What evidence is there that Steve Bannon is a racist?

Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Correll - so, you're saying slimy Bannon lied about what he is.

Did he also lie about what Brietbart is?

BTW, does he ever bathe?

Funny that drumpf said he wanted his staff to "look sharp" and next day Bannon turned up in a jacket and tie and still looked liked an un-made bed. Slime.

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Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Correll - so, you're saying slimy Bannon lied about what he is.

Did he also lie about what Brietbart is?

Be, dies he ever bathe?

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My words are the ones you see on the screen. THe voices in your head, talk to them in your head, that is a different conversation than the ones that occur on this web site.

THe ones you have with "people" you "see" in your room, are ANOTHER category, some of them might actually be real people.

Is any of this helping you?
Because you can't anewer my quesrion...which shows that OP is asking for evidence that cannot be explained.

You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Correll - so, you're saying slimy Bannon lied about what he is.

Did he also lie about what Brietbart is?

Be, dies he ever bathe?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

My words are the ones you see on the screen. THe voices in your head, talk to them in your head, that is a different conversation than the ones that occur on this web site.

THe ones you have with "people" you "see" in your room, are ANOTHER category, some of them might actually be real people.

Is any of this helping you?

RWNJ Pootarians ^^^ can never just answer a straightforward question. They always have to lie.

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You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Correll - so, you're saying slimy Bannon lied about what he is.

Did he also lie about what Brietbart is?

Be, dies he ever bathe?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

My words are the ones you see on the screen. THe voices in your head, talk to them in your head, that is a different conversation than the ones that occur on this web site.

THe ones you have with "people" you "see" in your room, are ANOTHER category, some of them might actually be real people.

Is any of this helping you?

RWNJ Pootarians ^^^ can never just answer a straightforward question. They always have to lie.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Your "straightforward" question assumes information not presented AND actions of mine that did not occur.

It seems that you are confusing me and/or my actions/words with imaginary people that only exist inside of your demented mind.
You are claiming that posting the dictionary definition of the word, does not explain what needs to be shown to support the vile lie that Bannon is racist.

You are the problem.

Show that he has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."


You get so firey when you cant answer a question little buddy. You almost make people forget that you cant answer the question with all your arm waving.

The explanation is to show that Bannon fits the dictionary definition of the word.

If you can't do that, and you libs have shown that you can't. then you shouldn't accuse him of being that.

You libs are the ones that can't "answer the question" or support your vile smears.

Correll - so, you're saying slimy Bannon lied about what he is.

Did he also lie about what Brietbart is?

Be, dies he ever bathe?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

My words are the ones you see on the screen. THe voices in your head, talk to them in your head, that is a different conversation than the ones that occur on this web site.

THe ones you have with "people" you "see" in your room, are ANOTHER category, some of them might actually be real people.

Is any of this helping you?

RWNJ Pootarians ^^^ can never just answer a straightforward question. They always have to lie.

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Actually the only liars on this forum are the liberal dimshits everytime they start another thread it has its basis in a lie, every answer is a lie, every thing in their lives is based in the pit of lies. Just like everything you have posted in this thread LIES defamation, and character assassination. It just proves you are lower than any person you post about, and you are less than the worst of those you describe with you little labels of hatred because you KNOW they are so far above you in the needed Human traits that produce greatness, HONOR, VERACITY, RESPECT FOR LIFE, CIVILITY and PATRIOTISIM.
No, there's the one thing Trump didn't do, well done for finding it.

Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?
Attacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference.

Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?
Right, Trump didn't attack or smear anyone...... oh, God, you're fucking hilarious.

By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

"WHITE" racist?

If you are white, you are racist, period.

But whites are not the only racists. I believe racism is part of the human condition. However, that does not mean we should not strive to rise above our most base extinct instincts.

I'm not "christian", so I believe in the principles that jesus taught.

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How amusing that you talk about rising about "our most base instincts" while smearing Christians as a group, thus being a bigot.
Cant see the forest for the trees.
It's part of the smear campaign the left has been engaging in since Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS. No one in his administration or circle of friends (or anyone who has said a kind word about him) is exempt. They will go after anyone they deem friendly to Trump.
That is how these leftwing fascists work; character assassination.
By Moving the Goalposts, like that, you have tacitly admitted that you have no answer to my point.

