What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!

Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?

No. I'd like to see unions make a comeback. Labor woke up in the past and improved the middle class perhaps they can do it again.

They say it's a lot harder for Walmart employees and McD employees to organize because they are all spread out all across America. It was easier for GM and Ford employees because there were thousands of them all working in the same building. Regardless, Walmart workers need to strike. But, they are so poor and stupid they don't.

And I did see something the other day where yes there is a formula that they want to have companies that are larger than 250 employees must pay their employees 1% of the profits. Something like that. I don't remember the details but it sounded good to me. Some con on here said, "socialism never works" but really I'm not talking about socialism. I'm talking about the fact that in 1978 CEO's made 30 times what the average worker made but today it's like 200 times. This is not right. Do I want the government to pass laws that force the companies to pay their workers appropriately? I guess if there was a law that would right the wrong, sure. I'd have no problem with it. Of course you cons would fight it tooth and nail. We already know your biggest concern is protecting CEO pay. Why we have no idea but clearly you don't mind that CEO pay has skyrocketed in the years that middle class wages have stagnated.

Once again, Sealy...did CEO pay go up or down when you liberals controlled Washington? Forget all the rhetoric you're spewing...let's talk reality! Did CEO pay go up or down when Barack Obama was President?

It went up. What should we have done about it? What would you do about it if you were in charge? The answer is, NOTHING. You're ok with it.

So maybe Obama wasn't liberal enough. Are you going to vote for Bernie or Elizabeth Warren? They'll try and do something about it. Guess who will fight them every step? You and Republicans. Am I right?

I'm not OK with it actually. Do you really want to fix this situation? Or keep on using it as an issue against the GOP? It has zero to do with political parties. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are being paid off by the very people you think should be reined in. You think it's a coincidence that politicians are given huge amounts of money to give short speeches to business groups once they leave office? Are you really that naïve?

If I were looking to REALLY address the issue I'd attack it at it's source! You've got the boards of corporations approving the CEO pay for those corporations...boards that are almost universally made up of OTHER CEOs of other corporations! I sit on your board and vote to give you a huge raise...you sit on my board and return the favor! There is something inherently wrong with that. Corporations that are owned by the public shouldn't have boards that have the power to award their pals massive pay packages. It should be something that is voted on by the stockholders of the corporation themselves.
If only CEO pay were lower everything would be ok?

If only the CEO pay were lower and the average worker's pay was higher, everything would be better for the American middle class.
Do some math would ya?

Well seeing as how most of the time I find you talking about an imaginary friend you believe in, I don't take anything you say too seriously. This is why I say religion makes people stupid. You're proof of that.
Whereas good old math proved you are.
You really think Barack Obama "advocated" for the Middle Class? In what way?
You think his economic policies were designed to help the average Middle Class person working in the Private Sector? How so?
The truth is that the Middle Class took a beating during Barry's two terms! The rich got richer. The poor got more handouts. The Middle Class got abused. It's why Trump won in States like Michigan but you're too myopic to see that.

How did the rich get richer under Barry? What did he do to cause it? And what would you have done to stop it? You mean the bank bailout? Bush, McCain, Romney and Trump would have done the same thing because the bankers own our country.

What did Obama want to do? Lowering the tax burden on middle-class families, expanding access to education, job training and retirement, closing loopholes and raising taxes on capital gains had no chance of being passed with a Republican controlled house and senate.

And what did Trump do?

The Republican tax bill will exacerbate income inequality in America

The Republican tax bill will exacerbate income inequality in America
“The bill is investing heavily in the wealthy and their children.”

The Trump Tax Cuts Did One Thing: Give Rich People More Money

So don't complain about Barry doing these things but then turn around and not mind that Trump's doing exactly what you accuse Barry of doing. That would make you a hypocrite.

And what did Barry do? He got us out of the Great Recession your buddy Bush created.

You claim this was a GOP problem? Simple question for you then, Sealy...what did the Democrats do to address that issue back in 2009 when they controlled the White House, the House and the Senate? Why didn't Barry do ALL of the things you claim he wanted to do but was blocked by the GOP?

That's easy. For the same reason Trump and Republicans didn't ban abortion when they had the power to do so.

Or this. Doing that during a Great Recession wasn't possible. At the time, if you don't remember, GM and Ford employees were actually taking pay cuts in order to help their companies survive the Great Recession that Bush created. It was hardly a time to talk about paying employees more.

Wow...was that ever a pathetic attempt at deflection! Trump and the GOP didn't ban abortion because the majority of Republicans don't wish to ban abortion! Of course you on the left attempted to scare the shit out of everyone by claiming that we wanted to...just as you claim we want to do away with Social Security every time we ask that it be fixed!

Why was it possible to pass ObamaCare during The Great Recession but it wasn't possible to address CEO pay?

But you guys do want to ban abortion and do away with social security. I defy you to find one Republicans here on USMB that likes social programs like social security. I mean besides yourself.

The majority of Republicans say abortion is murder. You're now telling me the majority of Republicans don't want to ban murdering children? I didn't know.

