What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Maybe people who hate gays would rather get their own hands dirty and burn, crucify, hang, behead, stone or throw gays off the top of buildings like ISIS? See how fast they go to hell for their actions after that?
Or perhaps force gays to have sex change operations against their will like Iran?

Why can't people be allowed to love who they desire? Why is love such a crime? Should all love be a crime and sex in arranged marriage with no passion or affection be the only acceptable form?

The only 'queers' are those who can't see gays or another other group of people as just people, but must find fulfillment in demonizing others so they can make themselves feel less sinful in their own actions.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Well, I guess that would be true, if the Left-Think belief that people are interchangeable blocks to be stuffed in the pigeonholes of Group Identity Politics so beloved by all mindless bigots.

Unfortunately for you and all your brethren, that ain't true. So when you're ready to ASK me what I believe, instead of TELLING me what I believe based on the faceless group you've decided to assign me to to facilitate your prejudice and hatred and self-congratulation, you just let me know.

Until then, I want to thank you for so clearly informing me that you have less to say than even I previously thought you did, and are less deserving of respect and acknowledgement than even I thought you were.

As with all bigots, you are now dismissed.
Amazing that so many 'christians' are ready to throw gays under the bus but the church has, till now, given pedophile and sexually deviant priests protection.
About time the church wakes up, it is long over due. Nice also to see gays welcomed to the church and not damned.
Priests can be married again and time for women to be the leaders of services not subservient. That was the way with Jesus and the early christian movement.

Presumably, the whole purpose of Jesus' death was to absolve all people of sin without exception. The idea of an eternal hell in the NT is a mistranslation from the greek. The fires at the end of times are to purify, not to punish. Even Jesus decent into death was to raise the souls up to god, not to leave them in shul or in the dark forever.

Why are people who claim to be christian feel they have the right to judge or condemn others that don't think or act as they do, or say they should?

A god should not be the private domain of any particular church or faith. It should be there for anyone to find in their own way.

How would heterosexuals feel if they always told they were the ones to be condemned to hell by their god because of who they loved? What of treating others the way you would like to be treated? Tolerance? Acceptance? Treating each other was equals in the eyes of god?

Oh, look, more empty speechifying about "this is what I just KNOW other people believe, no one in particular, just 'people'".

Let's get even further down to brass tacks than just my repeated pointing out of your breathtaking self-righteousness and hypocrisy, Chuckles. Please produce a list of names of people on this message board who have "condemned gays to hell". Make sure you include direct quotes thereof.

Next, please provide me a list of names of every pedophile and sexually deviant priest my church has ever given protection of any kind to.

Third, please provide me with a list of names of homosexuals who have been "damned" by my church.

If your post contains one paragraph that is blank speechifying about what people should and should not believe, in direct contradiction to your stated belief that people should worry about their own souls and leave others alone, you lose and will be summarily ignored with all the other fools, bigots, and poltroons who have been forced to surrender by the sheer weight of their own ignorance.

Aaaaanndd . . . GO!
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Maybe people who hate gays would rather get their own hands dirty and burn, crucify, hang, behead, stone or throw gays off the top of buildings like ISIS? See how fast they go to hell for their actions after that?
Or perhaps force gays to have sex change operations against their will like Iran?

Why can't people be allowed to love who they desire? Why is love such a crime? Should all love be a crime and sex in arranged marriage with no passion or affection be the only acceptable form?

The only 'queers' are those who can't see gays or another other group of people as just people, but must find fulfillment in demonizing others so they can make themselves feel less sinful in their own actions.

Are you even talking to anyone but yourself at this point, dimwit?
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.

Actually--you did ask something. The question: "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

If you were going to make that a statement, you would say something like: You don't have any sense of morality at all.

Sprouting Garbage? The OT does command to homosexuals as well as fornicators, adulters and so on.

However, we do not--mainly we have determined that is brutal and wrong.

