What does the "far left" want for America?

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

This is why Republicans were such a disaster in IRaq. They don't even know what other Americans want beyond the sickness that comes from deluded Republican minds.

You would have to be a total tard to believe such nonsense and yet look at all the loons agreeing with this fool.

How can such ignorant people think they can negotiate foreign policy, much less domestic policy? They aren't fit to pull weeds.
They don't even know what other Americans want

neither do you Dean....all i see when you post is a very far left person telling everyone how ALL Republicans think,what ALL Republicans want.....yet you have had righties here tell you they dont believe in the shit you are posting......but the very next thread or post....you say the same fucking shit.....you are no different than your cousins on the far right....."unless you agree with me and see things my way.....you aint shit....so fuck you"....
you are a divider Dean....people like you with your limited mindset are part of the problem.....the Far Right and Left.....should never be in charge of anything that affects peoples lives....never....
The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

This is why Republicans were such a disaster in IRaq. They don't even know what other Americans want beyond the sickness that comes from deluded Republican minds.

You would have to be a total tard to believe such nonsense and yet look at all the loons agreeing with this fool.

How can such ignorant people think they can negotiate foreign policy, much less domestic policy? They aren't fit to pull weeds.
They don't even know what other Americans want

neither do you Dean....all i see when you post is a very far left person telling everyone how ALL Republicans think,what ALL Republicans want.....yet you have had righties here tell you they dont believe in the shit you are posting......but the very next thread or post....you say the same fucking shit.....you are no different than your cousins on the far right....."unless you agree with me and see things my way.....you aint shit....so fuck you"....
you are a divider Dean....people like you with your limited mindset are part of the problem.....the Far Right and Left.....should never be in charge of anything that affects peoples lives....never....

For one thing, I don't say ALL Republicans. You've been slapped before for that lie.

Second, the reason we know what Republicans want is because they tell us and we see it in their policies. When they blocked the Obama administration from investigating BP for that disastrous oil spill, it was because they were protecting BP. Duh!
When they say "corporations are people" it's because they believe corporations are people.

You guys keep saying I made stuff up, but when push comes to shove and I ask what it was I made up, you come up with this lame "not ALL Republicans believe that". Who cares what SOME Republicans believe? I'm more interested in what the majority of Republicans believe. Because those are the ones that vote in large numbers. Duh!
The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

This is why Republicans were such a disaster in IRaq. They don't even know what other Americans want beyond the sickness that comes from deluded Republican minds.

You would have to be a total tard to believe such nonsense and yet look at all the loons agreeing with this fool.

How can such ignorant people think they can negotiate foreign policy, much less domestic policy? They aren't fit to pull weeds.

Standard progressive dismissal of something they don't like to hear.

So my typing for no real content Rdweeb. Go play in traffic.

Look at the nonsense you wrote. You have the nerve to say such foolishness is something I don't want to hear? No one really cares to hear "stupid".

Look at this part:

Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible

Who the fuck are you talking about? Can you put a name to these "secret" people?
This is why Republicans were such a disaster in IRaq. They don't even know what other Americans want beyond the sickness that comes from deluded Republican minds.

You would have to be a total tard to believe such nonsense and yet look at all the loons agreeing with this fool.

How can such ignorant people think they can negotiate foreign policy, much less domestic policy? They aren't fit to pull weeds.

Standard progressive dismissal of something they don't like to hear.

So my typing for no real content Rdweeb. Go play in traffic.

Look at the nonsense you wrote. You have the nerve to say such foolishness is something I don't want to hear? No one really cares to hear "stupid".

Look at this part:

Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible

Who the fuck are you talking about? Can you put a name to these "secret" people?

Blah Blah Blah, Rdean sucks off goats, blah blah blah.

The "secret" people are democrats, I thought you would figure it out. The higher you go in government the less a person is accountable to those they represent. They can rely on blocks of low info/fellow traveler voters to make sure they are not taken out of office.

I made my position clear, you chose to respond with nonsense and political hackery.

Again, you suck off goats.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Leftists want the complete enslavement of America. They want government bureaucrats to make all the decisions on your life. They want the common folk to bow and grovel before their government overlords and live in constant fear of angering some minion of the omnipotent state. They want to live at the expense of the productive while they tell everyone how to live and produce nothing of value to anyone.

