What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Well we were worth more in 1970.

Back then the ceo made 30x more today they make 350x more.

No we are not all paid our exact worth unless you are the greedy employer then yes they think things are perfect the way they are now.

Where most people are living paycheck to paycheck.

You know who else is paid what their worth? Mexican workers in Mexico. At least that’s what Mexican corporations think

As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
Actually, not being in a union benefits me personally. Everyone else at my company complains they don't make enough but I make more than enough. They should unionize.

I'm just here arguing for them. For the masses. It's like when Warren Buffet advocates for his secretary. He's not arguing for himself. He's arguing for the masses. THEY aren't making their fair share.

Back when 35% of working Americans were unionized, we made our fair share. Since the corporations broke the unions we have not made our FAIR share but CEO pay has skyrocketed.
Unions would not need to "be about the money", so much with an institutional upward pressure on wages through equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unions could focus more on craftsmanship and quality.

Translation: you want to highjack the efforts of people who work hard so you can get paid for not working at all.
As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
Actually, not being in a union benefits me personally. Everyone else at my company complains they don't make enough but I make more than enough. They should unionize.

I'm just here arguing for them. For the masses. It's like when Warren Buffet advocates for his secretary. He's not arguing for himself. He's arguing for the masses. THEY aren't making their fair share.

Back when 35% of working Americans were unionized, we made our fair share. Since the corporations broke the unions we have not made our FAIR share but CEO pay has skyrocketed.
Unions would not need to "be about the money", so much with an institutional upward pressure on wages through equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unions could focus more on craftsmanship and quality.

Translation: you want to highjack the efforts of people who work hard so you can get paid for not working at all.
That's what it sounds like to me.
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
What they believe is that life isn't fair and so it's ok if they make things even harder for the poor to make it out of poverty. If it means giving themselves a tax break, to them that's fair. Why should they pay taxes to help poor people afford college. Fuck that. Every man for himself. And if life isn't fair, tough. That's life. Don't try to fix it. That would be...socialism!

Because the right wing defunds programs that help the poor. They don't want to do anything about college today being unaffordable. That makes it harder for a poor person or even middle class person to make it out of poverty. Not a problem for rich people but not cool for poor and middle class Americans.

This is not going to make America great again. It's going to make it so poor people stay poor and the rich will have that unfair advantage we always said they have. Now it's even worse.

I can't believe that Republicans argue that too many people are going to college and should instead go get a trade/blue collar job. It just seems like this is the dumbing down of America. Can't afford college? Good! Republicans don't want smart citizens anyways. They want dumb sheep who vote ignorantly. That's why Trump won them over with reality tv. And Trump thought he could do a better job teaching people at Trump University. We all know how that worked out.

God Americans are dumb.

With all due respect, Sealy...the cost of college is out of control and that has nothing to do with the right wing! I put myself through college by working my ass off during summers and then part time during the school year. My tuition however was about $1,200 a semester back then. I didn't have to take out loans because the cost of college was doable even for a kid not from a wealthy family! So what's happened in the last forty years? The cost of a college education has absolutely skyrocketed...and it's now impossible for a person to do what I did back then. Why in this information age has the pursuit of information become prohibitively expensive? For the life of me I can't understand why the costs of an education wouldn't be coming DOWN...not getting higher!

The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!

Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?

Your stats are wonderful Sealy...but as usual you haven't thought them through! The reason that so many Americans don't have anything put away for retirement isn't that the rich waged war on the middle class...it's because The Great Recession decimated their lives savings! Record numbers of people went on unemployment for a record length of time and those people paid their bills the only way they knew how...spending the money that they'd saved. They didn't lose that money because they weren't in a union...they lost that money because Barack Obama's response to a major recession was so poor that the recession lingered on...and on...and on! People in the middle class are back working now and they're starting to save money again. You can't replace a lifetime's savings in just a few years however and the hangover from that recession will linger for a long time! What's amusing to me is watching someone like you claim that it's GOP policies that caused this! Meanwhile Barry is buying his mansion on Martha's Vineyard so he can better hang out with all of his billionaire friends but you actually think HE did something to shrink the gap in pay between the middle class and the wealthy!

Barry is rich. I'd buy a mansion too if I were rich. That doesn't mean I'd stop advocating for the middle class.

This started long before the Bush Great Recession and don't blame Barry for this.