Now Christians may claim they learned this from Jesus, but Jews don't either and they don't follow Jesus. So there is more to a sense of morality than what is found in a book.

Maybe I should stop here. Its apparent this thread has agitated you and you are lashing out while telling yourself you don't care.
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.

Actually--you did ask something. The question: "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

If you were going to make that a statement, you would say something like: You don't have any sense of morality at all.

Sprouting Garbage? The OT does command to homosexuals as well as fornicators, adulters and so on.

However, we do not--mainly we have determined that is brutal and wrong.

Now Christians may claim they learned this from Jesus, but Jews don't either and they don't follow Jesus. So there is more to a sense of morality than what is found in a book.

Maybe I should stop here. Its apparent this thread has agitated you and you are lashing out while telling yourself you don't care.

Is English not your first language? Or were you just so excited to think someone was paying attention to you that you skipped the next line: No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

As in, it's NOT my question, because you don't matter.

Aww, sucks to be you.

But hey, keep bloviating about what you believe in the hopes someone will care. I get a good laugh out of your pathos . . . right before I scroll past your unread post.
1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

You should at least know what a verse means before you try to use it to justify your opinion. That particular one has to do with women being subservient to men. Nothing to do with being gay.

In Chapter 11 Paul teaches his thoughts on the relationships that God, man, and women have and the customs of grooming their hair. Even though he teaches the one is over the other, he starts the above mentioned verse with the word, "Nevertheless". In Greek it is the word, "plen" which has the following meanings:

from BibleStudyTools.com
  1. moreover, besides, but, nevertheless
  2. besides, except, but
What Paul is saying is that there are the things I've mentioned but besides that or except that or moreover "neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord."

The verse stands on its own and means exactly what is being said. In the Lord, the man is not without the woman and the woman is not without the man. They are meant to be together. This is why God created man and woman and commanded them in the Old Testament to:

Genesis 1:28
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

A homosexual union cannot fulfill this very early commandment by God.

It was important that man and woman multiply and replenish the earth together. This is why Adam says:

Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

There are verses in both the old and new testament that clearly show that homosexuality is a sin.

Pretending to be knowledgable about scriptures is not going to get you very far. I suggest you actually study them in the whole context of the Bible.
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.

Actually--you did ask something. The question: "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

If you were going to make that a statement, you would say something like: You don't have any sense of morality at all.

Sprouting Garbage? The OT does command to homosexuals as well as fornicators, adulters and so on.

However, we do not--mainly we have determined that is brutal and wrong.

Now Christians may claim they learned this from Jesus, but Jews don't either and they don't follow Jesus. So there is more to a sense of morality than what is found in a book.

Maybe I should stop here. Its apparent this thread has agitated you and you are lashing out while telling yourself you don't care.

Is English not your first language? Or were you just so excited to think someone was paying attention to you that you skipped the next line: No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

As in, it's NOT my question, because you don't matter.

Aww, sucks to be you.

But hey, keep bloviating about what you believe in the hopes someone will care. I get a good laugh out of your pathos . . . right before I scroll past your unread post.

If you don't care you would not respond to my post

Kind of like I do not care about topics in Asia--So I do not write post under the Asia topic.

You do see what you are doing here. You are lashing out and then saying you don't have a reason to lash out.

If the topic and comments in this thread are that emotional to you, then maybe you should stop reading it. You are so angry right now, that the only thing getting across to anyone is that you want this topic to end.
1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

You should at least know what a verse means before you try to use it to justify your opinion. That particular one has to do with women being subservient to men. Nothing to do with being gay.

In Chapter 11 Paul teaches his thoughts on the relationships that God, man, and women have and the customs of grooming their hair. Even though he teaches the one is over the other, he starts the above mentioned verse with the word, "Nevertheless". In Greek it is the word, "plen" which has the following meanings:

from BibleStudyTools.com
  1. moreover, besides, but, nevertheless
  2. besides, except, but
What Paul is saying is that there are the things I've mentioned but besides that or except that or moreover "neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord."

