What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Yep more than 11. Theres one on every team at least.
Azog isn't listening to me so I'll repeat the post I put up that made him uncomfortable:

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
Azgog doesnt care about that stuff. Doesnt matter what you say to him. He is comfortable in his beliefs because reality is too mentally distressing for him to accept.

He's in a forum on why blacks won't vote GOP and he doesn't want to hear the reasons why. LOL

Brainwashed. The ones who are not vote GOP.
Yep more than 11. Theres one on every team at least.
Azog isn't listening to me so I'll repeat the post I put up that made him uncomfortable:

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You can thank Al Sharpton and his protests for marginalizing Blacks.
Nope. This is a country run by whites for whites. So when they talk about a particular social arrangement that privileges one group, they are talking about our current system that favors white people.

What are you talking about? Or are you just making shit up. I swear when Republicans are losing an argument on politics they bring up Soros and when they are arguing racism and don't know what else to say they bring up Sharpton.

LMAO. Whites for whites. OK. I laughed Out loud.

I can tell when someone has run out of thoughtful intelligent things to say. The last couple replies from you have been pretty much "yawn" and LMAO.

Are you done? Why don't you go talk about something you know about like how Jews are 100% right and Palestinians are 100% wrong.

In fact the first post I ever read from you was you being intellectually dishonest. You called yourself an independent right? Dude, you are 100% Republican. In fact if you wanted to be a Democrat I don't think we would take you. You would stink up the place.

You only write you don’t read and you ignore
My arguments. So I do the same with you. Sucks? Too bad.
Yep more than 11. Theres one on every team at least.
Azog isn't listening to me so I'll repeat the post I put up that made him uncomfortable:

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
Azgog doesnt care about that stuff. Doesnt matter what you say to him. He is comfortable in his beliefs because reality is too mentally distressing for him to accept.

He's in a forum on why blacks won't vote GOP and he doesn't want to hear the reasons why. LOL
Lets be honest. He is not here to hear the reasons. He is here because he is compensating

Here is an article that might help him understand because it explains how Jewish people went through the same thing blacks are still going through:

For many years now, Bill Domhoff and I have kept an eye on and tried to understand diversity in the corporate elite. Why did it happen? Does it matter? Our work in the early 1980s lead us to conclude that one previously excluded group, Jews, were becoming a part of the corporate elite, a shocker back then given the level of anti-Semitism that persisted into the 1960s. Then, in the first edition of a book about a group of low-income black students who attended elite prep schools through a foundation- and corporation-funded program called A Better Chance, we skeptically asserted that even with degrees from elite boarding schools and the Ivy League colleges, it was not likely that very many blacks would become CEOs of Fortune-level companies any time soon due to continuing racial discrimination

Who Rules America: Diversity Among CEOs and Corporate Directors
3.7% unemployment is what Blacks can get when the Democrats are not in power.

It ain't a welfare check but good nevertheless.
No stupid. The Black unemployment rate is higher than 3.7% Thats the national unemployment rate.

You are confused.

Black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been.

Lower than when the affirmative action asshole Obama was fucking up the country in general and and Blacks specifically with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

MAGA Baby! God bless Trump. It is good to have a real American President instead of a worthless incompetent Muslim, isn't it?
No youre confused. The Black unemployment rate is almost 6%. You claimed it was 3.7%. Youre just another fucking idiot. :laugh:

Thanks to Obama we now have record lows in unemployment

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest on record
He's in a forum on why blacks won't vote GOP and he doesn't want to hear the reasons why. LOL
Lets be honest. He is not here to hear the reasons. He is here because he is compensating
Blacks need to develop neighborhoods with strong economies.

Easier said than done.

Whites Have Huge Wealth Edge Over Blacks (but Don’t Know It)

Black families in America earn $57.30 for every $100 in income earned by white families.

For every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold $5.04.

You don't see how whites having a huge wealth gap over blacks makes it harder for them to take your advice than it would be for whites to take your advice? Kind of hard to develop anywhen black families hold $5.04 for every $100 in white family wealth.

It's easy for you to say SO being a white who has a huge wealth edge over blacks. Who knows how YOU would do if you were in the black community. All we know is you are white so you live in a society that favors whites.

It's easy for you to tell blacks what to do to get out of the mess whites put them in when all you did was be born into a white family and white community where whites get jobs before blacks do because of your white privilege that you don't even realize exists.