The average CEO pay is 271 times the nearly $58,000 annual average pay of the typical American worker.
Compare that to 1978, when CEO earnings were only 30 times the typical worker’s salary.

Can you explain this? Is this also Democrats fault?

They've been in power during that time too. So, yes.
Trump has done more to lift up the life of blacks since Lincoln

Firing back at criticism from Jay-Z, President Donald Trump went too far when he claimed the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.”

While it’s true that the black unemployment rate recently reached its lowest level in decades, the rate has been in steady decline for about the last seven years.

Trump has boasted repeatedly about the record-low unemployment among African Americans. But in response to criticisms leveled by rap mogul Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter in a Jan. 27 interview on CNN, Trump took full credit for the milestone in black unemployment.

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

In other words, the downward trend has continued under Trump, albeit at a slower pace than in recent years.
The major cuts in top Income tax rates and capital gains taxes transferred the cost of operating the country to working and middle class tax payers. As these classes did not have enough money for our overseas military adventures and empire building the government borrowed the money from the wealthy, here and abroad, instead of taking it with taxation. The Republicans also discontinued tuition grants to lower and middleclass students funded by taxing the wealthy and replaced the grants with loans owned by the wealthy. They also stopped paying for the maintenance of the infrastructure and put the burden on States and Towns funded with sales and property taxes disproportionally paid by the working and middle classes.

These policies were designed and implemented in order to reduce the aggregate wealth of the lower classes and to insure a larger gap in power, exclusivity and privilege for the uber class. They have worked very well.

And this is just one example. Trickle down doesn't work bro. As we can see since Reagan the middle class has taken a major hit

Thom Hartmann: Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts

Just because I do very well in this society, doesn't mean that I'm rich. I'm certainly doing better than 90% of you but still I see that Republican policies hurt people like me and people who make less than me. It's obvious their policies benefit the rich more than they do the middle class.

You are probably like me. The way Republicans hurt the middle class doesn't affect you as much as it does a family that makes only $50,000 a year. They are fucked. Now I could pretend to be a greedy ignorant fuck like you and not give a damn and say liberals are lying but I can't get myself to be intellectually dishonest when discussing such things.

How do Republicans benefit you? And not just you. Maybe they do benefit you. How do they benefit the middle class in your state? This aught to be good.

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!

Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?

Your stats are wonderful Sealy...but as usual you haven't thought them through! The reason that so many Americans don't have anything put away for retirement isn't that the rich waged war on the middle class...it's because The Great Recession decimated their lives savings! Record numbers of people went on unemployment for a record length of time and those people paid their bills the only way they knew how...spending the money that they'd saved. They didn't lose that money because they weren't in a union...they lost that money because Barack Obama's response to a major recession was so poor that the recession lingered on...and on...and on! People in the middle class are back working now and they're starting to save money again. You can't replace a lifetime's savings in just a few years however and the hangover from that recession will linger for a long time! What's amusing to me is watching someone like you claim that it's GOP policies that caused this! Meanwhile Barry is buying his mansion on Martha's Vineyard so he can better hang out with all of his billionaire friends but you actually think HE did something to shrink the gap in pay between the middle class and the wealthy!

Barry is rich. I'd buy a mansion too if I were rich. That doesn't mean I'd stop advocating for the middle class.

This started long before the Bush Great Recession and don't blame Barry for this.

The average CEO pay is 271 times the nearly $58,000 annual average pay of the typical American worker.
Compare that to 1978, when CEO earnings were only 30 times the typical worker’s salary.

Can you explain this? Is this also Democrats fault?

They've been in power during that time too. So, yes.

What did they do to cause this? And what can we do to fix it?
What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
What they believe is that life isn't fair and so it's ok if they make things even harder for the poor to make it out of poverty. If it means giving themselves a tax break, to them that's fair. Why should they pay taxes to help poor people afford college. Fuck that. Every man for himself. And if life isn't fair, tough. That's life. Don't try to fix it. That would be...socialism!

Because the right wing defunds programs that help the poor. They don't want to do anything about college today being unaffordable. That makes it harder for a poor person or even middle class person to make it out of poverty. Not a problem for rich people but not cool for poor and middle class Americans.

This is not going to make America great again. It's going to make it so poor people stay poor and the rich will have that unfair advantage we always said they have. Now it's even worse.