The verse stands on its own and means exactly what is being said. In the Lord, the man is not without the woman and the woman is not without the man. They are meant to be together. This is why God created man and woman and commanded them in the Old Testament to:

Genesis 1:28
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

A homosexual union cannot fulfill this very early commandment by God.

It was important that man and woman multiply and replenish the earth together. This is why Adam says:

Genesis 2:24
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

There are verses in both the old and new testament that clearly show that homosexuality is a sin.

Pretending to be knowledgable about scriptures is not going to get you very far. I suggest you actually study them in the whole context of the Bible.

Hey onefour1, I have a question

Now I know homosexuality is considered a sin in the Bible--telling me that is redundant for me.

Now the question is simply--If you knew someone was a homosexual, what would you do?
Let them know that God loves them and wants them to repent and keep his commandments.

In short--you would not stone a homosexual--nor perform some act of violence against them. I am assuming doing any of those things never cross your mind.

This leads to the second question--We know homosexuality is a sin--should we make it a crime?
Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.

Actually--you did ask something. The question: "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

If you were going to make that a statement, you would say something like: You don't have any sense of morality at all.

Sprouting Garbage? The OT does command to homosexuals as well as fornicators, adulters and so on.

However, we do not--mainly we have determined that is brutal and wrong.

Now Christians may claim they learned this from Jesus, but Jews don't either and they don't follow Jesus. So there is more to a sense of morality than what is found in a book.

Maybe I should stop here. Its apparent this thread has agitated you and you are lashing out while telling yourself you don't care.

Is English not your first language? Or were you just so excited to think someone was paying attention to you that you skipped the next line: No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

As in, it's NOT my question, because you don't matter.

Aww, sucks to be you.

But hey, keep bloviating about what you believe in the hopes someone will care. I get a good laugh out of your pathos . . . right before I scroll past your unread post.

If you don't care you would not respond to my post

Kind of like I do not care about topics in Asia--So I do not write post under the Asia topic.

You do see what you are doing here. You are lashing out and then saying you don't have a reason to lash out.

If the topic and comments in this thread are that emotional to you, then maybe you should stop reading it. You are so angry right now, that the only thing getting across to anyone is that you want this topic to end.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. If believing that someone posting contempt for you on a message board means they care, you just go on with your bad self.
If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

I didn't SUGGEST anything; I said it outright.

And in case you didn't notice, I didn't ask anything, because I realized that I don't give a shit. You're a halfwit, which is really all the info I need on why you spout the garbage you do.

Actually--you did ask something. The question: "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

If you were going to make that a statement, you would say something like: You don't have any sense of morality at all.

Sprouting Garbage? The OT does command to homosexuals as well as fornicators, adulters and so on.

However, we do not--mainly we have determined that is brutal and wrong.

Now Christians may claim they learned this from Jesus, but Jews don't either and they don't follow Jesus. So there is more to a sense of morality than what is found in a book.

Maybe I should stop here. Its apparent this thread has agitated you and you are lashing out while telling yourself you don't care.

Is English not your first language? Or were you just so excited to think someone was paying attention to you that you skipped the next line: No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

As in, it's NOT my question, because you don't matter.

Aww, sucks to be you.

But hey, keep bloviating about what you believe in the hopes someone will care. I get a good laugh out of your pathos . . . right before I scroll past your unread post.

If you don't care you would not respond to my post

Kind of like I do not care about topics in Asia--So I do not write post under the Asia topic.

You do see what you are doing here. You are lashing out and then saying you don't have a reason to lash out.

If the topic and comments in this thread are that emotional to you, then maybe you should stop reading it. You are so angry right now, that the only thing getting across to anyone is that you want this topic to end.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. If believing that someone posting contempt for you on a message board means they care, you just go on with your bad self.
I did not say you cared about me. I am just a target for your anger, that is what I think.

