What exactly did they do?

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Not only published in their entirety, but in a searchable database.
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
but where are or which are the emails that made Hillary evil, a cheat? what terms would you 'search' under??
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?

They were posted all over this board.
Go find em.
So you don't know why you called her a cheater, evil etc that you all claimed came from the wikileaks dumps that exposed her...???

okee dokee!

I'm not doing your legwork when they've been posted all over this board.
Is your memory really that fried?
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?
too funny! you are smarter than that!

Ops! I forgot.

Hillary is honest, fair minded, and all about doing the right thing.

how'd she get rich over the uranium 1 deal gipper? NOT A DIME from Bill Clinton's Charity went in to the personal bank account of the Clintons.... so I call bull crud, to the nth degree!

They do not even take a salary from the foundation Charity...

And Hillary was a Senator when 90% of the money was donated to the foundation's charity....

Not even a thought that she would be Secretary of State at the time.

In addition, it was 9 separate agencies that made the decision, NOT Hillary, in addition to President Obama the only person with veto power.

So spare me your utter, MINDLESS, gibberish.... you should be embarrassed for that kind of crud! :eek:
I just don’t get it. You think Hillary is clean but Trump a criminal. How can you hold those two opinions within your mind?
hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?
too funny! you are smarter than that!

Ops! I forgot.

Hillary is honest, fair minded, and all about doing the right thing.

how'd she get rich over the uranium 1 deal gipper? NOT A DIME from Bill Clinton's Charity went in to the personal bank account of the Clintons.... so I call bull crud, to the nth degree!

They do not even take a salary from the foundation Charity...

And Hillary was a Senator when 90% of the money was donated to the foundation's charity....

Not even a thought that she would be Secretary of State at the time.

In addition, it was 9 separate agencies that made the decision, NOT Hillary, in addition to President Obama the only person with veto power.

So spare me your utter, MINDLESS, gibberish.... you should be embarrassed for that kind of crud! :eek:
I just don’t get it. You think Hillary is clean but Trump a criminal. How can you hold those two opinions within your mind?

She has two personalities.
I understand Hillary did not fabricate the dossier, although she paid for it....in more ways than one. I also understand she didn't wipe down her server, not even with a cloth, but she sure as hell paid for someone to do it. Which holds her responsible.

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

She is using it, dumbass. Why do you think we have this witchhunt?

The investigation began in july and the warrant wasn't granted until oct, you QTARD fuckwit.

the FISA warrants used the lies in the dossier as their justification, the FISA judge was lied to.

^^^ fake news ^^^.

The central argument in the Nunes memo may have just been debunked

nope, the warrants have been reviewed and they all used the lies in the dossier to justify spying on americans.
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.
Not only published in their entirety, but in a searchable database.
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
but where are or which are the emails that made Hillary evil, a cheat? what terms would you 'search' under??
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?

They were posted all over this board.
Go find em.
So you don't know why you called her a cheater, evil etc that you all claimed came from the wikileaks dumps that exposed her...???

okee dokee!
33k emails deleted, PC's and cell phones bleachbit. she controlled the money of the DNC, already been proven. Let four americans die in Benghazi and blamed a video from Hollywood. I call her a fking bitch and every other fking kind of word that identifies evil human beings. cheated? fk-n- 'A'
come on, are you saying that wikileaks only published information damaging to Hillary? The Rich murder raises some valid questions, as does the Vince Foster suicide and the Ron Brown plane crash. We are entitled to know the truth. Are you afraid of the truth?
Some of the craziness that repeated enough times makes people believe it

Hear the one about Hillary and the pizza shop sex slaves?

That is what Hillary had to deal with..........Actual Fake News
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.


Clinton won hadily with regular delegates. She didn't need a single super to beat Sanders, loser.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.
accept the US Intelligence Agencies.

hahah they were told, nothing to see here, move along. You are looking for another droid.
They hacked the DNC servers and Obama and his intelligence people and cyber folks knew it and decided to do nothing.

Hell the FBI warned the DNC IT guy and he did nothing.

They should be asking the Obama folks and the DNC IT guy why they did nothing.
Obama put sanctions on Russia because of the hacking
Trump sent Flynn to tell them not to worry about it

Oh was that like Obama telling the Russian he couldn't do anything until after the election???
Nothing wrong with that

It is the nature of election politics

Sure it is as long as YOUR boy is the one doing it.

If Trump had done the same thing you'd be on this board screaming bloody murder about what a traitor he is and how he should be impeached.

Carry on hypocrite.
Doing what?
Discussing timing?

Mitch McConnell said the same thing about voting for funding of the wall.....wait till after the election

Trump said he believes the word of Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence. If Obama had said that, Republicans would have impeached

Trump never said that, stop the lies. your partisan hacking makes you look like a complete fool
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.

Yup and the DNC IT guy was warned by the FBI and did nothing.

