

Yup. Typical.
So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.

God explained it in genises. He gave Adam and eve free will to chose to sin. Same should be expected of a church.

How is stating that choices are wrong depriving anyone of free will?

I say Obama is wrong constantly. He still has the free will to do stupid things.

You have the right to say anything you want. When you start advocating laws that restrict others equal rights, you've gone too far.

No one is advocating for any laws by saying the Bible says sodomy is sinful.
Is not sin a transgression of God's law?
It is alleged that Jesus might have spoken out about Homosexuality because that was God's position, He affirmed the Word of God (Matthew 4:4), and He claimed to be God which meant that His position was His Father which was God. I could give you more examples that are a given but I don't want to take up too much of your time.

Matthew 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.


1.a member, limb: a member of the human body

1.of bodies given up to criminal intercourse, because they are as it were members belonging to the harlot's body


1 Corinthians 6:15 (2nd part), of one who practices fornication.

-Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words

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