What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

Hey, I thought this was about what the Bible says about Queers.

I thought the Bible wanted Queers lynched or stoned because Queerness is queer to God.

Eating cheeseburgers(Or a philly cheese steak) demands stoning??
God hates Fast Food!

Usuary is a sin as well?? God hates Banks

Wearing two(or more) different fabric damned? God hate women fashion

Lying a sin? God hates politicians

Fornication also--God hates Horny Teenagers

The more I think about it, the more I realize--God hates us for our freedoms. Maybe God is Allah?

I thought nobody cared what you thought.

Unlike you, I was correct.
After I read that the Bible support/love gays, I knew the op was out on planet 9.

Hey, if your religion is condemning you for something you have no control over then either

i)change religion
ii)get professional help

Deluding yourself when the truth is beating the crap out of you will only hurt you.

Likewise, if someone else's religion is saying something that you disagree with, you can either:

1) Don't join that religion
2) Don't join that religion.

Notice that neither of those choices involves you changing other people's religions to suit yourself.
I'm sorry. I didn't bring up Jews. You did. We are talking Christianity, not Jewdism.

and what Jesus taught and believed. Jesus was not a christian, he was a jew

Until he died on the cross and after his death he told his disciples to teach what is known as the NEW testament. Something Jews completely disregard as EVER happening.

NT was not written for another hundred plus years.

Jesus sent them to teach what he taught, what they knew, Judaism and god's love.

Bible codex only had four of gospels out around 250 that once existed. Some have come to light from nag hammadi and other place in egypt and Israel. NT as we know it did not exist till 400 years after Jesus death.

Look in the bible and ready the Jesus parible of the sinful woman in the Jewish high priests house. They were known as the Pharisees. This NEW teaching shocked even the Jewish leaders for how NEW it was. This has become to be known as the NEW testament. It went completely against Jewish teachings is lots of ways. Jesus was and is the messiah.

Pharisees literal purists. The ultra orthodox of their day.

Jesus was more figurative and flexible with his teachings. Jesus taught god was accessible to all.

Christians when they eventually split with judaism, came to believe god was only accessible through Jesus.

Luke was not an apostle of Jesus, he was a gentile traveling companion of Paul. Luke never met Jesus. You don't find it odd for him to be attributed with a gospel about Jesus life? In legal terms it would be called hearsay

God IS accessible to all. This does not mean He's suddenly decided that He's going to accept and endorse everyone's behavior.

I don't know if you are incapable of understanding Christianity, or incapable of WANTING to understand it. Mind you, I really don't CARE which it is, either. But you seem to very much want me to hear what you think regardless.
and what Jesus taught and believed. Jesus was not a christian, he was a jew

Until he died on the cross and after his death he told his disciples to teach what is known as the NEW testament. Something Jews completely disregard as EVER happening.

NT was not written for another hundred plus years.

Jesus sent them to teach what he taught, what they knew, Judaism and god's love.

Bible codex only had four of gospels out around 250 that once existed. Some have come to light from nag hammadi and other place in egypt and Israel. NT as we know it did not exist till 400 years after Jesus death.

Look in the bible and ready the Jesus parible of the sinful woman in the Jewish high priests house. They were known as the Pharisees. This NEW teaching shocked even the Jewish leaders for how NEW it was. This has become to be known as the NEW testament. It went completely against Jewish teachings is lots of ways. Jesus was and is the messiah.

Pharisees literal purists. The ultra orthodox of their day.

Jesus was more figurative and flexible with his teachings. Jesus taught god was accessible to all.

Christians when they eventually split with judaism, came to believe god was only accessible through Jesus.

Luke was not an apostle of Jesus, he was a gentile traveling companion of Paul. Luke never met Jesus. You don't find it odd for him to be attributed with a gospel about Jesus life? In legal terms it would be called hearsay

We are all disciples of Christ. I don't find it odd at all. People hear things and people forget to say things. Happens all the time. Jesus is God. Through Jesus you get to heaven. The dead before Jesus's death rose after his death and were judged by him that is God.

