What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.
Therein lies your problem. Do some research before you rant.
Still waiting.

Read the thread, you lazy, spamming asshole.
I have.

You're invited to direct me to posts with actual examples, too.

Or are personal insults and name-calling all you have, too?

We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Great! Show me the posts and I'll check 'em out.

List your favorites.


They're part of the thread. You either didn't read them or ignored them. Not addressing the content presented doesn't mean it's not there. You're only making yourself appear to be disingenuous.

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.
Still waiting.

Read the thread, you lazy, spamming asshole.
I have.

You're invited to direct me to posts with actual examples, too.

Or are personal insults and name-calling all you have, too?

We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Things Bannon has said and written do not get the PC stamp of approval. Big deal. Much of what the left calls "racist" is open to interpretation, son. You do not get to define what is, or is not, acceptable speech. This is America, not the Soviet Union.
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.
You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.
Its funny you keep asking for proof of something that you cant provide any examples of proof. How about you ask for something you can explain instead of this "whos on first" routine you got going?
So what you are trying to say is that you believe Bannon is racist absent any proof. He simply is because you deemed it so.

Step right up!

What is proof that someone is racist? Your turn.
I laid out specific actions that would indicate that a person is a racist. Thus far, not only have I seen none of those actions demonstrated, I see you continue to demand standards of proof while ignoring what I posted.

You seem to not understand what the word PROOF means. The OP asked for PROOF not "actions that would indicate". Try again.

When you find out you cant then you'll realize how stupid it is to ask for proof of racism
IOW, you can't even produce "actions that would indicate" that he's a racist, much less that would prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, thus making your already weak case much weaker. As long as you insist that you're the arbiter of what makes a person a racist and can apply whatever arbitrary criteria you want to at the time, you're not going to make any headway.

And here's a hint, I'm not even asking for absolute proof (you don't get to hide behind that), I'm simply asking for things that he has done that would cause a casual bystander to say, "That is the action of a racist".
IOW, you can't even produce "actions that would indicate" that he's a racist,

See above, fool.

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.
when you're in a forest and you see something that looks like a bear smells like a bear growls like a bear and shits like a bear ....it's a bear ,,,Bannon is a racist POS
You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.
The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.
The question should be ,,,,who didn't Trump bash and smear ? everyone of those 17 guys on stage with him for starters ,,a war hero, a gold stars parents etc etc etc etc
You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.
You mean like calling people "libtards"?
It is very easy to accuse someone of being something when all you have to do is take whatever they say and insist that they mean something completely different.

"I will not rest until all American children from every background of every skin color is included in the American dream".

"RACIST!! You mean only white children when you say all children"

"All people are entitled to a legal defense in court".

"RACIST!! You mean only white people when you say all people".

That's how it works when you think you're a mind reader in addition to a crime fighter, at least when you put on the tights and the mask.

Yes, it is difficult to interpret what someone says.

The first thing is that politicians should be careful with the words they use. There are those who hate political correctness, but the reality is saying what you want to say is more intelligent than anything else.

People will try and interpret what a politician says to make it more negative. Smart politicians speak in a way that doesn't allow for this, it's part of the game. But at the same time those who are on the far right, racists and the like are playing the same game, they're hiding their racism from some, and showing it to others. How do you know? It's hard to know, sometimes you can see it happening, you see the inconsistencies in what is being said, etc.

I don't accuse people of being racist lightly, I'll do it when I think there's enough evidence available.
Most politicians say nothing that hasn't been carefully focus group tested to avoid saying anything of substance at all. Trump is not most politicians, thus will say a lot of things that people will hate.

Yes, of course, there are two parties and politicians have to appeal to half the country. Trump says a lot of things that people hate, and somehow he's got away with it, but most wouldn't. Probably because he's said what he's said and play the boo hoo victim card at the same time.
He won and "gets away with it" precisely because he is not scripted and focus group tested. People have gotten tired of politicians saying nothing.

Have they? They keep voting for such politicians. People should think about the system of govt they want so that they can actually CHOOSE who they want, rather than this current farce of a system.
Sure, they could vote for a third party loser, but he/she would have no chance whatsoever to effect the major parties. Trump, OTOH, was exactly that, someone who didn't need party money and thus wasn't under the party's thumb. He also represented a major threat to democrat hegemony if he could actually win.

And it's working. The GOP leadership cannot ignore Trump and have to deal with him. The way the democrats dealt with Bernie was revealed and many are tired of that party's malfeasance as well. It remains to be seen, though, if the democrats will rally to hold their leadership to account or if they've become so accustomed to authoritarianism that they can't.

We need at least 3 or 4 major parties to force compromise and provide more choices for voters, but until the 2 we have now are forced to relinquish some control, we won't get them.

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.
Okay, since you failed to meet even the mildest of objective standards, what is YOUR standard of proof? What would it take for you to admit, for example, that Al Sharpton is a racist?
Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.
Okay, since you failed to meet even the mildest of objective standards, what is YOUR standard of proof? What would it take for you to admit, for example, that Al Sharpton is a racist?

It's funny, look at the path of events. OP asked for proof. I ask what is proof of racism. Here comes you thinking you're going to flip the unanswerable question on me like you're clever. Get your own lines champ.
You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.
Okay, since you failed to meet even the mildest of objective standards, what is YOUR standard of proof? What would it take for you to admit, for example, that Al Sharpton is a racist?

It's funny, look at the path of events. OP asked for proof. I ask what is proof of racism. Here comes you thinking you're going to flip the unanswerable question on me like you're clever. Get your own lines champ.
Hey, just be clear and say you don't want to give your own standards, because that would put us in the position of examining actual facts and opinions instead of hiding behind vague, gaseous accusations of "He's a RACIST, because I say so".

We know they're not objective, but my belief is that if you laid them out, we could show that Bannon does not meet them and therefore you would have to admit he is not, in fact, a racist.

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.

I posted the dictionary definition. Obviously all you have to do is show that he beliefs or actions match that.

Your pretense that I have not answered your question is just you wanting to make false accusations to smear your enemies.

Your inability to support your accusations, shows that you lefties are the type of people that are happy to poison this nation for partisan political gain.
Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

All you have to do is provide what you consider is proof of racism. Since it's about what someone believes do you have a belief-o-meter? Or some way to PROVE what someone believes?

Because so far you can't answer but you demand someone to do what you cannot.
when you're in a forest and you see something that looks like a bear smells like a bear growls like a bear and shits like a bear ....it's a bear ,,,Bannon is a racist POS

Another vile lefty who loves to call people names that he can't support.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.
Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.
The question should be ,,,,who didn't Trump bash and smear ? everyone of those 17 guys on stage with him for starters ,,a war hero, a gold stars parents etc etc etc etc

Politicians and partisans going after each other is one thing. A Presidential Candidate telling the nation that millions and millions of their fellow citizens were "Deplorable" was a whole new low.

Hillary led us there, and you lefties followed quite enthusiastically.






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