Thus, your post is invalid, and mine stands.

Trump did not smear Hillary's supporters, as "deplorable", demonstrating a HUGE difference between Trump and the piece of shit HIllary.

Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.
Or maybe YOU moved the goalposts in the first place, and then you're annoyed that I'm trying to move them back. Either way, your post reeks of nonsense.

Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.
Your not liking what I have to say, is not an excuse to call something nonsense.

No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, and you won't stop making it. Just as I expected.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.

The difference is that what Trump said was mostly TRUE and needed to be said.

What Hillary said was fucking bullshit. She is a vile piece of shit who torn this nation apart in an attempt at personal gain.

YOU are the bad guy here. You and yours.

Here, you leaving? Take this image with you. It is the future that YOU WANT.

Lefty thugs using political violence to suppress speech while police under the orders of lefty politicians stand back and let it happen.


No, you're right.

So I'll explain why this ISN'T me just not liking what you had to say, but that it is in fact nonsense.

Firstly, your statement "Trump didn't smear Hillary's supporters as "deplorable". Hillary is the one that went there."

This is ridiculous because you took something and said "well Trump didn't do this", of course Trump didn't do this, Hillary did it. However what Trump did was actually much worse than what Hillary did. Trump insulted almost everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. But you manipulated things in an attempt to make Hillary look worse by limiting what was being said to one thing and one thing only.

You then came out and said "tacking and smearing the millions and millions of average CITIZENS that support your opponent, that is a big difference." as if Trump didn't do that. I mean, he spent his whole campaign smearing Hillary. He had "Lyin' Ted" and "Little Marco" he moved on to insults for Hillary. He spent a WHOLE campaign insulting people, and you're getting upset because one person, one time, decided to come out with something against those who support Trump. Oh, come the fuck off it.

Then you say I'm moving the goalposts by literally talking about these things. My point was that smears and the like are part of the political game, you play the game or you don't. I also said no one seems to want to change it. It's ingrained, people seem to like it, Trump supporters love it until it comes against them.

You then went off and moved the goalposts by talking only about Hillary as if she were the only one to be doing anything. Then you get annoyed when I reply to what you said, and all of a sudden this is "moving the goalposts". What the fuck?

So, all in all what you've said is rubbish, nonsense, partisan politics at its worst. So, it's not just that I don't like what you said (I don't like it because it's nonsense), it's that it is absolute fucking childish bullshit. Got it?

1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, and you won't stop making it. Just as I expected.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.

The difference is that what Trump said was mostly TRUE and needed to be said.

What Hillary said was fucking bullshit. She is a vile piece of shit who torn this nation apart in an attempt at personal gain.

YOU are the bad guy here. You and yours.

Here, you leaving? Take this image with you. It is the future that YOU WANT.

Lefty thugs using political violence to suppress speech while police under the orders of lefty politicians stand back and let it happen.



Dude, I'm not interested in playing these stupid fucking games. I couldn't give a fuck whether you get an erection because you think I can't support my claims. I'll leave you to fuck around with the others who get off on that kind of crap. Bye.
1. Trump did not insult everyone who wasn't a white Christian male. Try to be less crazy.

2. Trump insulted a number of individuals, who were professional politicians or political partisans in the game. WHat HIllary did was far worse, turning half the nation against the other half, on false pretenses.

You guys are the bad guys in this story. YOu do understand that, right?

Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, and you won't stop making it. Just as I expected.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.

The difference is that what Trump said was mostly TRUE and needed to be said.

What Hillary said was fucking bullshit. She is a vile piece of shit who torn this nation apart in an attempt at personal gain.

YOU are the bad guy here. You and yours.

Here, you leaving? Take this image with you. It is the future that YOU WANT.

Lefty thugs using political violence to suppress speech while police under the orders of lefty politicians stand back and let it happen.



Dude, I'm not interested in playing these stupid fucking games. I couldn't give a fuck whether you get an erection because you think I can't support my claims. I'll leave you to fuck around with the others who get off on that kind of crap. Bye.

Listen, I GOT IT.