It would be nice if blacks started their own Microsoft and Car company and employed all black people except about 10% whites.
What on earth are you babbling about?
I grew up dirt poor.
I have dirt poor people in my town whose kids just graduated into 100K jobs.
Your Liberal bullshit is...bullshit.
3.7% unemployment is what Blacks can get when the Democrats are not in power.

It ain't a welfare check but good nevertheless.
No stupid. The Black unemployment rate is higher than 3.7% Thats the national unemployment rate.

You are confused.

Black unemployment is the lowest it has ever been.

Lower than when the affirmative action asshole Obama was fucking up the country in general and and Blacks specifically with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

MAGA Baby! God bless Trump. It is good to have a real American President instead of a worthless incompetent Muslim, isn't it?
No youre confused. The Black unemployment rate is almost 6%. You claimed it was 3.7%. Youre just another fucking idiot. :laugh:

Stop being a fucking moronic Moon Bat. 3.7% cumulative unemployment with the lowest Black unemployment in history.

MAGA Baby. Much better than when that worthless affirmative action Negro was screwing America, isn't it?
Yep more than 11. Theres one on every team at least.
Azog isn't listening to me so I'll repeat the post I put up that made him uncomfortable:

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
Azgog doesnt care about that stuff. Doesnt matter what you say to him. He is comfortable in his beliefs because reality is too mentally distressing for him to accept.

He's in a forum on why blacks won't vote GOP and he doesn't want to hear the reasons why. LOL

Brainwashed. The ones who are not vote GOP.

That's what I think about poor whites who vote Republican. The GOP doesn't offer them anything. Yesterday I showed how America was great in 1960's and 1970's and 80's until Republicans started breaking unions and sending those high paying jobs overseas and ending pensions. Cutting into social security and medicare. So today young people age 20-40 aren't expected to do as well as their parents and they have higher degrees then their parents. They have less money now. THey make less. They pay more for healthcare. Cost of living is higher.

Didn't you guys say young people would do better with 401K's than they would social security? Well it sure doesn't look that way. Seems our parents did better than us and they didn't have college degrees or 401K's.

You have been brainwashed to think that it was Democrats who ruined the middle class. And if you aren't buying that then you are fooled into voting GOP with wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism. You vote for the rich and against your own financial best interests because of these wedge issues. Then add to that you've been brainwashed to think that it was liberal policies that sent jobs overseas. Sure, but remember those policies were to pay American workers more. Is that the policy that drove companies overseas? Well who the fuck let them leave and ship their shit back in? Oh yea, that was Republicans. Why did they do that? To break unions.

So show me how you are going to make America great like we did with the New Deal and Unions. We created the biggest and best middle class the world had ever seen. The rich didn't like paying such high wages and you defended the corporations when they were moving. And now you want to blame liberals? Do you see your flawed thinking?
Lets be honest. He is not here to hear the reasons. He is here because he is compensating
Blacks need to develop neighborhoods with strong economies.

Easier said than done.

Whites Have Huge Wealth Edge Over Blacks (but Don’t Know It)

Black families in America earn $57.30 for every $100 in income earned by white families.

For every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold $5.04.

You don't see how whites having a huge wealth gap over blacks makes it harder for them to take your advice than it would be for whites to take your advice? Kind of hard to develop anywhen black families hold $5.04 for every $100 in white family wealth.

It's easy for you to say SO being a white who has a huge wealth edge over blacks. Who knows how YOU would do if you were in the black community. All we know is you are white so you live in a society that favors whites.

It's easy for you to tell blacks what to do to get out of the mess whites put them in when all you did was be born into a white family and white community where whites get jobs before blacks do because of your white privilege that you don't even realize exists.

It would be nice if blacks started their own Microsoft and Car company and employed all black people except about 10% whites.
What on earth are you babbling about?
I grew up dirt poor.
I have dirt poor people in my town whose kids just graduated into 100K jobs.
Your Liberal bullshit is...bullshit.

I don't know your personal experiences. All I know is YOU don't know your own white privilege.

You have dirt poor people in your white town who's kids graduated into 100K jobs? Now that's white privilege. What company is paying $100K? We should tell young black kids so they can get those jobs. Oh yea, the white hiring managers won't hire them.

