What exactly did they do?

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If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

They are powerless to do anything about it, moron. Furthermore, most of them ddidn't know anything about it.

So, you believe all of the thousands of every day intel folks in the trenches are oblivious to the plans of their " masters" ?


What a sad QTARD you are.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

No, dope, I'm not including wikileaks. That's why I said, "just their social media operations alone". When you include the entirety of their operations, that number shrinks exponentially. If you add in Comey's contribution it becomes undeniable that the election was influenced against Clinton.

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

Have you ever had a job? You just have no idea.

I'm your boss, dope and you dont even know it.
They hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave it to

the gotcha MSM media, not to mention the fox Rush etc etc propaganda machine.
Prove it! No us agency looked at them. And podesta’s was phishing. Fk, I hate it when you fks don’t know facts
You’re an idiot. The FBI investigated exact copies of the DNC’s hard drives and phishing IS hacking.
/——/ Those copies were never verified, no one can claim they were exact copies or were not altered, completely inadmissible in court. No chain of custody.


While you're arguing over "the server", Mueller has gone well beyond that and indicted by name those involved, explained how and when it was perpetrated and how it was distributed and even financed. The "server" would not have given those details.

Conclusion: the server was not needed in the way you imagine and you are too dumb to see that.
Mueller has composed a work of fiction. That's all he's done.

Yes, a work of fiction whose pieces just happen to fall into place everyday. :cuckoo:


Cries the USMB’s fuckingest fucking moron.


Fucking moron... nothing you say means anything, you’ve so completely discredited yourself over the years.

Meanwhile, the FBI remains one of our trusted law enforcement agencies, despite your delusions. When they say we’ve been hacked — we’ve been hacked. And no amount of shaking your cane at the sky is going to change that.
"Trust the FBI" is the moron's motto.
Even funnier — trust bripat9643 is yours.

Wrong, asshole, I don't ask anyone to trust me. Relying on authority to determine what you think is a snowflake thing. Everything you believe is what someone told you to believe.

So you post shit that you don't think should be accepted as fact??

It shouldn't be accepted as fact merely because I post it, moron. Are you saying people are supposed to believe what you post in here simply because you post it?
It shouldn't be accepted as fact merely because I post it,
Now you're getting it. :thup:
if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
Used in a campaign, yeah interference what else was it for but to influence the election. You need to remember who you’re talking with! I’m educated
The Steele dossier didnt influence the election, because nobody in the public knew it existed prior to election. Only the FBI and FISA court knew of it privately.
Motherjones published a story about the dossier on oct 31, 2016, but knowbody heard it, partly because motherjones isnt mainstream, and the Comey hillary-email announcement at the same time drowned it out. Buzzfeed didnt publish the dossier until Jan 2017.

The clinton campaign did not use the steele dossier during the campaign, it was just privately given to the FBI. So no public influence possible.
It was used to spy on the Trump campaign, and who knows what they learned from that spying and how it was used.

but where are or which are the emails that made Hillary evil, a cheat? what terms would you 'search' under??
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?
The emails didn't make me decide that Hillary was an evil crooked cheat. I've had that opinion since the early 90's. Those emails highlighted for others though that the DNC, much like the Obama DOJ, wasn't operating in a fair and impartial manner. The DNC, as well as the RNC, are NOT supposed to favor any primary candidate. They exist to advance the party platform until a nominee is chosen. The emails showed DNC staffers colluding to suppress Bernie's support and to advance Hillary. Interesting reading in this Politico article if you can believe the woman that went on to help Hillary cheat in the general election as was also exposed in the emails.
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Let's not lose sight of the fact that all of that information was obtained feloniously and used feloniously in an itelligence operation perpetrated by Russia in an attempt to influence our election. Lets also not lose sight that the President has now openly admitted to conspiring with that operation.
He hasn't admitted to anything, you fucking dumbass. He heasn't said anything that he hasn't said several times before.

He did, dope.
He said very clearly that the purpose of the meeting ,(that he claimed earlier that he knew nothing about), was indeed to get information on Clinton from the Russian govt.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
Used in a campaign, yeah interference what else was it for but to influence the election. You need to remember who you’re talking with! I’m educated
The Steele dossier didnt influence the election, because nobody in the public knew it existed prior to election. Only the FBI and FISA court knew of it privately.
Motherjones published a story about the dossier on oct 31, 2016, but knowbody heard it, partly because motherjones isnt mainstream, and the Comey hillary-email announcement at the same time drowned it out. Buzzfeed didnt publish the dossier until Jan 2017.

