What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).
Hey, can I have your stuff in case of the rapture? Sounds like a nice setup.
What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

When "roaming bandits" come to "take" my solar panels? They have to find them first. I spent 22 years in the Army as a 11B and a 97B. I have been to SERE School, Pathfinder school and Airborne School. I spent 9 months in Vietnam (until wounded) and spent the next 20 years working for the DIA. Trust me - I can take care of myself and my family. I am well prepared for the inevitable. Besides - these "roaming bandits" as you refer to them - will be smart to stick to "populated areas" where the pickings will be easy. Out where I and my family live - you better know how to live in the mountains with the mountain lions, Bull Elk, Moose, Bears and the rest. They would have one hell of a lot more to worry about than a few M4s, Rifles, shotguns and pistols.

Seems like every year, tourists come to enjoy the "wonder" of the mountains and are never heard from again.

They won't be hard to find. They need to be in an area that is sun exposed.

There won't be "populated areas" of "easy pickings" post SHTF, since all the weak will have died off.

What happens when one of your daughters goes through child birth? What if one of your sons suffers a grevious injury?

Also, you don't think these bandits won't be battle experienced?

What happens if you need to replace a major part on your gun? Can you work metal? Do you have what's required to get a forge hot and running? Do you know how to shape the metal, do you know which tools you need to shape that metal? A bow and arrow wioll be useful here, but you'll allow know how to craft arrows, which woods to use for the bow, and what string/twine/etc to use for the tensioner.

Bandits never sleep...they rotate in shifts. Can you stay awake 24/7 for 365 days a year?

Well hell, bud. If I give up before it starts, what's the point? Indeed, Solar panels need the sun. I'll wait for the bandits to climb to 11,000 feet to find them. You ever climbed to 11,000 feet? For the uninitiated, it's nearly impossible. You'd be surprised how hard the "weak" fight when their backs are against the wall. My Daughter has already given us grandchildren - no more for her. As has my Son (a Naval LT, retired). Serious injury? My Wife, though not a Doctor, is a MSN - a Nurse practitioner
who has specialized in Emergency medicine for the last 30 years. Parts for my guns? I have complete BCGs for all my rifles and pistols as well as firing pins and barrels. I have enough ammo to hold out for as long as it takes.

Trust me - I'll be fine. Unless I am already dead (old age) at which point my Kids (who have been trained by me) will carry on.
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).
Hey, can I have your stuff in case of the rapture? Sounds like a nice setup.

:) Shoot, if you can find it, you can have it. Won't make any difference to me by then.....
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible

Jesus did not condemn or reject the roman centurion when he was concerned about a boy that served him. He did not even have to meet the boy but healed him from afar, because of the love the centurion had to the boy.

Jesus did not condone hate of judgement of others. He taught to love each other.

Wow, both a sermon on your interpretation of what Christianity SHOULD say, AND a self-righteous discourse on what you think it actually DOES say. And at no time do you address the facts that:

1) No one asked you about either, and
2) You're hypocritically doing exactly what you're so upset at Christians for, ie. imposing your personal beliefs onto how others live their lives.

Any comment on THAT?
Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 18:22

22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

you don't believe in Leviticus.

you don't keep kosher.

you wear mixed fibers.

women are stoned to death if they commit adultery.

those things are all banned in Leviticus.

jesus doesn't say a thing about homosexuality.

and near as I can tell, for most of the religious extremists, they think one sin is equal to every other.
The Bible says it's an abomination. True story :)
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Really? Jesus condemned homosexuality in the NT? Where did he do that?
The Bible says eating pork is an abomination and yet practically all Christians disregard that. If the biblical rationale is to used you should also be looking to ban pork production and see pig eaters as morally deficient sinners, hated by God and rightfully shunned by decent society. You pick and choose what you will disregard and what you will be obedient to. Using the "God's commandment" argument is but an excuse unless you try to follow everything in the biblical law books to the letter.

LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
That's Paul...is he Jesus now? Is he your god now?
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
Lucky you?
Chapter and verse please. You make a claim like that you should back it up.

Romans 1:25-27
Well OK then, carry on being a hateful person. I prefer the words of Jesus telling us to not hate people. You're not the only one who can disregard the parts of the bible that are inconvenient.

Thanks for playing :) And Jesus would never have tolerated homosexuality, He would follow the Bible

Jesus did not condemn or reject the roman centurion when he was concerned about a boy that served him. He did not even have to meet the boy but healed him from afar, because of the love the centurion had to the boy.

Jesus did not condone hate of judgement of others. He taught to love each other.

Wow, both a sermon on your interpretation of what Christianity SHOULD say, AND a self-righteous discourse on what you think it actually DOES say. And at no time do you address the facts that:

1) No one asked you about either, and
2) You're hypocritically doing exactly what you're so upset at Christians for, ie. imposing your personal beliefs onto how others live their lives.

Any comment on THAT?
1. The OP specifically asked what the Bible says about queer folk and asked for input.
2. How is responding to a message board thread "imposing" anything upon anyone?
3. How would Jesus follow the Bible? The New Testament was written after his death (and resurrection). He would have followed the teachings of the Torah.
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.
Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Sorry, but I can't imagine what it must be like having such a bleak and sad outlook on life. Life must have been very unkind to you to strip you of all your faith in mankind and joy. Either that, or you're just nuts.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.

This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

No, as a nosy person, you WANT everything to be on the table. It's none of your business, irrelevant to his potential job performance, and just one more thing about which you should piss off and mind your own damned business.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.

This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

No, as a nosy person, you WANT everything to be on the table. It's none of your business, irrelevant to his potential job performance, and just one more thing about which you should piss off and mind your own damned business.

You mean like everybody should have minded their own business when Clinton got a BJ? I still haven't figured out how that was supposed to have effected his job performance.
Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

So you're bashing him for keeping his private life private instead of broadcasting it to people who really aren't interested in hearing about it . . . basically the exact opposite of what you're complaining about with Christians?

Very consistent.

"True" Christians are fine. It's the "false" Christians like you that irritate me.

Please hold your breath until the moment that I ask you to render judgement on my Christianity or anything else, you hubristic, hypocritical skid mark.
Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Sorry, but I can't imagine what it must be like having such a bleak and sad outlook on life. Life must have been very unkind to you to strip you of all your faith in mankind and joy. Either that, or you're just nuts.

Nope. I believe in my fellow man. Always have. I'm a HUGE believer in the human spirit. I have NO faith in governments. I worked for ours for many years. I KNOW what liars and thieves they are. THEY will be responsible for what is coming and no one else.

Hell, the warning signs have been as obvious as they were in 1929 or even 2007. Yet, we are doing the EXACT same things that nearly ruined us before. In other words - "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". Only this time - it will be much worse.

Our phony paper money, backed by nothing, will finally destroy this country along with the hope for recovery. Don't take my word for it - sit back and watch. It's coming. Just as sure as that ice berg that sank the Titanic. But don't worry. I'm nuts, right?

just returned a few weeks ago where I attended an Alumni association meeting with old colleagues. The reports we listened to, concerning Geo-Political conditions in the world told me all I needed to hear. But don't gelieve me, I'm nuts. We'll see I suppose. Good luck to you.
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

You also deserved death for not being circumcised, or eating a cheese burger ( any food that mixes meat and dairy). I'm guessing you prefer to ignore that part of the bible though.

>or eating a cheese burger<

That is a lot of people that are sinners

What of people that wear different fabrics?

Are we allowed to sell our daughters into slavery?

What about planting crops? How many of us have back yard vegetable gardens of fruit trees?

Working on the sabbath? What of those to post or play games on the computer?

We don't burn people alive of stone them in the town square. We don't publicly flog people (well, some do with their tongues).

All sins, some sins, is there a scale? Why are we supposed to judge instead of god? Are we to take god's responsibility upon ourselves? What need of god then?