Barry's intelligence and cyber folks knew about it and did nothing.

The DNC deserved to have their servers hacked. Bunch of dumbasses.
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?
they are, and we know they are saying that. They didn't want us to know the truth. It's who they are as human beings. Jonestown is what they are all about. Just watched a dateline on it. there were things I never knew explained in it. It says leftists all over it. All talking one thing, all drinking the koolaid from the same source, accept of course the guy named Jones and his entourage. Hly fk the similarities are amazing. It is hitlery and obammy all over it. the koolaid drinkers in here don't even know it.
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.

Yup and the DNC IT guy was warned by the FBI and did nothing.

Barry's intelligence and cyber folks knew about it and did nothing.

The DNC deserved to have their servers hacked. Bunch of dumbasses.
but they weren't hacked, never proven. It's all garbage, g-a-r-b-a-g-e!!!!!!!
hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?
too funny! you are smarter than that!

Ops! I forgot.

Hillary is honest, fair minded, and all about doing the right thing.

how'd she get rich over the uranium 1 deal gipper? NOT A DIME from Bill Clinton's Charity went in to the personal bank account of the Clintons.... so I call bull crud, to the nth degree!

They do not even take a salary from the foundation Charity...

And Hillary was a Senator when 90% of the money was donated to the foundation's charity....

Not even a thought that she would be Secretary of State at the time.

In addition, it was 9 separate agencies that made the decision, NOT Hillary, in addition to President Obama the only person with veto power.

So spare me your utter, MINDLESS, gibberish.... you should be embarrassed for that kind of crud! :eek:
I just don’t get it. You think Hillary is clean but Trump a criminal. How can you hold those two opinions within your mind?
I never said that, YOU are just trying to change the topic....

with a useless 'what about-ism'.... or a 'slight of hand or look over there' thingy, by changing the topic OFF of Trump and the thread topic.... I try not to play in those games, though I admit, some times I am caught up in them... :(
Ok, lets assume that the Russians hacked the DNC servers and made public the information that showed corruption and cheating by Hillary and the dem party. Are you lefties saying that the truth caused Hillary to lose?
it matters naught, whether it helped or hurt....
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.
Still waiting for anyone to tell us exactly what the Russians did, how it influenced the election, where they did it, which votes were affected, and whether whatever they did had any affect on the final outcome.

All we hear is that the Russians got some data from the unsecured DNC servers and Hillary's illegal private unsecured server, and that that data somehow got released by wikileaks. Where is the crime? Where is the collusioin? How did any of this change the election?
I love these threads

OP asks....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?

He gets seven pages telling him what the Russians did and he comes back with.....Can anyone tell me what the Russians did?


the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal, so they bought a few thousand dollars of facebook ads---------not illegal. How many votes were changed? Tell us or STFU.

If the Russians had a goal it was to divide us and get us screaming at each other, in that they succeeded---------again not illegal.

What was illegal under US law, however, was Obama trying to influence the brexit vote and the Israeli elections, but you don't care about that because you worship the Kenyan messiah over all else.
the only problem is that not one of you has answered the basic question. So they got into the DNC servers---not illegal,

Another lie.

Hacking is a felony, dope.

breaking into a secure server is a crime, looking at data on an unsecure server is not.

The DNC servers could be looked at by anyone with a little computer savvy. They were virtually open to the world.

Yup and the DNC IT guy was warned by the FBI and did nothing.

Barry's intelligence and cyber folks knew about it and did nothing.

The DNC deserved to have their servers hacked. Bunch of dumbasses.

Well, technically, if you have the password, is it really hacking?
She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?
too funny! you are smarter than that!

Ops! I forgot.

Hillary is honest, fair minded, and all about doing the right thing.

how'd she get rich over the uranium 1 deal gipper? NOT A DIME from Bill Clinton's Charity went in to the personal bank account of the Clintons.... so I call bull crud, to the nth degree!

They do not even take a salary from the foundation Charity...

And Hillary was a Senator when 90% of the money was donated to the foundation's charity....

Not even a thought that she would be Secretary of State at the time.

In addition, it was 9 separate agencies that made the decision, NOT Hillary, in addition to President Obama the only person with veto power.

So spare me your utter, MINDLESS, gibberish.... you should be embarrassed for that kind of crud! :eek:
I just don’t get it. You think Hillary is clean but Trump a criminal. How can you hold those two opinions within your mind?
I never said that, YOU are just trying to change the topic....

with a useless 'what about-ism'.... or a 'slight of hand or look over there' thingy, by changing the topic OFF of Trump and the thread topic.... I try not to play in those games, though I admit, some times I am caught up in them... :(
I do not doubt there is some dirt with Trump, but I KNOW Hillary is a crook. In a sane nation, she is in Supermax where she belongs.

I also know this whole Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election is entirely bogus. Secondly, there is no way Russia could impact our elections in any meaningful way. They use a few Facebook postings and the DNC media thinks that was enough...not likely.

