What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

To answer the thread question for one Bannon wouldn't let his kids attend schools that Jews attended.... that little thing.

Adding homophobe and misogynist to his manywonderful qualities, lets check out some headline stories Bannon was responsible for after Breitbart died. Breitbart wasn't a racist and I'm sure he turned over in his grave on multiple times with these Bannon headlines:

'Gay rights have made us dumber, it's time to get back in the closet'

A June 2015 article by Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, argued in favor of "forcing gays back into the closet." "I find it depressing that my fellow fags have stopped breeding," Yiannopoulos wrote.

' "Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?" '

A February post on the website included a video created by the Michigan Review, a University of Michigan publication, to promote a debate on campus featuring Yiannopoulos. The publication asked participants the question.

"There's no hiring bias against women in tech, they just suck at interviews"

A July article suggested that research revealed "women might just suck at job interviews."

'Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage'

An article published in July 2015, weeks after a mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, slammed critics of the Confederate flag, a symbol embraced by the gunman. "Those who initiated identity politics are attempting to obliterate the Southern identity," the author of the Breitbart piece wrote. "Every tree, every rooftop, every picket fence, every telegraph pole in the South should be festooned with the Confederate battle flag."

'Suck it up buttercups: Dangerous Faggot Tour returns to colleges in September'

An article in July touted tour dates for a show headlined by Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, a prolific Breitbart writer who was banned from Twitter this summer for violating rules against abuse.

To think trump liked this type of prejudice, racism and hate so much that he made this guy his chief adviser.

Bannon seems to be an honest and reasonable guy who does not care about this stupid Political Correctness (in the Commie-Lingo it is just censorship).

People who constantly whine about "racism" are in most cases hypocrites who project their own deficits on their perceived competitors/enemies.
The best evidence that Bannon is a racist is how much support he gets from the racists around here.

Like who?

lol, like Steve_McGarrett and any of you who vocally or tacitly support him.

That's stupid even by your low standards. Your constant cries of "racism" have become a punchline to a poor joke. Get back to us when you have evidence the man is a racist. Until then, shut your diseased piehole.
To answer the thread question for one Bannon wouldn't let his kids attend schools that Jews attended.... that little thing.

Adding homophobe and misogynist to his manywonderful qualities, lets check out some headline stories Bannon was responsible for after Breitbart died. Breitbart wasn't a racist and I'm sure he turned over in his grave on multiple times with these Bannon headlines:

'Gay rights have made us dumber, it's time to get back in the closet'

A June 2015 article by Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, argued in favor of "forcing gays back into the closet." "I find it depressing that my fellow fags have stopped breeding," Yiannopoulos wrote.

' "Would you rather your child had feminism or cancer?" '

A February post on the website included a video created by the Michigan Review, a University of Michigan publication, to promote a debate on campus featuring Yiannopoulos. The publication asked participants the question.

"There's no hiring bias against women in tech, they just suck at interviews"

A July article suggested that research revealed "women might just suck at job interviews."

'Hoist it high and proud: The Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage'

An article published in July 2015, weeks after a mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, slammed critics of the Confederate flag, a symbol embraced by the gunman. "Those who initiated identity politics are attempting to obliterate the Southern identity," the author of the Breitbart piece wrote. "Every tree, every rooftop, every picket fence, every telegraph pole in the South should be festooned with the Confederate battle flag."

'Suck it up buttercups: Dangerous Faggot Tour returns to colleges in September'

An article in July touted tour dates for a show headlined by Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, a prolific Breitbart writer who was banned from Twitter this summer for violating rules against abuse.

To think trump liked this type of prejudice, racism and hate so much that he made this guy his chief adviser.

Bannon seems to be an honest and reasonable guy who does not care about this stupid Political Correctness (in the Commie-Lingo it is just censorship).

People who constantly whine about "racism" are in most cases hypocrites who project their own deficits on their perceived competitors/enemies.

To most racists, yes, he seems reasonable.
Still waiting.

Read the thread, you lazy, spamming asshole.
I have.

You're invited to direct me to posts with actual examples, too.

Or are personal insults and name-calling all you have, too?

We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Great! Show me the posts and I'll check 'em out.

List your favorites.


They're part of the thread. You either didn't read them or ignored them. Not addressing the content presented doesn't mean it's not there. You're only making yourself appear to be disingenuous.
My guess is that whatever the "examples" are provide no direct proof.