The clinton campaign did not use the steele dossier during the campaign, it was just privately given to the FBI. So no public influence possible.
It was used to spy on the Trump campaign, and who knows what they learned from that spying and how it was used.
Dude these leftists know fking everything ask them. They know more than the investigators
Dude these leftists know fking everything ask them. They know more than the investigators

Just more than you, dumbass. :laugh::laugh2:
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

The "math" of the left has about as many holes in it as a screen door on a submarine, showing once and for all the speciousness of their "logic," the paucity of their "education" and their willingness to fudge things as much in their favor as necessary to get a desired outcome rather than look at the actual facts.
The "math" of the left has about as many holes in it as a screen door on a submarine, showing once and for all the speciousness of their "logic," the paucity of their "education" and their willingness to fudge things as much in their favor as necessary to get a desired
I get that your response to your retarded brother is a passive aggresive swipe at my post but damn, dude, there isn't anything difficult with my "math".

Tell us all what you have in mind, loser.
I didn't pay much attention to that type of nonsense and I doubt that many others did either. I did however, pay a lot of attention to the emails showing that the democrat primary was rigged and to the fact that the MSM was meeting with HIllary to outline their "strategy".
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.


Clinton won hadily with regular delegates. She didn't need a single super to beat Sanders, loser.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

Look at it again, retard.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Bernie won early states yet the beast got more delegates. Bernies momentum was squashed. Bernie voters saw it was hopeless, they stopped voting for him. It really is not that difficult to understand what happened. Why do you make other posters spoon feed you?
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?

Of course you are not impressed. You loyal Trumpkins will never question how Don the Con got elected.

Like your Dear Leader- you promote fake news- rather than reality.

The reality was laid out pretty clearly in the latest indictment of Russian agents.

Russia actively tried to- and succeeded- in hacking the DNC- and leaked that information specifically to harm Hillary Clinton in the election. That reached pretty much every voter in America.

You Trumpkins keep trying to promote a story that all the Russians did was post some crap on FB- but you know that the Russians did much more.

The only question is why you want to protect the Russians. We know why you want to protect Don the Con- but why the Russians?
LOL the Russians bought ads against both Trump and Hillary dumb ass. They tried to break into the republican server too.

Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t

17 mostly Republican investigations costing in excess of $100 million dollars of taxpayers money say otherwise. Audited financial statesments for both her personal taxes and the Clinton Foundation taxes, all of which are available to the public, say otherwise.

We can’t make any of these statements about Trump because he hasn’t released his business tax returns or his personal taxes. We have no idea what Trump’s sources of income are, or who he owes money to.

indicting Russians for activity that they took part in while in Russia is a total waste of time and money, those 17 Russians will never stand trial in the USA.

Trump's tax return gets audited every year by the IRS, the same IRS that targeted conservative organizations. If he was doing anything illegal, the Obama IRS would have brought it public during Obama's 8 years.

I said nothing about Russian indictments.

The information in Trump’s tax returns that the country needs to see, has nothing to do with whether or not Trump paid the right amount of taxes on his income.

What needs to be seen are the sources of Trump’s income - where and how is he making his money. We also need to see who who owes money to and how much.

Since the late 1990’s, American banks have refused to bankroll Trump’s projects. Both Eric and Don Jr. have said they get a lot of their money from Russia. The Trump Hotel in Toronto was owned by a Russian, and run (into bankruptcy) by the Trump Corporation.

I have often wondered if the bankruptcy of the Trump golf resort in Puerto Rico wasn’t a factor in Trump’s treatment of the island after Maria. Trump blamed the Puerto Rican government for the failure of this resort and he stuck them with an unpaid bill of $33 million for infrastructure built for the resort. Trump is cruel and vindictive to the core.

Trump's Puerto Rico Golf Venture: Not Such A Great Deal

Recently, the Chinese government loaned half a billion dollars to Trump Indonesia Resort.

So where does Trump’s income come from. Who does he owe money to? They go to the core of the central questions of: can anyone hold anything over this President?

Trump is the only President in history not to divest his holdings upon election. I don’t think knowing where his money comes from and who he owes is too much to ask.

All you ask is in the Financial disclosure forms filed annually. 100s' of pages. Publically viewable. Income, holdings, Loans......all spelled out. But you people know all of this. Pathetic.
Like your Dear Leader- you promote fake news- rather than reality.

I have no Dear Leader. And everything I said about ACCUSATIONS not being proven and shares of stocks in an NYSE stock listed Russian company is what REAL people with REAL brains call factual. Why wreck a good Vanity Fairy article with snarky gossip about stealing Sweet n' Low packets??