Why would I have a problem with Social Security? Do I think it needs to be fixed before it becomes insolvent? Of course...only an idiot wouldn't see that there is an issue there! So why do you accuse anyone on the right who calls for that of wanting to "do away" with Social Security?

As for abortion? What I'm "telling you" is that there are a lot of Republicans that don't want to ban abortions...which is why they haven't been banned when the GOP runs things! It's pretty obvious to me that you've bought into the myth of what a Republican IS, Sealy!
Trickle down doesn't exist, Sealy! Anyone that's EVER run a business understands only too well that profit trickles up...not down!

The fact that you need to ASK what GOP policies do to benefit everyone with the unemployment numbers we've had for the past two plus years and all of the other positive economic numbers tells me that you're ignoring what's actually taken place!

Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!

I'll agree 100% on that one. What he is suggesting is ridiculous.
so what. i have a valid argument and you only have an appeal to ignorance. i don't believe You one hundred percent. Y'all are simply ridiculous.
Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?
You're obviously suffering from some sort of "condition"...I'm simply trying to determine if it was self inflicted or not your fault!
Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!

I'll agree 100% on that one. What he is suggesting is ridiculous.
so what. i have a valid argument and you only have an appeal to ignorance. i don't believe You one hundred percent. Y'all are simply ridiculous.

Gosh, Sealy! Would you stop appealing to ignorance! LOL
If only CEO pay were lower everything would be ok?

If only the CEO pay were lower and the average worker's pay was higher, everything would be better for the American middle class.
Do some math would ya?

Well seeing as how most of the time I find you talking about an imaginary friend you believe in, I don't take anything you say too seriously. This is why I say religion makes people stupid. You're proof of that.
Whereas good old math proved you are.
Oldstyle makes sense, you don't.
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?

He keeps repeating over and over again something about equal protection of the law. But he rarely explains what that means. Even when he does it still doesn't seem to make sense to me 5 days later when I hear him repeat it. So maybe he should stop repeating that because it means nothing to the rest of us.

He must think repeating it over and over will make it catch on but when we don't know what he's talking about it just makes him come off as one of the nuts on this board. Like LARAMFAN.
the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
Who gives a fuck if everyone is working if they are aren't making enough? Meanwhile their bosses are richer than ever. What happened? How come since 1970 we have gotten poorer and poorer and the rich have gotten richer and richer? I think you know what happened. The rich waged war on the middle class. We were making too much and that was cutting into corporate profits.

Most people in the U.S. are living in financially precarious circumstances. Half of all Americans have nothing put away for retirement and the vast majority of them have under $1,000 saved, total.

According to a 2016 GOBankingRates survey, 35 percent of all adults in the U.S. have only several hundred dollars in their savings accounts and 34 percent have zero. Only 15 percent have over $10,000 stashed away.

For contrast, here’s how much experts say you should have saved at every age:

In your 20s: Aim to save 25 percent of your overall gross pay

By age 30: Have the equivalent of your annual salary saved

By age 35: Have twice your annual salary saved.

By age 40: Have three times your annual salary saved.

By age 45: Have four times your annual salary saved.

By age 50: Have five times your annual salary saved.

The middle class you remember when America was great was making a lot of money. The corporations didn't like that. That's why they started hiring illegals and started sending those high paying jobs overseas. And it's why they broke the unions. No coincidence that since union membership in America went from 35% of our workforce down to 9%, wages have gone down too. Why? Because labor has no say now. You are worth what the corporations say you are worth. And usually they don't think you are worth very much. But how much is the CEO worth? Well he's worth more than ever.

CEOs make $15.6 million on average—here’s how much their pay has increased compared to yours over the year

So are you a CEO or an idiot?
Would you like for the government to regulate wages?
I would like for the Government to regulate the Rock Bottom Cost of a form of "minimum wage" that simply pays the least efficient labor market participants, to not provide labor input to the economy and take time to improve themselves and their situation, so they will be able to participate in a more beneficial and friendly manner, in our market based economy.

So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!

I'll agree 100% on that one. What he is suggesting is ridiculous.
so what. i have a valid argument and you only have an appeal to ignorance. i don't believe You one hundred percent. Y'all are simply ridiculous.

Yea but none of us know what your argument is. If you repeat that montra of yours one more time I'm going to come through your computer and smack you in the jaw.

What appeal to ignorance? We are all telling you what will happen if you give all those kids who live in their parents basement a check every month for doing nothing. They will stay in their basements until their parents die. Then what?

Your way sounds dumb as fuck. I get it. In a perfect world we give every human the minimum a person needs to survive and then if they want more they can go work for it.
What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
dear, employment is at the will of either part. there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

Nothing you post makes any sense at all. Is English a second language for you?
no dear. you really are just, too dumb.

Let me guess...you're gainsaying my subjective contention again? Speaking of "dumb"...
The right wing is nothing But, Obtuse; yet, I am the one who gets banned more consistently.

You might want to look in the mirrora little closer. If you.
There is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment. Why are wages relatively stagnant for the Poor when compared to the Rich?

Our Liar in Residence and our favorite Troll continues to lie. What do you hope to accomplish? Why do you hate the great things happening in America?

Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages
PUBLISHED WED, MAR 13 2019 12:06 PM EDT UPDATED MON, MAR 18 2019 5:49 PM EDT

  • Average hourly earnings rose 3.4 percent in February, the best increase since April 2009.
  • For the first time during the recovery, lower-end earners are getting more of the benefit, according to a Goldman Sachs report.
  • The trend could mean that the economy has more strength to it than some economists think.
Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages


Posted July 18, 2018 at 1:06 pm by Elise Gould and Heidi Shierholz
Average wage growth continues to flatline in 2018, while low-wage workers and those with relatively lower levels of educational attainment see stronger gains
Average wage growth continues to flatline in 2018, while low-wage workers and those with relatively lower levels of educational attainment see stronger gains

the left has a solution. it is called, solving simple poverty. you simply didn't understand the economic concepts but had to put in your two "Congressional Continentals worth."

What have Progressives accomplished regarding simple poverty, whatever that is? Starting with former President Lyndon Johnson, you have accomplished nothing but spending over 21 Trillion going down the tubes.
Conservative policies make middle class people poorer. They shrink the middle class. They widen the gap between rich and poor. They make the rich richer. They take risks and deregulate. They favor corporations not labor
The right wing believes the Poor are not worth equal protection of the law under our form of Capitalism.

No they don't.
What they believe is that life isn't fair and so it's ok if they make things even harder for the poor to make it out of poverty. If it means giving themselves a tax break, to them that's fair. Why should they pay taxes to help poor people afford college. Fuck that. Every man for himself. And if life isn't fair, tough. That's life. Don't try to fix it. That would be...socialism!

Because the right wing defunds programs that help the poor. They don't want to do anything about college today being unaffordable. That makes it harder for a poor person or even middle class person to make it out of poverty. Not a problem for rich people but not cool for poor and middle class Americans.

This is not going to make America great again. It's going to make it so poor people stay poor and the rich will have that unfair advantage we always said they have. Now it's even worse.

I can't believe that Republicans argue that too many people are going to college and should instead go get a trade/blue collar job. It just seems like this is the dumbing down of America. Can't afford college? Good! Republicans don't want smart citizens anyways. They want dumb sheep who vote ignorantly. That's why Trump won them over with reality tv. And Trump thought he could do a better job teaching people at Trump University. We all know how that worked out.

God Americans are dumb.
Why so much empty floor space in malls, during the "best of Tax Cut economics times?"

I had no idea that the Internet had not arrived in your household. So sad.

Oh...right...you're using the internet right here so you're either choosing to be obtuse or you're ignorant. Which one is it?
So you want the "dole"? Here's the thing, Daniel...long experience has shown that giving people money without having to do anything FOR that money leads to an underclass that doesn't improve themselves or their situation! One that becomes more and more dependent while contributing less and less to society!
We simply didn't have a good grasp of economics back then, now we do. Only capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

It is not a "dole" but capital Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

We could be solving simple poverty at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage.

Call it whatever you like, Daniel...it's the "dole"! Why is it when policy that you liberals espouse fails...you think you can rename it and that it will work this time?
Because, equal protection of the law is in our social contract, not your subjective, socialist values on a national basis.

Did your mother smoke crack when you were in the womb, Daniel?

He keeps repeating over and over again something about equal protection of the law. But he rarely explains what that means. Even when he does it still doesn't seem to make sense to me 5 days later when I hear him repeat it. So maybe he should stop repeating that because it means nothing to the rest of us.

He must think repeating it over and over will make it catch on but when we don't know what he's talking about it just makes him come off as one of the nuts on this board. Like LARAMFAN.

Daniel seems to hear sound bites that he thinks are well thought out and then attempts to repeat them...but he loses half of what was said in the process and isn't intelligent enough to realize that what he's posting makes no sense at all!
There is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment. Why are wages relatively stagnant for the Poor when compared to the Rich?

Our Liar in Residence and our favorite Troll continues to lie. What do you hope to accomplish? Why do you hate the great things happening in America?

Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages
PUBLISHED WED, MAR 13 2019 12:06 PM EDT UPDATED MON, MAR 18 2019 5:49 PM EDT

  • Average hourly earnings rose 3.4 percent in February, the best increase since April 2009.
  • For the first time during the recovery, lower-end earners are getting more of the benefit, according to a Goldman Sachs report.
  • The trend could mean that the economy has more strength to it than some economists think.
Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages


Posted July 18, 2018 at 1:06 pm by Elise Gould and Heidi Shierholz
Average wage growth continues to flatline in 2018, while low-wage workers and those with relatively lower levels of educational attainment see stronger gains
Average wage growth continues to flatline in 2018, while low-wage workers and those with relatively lower levels of educational attainment see stronger gains

Because it's not enough. And when Trump creates the next recession and wages go back down?

I'm glad wages have gone up a little but MAGA? Hardly.

But this is the new America. The new American doesn't get good wages and benefits. To the new American, $15 hr and no healthcare is good. Living in parents basement.

Anyways, lets see if Americans are happy with the raise they got next year.

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