I can't believe that Republicans argue that too many people are going to college and should instead go get a trade/blue collar job. It just seems like this is the dumbing down of America. Can't afford college? Good! Republicans don't want smart citizens anyways. They want dumb sheep who vote ignorantly. That's why Trump won them over with reality tv. And Trump thought he could do a better job teaching people at Trump University. We all know how that worked out.

God Americans are dumb.

With all due respect, Sealy...the cost of college is out of control and that has nothing to do with the right wing! I put myself through college by working my ass off during summers and then part time during the school year. My tuition however was about $1,200 a semester back then. I didn't have to take out loans because the cost of college was doable even for a kid not from a wealthy family! So what's happened in the last forty years? The cost of a college education has absolutely skyrocketed...and it's now impossible for a person to do what I did back then. Why in this information age has the pursuit of information become prohibitively expensive? For the life of me I can't understand why the costs of an education wouldn't be coming DOWN...not getting higher!

I put myself through college the same way. My brother and I worked all summer, saved every dime, and then when we were each short about $1000, my dad paid that $1000 so we could go to school. But he gave us nothing else. He sent us back to school broke and if we wanted spending money, we had to go find jobs, which we did.

The following summer we came home, found summer jobs, saved every penny, repeat for 4 years until we were done.

So if my dad didn't help I would have ended up with a $4000 student loan debt. Totally manageable.
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?
lol. Why do I get banned for being obtuse, when the right wing is Always worse.
So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?

He keeps repeating over and over again something about equal protection of the law. But he rarely explains what that means. Even when he does it still doesn't seem to make sense to me 5 days later when I hear him repeat it. So maybe he should stop repeating that because it means nothing to the rest of us.

He must think repeating it over and over will make it catch on but when we don't know what he's talking about it just makes him come off as one of the nuts on this board. Like LARAMFAN.
lol. i guess i haven't dumbed it down enough for the right wing.

what part are you too dumb to understand?
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
Yes, they do.
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!

I'll agree 100% on that one. What he is suggesting is ridiculous.
so what. i have a valid argument and you only have an appeal to ignorance. i don't believe You one hundred percent. Y'all are simply ridiculous.

Yea but none of us know what your argument is. If you repeat that montra of yours one more time I'm going to come through your computer and smack you in the jaw.

What appeal to ignorance? We are all telling you what will happen if you give all those kids who live in their parents basement a check every month for doing nothing. They will stay in their basements until their parents die. Then what?

Your way sounds dumb as fuck. I get it. In a perfect world we give every human the minimum a person needs to survive and then if they want more they can go work for it.
lol. your way is even dumber, literally.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
What they believe is that life isn't fair and so it's ok if they make things even harder for the poor to make it out of poverty. If it means giving themselves a tax break, to them that's fair. Why should they pay taxes to help poor people afford college. Fuck that. Every man for himself. And if life isn't fair, tough. That's life. Don't try to fix it. That would be...socialism!

Because the right wing defunds programs that help the poor. They don't want to do anything about college today being unaffordable. That makes it harder for a poor person or even middle class person to make it out of poverty. Not a problem for rich people but not cool for poor and middle class Americans.

This is not going to make America great again. It's going to make it so poor people stay poor and the rich will have that unfair advantage we always said they have. Now it's even worse.

I can't believe that Republicans argue that too many people are going to college and should instead go get a trade/blue collar job. It just seems like this is the dumbing down of America. Can't afford college? Good! Republicans don't want smart citizens anyways. They want dumb sheep who vote ignorantly. That's why Trump won them over with reality tv. And Trump thought he could do a better job teaching people at Trump University. We all know how that worked out.

God Americans are dumb.

With all due respect, Sealy...the cost of college is out of control and that has nothing to do with the right wing! I put myself through college by working my ass off during summers and then part time during the school year. My tuition however was about $1,200 a semester back then. I didn't have to take out loans because the cost of college was doable even for a kid not from a wealthy family! So what's happened in the last forty years? The cost of a college education has absolutely skyrocketed...and it's now impossible for a person to do what I did back then. Why in this information age has the pursuit of information become prohibitively expensive? For the life of me I can't understand why the costs of an education wouldn't be coming DOWN...not getting higher!