Really, you know this do you? I wonder what else goes on in your head, vis a vis reality? I noticed, in the real world, that when the Democrats held the White House, the Senate and the H. of Rep. that no bill ever was passed to enslave Americans, nor were statues errected of President Obama requiring all who passed by to bow and "grovel".

In my most humble opinion, formed by reading many of the posts of bripat, I've concluded he is not only challenged by reality, he is pathologically angry and deeply disturbed.
The far left wants the maximum number of people to be dependent on the highest level of government possible. The overall goal is an attempt to create a system where those dependent on the system will vote to perpetuate the system, the system of course being run by the leftists who advocate for said system.

Its control. Control at the highest level by people as unaccountable to the public as possible.

Do me a favor, please. Name some names. Tell us who wants people to be dependent on the government. Both here and at the "higher levels of government".

Please, demonstrate that what you are saying has even a shred of credibility by using real world examples. Cite someone....anyone......expressing a desire to increase government dependency in exchange for votes.

I submit that your description of what the "far left".......whoever that is....wants is a pile of shit fueled by desperate conservative talking points and is completely without merit.

None of this, is of course, out in the open. But the pattern is pretty easy to spot. In big cities it is the constant stroking of public unions, who's members will support en masse any politician who gives them goodies. In Blue states is the constant increase to the welfare state, either by money increases, or bureaucratic increases (which incidentally creates more people for the first category)

Do you really not see the '"vote for me and my party and you will get this" and "The "Republicans will take away your that" Campaigning democrats do to their traditional voter blocks?

Finally at the federal level we have democrats wanting more and more matters handled at the federal level, removing the states from certain tasks, or bending them to federal will via "take it or leave it" grants.

It is a secret agenda? But....its so obvious that you've got it all figured out.

Stroking of public unions? In what way? Can you be more specific? Please be sure to demonstrate that your example(s) lead to dependency on government. If I'm not mistaken, a prerequisite for union membership is that one have a job. Where is the dependency?

Blue states have increased the "welfare state"? Please demonstrate that and show that dependency on government is the goal of any examples that you provide. Are governors and legislators in blue states all "far left"? Who is and who isn't?

No...I don't see the "vote for my party and you'll get this" promises coming more from one side or the other. Here again, you have hinted that anyone who isn't Republican is far left. I'm pretty sure Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney told their base that Obama was going to "end Medicare as we know it" about a million times. Did you miss that?

Your last paragraph is just ANOTHER sweeping generalization with no meat. Give some examples. All you are doing is scratching the surface of the discussion. You have supported nothing of what you said.
My posting philosophy is to try to limit by posts to three paragraphs, any more and most people will not read them. Thus I'll simply bullet point some of your points:

1. In your paragraph #1 you state: "you have failed to explain what you believe "the left" wants for America"

The obvious answer is, I asked a question, why would I supply the answer? But, I will.

IMO, the far left has no single set of goals, it is manifest by a disaffected minority who want immediate change, thus they eschew democracy and adopt the an ends and means philosophy.

Let me help you out with some further clarity. The Left is very ambiguous about what they want. This is by design. They couch the debate in emotive platitudes and catch phrases that actually mean very little. For example, social justice... what does that mean? How do we know when it is achieved? Same with equality... when do we know it has been achieved? The fact is we don't know because we're chasing a dream of idealism.

2. I suspect everyone wants a more perfect union, a nation where a hard working citizen won't be bankrupt by a serious illness or injury, where they or their children won't be denied opportunities based on their race, ethnicity, creed, economic status, sexual or political identification, where hard work is rewarded by a fair wage and employers are not exploiting their labor, and where they can retire before they are worn out and live out their final days with dignity.