Now you see the need for the New testament and why Christians believe Jesus to be the messiah and Gods son on earth.

So Luke might have been wrong. NT is not absolute or the word of god? Jesus was not god till a Constantine. Bishops were divided on the subject and even came to blows. Jesus was not divine among all christians, son or god.

NT was cherry picked and edited to support the roman agenda, rejecting the vast majority of christian writing available at the time. This also gave rise to attacks on other christian for heresy. You might even say Roman christianity was the ISIS of it's time. Not a pretty or peaceful picture for a religion that taught love and forgiveness of thy fellow man.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

Shockingly, stating "I'm a Christian for X years" does not in any way qualify you to rewrite other people's beliefs any more than anyone else. If you're truly a Christian - or even a thinking person - you know this.

Your church teaches whatever it teaches. You chose voluntarily to attend that church. Go on with your bad self. But understand that THAT'S YOU. I am in no way required to agree with you or your church. And I could not be less interested in your personal interpretation of "the one true faith".
Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

No he'd be pissed and tell them that they are sinning and they'd be on there knees BEGGING for FORGIVENESS. Hey, someones got to speak the truth on here. I'm always the bad guy with brains.

I've read a lot of our posts. You might want to rethink that always claim.

Sometimes bulldog I intentionally lower my IQ to retarded level to fit in when the news isn't worthy of attention. Which has been the case for 6 + months since I quit watching it. The weather is pretty interesting, though.

You might want to rethink your belief that that lowered level is voluntary on your part. :eusa_whistle:
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

Christianity has no problem withstanding the freedom of people to determine for themselves what to believe and what God wants from them. What it can't withstand is fools thinking they must "standardize" beliefs forcibly across the board.
Until he died on the cross and after his death he told his disciples to teach what is known as the NEW testament. Something Jews completely disregard as EVER happening.

NT was not written for another hundred plus years.

Jesus sent them to teach what he taught, what they knew, Judaism and god's love.

Bible codex only had four of gospels out around 250 that once existed. Some have come to light from nag hammadi and other place in egypt and Israel. NT as we know it did not exist till 400 years after Jesus death.

Look in the bible and ready the Jesus parible of the sinful woman in the Jewish high priests house. They were known as the Pharisees. This NEW teaching shocked even the Jewish leaders for how NEW it was. This has become to be known as the NEW testament. It went completely against Jewish teachings is lots of ways. Jesus was and is the messiah.

Pharisees literal purists. The ultra orthodox of their day.

Jesus was more figurative and flexible with his teachings. Jesus taught god was accessible to all.

Christians when they eventually split with judaism, came to believe god was only accessible through Jesus.

Luke was not an apostle of Jesus, he was a gentile traveling companion of Paul. Luke never met Jesus. You don't find it odd for him to be attributed with a gospel about Jesus life? In legal terms it would be called hearsay

We are all disciples of Christ. I don't find it odd at all. People hear things and people forget to say things. Happens all the time. Jesus is God. Through Jesus you get to heaven. The dead before Jesus's death rose after his death and were judged by him that is God.

Now you see the need for the New testament and why Christians believe Jesus to be the messiah and Gods son on earth.

So Luke might have been wrong. NT is not absolute or the word of god? Jesus was not god till a Constantine. Bishops were divided on the subject and even came to blows. Jesus was not divine among all christians, son or god.

NT was cherry picked and edited to support the roman agenda, rejecting the vast majority of christian writing available at the time. This also gave rise to attacks on other christian for heresy. You might even say Roman christianity was the ISIS of it's time. Not a pretty or peaceful picture for a religion that taught love and forgiveness of thy fellow man.

You know, I think you should definitely believe the NT is bullshit, if that's your little red wagon. But at the risk of sounding like a broken record, no one has asked you whether or not others should cut the NT out of THEIR beliefs, and no one is GOING to ask you that, because no one gives a damn how you think Christian doctrine should be rewritten.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?

