What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

I can't get that interested in arguing about whether waterboarding is "really" torture, or just pseudo-torture, or whatever. The debate is pretty much over at that point. Kinda like arguing with some guy who thinks beating his wife is ok as long as there are no tell-tale cuts and bruises.

My general view on torture policy is more or less the same as my view on the death penalty. Yeah - there will be extreme circumstances where it might be justified. But the decision should always be up to an individual, and not state policy. And that individual should be ready, willing and able to defend their decision in court, explaining why such a heinous act was necessary and justified.
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Why was it wrong for the Bush administration to conduct "Rendition" while no one discusses or refutes "Rendition" conducted by Clinton and the Oblamer administrations. Oh, I forgot they're Liberal Democrats. Like Democrats and the KKK. That was okay too. But let's blame the Republicans.
Hypocrites the name Progressive Liberals continue to wear on their sleeves beside their Marxism.

What amazes me is the level that BHO used murdering UBL for re election and not once thanked those who found the intel. had the courage to get the intl, the dedication to follow up on the intel. that led to UBL
'And yes we murdred him in well deserved, had it coming, eye for eye "murder"

UBL was an animal

Yet BHO has not once thanked any-one who found UBL so he could murder him

and yes your right about the Marxist path BHO is full fledged committed too . He has stopped trying to hide it and people like me who use to defend him with this, stopped

Never agreed with his politics but for a long time I thought that was going to far, not any more

"UBLis dead, GM is alive"
He had very little to do with either and his base bought it hook line and sinker

UBL found through enchanted interrogation, which he stopped
GM saved with tax payers wealth on GWB watch AGAINST the will of the people

I often wondered where you come up with your revisionist material JR? Did you miss this part of his speech the night he announced OBL death?

"Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who've worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice."

"We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day."

I guess that's just how revisionist work, hoping no one will remember the truth. Worked really good before we could record stuff huh? Not so much anymore.....

How many other revisions will they try? The Best on yet was the one about how President Bush was really a good President or somesuch shit.......
Why was it wrong for the Bush administration to conduct "Rendition" while no one discusses or refutes "Rendition" conducted by Clinton and the Oblamer administrations. Oh, I forgot they're Liberal Democrats. Like Democrats and the KKK. That was okay too. But let's blame the Republicans.
Hypocrites the name Progressive Liberals continue to wear on their sleeves beside their Marxism.

What amazes me is the level that BHO used murdering UBL for re election and not once thanked those who found the intel. had the courage to get the intl, the dedication to follow up on the intel. that led to UBL
'And yes we murdred him in well deserved, had it coming, eye for eye "murder"

UBL was an animal

Yet BHO has not once thanked any-one who found UBL so he could murder him

and yes your right about the Marxist path BHO is full fledged committed too . He has stopped trying to hide it and people like me who use to defend him with this, stopped

Never agreed with his politics but for a long time I thought that was going to far, not any more

"UBLis dead, GM is alive"
He had very little to do with either and his base bought it hook line and sinker

UBL found through enchanted interrogation, which he stopped
GM saved with tax payers wealth on GWB watch AGAINST the will of the people

I often wondered where you come up with your revisionist material JR? Did you miss this part of his speech the night he announced OBL death?

"Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who've worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice."

"We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our country. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that September day."

I guess that's just how revisionist work, hoping no one will remember the truth. Worked really good before we could record stuff huh? Not so much anymore.....

How many other revisions will they try? The Best on yet was the one about how President Bush was really a good President or somesuch shit.......

If he keeps repeating it often enough....someone will believe it
Means more than a Dictionary
Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.

Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

It was done only on three arch terrorists and it was well worth it.
A common response for those who justify torture...

But THEY do it worse

Do we allow AlQaeda to set the bar on our own morality? Is there now an eye for an eye on torture? There was a time when we held up American values as the standard for the world to follow

Now, the rest of the world looks down on us as we abandon basic human rights

As I have stated torture by definition means inflicting severe pain. There is no pain in waterboarding. It simulates drowning and scares them.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efh_6_-tHgY]Torture Session: Christopher Hitchens On The Waterboard - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a26f-A2n1vM]Christopher Hitchens: Waterboarding And Other Turture Methods - YouTube[/ame]​
Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.

Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

It was done only on three arch terrorists and it was well worth it.

"No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture."
Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.

Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

It was done only on three arch terrorists and it was well worth it.

And how many people died following up false leads obtained through torture?

Besides - to suggest our military is incapable of defeating these terrorists without torture is a slap in their face.

If a few more people die - then they join a long list of those who have died to preserve and protect those things that make the United States a beacon to the world. May be my turn soon - so be it. Better men than I have died to defend what we stand for.
Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.

Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

Yeah -- in the movies.

Stupefying that people exist who can't separate a movie from the real world.
I have no doubt that torture happened within the military/intelligence arms of the US before GWB and 9/11. It will no doubt happen again, regardless of official policy. But where Bush jumped the shark, and drug all of us in with him, was in effectively announcing to the world: "We'll torture you if you fuck with us!"
What amnesty international or what a UN convention says means nothing.

Means more than a Dictionary
Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.
Wow.....you read it somewhere.

I have no doubt that torture happened within the military/intelligence arms of the US before GWB and 9/11. It will no doubt happen again, regardless of official policy. But where Bush jumped the shark, and drug all of us in with him, was in effectively announcing to the world: "We'll torture you if you fuck with us!"

I'm sure plenty of things happen that most of us really don't want to know about.

We all take risks - or we are at least exposed to greater risks - in order to safeguard the ideals that make America great.

You don't throw all that out 'cause the mean ol' terrorists made someone soil their diapers.
I can't get that interested in arguing about whether waterboarding is "really" torture, or just pseudo-torture, or whatever. The debate is pretty much over at that point. Kinda like arguing with some guy who thinks beating his wife is ok as long as there are no tell-tale cuts and bruises.

My general view on torture policy is more or less the same as my view on the death penalty. Yeah - there will be extreme circumstances where it might be justified.

No.....there are NONE!!!!!

For instance....the bullshit argument....If you know they know a terrorist-action is in-play...

O.K.....unless you already know what that action is.....how do you know they know????

....And, if you already know.....what's the point of torture??!!!!

Not in my opinion.

It was three dictionaries.

Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

It was done only on three arch terrorists and it was well worth it.

Which ones.....and, WHO was tortured?????

Enhanced interrogation techniques did not inflict any pain on the prisoner, just discomfort, and I don't give a shit how uncomfortable we make terrorists feel.
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Dictionaries mean something to a fifth grader

They have no legal standing

Amnest Int'l has no legal standing either.

Fact is the waterbording stopped major terrorist attacks from occurring in the US.

Before the waterboarding the terrorists will taunting interrogators.

Afterwards they sang.

It was done only on three arch terrorists and it was well worth it.

Which ones.....and, WHO was tortured?????



No.....there are NONE!!!!!

Maybe there aren't. But I think you're missing my point. My point is that, even if there are, if we could imagine extreme circumstances where torture might be justified, such a grave decision must face grave consequences. Anyone making the decision to torture another human being must be willing to give up their freedom, perhaps even their life, as a result.
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