Exact same reason Mueller indicted Russian trolls when no special counsel was required or EXPECTED to do that and it has no legal basis to it. Because in BOTH cases, Mueller and Vanity Fairy are selling OUTRAGE and fake news. Not anything tangible.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

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We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.
And you wonder why the FBI doesn’t want to hand over documents to the Nunes crew... yes both parties are dishonest hyperbolic overpoliticizers of anything they can get their hands on. A lot of corruption in Washington. But we gotta decide as citizens do we play team sports or do call for honesty and transparency so we can make the best decisions possible?

The real reason is that every time they do, the documents contain material embarrassing to the FBI and the douchebags who run it.
That’s a lie. Nice try
No, that isn't true. Every time a redaction in the documents is removed, it reveals something embarrassing to Rosenstein or the FBI.
Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
High School grad GOP pundits talking is not evidence. Let's have an example, super duper.
You believe an indictment is evidence, so who are you to be telling us?

I'm gonna give you some free advice, loser.

An indictment, especially one put forth by the federal govt, is as life altering as it gets. Just ask Manafort.
It is undertaken in a very serious manner by very serious people. It is not done lightly or frivolously. The repercussions are equally serious and damaging. It's not something that can dismissed as easily you portray. Only a true fool would think so. As we have seen, a guilty plea is far preferable.
You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

They are powerless to do anything about it, moron. Furthermore, most of them ddidn't know anything about it.

So, you believe all of the thousands of every day intel folks in the trenches are oblivious to the plans of their " masters" ?


What a sad QTARD you are.

Yes. That's obvious. Why would they know everything a few scumbags are doing?
Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
High School grad GOP pundits talking is not evidence. Let's have an example, super duper.
here you go.

^ QTARD monsense.
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
High School grad GOP pundits talking is not evidence. Let's have an example, super duper.
You believe an indictment is evidence, so who are you to be telling us?

I'm gonna give you some free advice, loser.

An indictment, especially one put forth by the federal govt, is as life altering as it gets. Just ask Manafort.
It is undertaken in a very serious manner by very serious people. It is not done lightly or frivolously. The repercussions are equally serious and damaging. It's not something that can dismissed as easily you portray. Only a true fool would think so. As we have seen, a guilty plea is far preferable.
That's true, which is why it's so appalling that Herr Mueller is proceeding with this circus. Where talking about Russians living in Russia. Mueller's indictments are a fucking joke.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?

Of course you are not impressed. You loyal Trumpkins will never question how Don the Con got elected.

Like your Dear Leader- you promote fake news- rather than reality.

The reality was laid out pretty clearly in the latest indictment of Russian agents.

Russia actively tried to- and succeeded- in hacking the DNC- and leaked that information specifically to harm Hillary Clinton in the election. That reached pretty much every voter in America.

You Trumpkins keep trying to promote a story that all the Russians did was post some crap on FB- but you know that the Russians did much more.

The only question is why you want to protect the Russians. We know why you want to protect Don the Con- but why the Russians?
So far no credible evidence has been published showing that the Russians hacked the DNC server. They were never even examined, so how can anyone credibly make such a claim? It's pure horseshit spewed by a few government officials who don't want their agencies to become the total laughing stocks they deserve to be.
They hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave it to

the gotcha MSM media, not to mention the fox Rush etc etc propaganda machine.
Prove it! No us agency looked at them. And podesta’s was phishing. Fk, I hate it when you fks don’t know facts

It is not our job to “prove it”. That the job of the Intellugence agancies. The US government has proven it. That’s why they filed charges against a whole whack of Russians.

I hate it when you ignore facts which are in the public record.
/——-/ And when will those “whole wack” of Russians show up for trial? Next week maybe?

The detailed indictments of the Russians provided evidence of the crimes at the basis of this investigation. Trump keeps claiming his campaign did nothing illegal. But they did.

Trump asked Russia to hack the DNC. And they did so the same day he asked them to. Telling someone to commit a theft, is illegal.

Then the Trump campaign co-ordinated with Guccifer2.0 and WikiLeaks on the release of these stolen emails. Roger Stone commented on the Podesta emails hours before WikiLeaks published them. Dealing and coordinating on stolen emails is illegal.

Then there’s the lies, the coverups and the attacks on the intelligence community. We’ve watched Trump obstruct, denigrate and interfere with this investigation from day one.

And as the special elections have amply demonstrated, Trump is in big trouble. If you think Trump is being hobbled with a Republican House and Senate, imagine what will happen with Democrats in control of the House and Senate.
an indictment is not evidence of anything. haven't you been watching or listening or reading about Judge Ellis? indictments are not evidence. so right now there is zero evidence for you to post. We all know it, and why as I stated earlier, is you lying everyday all day. such a loser.

An indictment at the very least shows probable cause and at best is a slam dunk case. There is nothing in between that indicates that there is no evidence of a crime.
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