He's not saying he's better. He's simply saying don't judge unless you want to be labeled a hypocrite. If you want to play this game with me I'll play, but you've already lost. How? Read the bible.

Maybe you should be taking notes on what he said, because YOU are judging, and YOU are a hypocrite. "I'm right. I don't have to prove I'm right. Just read this. I'm SURE it says I'm right, and I'm MUCH too busy to verify it."
I've read a lot of our posts. You might want to rethink that always claim.

Sometimes bulldog I intentionally lower my IQ to retarded level to fit in when the news isn't worthy of attention. Which has been the case for 6 + months since I quit watching it. The weather is pretty interesting, though.

Just a silly good natured poke. Interesting weather? I might soon have proof positive of evolution. I think I'm developing webbed feet.

Somehow Mathew is going to find your post and turn this thread into a global warming initiative.

Either that or Kosh will call everybody a far left drone.

I put them in ignore months ago. Try it. Makes this place very intelligent.

Yes, fools always think the world sounds more intelligent when their own opinions echoing back are all they can hear.
1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

More Paul

At no time is anyone required to tailor their statements about what Christianity teaches to suit your perception of what Christianity OUGHT to teach. You believe Paul should be ignored. That's YOUR hangup, not ours. Paul is still an official part of all major Christian doctrines, whether you approve or not.
and what Jesus taught and believed. Jesus was not a christian, he was a jew

Until he died on the cross and after his death he told his disciples to teach what is known as the NEW testament. Something Jews completely disregard as EVER happening.

NT was not written for another hundred plus years.

Jesus sent them to teach what he taught, what they knew, Judaism and god's love.

Bible codex only had four of gospels out around 250 that once existed. Some have come to light from nag hammadi and other place in egypt and Israel. NT as we know it did not exist till 400 years after Jesus death.

Look in the bible and ready the Jesus parible of the sinful woman in the Jewish high priests house. They were known as the Pharisees. This NEW teaching shocked even the Jewish leaders for how NEW it was. This has become to be known as the NEW testament. It went completely against Jewish teachings is lots of ways. Jesus was and is the messiah.

Pharisees literal purists. The ultra orthodox of their day.

Jesus was more figurative and flexible with his teachings. Jesus taught god was accessible to all.

Christians when they eventually split with judaism, came to believe god was only accessible through Jesus.

Luke was not an apostle of Jesus, he was a gentile traveling companion of Paul. Luke never met Jesus. You don't find it odd for him to be attributed with a gospel about Jesus life? In legal terms it would be called hearsay

God IS accessible to all. This does not mean He's suddenly decided that He's going to accept and endorse everyone's behavior.

I don't know if you are incapable of understanding Christianity, or incapable of WANTING to understand it. Mind you, I really don't CARE which it is, either. But you seem to very much want me to hear what you think regardless.

I spent many years studying christianity. I don't believe in the fear mongering and hell fires that most christians are threatened with.
I prefer to think that if there is a god, he is a friend and companion through life, not judgmental or vengeful. I also believe there are many paths and they don't all have to go through Jesus as a god. I've seen so many faiths and beliefs in the world and can't imaging a creator rejecting most of the world's population and favor only those of a single religion or denomination, or only those who have never 'sinned'.
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?
Well, that's certainly your unsolicited and uninteresting opinion.
Until he died on the cross and after his death he told his disciples to teach what is known as the NEW testament. Something Jews completely disregard as EVER happening.

NT was not written for another hundred plus years.

Jesus sent them to teach what he taught, what they knew, Judaism and god's love.

Bible codex only had four of gospels out around 250 that once existed. Some have come to light from nag hammadi and other place in egypt and Israel. NT as we know it did not exist till 400 years after Jesus death.