I listened to that interview he did with Milo that you posted, and at no time does he say anything racist.

Please don't tell me that was supposed to be an example. If it is, maybe I missed it and you can point it out.
Read the thread, you lazy, spamming asshole.
I have.

You're invited to direct me to posts with actual examples, too.

Or are personal insults and name-calling all you have, too?

We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Things Bannon has said and written do not get the PC stamp of approval. Big deal. Much of what the left calls "racist" is open to interpretation, son. You do not get to define what is, or is not, acceptable speech. This is America, not the Soviet Union.
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.
I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

To talk about a group guilt (in this case about "white guilt") is a good example of anti-white racism.
I have.

You're invited to direct me to posts with actual examples, too.

Or are personal insults and name-calling all you have, too?

We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Things Bannon has said and written do not get the PC stamp of approval. Big deal. Much of what the left calls "racist" is open to interpretation, son. You do not get to define what is, or is not, acceptable speech. This is America, not the Soviet Union.
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.

You still didn't address my post.
In light of the evidence I posted, do you believe it's reasonable to assume he has sympathies with white nationals or am I simply trivializing?
We've given you numerous examples. It seems your position is simply that racism doesn't exist, unless it involves attack dogs and firehoses.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, Bull Connor.
Things Bannon has said and written do not get the PC stamp of approval. Big deal. Much of what the left calls "racist" is open to interpretation, son. You do not get to define what is, or is not, acceptable speech. This is America, not the Soviet Union.
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.

You still didn't address my post.
In light of the evidence I posted, do you believe it's reasonable to assume he has sympathies with white nationals or am I simply trivializing?
For you, I'm sure it's reasonable.

For me, I don't have enough evidence that he's a racist, regardless of who he pals around with. Racism is a real thing in my book, and assumptions are not good enough.

The Left doesn't like it when people make assumptions about them, it's too bad they act the same way.
Things Bannon has said and written do not get the PC stamp of approval. Big deal. Much of what the left calls "racist" is open to interpretation, son. You do not get to define what is, or is not, acceptable speech. This is America, not the Soviet Union.
The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.

You still didn't address my post.
In light of the evidence I posted, do you believe it's reasonable to assume he has sympathies with white nationals or am I simply trivializing?
For you, I'm sure it's reasonable.

For me, I don't have enough evidence that he's a racist, regardless of who he pals around with. Racism is a real thing in my book, and assumptions are not good enough.

The Left doesn't like it when people make assumptions about them, it's too bad they act the same way.

So he aligns the organization he leads with such a group on a whim with no strategy in mind?

The Regressive Left has bestowed upon itself the exclusive right to determine what is and what is not "racist".

They don't need proof. They don't need examples. They just use the word when they want to put someone on the defensive.

Doesn't work any more. They blew it. They jumped the shark. They over-used it.

Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.

You still didn't address my post.
In light of the evidence I posted, do you believe it's reasonable to assume he has sympathies with white nationals or am I simply trivializing?
For you, I'm sure it's reasonable.

For me, I don't have enough evidence that he's a racist, regardless of who he pals around with. Racism is a real thing in my book, and assumptions are not good enough.

The Left doesn't like it when people make assumptions about them, it's too bad they act the same way.

So he aligns the organization he leads with such a group on a whim with no strategy in mind?

Good gawd, just scream RACIST, then. Nice and loud. Over and over.

That should improve things. It sure has so far.
Founder of the alt-right.
richard spencer founder of alt right - Google Search

"We're the platform for the alt-right," Bannon told me proudly when I interviewed him at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July.

How Donald Trump's New Campaign Chief Created an Online Haven for White Nationalists | Mother Jones

We get your stubborn refusal to address any of this. As a staunch anti-PCer you no doubt hold Bannon in high regard as the leader of this movement. That isn't in question.
The question is, are you comfortable with the white nationalists being embraced and brought into the fold by Bannon? Do you not see why Bannon is characterized as at least sympathetic to racist causes if not himself sharing those ideas?
I don't like Bannon. I think he's a kook and has been a long-time purveyor of fake news. I worry very much that he has Trump's ear, which essentially makes him a DANGEROUS kook.