Yes, everyone wants the world to be perfect and life to be fair. It's not. Get over it. As opposed to a nation where you'd basically DIE if you got sick, we are fortunate to live in a country with the best medical facilities and technologies known to man, thus your life is saved... being able to file bankruptcy in exchange for living a little while longer, seems a very tiny price to pay. No one in this nation is legally being discriminated against because of race, sex, religion, creed or national origin. If it happens, it's illegal. The national minimum wage was adopted specifically to address sweat shop labor and exploitation, but as we see and just as is the case with ALL left-wing issues, it's never enough. You simply return to the same old mantra, the same talking points, pushing the same agenda. The goals are never defined because the objective is chasing an idealistic dream.

3/4. Notwithstanding the fear in this paragraph, let's consider who built this nation. Was it Andrew Carnegie building his steel mills, or those who mined the ore and those who forged the steel"? Was it the Robber Barons who built our nation, or the backs of labor?

It was BOTH! Along with bankers and financiers, a strong and vibrant workforce willing to do the jobs needed, is the key to our tremendous growth and expansion as a nation. Programs that discourage work, reward people for work they haven't done, or punishing the bankers and financiers, is the way you DESTROY that system of capitalism. We're well on our way to that.

I have a BA from CAL with a double major, History and Poli Sci. Who I find naive are are those who believe the exploitation of labor, denial of the rights to organize and form unions, to collectively bargain wages, benefits and working conditions, can lead to anything good. History tells us it will not, maybe you missed courses in the Economic History of the US, and The History of the Labor movement. I did not.

You initially stated you wanted to remain above the fray and not deal with vitriolic put-downs and insults, but here you seem to have forgotten that. Don't insult my intelligence or education. I've not said one word against labor unions or collective bargaining. We have proven that can be part of a viable capitalist system, however, when the unions become too powerful and demanding, the consequences will effectively stifle capitalism. That has been proven with the auto industry as well as most of the manufacturing sector.

Let me humbly suggest a book I've recently finished: The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Read how TR and Taft handled some of the questions of today.

5. Finally, you try to define the left but do so, IMO, framed by biases and prejudices. Speaking for myself, a registered Democrat and someone who spent a career in Law Enforcement (mostly in management, spending an inordinate amount of time butting heads with the business agents on working condition issues), the left is not hateful or envious of the very wealthy as some contend, but most of us believe in fairness. Thus most Democrats support the civil rights act, the equal rights amendment and affirmative action. We support a womens' right to choose, the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry and the rights of all workers to form unions and bargain collectively.

Again, "fairness" is a platitude, an undefined statement with no indication of how we know it has been obtained. What YOU think is fair, another person may find quite unfair. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, and it was DEMOCRATS who mainly opposed it. The ERA was attempted and failed to meet the criteria for passage. Affirmative Action, again... opposed by segregation-era Democrats. Abortion and Gay Rights are social issues that you don't get to unilaterally decide for all of society, sorry! No one I am aware of has proposed we outlaw unions.

In any event, half of the things you mentioned have already been addressed, we had the debates years ago, we passed legislation, we dealt with the problem... now here you are lamenting the same problems as if we've never done any of that. Again, this is not about the issues, it's about advancing a liberal Utopian ideology. Nothing is ever good enough, we've never done enough, the problems are never fixed. More money is always needed, more legislation is always required, more government is always the solution.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

Leftists want the complete enslavement of America. They want government bureaucrats to make all the decisions on your life. They want the common folk to bow and grovel before their government overlords and live in constant fear of angering some minion of the omnipotent state. They want to live at the expense of the productive while they tell everyone how to live and produce nothing of value to anyone.

Really, you know this do you? I wonder what else goes on in your head, vis a vis reality? I noticed, in the real world, that when the Democrats held the White House, the Senate and the H. of Rep. that no bill ever was passed to enslave Americans, nor were statues errected of President Obama requiring all who passed by to bow and "grovel".

In my most humble opinion, formed by reading many of the posts of bripat, I've concluded he is not only challenged by reality, he is pathologically angry and deeply disturbed.

A lot of bills were passed to enslave America, the primary one being Obamacare. They also passed Frank/Dodd, and Obama is using the EPA to impose is control over our energy choices. Of course, the fascists Dems can't get their entire agenda passed during one administration. They've been working for a century now to achieve their goal. They don't have much further to go.
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My posting philosophy is to try to limit by posts to three paragraphs, any more and most people will not read them. Thus I'll simply bullet point some of your points:

1. In your paragraph #1 you state: "you have failed to explain what you believe "the left" wants for America"

The obvious answer is, I asked a question, why would I supply the answer? But, I will.