I do assume you(or someone you care about) are a gay christian. That you are upset with the level of ignorance we heteros have in terms of homosexuality and religion.

Why else would you attack me for stating the OT commands the stoning of homosexuals?

Come to think about it--I have not attacked you, now have I?
Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?

He's not saying he's better. He's simply saying don't judge unless you want to be labeled a hypocrite. If you want to play this game with me I'll play, but you've already lost. How? Read the bible.

Maybe you should be taking notes on what he said, because YOU are judging, and YOU are a hypocrite. "I'm right. I don't have to prove I'm right. Just read this. I'm SURE it says I'm right, and I'm MUCH too busy to verify it."

I'm in no way judging. I'm saying leave the judging up to God. Nice try buddy. ;)
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.
On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?

He's not saying he's better. He's simply saying don't judge unless you want to be labeled a hypocrite. If you want to play this game with me I'll play, but you've already lost. How? Read the bible.

Maybe you should be taking notes on what he said, because YOU are judging, and YOU are a hypocrite. "I'm right. I don't have to prove I'm right. Just read this. I'm SURE it says I'm right, and I'm MUCH too busy to verify it."

I'm in no way judging. I'm saying leave the judging up to God. Nice try buddy. ;)

I'm not your buddy, freak.

Out of a random surge of generosity, I am providing you with two examples of your "non-judgementalism". You're welcome. Don't get used to it.

No he'd be pissed and tell them that they are sinning and they'd be on there knees BEGGING for FORGIVENESS. Hey, someones got to speak the truth on here. I'm always the bad guy with brains.

Sometimes bulldog I intentionally lower my IQ to retarded level to fit in when the news isn't worthy of attention. Which has been the case for 6 + months since I quit watching it. The weather is pretty interesting, though.

Yeah, nothing "judge-y" about you.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".

So I'm bad by letting people commit sin and live their lives, but also explain 1 time with zero pressure Gods love that is explained in the bible? You know EVERY church is supposed to give you this freedom, right? If they don't they are not following Gods word.

When did I say you were bad? I said you were wrong, in the sense that you present your beliefs as the "one true way" all Christians should view things. Explain what you believe all you like, as long as you understand that I didn't ask and I don't care. But at the point where you start trying to redefine ALL Christianity to conform to your perceptions, we have a problem.

The truth of the matter is that Christianity defines homosexual behavior as sinful. Agree with it or don't agree with it as you please. But understand that it's still true, regardless.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Well, I guess that would be true, if the Left-Think belief that people are interchangeable blocks to be stuffed in the pigeonholes of Group Identity Politics so beloved by all mindless bigots.

Unfortunately for you and all your brethren, that ain't true. So when you're ready to ASK me what I believe, instead of TELLING me what I believe based on the faceless group you've decided to assign me to to facilitate your prejudice and hatred and self-congratulation, you just let me know.

Until then, I want to thank you for so clearly informing me that you have less to say than even I previously thought you did, and are less deserving of respect and acknowledgement than even I thought you were.

As with all bigots, you are now dismissed.

OK.....I'm politely asking you how or why your homophobic rants are any different from all the other homophobic rants that are so common here. I really want to know what differentiates you from all the other nuts. As far as dismissing me, how you gonna do that when you have nothing to do with my choice to be here?
Do you have some sort of dismissing super power that I haven't heard about?
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.

Maybe people who hate gays would rather get their own hands dirty and burn, crucify, hang, behead, stone or throw gays off the top of buildings like ISIS? See how fast they go to hell for their actions after that?
Or perhaps force gays to have sex change operations against their will like Iran?

Why can't people be allowed to love who they desire? Why is love such a crime? Should all love be a crime and sex in arranged marriage with no passion or affection be the only acceptable form?

The only 'queers' are those who can't see gays or another other group of people as just people, but must find fulfillment in demonizing others so they can make themselves feel less sinful in their own actions.

Are you even talking to anyone but yourself at this point, dimwit?

Don't worry about it. I thought you were dismissed.

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