You want to be able to smear your enemies who are mostly good people, and being called on your vile bullshit makes you mad.
Oh, really?

Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly, women, POWs, to name a few. Yes, he also insulted politicians. I mean, you're running for top job in the US and he was acting like it was high school.

Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

No, what Hillary did was not worse, it just insulted a lot of people who like to do the insulting and don't like to be insulted and will lie, and make shit up in order to make themselves look offended. Sorry, I don't buy it.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, and you won't stop making it. Just as I expected.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.

The difference is that what Trump said was mostly TRUE and needed to be said.

What Hillary said was fucking bullshit. She is a vile piece of shit who torn this nation apart in an attempt at personal gain.

YOU are the bad guy here. You and yours.

Here, you leaving? Take this image with you. It is the future that YOU WANT.

Lefty thugs using political violence to suppress speech while police under the orders of lefty politicians stand back and let it happen.



Dude, I'm not interested in playing these stupid fucking games. I couldn't give a fuck whether you get an erection because you think I can't support my claims. I'll leave you to fuck around with the others who get off on that kind of crap. Bye.

Listen, I GOT IT.

You want to be able to smear your enemies who are mostly good people, and being called on your vile bullshit makes you mad.

You have no fucking clue. You have no fucking interest in debating properly, so piss off.
I hear on most media that Steve Bannon is a white racist but never hear where the get that view. Is there actually something in his background that makes him one or is it just another democrat ploy to attempt to weaken President Trump's administration?

Instead of posting an ignorant OP, you could have just done a google search of racist remarks made by Bannon. And there have been plenty. Google
Trump insulted Mexicans, repeatedly,

Nope, he insulted illegal aliens, not all Mexicans, you fucking liar.

Nope, he insulted a few specific women, again you lie.

POWs, to name a few.

He never insulted POWs, liar.

Yes, he also insulted politicians.

As well he and any thinking person that is a US citizen should.

Saying Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists and promising to build a wall is insulting to Mexicans, you stupid idiot.

He did insult John McCain in a way that insults all POWs.

The way he talks about women is insulting to all women. He brags about being able to rape women and get away with it.

If you can't admit that insults all women, you are just too stupid to have a discussion with.
Nope. HE insulted some Mexicans, who deserve it, and he insulted some women, mostly competition politicians or partisans, he insulted one POW, who richly deserved it.

"High school"? As a lefty, your "concern" about bring down the level of debate with insults is not credible.

HIllary, as a campaign strategy, vilified half the nation, and incited the other half against the first half.

That is infinitely worse that anything Trump did.

And her partisans, like you, are still pushing the paradigm that has been, is, and will be used to justify political violence and censorship.

SHe and you are tearing this nation apart.

Well it sounded pretty much like he insulted all of them. But hey, I've seen people try and justify anything Trump says, so there doesn't seem much point in presenting facts about it anyway, as they'll just get twisted.

Got it. YOu can't support your claims, and you won't stop making it. Just as I expected.

Look, I get it. Anything Hillary said and you'd be horrified, any slight against you or a group you associate with and it's going to be terrible, and anything Trump says it's going to be justified. I really can't even be bothered to continue this conversation because it's a FUCKING WASTE OF TIME trying to talk to people who just believe whatever the fuck they like and will ignore whatever the fuck they like. It's pathetic.

The difference is that what Trump said was mostly TRUE and needed to be said.

What Hillary said was fucking bullshit. She is a vile piece of shit who torn this nation apart in an attempt at personal gain.

YOU are the bad guy here. You and yours.

Here, you leaving? Take this image with you. It is the future that YOU WANT.

Lefty thugs using political violence to suppress speech while police under the orders of lefty politicians stand back and let it happen.



Dude, I'm not interested in playing these stupid fucking games. I couldn't give a fuck whether you get an erection because you think I can't support my claims. I'll leave you to fuck around with the others who get off on that kind of crap. Bye.

Listen, I GOT IT.

You want to be able to smear your enemies who are mostly good people, and being called on your vile bullshit makes you mad.

You have no fucking clue. You have no fucking interest in debating properly, so piss off.

What exactly have I done that is not "debating properly"?

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