IMO, the far left has no single set of goals, it is manifest by a disaffected minority who want immediate change, thus they eschew democracy and adopt the an ends and means philosophy.

Let me help you out with some further clarity. let me patronize you is what I read The Left is very ambiguous (there is no "left", there are a few who advocate a "utopian philosophy, but a very few and they do not speak for everyone left of center) about what they want. This is by design.(whose design?) They couch the debate in emotive platitudes and catch phrases that actually mean very little For example, social justice... what does that mean? How do we know when it is achieved? (I suppose when the work force and the jail/prison population mirror the national demographics) Same with equality... when do we know it has been achieved? The fact is we don't know because we're chasing a dream of idealism.

2. I suspect everyone wants a more perfect union, a nation where a hard working citizen won't be bankrupt by a serious illness or injury, where they or their children won't be denied opportunities based on their race, ethnicity, creed, economic status, sexual or political identification, where hard work is rewarded by a fair wage and employers are not exploiting their labor, and where they can retire before they are worn out and live out their final days with dignity.

Yes, everyone wants the world to be perfect and life to be fair. It's not. Get over it. (Why?) As opposed to a nation where you'd basically DIE if you got sick, we are fortunate to live in a country with the best medical facilities and technologies known to man, thus your life is saved...(if and only if one can afford insurance and not be faced with an insurance imposed limit or exclusion because a life saving technique is not approved) being able to file bankruptcy in exchange for living a little while longer, seems a very tiny price to pay. (Really, are you in touch with reality?) No one in this nation is legally being discriminated against because of race, sex, religion, creed or national origin. If it happens, it's illegal. The national minimum wage was adopted specifically to address sweat shop labor and exploitation, but as we see and just as is the case with ALL left-wing issues, it's never enough. You simply return to the same old mantra, the same talking points, pushing the same agenda. The goals are never defined because the objective is chasing an idealistic dream. Wow, it's okay if the price of milk and bread and meat and eggs rises, but no one should recieve an increase in their income. Yep, you are a Republcian for the mantra of the new age Republican is this: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"

It was BOTH! Along with bankers and financiers, a strong and vibrant workforce willing to do the jobs needed, is the key to our tremendous growth and expansion as a nation. Programs that discourage work, reward people for work they haven't done, or punishing the bankers and financiers, is the way you DESTROY that system of capitalism. We're well on our way to that. Yep, you never took either of the courses noted below, did you?

I have a BA from CAL with a double major, History and Poli Sci. Who I find naive are are those who believe the exploitation of labor, denial of the rights to organize and form unions, to collectively bargain wages, benefits and working conditions, can lead to anything good. History tells us it will not, maybe you missed courses in the Economic History of the US, and The History of the Labor movement. I did not.

You initially stated you wanted to remain above the fray and not deal with vitriolic put-downs and insults, but here you seem to have forgotten that. Don't insult my intelligence or education. I've not said one word against labor unions or collective bargaining. We have proven that can be part of a viable capitalist system, however, when the unions become too powerful and demanding, the consequences will effectively stifle capitalism. That has been proven with the auto industry as well as most of the manufacturing sector.

Let me humbly suggest a book I've recently finished: The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Read how TR and Taft handled some of the questions of today.

5. Finally, you try to define the left but do so, IMO, framed by biases and prejudices. Speaking for myself, a registered Democrat and someone who spent a career in Law Enforcement (mostly in management, spending an inordinate amount of time butting heads with the business agents on working condition issues), the left is not hateful or envious of the very wealthy as some contend, but most of us believe in fairness. Thus most Democrats support the civil rights act, the equal rights amendment and affirmative action. We support a womens' right to choose, the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry and the rights of all workers to form unions and bargain collectively.

