What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.

Meh, boring.

I don't care much for gay pride month.

I am thinking that a beautiful women with huge tits wet-t-shirt month would be fully in order, however.

Question: "What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Is homosexuality a sin?"

The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.

God does not create a person with homosexual desires. The Bible tells us that people become homosexuals because of sin (Romans 1:24-27) and ultimately because of their own choice. A person may be born with a greater susceptibility to homosexuality, just as some people are born with a tendency to violence and other sins. That does not excuse the person’s choosing to sin by giving in to sinful desires. If a person is born with a greater susceptibility to anger/rage, does that make it right for him to give into those desires? Of course not! The same is true with homosexuality.

However, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a “greater” sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a person from the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 4:13).

What does the Bible say about homosexuality Is homosexuality a sin

My religion says being gay is fine and to go fuck yourself for your's. :)
Unless one religion in particular, or one god is to govern the whole planet, what you and your faith say to do doesn't mean shit to me. Wanna live by a certain set of rules fine. But if you would insist everyone not a member of that religion, or worshipper of that deity must conform to your rulebook nonetheless,




I'll propose we do all those little annoying things that drives religious people nuts. Do it very publicly. And often. Maybe you'll all die from stress or something. :)
Unless one religion in particular, or one god is to govern the whole planet, what you and your faith say to do doesn't mean shit to me. Wanna live by a certain set of rules fine. But if you would insist everyone not a member of that religion, or worshipper of that deity must conform to your rulebook nonetheless,




I'll propose we do all those little annoying things that drives religious people nuts. Do it very publicly. And often. Maybe you'll all die from stress or something. :)

When re-dosing your meds, please do consider all possible side-effects, like INSANITY.

Unless one religion in particular, or one god is to govern the whole planet, what you and your faith say to do doesn't mean shit to me. Wanna live by a certain set of rules fine. But if you would insist everyone not a member of that religion, or worshipper of that deity must conform to your rulebook nonetheless,




I'll propose we do all those little annoying things that drives religious people nuts. Do it very publicly. And often. Maybe you'll all die from stress or something. :)

When re-dosing your meds, please do consider all possible side-effects, like INSANITY.


If the one-eyed man is king in a kingdom of blind people, what's the unmedicated sane person in a kingdom of medicated crazy people? :)
Unless one religion in particular, or one god is to govern the whole planet, what you and your faith say to do doesn't mean shit to me. Wanna live by a certain set of rules fine. But if you would insist everyone not a member of that religion, or worshipper of that deity must conform to your rulebook nonetheless,




I'll propose we do all those little annoying things that drives religious people nuts. Do it very publicly. And often. Maybe you'll all die from stress or something. :)

When re-dosing your meds, please do consider all possible side-effects, like INSANITY.


If the one-eyed man is king in a kingdom of blind people, what's the unmedicated sane person in a kingdom of medicated crazy people? :)

the unmedicated must pass through the eye of the needle, without poppers.
Unless one religion in particular, or one god is to govern the whole planet, what you and your faith say to do doesn't mean shit to me. Wanna live by a certain set of rules fine. But if you would insist everyone not a member of that religion, or worshipper of that deity must conform to your rulebook nonetheless,




I'll propose we do all those little annoying things that drives religious people nuts. Do it very publicly. And often. Maybe you'll all die from stress or something. :)

When re-dosing your meds, please do consider all possible side-effects, like INSANITY.


If the one-eyed man is king in a kingdom of blind people, what's the unmedicated sane person in a kingdom of medicated crazy people? :)

the unmedicated must pass through the eye of the needle, without poppers.

Can I pick the Needle's Eye? :)


File Needles eye tunnel.JPG - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.

Amen! I totally agree!

Oh, big shock. "You're right." "I totally agree with you!" If you two would like to excuse yourselves to go pump each other, the rest of us would be really grateful.

Oh man, that put all kinds of sick visions in my mind. darn you:biggrin:

:itsok: :woohoo:
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.

This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.
You wouldn't know honesty if it stuck its dick up your ass, you lying sack of shit.