65% of Americans save little or nothing—and half could end up struggling in retirement

and half could end up struggling in retirement

That means your 401K bullshit is just that. BULLSHIT. We need social security so 100% of Americans will have money to live off when they reach retirement age. I would say 65 but you fuckers raise my retirement to 67 and I bet people younger than me will have to wait till 70. So basically Republicans added 2 years onto how long I have to work. I can never forgive that. That's like stealing 2 years of income from me. And you want me to vote Republican? What do you think I'm stupid?
We know that's the bullshit line Republicans like to us when discussing why blacks vote Democratic but we will tell you again. You have to offer something in exchange for their votes. They/We know they offer nothing in fact they provide cover for companies who discriminate against blacks.

We see 99% of the managers of a company are white. We say, "gee, this company should have more blacks working for it. Seems like this company discriminates against black people" and instead of you agreeing you defend these companies. You argue that they shouldn't have to hire anyone they don't want to hire. Then you start talking about how if they are forced to hire black people then white people are discriminated against. And you say the company isn't hiring the best if they have to hire 10% minorities and women.

And as minorities and women, they know you are full of shit. This is just one small example of why black people don't vote Republican. What you promote are policies that hold them back. You pretend it's in the name of fairness but we know your idea of fair isn't fair at all.


You blowing off the racism that exists in this country towards blacks is why blacks don't vote Republican.

It's easy to tell a black person to go to school, don't have kids before you are financially ready, don't do drugs or commit crimes and your life will turn out ok.

But then when you doubt/deny the racism they run into along the way. That's what gets under black people's skin.

Black people will tell you us liberal whites are hardly much better than you cons are. But at least we acknowledge that the playing field is not level.

If you read what I posted and yawned then you clearly don't get it. I'm done trying to explain it to someone who's not listening. But the funny thing is if I told you about how Jews are not treated fairly, boy oh boy you would get it right? That's because you lack empathy to anyone different than you.
What racism?
They live in their own neighborhoods.
So do most Jews.
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Yep more than 11. Theres one on every team at least.
Azog isn't listening to me so I'll repeat the post I put up that made him uncomfortable:

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
Azgog doesnt care about that stuff. Doesnt matter what you say to him. He is comfortable in his beliefs because reality is too mentally distressing for him to accept.

He's in a forum on why blacks won't vote GOP and he doesn't want to hear the reasons why. LOL
Lets be honest. He is not here to hear the reasons. He is here because he is compensating

Here is an article that might help him understand because it explains how Jewish people went through the same thing blacks are still going through:

For many years now, Bill Domhoff and I have kept an eye on and tried to understand diversity in the corporate elite. Why did it happen? Does it matter? Our work in the early 1980s lead us to conclude that one previously excluded group, Jews, were becoming a part of the corporate elite, a shocker back then given the level of anti-Semitism that persisted into the 1960s. Then, in the first edition of a book about a group of low-income black students who attended elite prep schools through a foundation- and corporation-funded program called A Better Chance, we skeptically asserted that even with degrees from elite boarding schools and the Ivy League colleges, it was not likely that very many blacks would become CEOs of Fortune-level companies any time soon due to continuing racial discrimination

Who Rules America: Diversity Among CEOs and Corporate Directors

Save your biased articles. FACT. Black kids with two parents are way more successful than white kids with one parent. The difference is TWO PARENTS. 70% of blacks have one parent vs. 40% of whites. Like 2% of Jews. We are not any more "racist" now than we were in the 60s when only 20% of blacks had one parent. NOTHING to do with race.

Blacks comprise 13% of the population and that same approximate # in corporate VP or higher positions.

Stats don't always paint an accurate picture. 75% of the NBA is black. 70% of the NFL is black. Neither league is racist. Yet if an alien from Mars landed they would believe so based purely on stats.

Think for yourself instead of reading biased Leftist media articles and wasting my time by posting them. If you want to confabulate, lets do so. If you want to waste my time by posting useless stats, I will mock you.

You blowing off the racism that exists in this country towards blacks is why blacks don't vote Republican.

It's easy to tell a black person to go to school, don't have kids before you are financially ready, don't do drugs or commit crimes and your life will turn out ok.

But then when you doubt/deny the racism they run into along the way. That's what gets under black people's skin.