Again, "fairness" is a platitude, an undefined statement with no indication of how we know it has been obtained. What YOU think is fair, another person may find quite unfair. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, and it was DEMOCRATS who mainly opposed it. The ERA was attempted and failed to meet the criteria for passage. Affirmative Action, again... opposed by segregation-era Democrats. Abortion and Gay Rights are social issues that you don't get to unilaterally decide for all of society, sorry! No one I am aware of has proposed we outlaw unions.

In any event, half of the things you mentioned have already been addressed, we had the debates years ago, we passed legislation, we dealt with the problem... now here you are lamenting the same problems as if we've never done any of that. Again, this is not about the issues, it's about advancing a liberal Utopian ideology. Nothing is ever good enough, we've never done enough, the problems are never fixed. More money is always needed, more legislation is always required, more government is always the solution.

You really can't comport current political events with their historical antecedants, or won't. You claim the issues of labor v. Capital have "already been addressed", and nothing can be further from the truth.
This is why Republicans were such a disaster in IRaq. They don't even know what other Americans want beyond the sickness that comes from deluded Republican minds.

You would have to be a total tard to believe such nonsense and yet look at all the loons agreeing with this fool.

How can such ignorant people think they can negotiate foreign policy, much less domestic policy? They aren't fit to pull weeds.
They don't even know what other Americans want

neither do you Dean....all i see when you post is a very far left person telling everyone how ALL Republicans think,what ALL Republicans want.....yet you have had righties here tell you they dont believe in the shit you are posting......but the very next thread or post....you say the same fucking shit.....you are no different than your cousins on the far right....."unless you agree with me and see things my way.....you aint shit....so fuck you"....
you are a divider Dean....people like you with your limited mindset are part of the problem.....the Far Right and Left.....should never be in charge of anything that affects peoples lives....never....

For one thing, I don't say ALL Republicans. You've been slapped before for that lie.

Second, the reason we know what Republicans want is because they tell us and we see it in their policies. When they blocked the Obama administration from investigating BP for that disastrous oil spill, it was because they were protecting BP. Duh!
When they say "corporations are people" it's because they believe corporations are people.

You guys keep saying I made stuff up, but when push comes to shove and I ask what it was I made up, you come up with this lame "not ALL Republicans believe that". Who cares what SOME Republicans believe? I'm more interested in what the majority of Republicans believe. Because those are the ones that vote in large numbers. Duh!

For one thing, I don't say ALL Republicans.

bullshit....i have asked you to clarify yourself more than once...and you have either danced around the question or gave an answer like ...well their might be 1 or 2.....when you say REPUBLICANS....that means ALL Republicans.....when you say SOME or the Far Right that means you are not saying ALL Republicans....im surprised you claim you are educated but yet dont seem to realize.....WORDS have meaning...you do the same thing sometimes with the Conservatives....

Who cares what SOME Republicans believe?

i think you just made my case for me.....keep throwing that blanket Dean....
so far one leftist said what he wantd

the rest of you pussies are just being pussies.

What? Afraid to tell us what you want or afraid to hear the truth of it?

No, one of them said "Sweden", and I'd guess that's right on the money.

A Euro-social democracy with an authoritarian central planning system.


hand in glove with the hate America stance.
Do me a favor, please. Name some names. Tell us who wants people to be dependent on the government. Both here and at the "higher levels of government".

Please, demonstrate that what you are saying has even a shred of credibility by using real world examples. Cite someone....anyone......expressing a desire to increase government dependency in exchange for votes.

I submit that your description of what the "far left".......whoever that is....wants is a pile of shit fueled by desperate conservative talking points and is completely without merit.

Cloward and Piven https://www.google.com/webhp?source...&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cloward and piven strategy

close friends of the clintons and the rest of the dnc

Never heard of them, yet this guy was elected to the H. of Rep. by Republicans:

Latest News Archives - David Duke.com | David Duke.com

when clinton signed the welfare reform act the female was on stage with them

oh and


useless dick, post what you want you fucking coward
What does the far left want? To bring everyone down to their level of misery.

Idiot-Gram ^^^

Liberals love equality so much that, in experiments, they prefer all players having equal gains/rewards compared to all players having larger gains/rewards but some players having far larger gains/rewards.

Liberals would rather be poorer and equal rather than everyone being richer but some being far richer than others.

