What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

God does not create a person with homosexual desires.

Yes - he absolutely does.

Not only does he create them. He loves them.

So many, many homosexuals are great artists- dancers, painters, composers, filmmakers -- and God speaks to us through great art. So, God has CHOSEN them to be His Voice.

And homosexuality is intrinsic to their artistic ability?

I'm pretty sure that God giving someone talent doesn't mean that He endorses everything they ever do in their lives. And I for damn sure know that God loving someone doesn't mean that.
It gives me cold chills to think about what the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit did to Mary. That's more twisted that Fifty Shades of Gray. Holy shit.

It gives me cold chills to think that you're technically equipped with reproductive organs. And then I dry-heave.

Don't sweat it, he likes men.

That's not even remotely less repulsive, somehow.

That right there was funny lord, I don't care who you are ;)
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."
Lucky for you, when you die it doesn't matter because you'll never know there wasn't a god, you're dead. All you did was live a lie, that there was a god and life after death.
You've got a rude awakening coming. I already have concrete proof that we have a soul, and that many different things can happen to your soul after you die.

I also have witnessed more than one miracle in my life, so I also have first hand experiences that have proven to me there is a God, or divine force, or higher power, or whatever it is anyone wants to call it.

You poor, lost, godless heathens going about your lives practicing sick, perverted, sexual sins WILL pay for it. I'd be very nervous about what was going to happen to me when I died if I was you, or anyone like you. It ain't gonna be good, and you will have brought it on yourself.

None of you will get any pity from me.
I froze and lost consciousness when I was a baby. I don't remember meeting a higher power.

When your time is up, you just fade to black, and that's that.

No heaven, no hell, just the end of your existence.

If there is a god, then it isn't Christian. Far more likely to be some ancient god no one has heard of.

So we can take a bet. If I am right - we won't be continuing this conversation in the afterlife, nor will you see me being tortured for several thousand years.*

*Though I would say that if there is an afterlife, you would have probably worshiped the 'wrong god' and be burning too.
What do real American Indians think of homos?
Two-Spirit - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Two-spirit people (also two spirit or twospirit) is a modern umbrella termused by some indigenous North Americans to describe or label gender-variant individuals in their communities. Historically, non-Native (i.e. non-Native American) anthropologists used the term berdache /bərˈdæʃɨz/to identify an individual fulfilling one of many mixed gender roles in First Nations and Native American tribes, but that term has now fallen out of favor.

Third and fourth gender roles traditionally embodied by two-spirit people include performing work and wearing clothing associated with both men and women. Not all tribes have rigid gender roles, but, among those that do, some consider there to be at least four genders: masculine man, feminine man, masculine woman, feminine woman. The presence of male-bodied two-spirits "was a fundamental institution among most tribal peoples"[1] and, according to Will Roscoe, both male- and female-bodied two-spirits have been documented "in over 130 North American tribes, in every region of the continent."[2]
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.

Amen! I totally agree!
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.
The religious extremists/radicals want America to be like this:

Amazingly enough, we're not going to change our beliefs because you say they're wrong, AND we're not going to change them because you insult them. I know this is tough for you to comprehend, but your opinion is worth nothing to anyone on Earth . . . much like everything else about you.
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.

well aren't you just a Saint. believe me: Lakooka hates everyone unless he can USE them to piss all over everyone else. and you don't know what Christian think, so shut the hell up
June is Gay Pride Month. It is a time for parades and for festivals, for rainbow flags and for dance tents. It is a time to recognize the amazing progress that has been made on LGBT equality as we recommit ourselves to continuing the struggle until liberty and justice for all really means "all." Everywhere.

And this year it is not only about gearing up for Pride; it is about counting down to "Decision Day." It is about awaiting the Supreme Court rulings on the Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee marriage cases -- rulings due any day - that could finally make marriage equality a reality in all fifty states.

So here's the 2015 version of my Top Ten FAQs about God, Jesus, the Bible and LGBT People -- offered in hope that together we truly can be the change we want to see in the world and offered in rebuttal to the rabid rhetoric of the anti-gay religious right that infuses our public discourse and infects our political process. Those who use God, Jesus and the Bible as weapons of mass discrimination do not speak for me. And they do not speak for my church.

1. Is being gay a sin?
No. Sins are acts that separate us from God and keep us from loving our neighbors as ourselves. Being gay is not a sin. Bullying is a sin. Being hateful to other people is a sin. Putting yourself in the place of God to judge others is a sin. Being gay is not.

Much More (2 thru 10): God, Jesus and the Bible: FAQs for Gay Pride Month - Rev. Susan Russell

Why do homophobes waste so much time, energy and hate being afraid of LGBT folks and trying to legislate them into the shadows? Fear and superstition, I suppose. I don't get it.
I think your right Lakota, gay people are the minority and all the gay people I have known and worked with have been good people, they are good at their jobs they help people, and they leave people alone. Yet all I hear from the christians and the right is how they are destroying American values! Lol how is expressing yourself and the pursuit of happiness destroying American values? It does not hurt Christianity at all nor does it hurt heterosexual marriage, because heterosexual will still get married they will still have children and life will go on. Why they concern themselves with other people's private lives is beyond me? I think it is about control, they want to control everything, and instead of living their own lives they want to force people into believing how they do. I see little difference in sharia law and how Christians want to rule. True believers no matter what religion destroys reason.

Amen! I totally agree!

Oh, big shock. "You're right." "I totally agree with you!" If you two would like to excuse yourselves to go pump each other, the rest of us would be really grateful.

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