What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

Why don't NaziCons like equality? Do they prefer the Bible over our Constitution?

Scott Walker Backs Constitutional Amendment Allowing States To Ban Same-Sex Marriage
Scott's just saying what's necessary for him to get Far Right Votes.

Oh? You have a reason to think that Scott Walker doesn't believe what he's saying?
You betcha.

If you're planning to make me drag it out of your with a chainfall, please be advised that I really don't give a rat's ass what you think or why, and you're one post away from running out the limit on my idle curiosity.

Tell me or don't. It's absolutely no effort or real change from the norm to dismiss you as biased and full of shit.
This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

So you're bashing him for keeping his private life private instead of broadcasting it to people who really aren't interested in hearing about it . . . basically the exact opposite of what you're complaining about with Christians?

Very consistent.
This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

Bullshit rationalization. You created a thread that supported homophobic bashing of someone you do not like. You are a hypocrite.
Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

So you're bashing him for keeping his private life private instead of broadcasting it to people who really aren't interested in hearing about it . . . basically the exact opposite of what you're complaining about with Christians?

Very consistent.

"True" Christians are fine. It's the "false" Christians like you that irritate me.
This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.
Noooooooooo you never called him a faggot.
Fucking lying asshat.....
Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

Bullshit rationalization. You created a thread that supported homophobic bashing of someone you do not like. You are a hypocrite.

Only until he comes out of the closet.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.
Noooooooooo you never called him a faggot.
Fucking lying asshat.....

Prove it - you false Christian.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.

By all means, feel free to believe that and act on it if you wish. But please understand that that personal opinion and choice of yours has zero, zip, nada effect on what other people believe, since no one at all is interested in your input as to what they SHOULD believe, or how they're "doing it wrong".
Why the fuck do you bother reading message boards if you don't care about reading other people's opinions? I just offered my opinion. I didn't tell anyone how to live or what to believe. If you want to be a bitter, sanctimonious bitch, so be it. You don't offer much of value to the conversation either.
Question: "What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is homosexuality a sin?"

The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.

God does not create a person with homosexual desires. The Bible tells us that people become homosexuals because of sin (Romans 1:24-27) and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person’s choosing to sin by giving in to sinful desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger/rage, does that make it right for him to give into those desires? Of course not! The same is true with homosexuality.

However, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a “greater” sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a person from the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13).

What does the Bible say about homosexuality Is homosexuality a sin

My religion says being gay is fine and to go fuck yourself for your's. :)

Oh, wow, no one asked or cared.
LOL You're quoting Mosaic and Ceremonial law, done away with by the New Covenant.
That's my point, all the gay stuff is in the same books.

Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament also. You won't win this one, best run along. Also the ban on eating pork was directed at the Jews,never the Gentiles

Since when did Paul's teachings become more important than Jesus's teachings?

Because Saul (Paul) was told to go forth and preach the word unto all the Nation's. You don't like the message, that's your choice. It's all about choice, my friend. Hell, I may be as guilty - I can't turn away from Baby Back Ribs. Hopefully on Judgement day - I'll catch a break. Along with all my other sins, including killing, beating, lying. But, I guess in your world, since I killed, beat and lied for my government, it is all good, right?

And yet the apostles and Jesus's brother did not want him around. They did not believe in his ministry.

They had to send Paul on his way in order to save their lives. Had he stayed - he was a wanted man by the San Hedrin AND the Romans. To say that "they did not believe in his ministry" is ridiculous. Paul went on to establish Christianity throughout the Middle East and was the impetus for the early Christian Church in Rome.

If you are attempting to make the case, you might try reading the Book.....Perhaps start with reading his letter to the Church at Laodecia. Great insight there.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.

By all means, feel free to believe that and act on it if you wish. But please understand that that personal opinion and choice of yours has zero, zip, nada effect on what other people believe, since no one at all is interested in your input as to what they SHOULD believe, or how they're "doing it wrong".
Why the fuck do you bother reading message boards if you don't care about reading other people's opinions? I just offered my opinion. I didn't tell anyone how to live or what to believe. If you want to be a bitter, sanctimonious bitch, so be it. You don't offer much of value to the conversation either.

I would think that would be obvious to any intelligent person. I'm on a message board to correct dumbfucks like you who erroneously believe that the entire world is waiting with bated breath to hear what they think about things they've never been asked about.

This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

Please quote where I called Lindsey Graham a "faggot"...

Explain why you started a thread bashing his sexuality? Fucking hypocrite.

But hey...you are a lefty. Nobody does hypocrisy like you guys.