I am also of mixed race and have a family that looks like a Celebrate Diversity! poster. I therefore take the word "racist" very seriously, and I hate seeing it diluted and trivialized for political purposes by people who are trying to assuage their White Guilt.

The word MEANS something to me. It's not just a political weapon.

You still didn't address my post.
In light of the evidence I posted, do you believe it's reasonable to assume he has sympathies with white nationals or am I simply trivializing?
For you, I'm sure it's reasonable.

For me, I don't have enough evidence that he's a racist, regardless of who he pals around with. Racism is a real thing in my book, and assumptions are not good enough.

The Left doesn't like it when people make assumptions about them, it's too bad they act the same way.

So he aligns the organization he leads with such a group on a whim with no strategy in mind?

Good gawd, just scream RACIST, then. Nice and loud. Over and over.

That should improve things. It sure has so far.

Who aligns themselves and their organization with white nationals if they don't believe in their movement?
You claim to take it seriously yet deny anything even seems out of the ordinary. Just pals around with particularly vile white nationalists. Nothing to see here.
Yes, it is difficult to interpret what someone says.

The first thing is that politicians should be careful with the words they use. There are those who hate political correctness, but the reality is saying what you want to say is more intelligent than anything else.

People will try and interpret what a politician says to make it more negative. Smart politicians speak in a way that doesn't allow for this, it's part of the game. But at the same time those who are on the far right, racists and the like are playing the same game, they're hiding their racism from some, and showing it to others. How do you know? It's hard to know, sometimes you can see it happening, you see the inconsistencies in what is being said, etc.

I don't accuse people of being racist lightly, I'll do it when I think there's enough evidence available.
Most politicians say nothing that hasn't been carefully focus group tested to avoid saying anything of substance at all. Trump is not most politicians, thus will say a lot of things that people will hate.

Yes, of course, there are two parties and politicians have to appeal to half the country. Trump says a lot of things that people hate, and somehow he's got away with it, but most wouldn't. Probably because he's said what he's said and play the boo hoo victim card at the same time.
He won and "gets away with it" precisely because he is not scripted and focus group tested. People have gotten tired of politicians saying nothing.

Have they? They keep voting for such politicians. People should think about the system of govt they want so that they can actually CHOOSE who they want, rather than this current farce of a system.
Sure, they could vote for a third party loser, but he/she would have no chance whatsoever to effect the major parties. Trump, OTOH, was exactly that, someone who didn't need party money and thus wasn't under the party's thumb. He also represented a major threat to democrat hegemony if he could actually win.

And it's working. The GOP leadership cannot ignore Trump and have to deal with him. The way the democrats dealt with Bernie was revealed and many are tired of that party's malfeasance as well. It remains to be seen, though, if the democrats will rally to hold their leadership to account or if they've become so accustomed to authoritarianism that they can't.

We need at least 3 or 4 major parties to force compromise and provide more choices for voters, but until the 2 we have now are forced to relinquish some control, we won't get them.

Yes, I agree, and the only way for real change is by changing the system. Trump's come out and said he's a "movement" which is a joke, maybe he's a bowel movement but nothing more. He doesn't stand for anything other than himself. The problem is the right have seen that the system benefits them and so don't want change.
Vile smears go all around. It's part of the game. It's sick but no one seems to want to change it.

Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

"WHITE" racist?

If you are white, you are racist, period.
Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there.

No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?


So you're saying he has lied?

Thanks but -

RWNJ morons.

Here's a hint for you - when some jackass like bannon or drumpf tells who they are,



Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

"WHITE" racist?

If you are white, you are racist, period.

But whites are not the only racists. I believe racism is part of the human condition. However, that does not mean we should not strive to rise above our most base extinct instincts.

I'm not "christian", so I believe in the principles that jesus taught.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?


So you're saying he has lied?

Thanks but -

RWNJ morons.

Here's a hint for you - when some jackass like bannon or drumpf tells who they are,



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Your attempt to respond to us, as opposed to the voices in your head has failed, please try again.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

"WHITE" racist?

If you are white, you are racist, period.

But whites are not the only racists. I believe racism is part of the human condition. However, that does not mean we should not strive to rise above our most base extinct instincts.

I'm not "christian", so I believe in the principles that jesus taught.

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How amusing that you talk about rising about "our most base instincts" while smearing Christians as a group, thus being a bigot.

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