This attack against gays is just so much BS to try and justify the sin of hating others. Go burn yourselves and leave gays alone. All they want to do is find the person they want to love and share their lives with, just like the rest of us.

We're TRYING to leave them alone. But it appears what they REALLY want to do is seek out people who disagree with them and then throw a big, drama queen hissy fit about it.

Under the law they have a right to be treated as an equal. When they are not, because of hate, they have a right to legal recourse.
If they had just been treated as equal by the business owners, there would have been no problem.

Denying them their rights is the crime. Hating them is the sin.
:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Sorry, but I can't imagine what it must be like having such a bleak and sad outlook on life. Life must have been very unkind to you to strip you of all your faith in mankind and joy. Either that, or you're just nuts.

Nope. I believe in my fellow man. Always have. I'm a HUGE believer in the human spirit. I have NO faith in governments. I worked for ours for many years. I KNOW what liars and thieves they are. THEY will be responsible for what is coming and no one else.

Hell, the warning signs have been as obvious as they were in 1929 or even 2007. Yet, we are doing the EXACT same things that nearly ruined us before. In other words - "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". Only this time - it will be much worse.

Our phony paper money, backed by nothing, will finally destroy this country along with the hope for recovery. Don't take my word for it - sit back and watch. It's coming. Just as sure as that ice berg that sank the Titanic. But don't worry. I'm nuts, right?

just returned a few weeks ago where I attended an Alumni association meeting with old colleagues. The reports we listened to, concerning Geo-Political conditions in the world told me all I needed to hear. But don't gelieve me, I'm nuts. We'll see I suppose. Good luck to you.

Even though we disagree on almost everything, I'm happy to say that we at least agree on one thing. We both think you are nuts.
Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

So you're bashing him for keeping his private life private instead of broadcasting it to people who really aren't interested in hearing about it . . . basically the exact opposite of what you're complaining about with Christians?

Very consistent.

"True" Christians are fine. It's the "false" Christians like you that irritate me.

Please hold your breath until the moment that I ask you to render judgement on my Christianity or anything else, you hubristic, hypocritical skid mark.

Just go read your Babble.
What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.

You've really thought all that crazy SHTF stuff out haven't you? What are you expecting, vampires or zombies?

Neither. I'm expecting Americans whose lives have been destroyed by a government that Has become tyrannical and dictatorial after a collapse of world economies. I'm expecting people, who are hungry and starving and hopeless. It's coming. And sooner rather than later.

If I'm wrong (I'm not) I've done nothing more than "stock up". However, if I'm right (I am) folks like you - well, it ain't gonna be pretty.

Sorry, but I can't imagine what it must be like having such a bleak and sad outlook on life. Life must have been very unkind to you to strip you of all your faith in mankind and joy. Either that, or you're just nuts.

Nope. I believe in my fellow man. Always have. I'm a HUGE believer in the human spirit. I have NO faith in governments. I worked for ours for many years. I KNOW what liars and thieves they are. THEY will be responsible for what is coming and no one else.

Hell, the warning signs have been as obvious as they were in 1929 or even 2007. Yet, we are doing the EXACT same things that nearly ruined us before. In other words - "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". Only this time - it will be much worse.

Our phony paper money, backed by nothing, will finally destroy this country along with the hope for recovery. Don't take my word for it - sit back and watch. It's coming. Just as sure as that ice berg that sank the Titanic. But don't worry. I'm nuts, right?

just returned a few weeks ago where I attended an Alumni association meeting with old colleagues. The reports we listened to, concerning Geo-Political conditions in the world told me all I needed to hear. But don't gelieve me, I'm nuts. We'll see I suppose. Good luck to you.

Even though we disagree on almost everything, I'm happy to say that we at least agree on one thing. We both think you are nuts.
Nothing wrong with being prepared. Even if nothing dire happens like WW3 or an economic collapse, natural disasters happen frequently as do temporary outages. It's nice to have provisions handy.

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