So the description of "pulling everyone down to their own level of misery" is actually quite accurate.
so far one leftist said what he wantd

the rest of you pussies are just being pussies.

What? Afraid to tell us what you want or afraid to hear the truth of it?

No, one of them said "Sweden", and I'd guess that's right on the money.

A Euro-social democracy with an authoritarian central planning system.
A Mixed Economy run by rational people, without religious dogma, but no matter.

Right there you exclude liberals due to their religion. So you're saying you want Republicans to run this mixed economy now that liberal religious fanatics are excluded?
Boss: For example, social justice... what does that mean? How do we know when it is achieved? Wry Catcher: (I suppose when the work force and the jail/prison population mirror the national demographics)

But workforces are determined based on who has training and education to do the jobs available and prison population is based on who commits crime and is punished under the law. One has nothing to do with the other. Are we supposed to release criminals or dismiss the charges because we've reached some arbitrary quota of their particular demographic? Maybe we should just say that black people can't be convicted, only whites can be sent to prison? Or maybe only black people can be hired, even when they aren't qualified? Would that help bring about this Utopian dream world?

Boss: Yes, everyone wants the world to be perfect and life to be fair. It's not. Get over it. Wry Catcher: (Why?)

Because you don't live in a fucking fairy tale. Unicorns don't exist... flowers don't shoot out your ass when you fart! Wishing it would be like that isn't going to change it.

Boss: As opposed to a nation where you'd basically DIE if you got sick, we are fortunate to live in a country with the best medical facilities and technologies known to man, thus your life is saved...Wry Catcher: (if and only if one can afford insurance and not be faced with an insurance imposed limit or exclusion because a life saving technique is not approved) being able to file bankruptcy in exchange for living a little while longer, seems a very tiny price to pay. (Really, are you in touch with reality?)

Every hospital in America is obligated to treat you regardless of your insurance status or ability to pay, it's the law. No doctor can deny you life-saving treatment without the risk of a malpractice lawsuit. You're the one who isn't in touch with reality. Obamacare did absolutely NOTHING to address the problems with the cost, availability or quality of health care in America... not one damn thing! And don't start the whining about "single payer" or as I like to call it "we all pay" ...we don't have that because DEMOCRATS didn't support it.

Wry Catcher: Wow, it's okay if the price of milk and bread and meat and eggs rises, but no one should recieve an increase in their income. Yep, you are a Republcian for the mantra of the new age Republican is this: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"

I thought you said you studied economics? Do you not comprehend that when wages increase, the price of goods and services also increase? Whenever you effectively DOUBLE the price of fuel, prices are going up because everything requires transport. Stuff doesn't get to the stores via magic fairies. No, Republican's mantra is, I got mine and I want to keep mine, and I want you to get yours and keep yours.

Wry Catcher: You really can't comport current political events with their historical antecedants, or won't. You claim the issues of labor v. Capital have "already been addressed", and nothing can be further from the truth.

We've been addressing them since the early 1900s. I can list a slew of legislative acts which restrict capitalism in all kinds of ways to the advantage of labor. No one that I am aware of is suggesting we abandon the various anti-trust laws or remove all the restrictions and regulations on capitalism, but we can't just keep piling on more and more burden or we will plunge ourselves into economic catastrophe. We are currently feeling the effects of this now, with the current anti-capitalist administration policies. There are no jobs, not GOOD ones, anyway. Full time employment is almost non-existent these days because of Obamacare. Battering the wealthy and business class is tantamount to cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Until you END this stupid "War on the Rich" and get back to the business of growing the economy to produce economic prosperity, we will continue to nosedive. You can hang up all your liberal Utopian dreams, they will never come to fruition if you kill capitalism.
What does the far right want? OF course besides defending the3 uber wealthy. :Class warfare should be alive and well with any middle class person with half a brain.
What does the far right want? OF course besides defending the3 uber wealthy. :Class warfare should be alive and well with any middle class person with half a brain.

Yes comrade, it's class warfare. The Bourgeois is oppressing the Proletariat. Amazing show since the country is split, that means half the country is "uber wealthy." Maybe compared to you they are. But most people call the people in the middle the "middle class." Marxism is only good for you.

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