Wow, and you profess to be a Christian.

And whether or not any of us is particularly good at it is something we will answer to God for, not you. At no point in time are we ever required to judge the practice of our religious beliefs by your standards.

Which is kinda the point I've been trying to make. Let me know if I need to break out the Crayolas and diagram this sucker for you.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.

Amen! I totally agree!

Oh, big shock. "You're right." "I totally agree with you!" If you two would like to excuse yourselves to go pump each other, the rest of us would be really grateful.

Oh man, that put all kinds of sick visions in my mind. darn you:biggrin:

:itsok: :woohoo:

June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.

This from the poster who started a thread about Lindsey Graham and took great joy in calling him a faggot?

The left is completely full of bullshit.

that's why I said, they're the last person I want throwing the bible in my face.
they're the worst kind of two faced hypocrites. just nasty all the time.
Bet the "Spirit Gods" have a case of the ass at you......

Never underestimate the Great Spirit, that son of a bitch might pop off Yellowstone and create a sun drought for seven+ years. Only Amish people and Native Americans (on reservations) would know how to survive that shit son.

Wrong. Members of the SCA are also prepared to live off-grid if necessary.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Does anyone feel any compulsive need to prove jack shit to you? Anyone?

I'm thinking no. Once again, our beliefs do not in any way need to be justified to you or anyone else in order to be valid and legally recognized per the First Amendment.
Who is the "Great Spirit"?

Who knows? However, I generally consider Wakan Tanka to be the collective energy of all my Native American ancestors. I'm an Atheist, by the way.

Fair enough , very New Age of you.

Your belief is no less silly than how you think Christians are silly.

Do you think it's silly not to believe superstitious supernatural nonsense? If so, I'm very silly...

What is silly is sitting in judgment of things you have no knowledge or understanding of.

The subject matters not, could be religion could be Quantum Physics.

What is silly is spewing crazy shit that you have no proof of while trying to pass it off as fact. Are you equating religion to quantum theory?

You're right, that IS crazy.

So why do you keep doing it?
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?
Well if you don't believe there is a God, then why are you so all fired worried about what he say's about homos and faggot marriage?

"He" says? No, some ancient book of fairy tales says it. We should evolve to Mother Goose at least.

1) If it's just fairy tales, why did you start a freaking thread lecturing us all on how those "fairy tales" don't really object to homosexual marriage. Can we say "inconsistent"? You don't get to have it both ways.

2) Who is "we"? Your delusion that you're somehow included in the group known as "Christians" and therefore get a vote in what Christians believe is just that . . . delusional.
Homosexual sex is a sin with the penalty of stoning to death. It is one of the most severe in the Bible. There's no getting around that one.

so was adultery but Jesus prevented that.
Jesus welcomed all people no matter who they were.
There are many thing in the OT and NT that we as a society that have changed over the years.
Gays cannot help what they are, it is the way their body responds, how they were born to be. It is not a choice. Many species created by god have homosexuality.
There are far more admonishments against heterosexuals in the bible that of gay
If there is a creator god that has any thought or feeling, it should care for all it's creations, not just a select few.
You don't know it's not a choice.

It may be a psychological disorder or mental illness.

There is no conclusive evidence either way.

In any case this thread is about the bible.

G-D clearly condemns homosexual behavior.

>>It may be a psychological disorder or mental illness.

There is no conclusive evidence either way.<<

Would Jesus call those with disorders and illnesses as sinners?

Homosexuality is Genetic Strongest Evidence Yet Biology Nature World News

Study of gay brothers may confirm X chromosome link to homosexuality Science AAAS News

Biological Factors LGBT Science


Gay is not a choice, therefore it cannot be a sin.

What happens in ritual sexual excess or isolation such as jail, is a choice. Once back in mixed society there is not desire to those of the same sex

Watch people and see who they are looking at when their eye dilate. That is not something that can be controlled.

You are hating homosexuals without knowing them. You are ready to attack and condemn them for something they have no control of.
You really have no right to judge them or defame them.

The sin is the prejudice by those like you that have no heart for those who are different. The sin in hate.

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