What does the "far left" want for America?

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The problem with the rightwing is that they lack very basic critical thinking skills. Their reasoning on any political issue is very black and white. There is very little nuance to their beliefs. That's why they think everyone else is far left. It's simpler to think that way. It makes it easy to demonize and dismiss conflicting information. They feel more secure in their beliefs that way.

I certainly know there is a huge difference between Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

You accusing anyone of a lack of Critical thinking skills is FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

The irony of you not getting the joke is even less surprising. And delightful I might add.

Says the racist, bigoted Obama drone running on far left propaganda.

So you saying that you posted a baited thread?

Are you saying that posted stuff that you do not believe?

Golly Gee the far left is now admitting to posting a trolling thread. Go figure that one.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The problem with the rightwing is that they lack very basic critical thinking skills. Their reasoning on any political issue is very black and white. There is very little nuance to their beliefs. That's why they think everyone else is far left. It's simpler to think that way. It makes it easy to demonize and dismiss conflicting information. They feel more secure in their beliefs that way.

I certainly know there is a huge difference between Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

You accusing anyone of a lack of Critical thinking skills is FUCKING HILARIOUS.

Well, you're welcome sir.
Hard to say what the "far left" wants. There aren't as many around as the "hard right" would have us believe. Since righties can't seem to win national elections, their only outlet seems to be making an attempt to poison the national political process.

the left is the total demise of the Country according to the right, but the right cant beat the left.


They do fine in the backwaters, the flyover, and wherever else Jesus is more important than education or rational thinking, they just can't win the country as a whole and hold it because their ideology says they shouldn't be doing what they just got elected to do, which is govern...

The people in those "backwater" and "flyover" places put the bread and butter on your undeserving table, you ungrateful son of a bitch.

For scum like you Mohammed or no God is obviously more important than Jesus, but I would be willing to have a test between a home school educated kid and a product of a union indoctrinated unfortunate kid in any subject, including all the sciences, which your ilk claim to be your exclusive domain.

For scum like you, science begins and ends with Al Gore, the all around loser.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

I see no hatred in that post. You must be looking in a mirror!

Its the old GOP tactic of just labeling everything "hateful" and expect people to respond. The Trolling is hard in Kosh
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

I don't actually support the "Republican brand" as it were, but I will be happy to engage your question in an honest debate. The first and most obvious point I'd like to make is, you have failed to explain what you believe "the left" wants for America. It's as if you want your opposition to explain that to you. I can only assume this is so you can attack whatever they say. Therefore rendering your question quite rhetorical. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are genuinely interested to know what it is that "the right" thinks you want.

Okay, I am going to shock you here. I think you genuinely want a better America. You want a society where people don't have to worry about being sick, don't have to financially struggle to survive, where everyone is paid a decent wage for the work they do, no one is discriminated against, and all things are fair. I think you honestly believe liberal policies and initiatives will bring about this society. That in itself is an admirable vision, the problem is, it has never been achieved in all of world history. It has been attempted repeatedly with dismal results.

My main problem with "the left" is how they believe the world began yesterday. They have very little concept of history, most are simply illiterate of history, and I am sorry if that offends or sounds derisive, I just believe it to be a fact. I think most of you slept through world history class or something. You simply fail to realize your ideas have been tried, over and over, in various incarnations under various forms of government. If the ideas were going to work, they would have worked by now. Since the early 19th century, there have been several large-scale case studies of your policies, all have ended with mass genocide on an unimaginable scale. The problem always seems to stem from corruption within the government you trust to implement your plans. It all looks good on paper, it should all work out well for the people, but because governments inherently grow corrupt over time, it always fails. This is why it's better to have limited government and more individual liberty.

You see, we devised in America, a system where the people had ultimate power over the government. This enables free enterprise, a free market capitalist economic system, where people's needs are met through laws of supply and demand, and each individual has opportunity to participate on their own merits. This doesn't eliminate the problem of poverty for some, the worries and needs of the 'less fortunate' or the less motivated. However, it is a system that is responsible for creating more millionaires and billionaires than anything ever devised by man. It has produced a system where the "average" person in America is better off than most "wealthy" people elsewhere.

We literally went from being a fledgling little upstart country to the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen in just a couple hundred years. As we've achieved this pinnacle of greatness, we have implemented more and more 'governmental' policies designed to help the less fortunate. For a while, it was a burden our vibrant system could handle. We've now reached a point where these social entitlement policies are dramatically affecting the economic stability of our system. We're in a spiraling mode of ever-increasing debt that we can't seem to reverse. This cannot be sustained. Eventually it all comes crashing to the ground.