Lindsey Graham Doesn t Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Because he won't publicly declare his sexual orientation. He knows the rumors have been swirling for years. As a presidential candidate - it all on the table. It's that simple.

It was a lefty bash on Graham and his sexuality. A number of lefties in your thread called Graham a faggot and mocked his sexuality.

Would you like me to pull the quotes?

And you didn't say a fucking thing regarding the homophobic bashing. You are a hypocrite. You support bigotry and hatred when it is driected against people you do not like.

I never called him a "faggot" as you claimed - but I am bashing him for hiding in the closet. I just don't like the little prick - regardless of his sexual orientation. I strongly support equality for LGBT folks - but not the cowards.

I'm sure that the "little prick" doesn't think much of you either.....
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

You need a warrior class, that is fed by the agriculture class and armed by the scientific and metalworking class. And remember, that's only to survive.
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.

:dance: I live on my own 260 acres in Montana with Solar power, Mountain fed spring water and wood stoves. I will PROMISE him, I will be just fine if the SHTF (and it will).

What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

When "roaming bandits" come to "take" my solar panels? They have to find them first. I spent 22 years in the Army as a 11B and a 97B. I have been to SERE School, Pathfinder school and Airborne School. I spent 9 months in Vietnam (until wounded) and spent the next 20 years working for the DIA. Trust me - I can take care of myself and my family. I am well prepared for the inevitable. Besides - these "roaming bandits" as you refer to them - will be smart to stick to "populated areas" where the pickings will be easy. Out where I and my family live - you better know how to live in the mountains with the mountain lions, Bull Elk, Moose, Bears and the rest. They would have one hell of a lot more to worry about than a few M4s, Rifles, shotguns and pistols.

Seems like every year, tourists come to enjoy the "wonder" of the mountains and are never heard from again.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.

By all means, feel free to believe that and act on it if you wish. But please understand that that personal opinion and choice of yours has zero, zip, nada effect on what other people believe, since no one at all is interested in your input as to what they SHOULD believe, or how they're "doing it wrong".
Why the fuck do you bother reading message boards if you don't care about reading other people's opinions? I just offered my opinion. I didn't tell anyone how to live or what to believe. If you want to be a bitter, sanctimonious bitch, so be it. You don't offer much of value to the conversation either.

I would think that would be obvious to any intelligent person. I'm on a message board to correct dumbfucks like you who erroneously believe that the entire world is waiting with bated breath to hear what they think about things they've never been asked about.

I'm sure the world is waiting with bated breath to read all of your unsolicited "corrections". The thing is that opinions were asked for. Discourse is the purpose of a discussion board. That you don't agree with my opinions or others, or want to silence opposing views, is your problem, not mine.
What you going to do when roaming bandits take your solar panels?

What people like you fail to realize is that you can't live alone or a single family alone when SHTF. A community of at least 200 people will be required to simply survive, never mind rebuild civilization.

When "roaming bandits" come to "take" my solar panels? They have to find them first. I spent 22 years in the Army as a 11B and a 97B. I have been to SERE School, Pathfinder school and Airborne School. I spent 9 months in Vietnam (until wounded) and spent the next 20 years working for the DIA. Trust me - I can take care of myself and my family. I am well prepared for the inevitable. Besides - these "roaming bandits" as you refer to them - will be smart to stick to "populated areas" where the pickings will be easy. Out where I and my family live - you better know how to live in the mountains with the mountain lions, Bull Elk, Moose, Bears and the rest. They would have one hell of a lot more to worry about than a few M4s, Rifles, shotguns and pistols.

Seems like every year, tourists come to enjoy the "wonder" of the mountains and are never heard from again.

They won't be hard to find. They need to be in an area that is sun exposed.

There won't be "populated areas" of "easy pickings" post SHTF, since all the weak will have died off.

What happens when one of your daughters goes through child birth? What if one of your sons suffers a grevious injury?

Also, you don't think these bandits won't be battle experienced?

What happens if you need to replace a major part on your gun? Can you work metal? Do you have what's required to get a forge hot and running? Do you know how to shape the metal, do you know which tools you need to shape that metal? A bow and arrow wioll be useful here, but you'll allow know how to craft arrows, which woods to use for the bow, and what string/twine/etc to use for the tensioner.

Bandits never sleep...they rotate in shifts. Can you stay awake 24/7 for 365 days a year?

This is how I would get you.

I'd sabtoatuge your solar panels when you are sleeping by cutting the power line. When you're forced to come and fix it, I'll snipe you. You wouldn't even suspect sabotauge if you didnt' know we entered your vast 200+acres of property.

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