I put myself through college the same way. My brother and I worked all summer, saved every dime, and then when we were each short about $1000, my dad paid that $1000 so we could go to school. But he gave us nothing else. He sent us back to school broke and if we wanted spending money, we had to go find jobs, which we did.

The following summer we came home, found summer jobs, saved every penny, repeat for 4 years until we were done.

So if my dad didn't help I would have ended up with a $4000 student loan debt. Totally manageable.

So what has happened to make college so expensive that kids are graduating with massive amounts of debt? Why wouldn't it be cheaper with the advent of the internet? In my opinion we need to rethink the way that we teach college courses. Just as the brick and mortar store is being replaced by on line shopping...why isn't the 200 person lecture hall class being replaced with an on line lecture given to tens of thousands?
As I've pointed out previously, send your thank-you note to former President Bill Clinton for the drastic change in top executive income. Besides, what difference does that make?

As I have also pointed out previously, how is anyone NOT paid what they are worth? If someone is not being paid what they believe they are worth, quit and take that higher paying job. We have full employment and more jobs than workers.

"Greedy employer". That's just a stupid, desperate comment that has no meaning. Any successful business is going to be fair with their employees. It is expensive, both time-wise and financially to hire and train new employees. As I have also pointed out previously, there is good and bad greed. Good greed is what has made America great!

If people are living paycheck to paycheck, and many are, is that not personal responsibility? Of course it is. It is also further proof that people have great confidence in our economy.

What does Mexican workers, working in Mexico have to do with anything?
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
Actually, not being in a union benefits me personally. Everyone else at my company complains they don't make enough but I make more than enough. They should unionize.

I'm just here arguing for them. For the masses. It's like when Warren Buffet advocates for his secretary. He's not arguing for himself. He's arguing for the masses. THEY aren't making their fair share.

Back when 35% of working Americans were unionized, we made our fair share. Since the corporations broke the unions we have not made our FAIR share but CEO pay has skyrocketed.
Unions would not need to "be about the money", so much with an institutional upward pressure on wages through equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unions could focus more on craftsmanship and quality.

Translation: you want to highjack the efforts of people who work hard so you can get paid for not working at all.
Stop whining. It must take morals to be more stoic. Just quit your day job and go on unemployment, silly right winger. Plenty of people have more morals than you and would be happy to work for an income.
Walmart or the waltons are a good example. Those billionaires aren’t paying enough. They should unionize. I would

You can. Just go to work at your local Walmart and try to unionize. I'm sure they'll just love you.
Actually, not being in a union benefits me personally. Everyone else at my company complains they don't make enough but I make more than enough. They should unionize.

I'm just here arguing for them. For the masses. It's like when Warren Buffet advocates for his secretary. He's not arguing for himself. He's arguing for the masses. THEY aren't making their fair share.

Back when 35% of working Americans were unionized, we made our fair share. Since the corporations broke the unions we have not made our FAIR share but CEO pay has skyrocketed.
Unions would not need to "be about the money", so much with an institutional upward pressure on wages through equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Unions could focus more on craftsmanship and quality.

Translation: you want to highjack the efforts of people who work hard so you can get paid for not working at all.
That's what it sounds like to me.
anyone who is ignorant of economies, says that.
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?

He keeps repeating over and over again something about equal protection of the law. But he rarely explains what that means. Even when he does it still doesn't seem to make sense to me 5 days later when I hear him repeat it. So maybe he should stop repeating that because it means nothing to the rest of us.

He must think repeating it over and over will make it catch on but when we don't know what he's talking about it just makes him come off as one of the nuts on this board. Like LARAMFAN.
lol. i guess i haven't dumbed it down enough for the right wing.

what part are you too dumb to understand?

I'm a flaming liberal. So if you are losing us and them, maybe you need to rethink your tactics.
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?

He keeps repeating over and over again something about equal protection of the law. But he rarely explains what that means. Even when he does it still doesn't seem to make sense to me 5 days later when I hear him repeat it. So maybe he should stop repeating that because it means nothing to the rest of us.

He must think repeating it over and over will make it catch on but when we don't know what he's talking about it just makes him come off as one of the nuts on this board. Like LARAMFAN.
lol. i guess i haven't dumbed it down enough for the right wing.

what part are you too dumb to understand?

Ah, Sealy is the "left wing", Daniel...he doesn't understand your gibberish either! Duh?

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