What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Sorry, but I can't imagine what it must be like having such a bleak and sad outlook on life. Life must have been very unkind to you to strip you of all your faith in mankind and joy. Either that, or you're just nuts.

Nope. I believe in my fellow man. Always have. I'm a HUGE believer in the human spirit. I have NO faith in governments. I worked for ours for many years. I KNOW what liars and thieves they are. THEY will be responsible for what is coming and no one else.

Hell, the warning signs have been as obvious as they were in 1929 or even 2007. Yet, we are doing the EXACT same things that nearly ruined us before. In other words - "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". Only this time - it will be much worse.

Our phony paper money, backed by nothing, will finally destroy this country along with the hope for recovery. Don't take my word for it - sit back and watch. It's coming. Just as sure as that ice berg that sank the Titanic. But don't worry. I'm nuts, right?

just returned a few weeks ago where I attended an Alumni association meeting with old colleagues. The reports we listened to, concerning Geo-Political conditions in the world told me all I needed to hear. But don't gelieve me, I'm nuts. We'll see I suppose. Good luck to you.

Even though we disagree on almost everything, I'm happy to say that we at least agree on one thing. We both think you are nuts.
Nothing wrong with being prepared. Even if nothing dire happens like WW3 or an economic collapse, natural disasters happen frequently as do temporary outages. It's nice to have provisions handy.

On the gulf coast, being prepared for a hurricane is smart. Preparing for a Mad Max type apocalypse is still crazy.
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

You also deserved death for not being circumcised, or eating a cheese burger ( any food that mixes meat and dairy). I'm guessing you prefer to ignore that part of the bible though.

>or eating a cheese burger<

That is a lot of people that are sinners

What of people that wear different fabrics?

Are we allowed to sell our daughters into slavery?

What about planting crops? How many of us have back yard vegetable gardens of fruit trees?

Working on the sabbath? What of those to post or play games on the computer?

We don't burn people alive of stone them in the town square. We don't publicly flog people (well, some do with their tongues).

All sins, some sins, is there a scale? Why are we supposed to judge instead of god? Are we to take god's responsibility upon ourselves? What need of god then?

This attack against gays is just so much BS to try and justify the sin of hating others. Go burn yourselves and leave gays alone. All they want to do is find the person they want to love and share their lives with, just like the rest of us.

We're TRYING to leave them alone. But it appears what they REALLY want to do is seek out people who disagree with them and then throw a big, drama queen hissy fit about it.

Under the law they have a right to be treated as an equal. When they are not, because of hate, they have a right to legal recourse.
If they had just been treated as equal by the business owners, there would have been no problem.

Denying them their rights is the crime. Hating them is the sin.

Wow, doubling down on the amoral, self-righteous, hypocritical bullshit after being told that it - and you - are nothing to anyone. That takes . . . I don't know, I'm just speechless in the face of such amazing self-absorption.

"Buzzword, buzzword, buzzword!" This is literally all I hear when you talk.
Hey, I thought this was about what the Bible says about Queers.

I thought the Bible wanted Queers lynched or stoned because Queerness is queer to God.

Eating cheeseburgers(Or a philly cheese steak) demands stoning??
God hates Fast Food!

Usuary is a sin as well?? God hates Banks

Wearing two(or more) different fabric damned? God hate women fashion

Lying a sin? God hates politicians

Fornication also--God hates Horny Teenagers

The more I think about it, the more I realize--God hates us for our freedoms. Maybe God is Allah?
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.
They cant.
After I read that the Bible support/love gays, I knew the op was out on planet 9.

Hey, if your religion is condemning you for something you have no control over then either

i)change religion
ii)get professional help

Deluding yourself when the truth is beating the crap out of you will only hurt you.
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.

It is not in the bible but still based on many of the biblical laws. It was still a time when christian idea dominated the country and the world, no matter how diverse faith had become. The founders might not have all been god fearing, but they shared a belief in something superior that brought order to everything and played by a set of rules so to speak.

U.S. Constitution and Biblical Principles Kirk Cameron

There hundreds of scholarly papers online and available through local colleges.

The bible was more or less a universal book that most people were familiar with, even if they did not read or own one. They drew from something they would all have some reference to, to unite them.
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.

It's not a matter of one being superior to the other, They are different documents written to serve different purposes, and have different authority. The constitution was written to lay out the laws of our country and describe how our government works. All citizens are responsible to follow the rules laid out in it. In this country, you have to follow the constitution, The bible is optional.
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.

It's not a matter of one being superior to the other, They are different documents written to serve different purposes, and have different authority. The constitution was written to lay out the laws of our country and describe how our government works. All citizens are responsible to follow the rules laid out in it. In this country, you have to follow the constitution, The bible is optional.

It's Lakhota that made the claim. I just want an explanation
Still waiting for the op to actually quote the bible. Or let us know if she is read it. Or explain what makes the constitution superior if both the bible and constitution are written by men.

Not sure they were unreasonable questions.

It's not a matter of one being superior to the other, They are different documents written to serve different purposes, and have different authority. The constitution was written to lay out the laws of our country and describe how our government works. All citizens are responsible to follow the rules laid out in it. In this country, you have to follow the constitution, The bible is optional.

It's Lakhota that made the claim. I just want an explanation

And I just gave you a damn good one.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

No he'd be pissed and tell them that they are sinning and they'd be on there knees BEGGING for FORGIVENESS. Hey, someones got to speak the truth on here. I'm always the bad guy with brains.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

And how exactly are you better for judging them then they are for judging others?
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

No he'd be pissed and tell them that they are sinning and they'd be on there knees BEGGING for FORGIVENESS. Hey, someones got to speak the truth on here. I'm always the bad guy with brains.

I've read a lot of our posts. You might want to rethink that always claim.
We'll everybody knows queers go straight to hell.... I mean hell it's in the 10 commandments.

Absolutely. It's covered in the often used but rarely quoted 11th commandment
11. Thou shalt not question right wing bible thumpers for verily they shall make shit up whenever they realize God didn't really say that after all.

On a serious note - I'm a very strong Christian for about 16 year as is everybody in my family. God/Jesus talked and preached through love. They NEVER said you'd go to hell for doing this or that. They did say 2 things, however,

1.)Don't judge period. We are not perfect and can all be considered hypocrites.
2.) God is the only judge and we all have to answer to him on judgement day for all of our sins. Period.

Lastly - God has the biggest heart of all, so this talk about gays or being against gays and trying to prohibit basic human rights of gays goes COMPLETELY AGAINST Christian teachings or simply put the bible. Lot's of Christians give good Christians a bad rep. So, bulldog, don't lump us all together.

You're preaching to the choir bubba. I've said many times that it hurts us all when people bastardize Christianity, my religion, as an excuse for very unChrist like behavior. I don't think Jesus would be very impressed with radical bible thumpers.

No he'd be pissed and tell them that they are sinning and they'd be on there knees BEGGING for FORGIVENESS. Hey, someones got to speak the truth on here. I'm always the bad guy with brains.

I've read a lot of our posts. You might want to rethink that always claim.

Sometimes bulldog I intentionally lower my IQ to retarded level to fit in when the news isn't worthy of attention. Which has been the case for 6 + months since I quit watching it. The weather is pretty interesting, though.

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