What does the "far left" want for America?

damn, read the whole thread and not one leftist posted what they want, except for that wymins character and she asked for what she already has.

so what is it guys? what do you really want?
Sweden, warmer with fewer blondes.

And I posted, you missed it.

only phags want phewer swedish blondes, so I blocked that out assuming you were joking.

case in point
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

It's ignorance of what the terms actually mean, as well as a perception of such terms being pejorative and seeking to use those terms to 'attack' a political enemy.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Do me a favor, please. Name some names. Tell us who wants people to be dependent on the government. Both here and at the "higher levels of government".

Please, demonstrate that what you are saying has even a shred of credibility by using real world examples. Cite someone....anyone......expressing a desire to increase government dependency in exchange for votes.

I submit that your description of what the "far left".......whoever that is....wants is a pile of shit fueled by desperate conservative talking points and is completely without merit.

Fairly simple to answer.

As a whole (to generalize, of course, but the far Left and the far Right are fairly recognizable in their approaches), the Left wants to accomplish what Barack Obama so clearly and repeatedly promised when he ran for President: They want to "change", "fundamentally transform", and "re-make" America, all his words.

It's not unreasonable to ask why someone would want to "change", "fundamentally transform", and "re-make" something that they like, and it's therefore not unreasonable to wonder if these people like this country, let alone love it.

Marxism, socialism, communism? No, that's a mistake the far Right makes when they try to explain what they're seeing happen. A Euro-social democracy? That's more like it. This would require bringing America's dynamic nature down a few pegs, finding a more mediocre level, and we're getting there pretty quickly. I'd guess this will take another 20 years or so, depending on how often the Right continues to shoot itself in the foot.


You suggest.......for the hundredth time.....that the far left........whoever they are......wants to bring the nations dynamic nature down a few notches.....that "they" want to abandon greatness for mediocrity.

Will you ever make an attempt to support that claim?

You've been hung up on the "fundamentally transform" campaign slogan for a long time. If you were to give that slogan some consideration.......instead of just your thoughtless gut reaction.....you might grasp that it is possible to make meaningful changes to something that you love.....which make it even better.

Barack Obama has never suggested that we change the foundations of this nation. He hasn't moved to rewrite the DOI or, as some would have us believe, shred the USC. Not even close. Give it some rational thought.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Do me a favor, please. Name some names. Tell us who wants people to be dependent on the government. Both here and at the "higher levels of government".

Please, demonstrate that what you are saying has even a shred of credibility by using real world examples. Cite someone....anyone......expressing a desire to increase government dependency in exchange for votes.

I submit that your description of what the "far left".......whoever that is....wants is a pile of shit fueled by desperate conservative talking points and is completely without merit.

None of this, is of course, out in the open. But the pattern is pretty easy to spot. In big cities it is the constant stroking of public unions, who's members will support en masse any politician who gives them goodies. In Blue states is the constant increase to the welfare state, either by money increases, or bureaucratic increases (which incidentally creates more people for the first category)

Do you really not see the '"vote for me and my party and you will get this" and "The "Republicans will take away your that" Campaigning democrats do to their traditional voter blocks?

Finally at the federal level we have democrats wanting more and more matters handled at the federal level, removing the states from certain tasks, or bending them to federal will via "take it or leave it" grants.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

One of the most ignorant things I ever read.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

One of the most ignorant things I ever read.

Truth hurts, doesn't it? Progressives have been trying to get more power to the federal level of government for decades. They have been shoring up large voting blocks in inner cities for decades. They have been restricting freedom for decades.
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

Considering the Media has been virtually monopolized by Leftist propagandists .
The so-called "news" is tilted , distorted, blacked out when need be. Conservative statesmen are attacked as a matter of policy , while Liberal politicians are given carte blanche .

All the Genral Public knows is what Big Brother force feeds them on a daily basis - and what they are force fed is a steady unrelenting diet of propaganda and masterfully garnished diarhea. When you're forced to eat shit for years on end - Real Food such as Fox is like dining at the Waldorf .
damn, read the whole thread and not one leftist posted what they want, except for that wymins character and she asked for what she already has.

so what is it guys? what do you really want?
Sweden, warmer with fewer blondes.

And I posted, you missed it.

only phags want phewer swedish blondes, so I blocked that out assuming you were joking.

case in point


That was Then .... This is Now ....


Sweden is Dying ..... RollingStonesWorldNews: SWEDEN is dying from AFRICAN invasion
damn, read the whole thread and not one leftist posted what they want, except for that wymins character and she asked for what she already has.

so what is it guys? what do you really want?

remove the 2nd
forced fairness
no rights for biz owners to say who they do biz with
mandated purchasing of another product
re-written Constitution
forced higher wages

notice there's a lot of force involved in what you want?

seriously, what do you want other than to bitch that we don't get it?

is the debt not big enough?
have we not murdered enough citizens and looked away?

What's it take for any of you to look at what you support and go; hmmm, that's not really working out

I want people to be able to enjoy services available to the general public and not be denied access to those services because of who they are.

I don't care if there are white, black, Hispanic, gay, straight, muslim or Jewish. If you have a business that is open to the general public, you serve everyone in the general public without blanket discrimination. If someone is being asshole, that's one thing. But when you allow a business to discriminate on who they serve, that echoes a sentiment back in the Jim Crow days and that is immoral and illegal.
damn, read the whole thread and not one leftist posted what they want, except for that wymins character and she asked for what she already has.

so what is it guys? what do you really want?

remove the 2nd
forced fairness
no rights for biz owners to say who they do biz with
mandated purchasing of another product
re-written Constitution
forced higher wages

notice there's a lot of force involved in what you want?

seriously, what do you want other than to bitch that we don't get it?

is the debt not big enough?
have we not murdered enough citizens and looked away?

What's it take for any of you to look at what you support and go; hmmm, that's not really working out

I want people to be able to enjoy services available to the general public and not be denied access to those services because of who they are.

I don't care if there are white, black, Hispanic, gay, straight, muslim or Jewish. If you have a business that is open to the general public, you serve everyone in the general public without blanket discrimination. If someone is being asshole, that's one thing. But when you allow a business to discriminate on who they serve, that echoes a sentiment back in the Jim Crow days and that is immoral and illegal.

Illegal, yes. But how is that immoral? People have a right to free association and that means not doing business that violates their conscience in some fashion. I would say it is more immoral to use the force of the state to make people believe certain things.
The real answer to that question is does anyone actually give a flying turdtoaster as to what the far left wants?

Why indeed? The use of the term "far left", as you correctly point out, has no meaning. Thus, it needs no definition. It is used by ignorant posters parroting each other. It's a word you and other members of the echo chamber use in the hope to disparage those who hold opinions which challenge your own. And it works, dumb people believe the far left is evil, even though they have no idea what a person on the far left might want.

Since their conservative dogma is well known, asking the question, what does the far right want, is quite simple to answer. They want to be the authoritarians, they want to control others and force them to live in the box built by the conservatives.

They claim to support freedom and liberty, but a curious rabbit would ask, "how can they support liberty and freedom and deny a women's right to choose, a gay or lesbian couple to marry and a child brought to our country by their parents who simply wants to follow their dream?" Sadly, the box in which conservatives resides does not allow for curiosity.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

It never occurred to me that you would be one who would, "actually think and respond substantively". Thanks for not disappointing.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

It is important to remember that the tens of millions of far left thinking individual is still a small number in relation to the number of voting americans

It just seems a significant number because the media makes it sound as if everyone thinks that way
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Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

This is just begging for a shit ton of straw man fallacies in reply.

And reading the subsequent posts, you got them.

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