Hillary had a campaign war chest of what? Several hundred million...and the Russians supposedly spent a million or two, but some people think Russia impacted the election. WTF!
but where are or which are the emails that made Hillary evil, a cheat? what terms would you 'search' under??
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?

They were posted all over this board.
Go find em.
So you don't know why you called her a cheater, evil etc that you all claimed came from the wikileaks dumps that exposed her...???

okee dokee!
33k emails deleted, PC's and cell phones bleachbit. she controlled the money of the DNC, already been proven. Let four americans die in Benghazi and blamed a video from Hollywood. I call her a fking bitch and every other fking kind of word that identifies evil human beings. cheated? fk-n- 'A'
AFTER the lawyers who went over the emails on the server to determine which ones were government emails, and they were copied and given to her lawyer to give to the government for their records, all emails were deleted and her server was sent to a computer maintenance company, directed by her staff lawyer to have the computer cleaned via bleach bit, so that no sensitive government documents or emails were left on it, so that this personal server could be used by Clinton or hubby for personal use at a later date. This occurred a month or so, before her server was subpoenaed.

A tech at the computer maintenance firm responsible for such forgot to do such, till about 3 weeks later, which I believe might have been after Clinton received or whomever received a subpoena for her server.

Her staff was interviewed, along with the techie by the FBI and communications between the two entities, and there was no communication between the Clinton staff, Clinton, or staff lawyers with this tech after the initial orders of bleaching the server, 3 weeks prior to the subpoena....

no one ordered him to bleach bit it after a subpoena was issued for it.

end of story.

The Democratic National Committee revealed in June 2016 that hackers had compromised their computers and gained access to internal emails and the opposition research they had amassed on Trump. CrowdStrike, the company the DNC hired to investigate the intrusion, quickly said it had traced the intrusion to Russian government hackers.

Hackers similarly breached the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

The malicious software that had been implanted on the DNC’s servers bore striking similarity to programs used in previous attacks that other governments had said were carried out by the Russians. Malware often forces infected computers to communicate with machines elsewhere on the internet, to receive commands and steal information.

Prosecutors offered a similarly detailed assessment in February of Russian nationals and businesses, some with ties to the Kremlin, that orchestrated a social media operation that appeared in millions of Americans’ Facebook and Twitter feeds as the 2016 campaign entered its final months

Seems to be the gist of the article.

Basically some Democrats voted for Trump at the last moment, because they believed social media ads by the Russians. Hard to fathom.

Clinton's and Schultz' army of Cyber Criminals and Hackers is who hacked the DNC server. No question about it. And they didn't hack shit. They had all the passwords and clearances. They also broke in to and stole numerous personal documents of Senators and Representatives.....(rivals of the Democrat party)

Funny thing about criminals when you hire them..... They are opportunists, and might just steal from you too.

This was the case at The DNC. Seth Rich was friends with a few of these guys and was a Bernie Sanders supporter. The Pakistani Hackers shared what they found with Rich, Rich shared it with Assange, and Rich ended up dead for it.

There is your story....only Mueller refuses to interview The Pakistani Hackers, or Julian Assange, or even look at The DNC Server.
too funny! you are smarter than that!

Ops! I forgot.

Hillary is honest, fair minded, and all about doing the right thing.

how'd she get rich over the uranium 1 deal gipper? NOT A DIME from Bill Clinton's Charity went in to the personal bank account of the Clintons.... so I call bull crud, to the nth degree!

They do not even take a salary from the foundation Charity...

And Hillary was a Senator when 90% of the money was donated to the foundation's charity....

Not even a thought that she would be Secretary of State at the time.

In addition, it was 9 separate agencies that made the decision, NOT Hillary, in addition to President Obama the only person with veto power.

So spare me your utter, MINDLESS, gibberish.... you should be embarrassed for that kind of crud! :eek:
I just don’t get it. You think Hillary is clean but Trump a criminal. How can you hold those two opinions within your mind?
I never said that, YOU are just trying to change the topic....

with a useless 'what about-ism'.... or a 'slight of hand or look over there' thingy, by changing the topic OFF of Trump and the thread topic.... I try not to play in those games, though I admit, some times I am caught up in them... :(
I do not doubt there is some dirt with Trump, but I KNOW Hillary is a crook. In a sane nation, she is in Supermax where she belongs.

I also know this whole Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election is entirely bogus. Secondly, there is no way Russia could impact our elections in any meaningful way. They use a few Facebook postings and the DNC media thinks that was enough...not likely.

Hillary had a campaign war chest of what? Several hundred million...and the Russians supposedly spent a million or two, but some people think Russia impacted the election. WTF!

Clinton spent $1.5 BILLION to Trump's $225 Million of his own money.

Clinton's $1.5 Billion is the all time record for the most money spent in a presidential campaign win or lose.
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