Look in the bible and ready the Jesus parible of the sinful woman in the Jewish high priests house. They were known as the Pharisees. This NEW teaching shocked even the Jewish leaders for how NEW it was. This has become to be known as the NEW testament. It went completely against Jewish teachings is lots of ways. Jesus was and is the messiah.

Pharisees literal purists. The ultra orthodox of their day.

Jesus was more figurative and flexible with his teachings. Jesus taught god was accessible to all.

Christians when they eventually split with judaism, came to believe god was only accessible through Jesus.

Luke was not an apostle of Jesus, he was a gentile traveling companion of Paul. Luke never met Jesus. You don't find it odd for him to be attributed with a gospel about Jesus life? In legal terms it would be called hearsay

God IS accessible to all. This does not mean He's suddenly decided that He's going to accept and endorse everyone's behavior.

I don't know if you are incapable of understanding Christianity, or incapable of WANTING to understand it. Mind you, I really don't CARE which it is, either. But you seem to very much want me to hear what you think regardless.

I spent many years studying christianity. I don't believe in the fear mongering and hell fires that most christians are threatened with.
I prefer to think that if there is a god, he is a friend and companion through life, not judgmental or vengeful. I also believe there are many paths and they don't all have to go through Jesus as a god. I've seen so many faiths and beliefs in the world and can't imaging a creator rejecting most of the world's population and favor only those of a single religion or denomination, or only those who have never 'sinned'.

Let me tell you what I just read:

"I spent many years studying Christianity. I don't believe any of it. I prefer to believe something else. I have therefore decided that Christians are wrong, and should rewrite Christianity to suit my preferred beliefs."

Let me tell you what I think about that:

Nothing. Because I don't give a rat's ass what you think, believe, or prefer. I didn't give a rat's ass before you posted this, I don't give one now, and I will not give one in the future. You, your thoughts, your "study", and your opinions are nothing whatsoever to me or my beliefs. This will never change.

Take notes so I don't have to repeat myself.
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

I must have missed the point where any of you QUESTIONED us, in the morass of people LECTURING us, both about what they think we believe, and what they think we ought to believe.

If you have questions about what people believe, by all means, trot them right on out.

If you want to tell me what you think I believe, I don't care. If you want to tell me what you think I should believe, I REALLY don't care.

What you believe is pretty obvious. It's demonstrated in the issues the right constantly advocate.
Amazing that so many 'christians' are ready to throw gays under the bus but the church has, till now, given pedophile and sexually deviant priests protection.
About time the church wakes up, it is long over due. Nice also to see gays welcomed to the church and not damned.
Priests can be married again and time for women to be the leaders of services not subservient. That was the way with Jesus and the early christian movement.

Presumably, the whole purpose of Jesus' death was to absolve all people of sin without exception. The idea of an eternal hell in the NT is a mistranslation from the greek. The fires at the end of times are to purify, not to punish. Even Jesus decent into death was to raise the souls up to god, not to leave them in shul or in the dark forever.

Why are people who claim to be christian feel they have the right to judge or condemn others that don't think or act as they do, or say they should?

A god should not be the private domain of any particular church or faith. It should be there for anyone to find in their own way.

How would heterosexuals feel if they always told they were the ones to be condemned to hell by their god because of who they loved? What of treating others the way you would like to be treated? Tolerance? Acceptance? Treating each other was equals in the eyes of god?
Any way--the title is
"What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?"

and the OT explicitly tell us to stone them.

Now, you can pull out your Jesus teachings on how to deal with sinners and express revulsion at killing homosexuals for being homosexuals, but the OT command you to stone them.

Now that you have thought about it--ask yourself this question

Where does your sense of morality come from?

Now that I have thought about it, my question is actually, "Why don't you have any sense of morality at all?"

No, wait, it's not, because I don't care.

If you are suggesting that I don't have a sense of morality and asking why I don't--the answer is I do have a sense of morality. Why would you assume I don't

If you are asking as you as in "anyone", then I will say that most(not all) people tend to develop it as they look for ways to deal with others in a way they find meaningful.

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