The "left" and "right" in this country is defined by which way they wish to ratchet our policies. The left wants to continue to ratchet to the ever-increasing social entitlements and more debt we can never repay, the right wants to ratchet in the other direction. In doing so, they are met by resistance from the left and a barrage of unfounded accusations, like wanting to give tax breaks to the rich, not caring about the sick and poor, etc. The real truth of the matter is, if we do not return to what made us great, we will collapse and the sick and poor will be the first to suffer. Pushing for more and more failed policies of the left is never going to save America. The ONLY salvation is through vibrant free market capitalism. Yes, that means rich people will get richer, but it also means poor people climb out of poverty and middle class people become part of the rich. As JFK said, a rising tide floats all boats.
The far left doesn't want anything "for" America, they only want "from" America.
Once again the far left talking points and propaganda comes out to support their hatred for anything that is not far left.

The irony of the OP is not surprising.

I see no hatred in that post. You must be looking in a mirror!

Its the old GOP tactic of just labeling everything "hateful" and expect people to respond. The Trolling is hard in Kosh

Says the poster that is far left and supports the far left without question or hesitation and posts goodies like this:

Yep, I defend your rights to get butt fucked and I laugh at butt fuckers at the same time. I'm an onion that way...layers son.

But your boo hooing about intellect doesnt effect me...that faggotry hasnt worked on people since the 4th...no 3rd grade

These comments from a far left poster defeats all the far left propaganda in the OP.
Lol. This "Far Left" rhetoric is just nonsense.

You believe that people should have the equal treatment under the law guaranteed by the 14th amendment? Far left marxist Obama-loving commie bastard!!

Feel that a social safety net for the weakest in our society to survive is a good idea? Far left commie pinko bastard!!

It's absolute nonsense.
Lol. This "Far Left" rhetoric is just nonsense.

You believe that people should have the equal treatment under the law guaranteed by the 14th amendment? Far left marxist Obama-loving commie bastard!!

Feel that a social safety net for the weakest in our society to survive is a good idea? Far left commie pinko bastard!!

It's absolute nonsense.

There is "far left", there is "far right".

If you don't see that, fine. But it is not nonsense.

Lol. This "Far Left" rhetoric is just nonsense.

You believe that people should have the equal treatment under the law guaranteed by the 14th amendment? Far left marxist Obama-loving commie bastard!!

Feel that a social safety net for the weakest in our society to survive is a good idea? Far left commie pinko bastard!!

It's absolute nonsense.

There is "far left", there is "far right".

If you don't see that, fine. But it is not nonsense.

The nonsense comes when posters accuse anyone they disagree with as "far left" or right. Sure the two extremes exist, but not as frequently as the hardliners would have us believe.
Lol. This "Far Left" rhetoric is just nonsense.

You believe that people should have the equal treatment under the law guaranteed by the 14th amendment? Far left marxist Obama-loving commie bastard!!

Feel that a social safety net for the weakest in our society to survive is a good idea? Far left commie pinko bastard!!

It's absolute nonsense.

There is "far left", there is "far right".

If you don't see that, fine. But it is not nonsense.

The nonsense comes when posters accuse anyone they disagree with as "far left" or right. Sure the two extremes exist, but not as frequently as the hardliners would have us believe.

Especially when the far left Obama drones continue to show they are die hard far left.

I bet not one far left poster here can show where they condemned Obama for his illegal wars.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

winner ^^^

About as concise as you can get dude!!:D
Actual far lyftyst here, setting the record straight--although I do detest situations in which I must use that horribly bigoted term.

What does the "far left" want for America?

Equality. Is that so much to ask?
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Your answer is not responsive in any substantive manner. I've been called far left and have never suggested we adopt a system of governance you proposed. Maybe there are members of the FAR Left who advocate such governance, and if they have posted on the forum, I missed it. Please provide evidence in terms of said posts.

Remember, the use of the term "far left" is ubiquitous, so finding posts which meet with your claim should be easy.

But I digress. So in your opinion everyone who is called "far left" advocates
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Your answer is not responsive in any substantive manner. I've been called far left and have never suggested we adopt a system of governance you proposed. Maybe there are members of the FAR Left who advocate such governance, and if they have posted on the forum, I missed it. Please provide evidence in terms of said posts.

Remember, the use of the term "far left" is ubiquitous, so finding posts which meet with your claim should be easy.

But I digress. So in your opinion everyone who is called "far left" advocates

Your post was to ask what is considered far left (by me). I answered it. Now you are asking for all this backup, but you are asking for posts that do not exist. People who are statists never post what they actually want to do, because no one who cherishes their freedom would ever agree to it. They conceal their true motives using terms like "fairness", "equality", and harken to past wrongs.

To simplify further a far leftist is someone who thinks a government run by people who agree with THEM knows what's good for you more than you do yourself.

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