Black people will tell you us liberal whites are hardly much better than you cons are. But at least we acknowledge that the playing field is not level.

If you read what I posted and yawned then you clearly don't get it. I'm done trying to explain it to someone who's not listening. But the funny thing is if I told you about how Jews are not treated fairly, boy oh boy you would get it right? That's because you lack empathy to anyone different than you.
What racism?
They live in their own neighborhoods.
So do most Jews.
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.

So now white people automatically discriminate? That is a ridiculous statement. We have 3% unemployment in MA. We cannot find enough people. Your perceived racism just doesn't exist.

You blowing off the racism that exists in this country towards blacks is why blacks don't vote Republican.

It's easy to tell a black person to go to school, don't have kids before you are financially ready, don't do drugs or commit crimes and your life will turn out ok.

But then when you doubt/deny the racism they run into along the way. That's what gets under black people's skin.

Black people will tell you us liberal whites are hardly much better than you cons are. But at least we acknowledge that the playing field is not level.

If you read what I posted and yawned then you clearly don't get it. I'm done trying to explain it to someone who's not listening. But the funny thing is if I told you about how Jews are not treated fairly, boy oh boy you would get it right? That's because you lack empathy to anyone different than you.
What racism?
They live in their own neighborhoods.
So do most Jews.
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.
You blowing off the racism that exists in this country towards blacks is why blacks don't vote Republican.

It's easy to tell a black person to go to school, don't have kids before you are financially ready, don't do drugs or commit crimes and your life will turn out ok.

But then when you doubt/deny the racism they run into along the way. That's what gets under black people's skin.

Black people will tell you us liberal whites are hardly much better than you cons are. But at least we acknowledge that the playing field is not level.

If you read what I posted and yawned then you clearly don't get it. I'm done trying to explain it to someone who's not listening. But the funny thing is if I told you about how Jews are not treated fairly, boy oh boy you would get it right? That's because you lack empathy to anyone different than you.
What racism?
They live in their own neighborhoods.
So do most Jews.
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
What racism?
They live in their own neighborhoods.
So do most Jews.
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews
About 3.
Which has what relevance to Blacks not being able to get their act together?
What a stupid question. There is no economic opportunities in their neighborhoods. So in Detroit Detroiters have to come out to the white suburbs to get jobs. And let me repeat something I just told Azog the idiot.

if a particular social arrangement fundamentally privileges one group or marginalizes others, then economic growth tends to exacerbate disparities between groups rather than “lifting all boats.” Or put another way, a system has to be fair before it can be color blind.

Black families have, on average, 5 percent of the wealth of their white counterparts. African Americans have limited access to the credit used to acquire property or start a business—and they have been largely excluded from social networks that enhance mobility. Meanwhile, whites receive 76 percent of all merit-based scholarships and grant funding. There have been myriad studies demonstrating that, regardless of their credentials, people with “ethnic” names are far less likely to get accepted into schools or called for job interviews. And even when hired, women and people of color are not promoted as often or as quickly as their white male counterparts—helping to explain why blacks earn only 60 cents for every dollar that white people earn in salary and wages.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews

I am living in the present. Join me.
You must lead a very sheltered life.
How is any Black neighborhood different than Boro Park, Crown Heights, Flatbush or Williamsburg?
You want to know the only difference?
Jews don’t get street cred by dealing drugs and visiting the bar every night.

Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews

I am living in the present. Join me.
Living in the present has nothing to do with the facts.
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Easy. When a white person wants to get out of that neighborhood, they can easily because wherever they go in America, chances are it will be a white hiring manager who won't discriminate against you.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews

I am living in the present. Join me.
Living in the present has nothing to do with the facts.
What facts?
You say you’re a resounding success; where are your fellow Blacks?
There is no democratic plantation. Blacks are able to think for ourselves. The two major reforms relative to racial equality of the last 60 years were democratic proposals. The overall platform of the democratic party deals with issues the large majority of blacks face. So what exactly does the republican party offer blacks?. We are free, so republicans don't offer that. So aside from the fact Lincoln signed a piece of paper 153 years ago, what does the republican party have to offer?

I could think of some things maybe.. but I'm far from an expert on that, keeping in context that neither political party offers anything perfect to anyone regardless of color... but I think if you really want to know the answer to this you should find Republicans who are black and ask the question to them why they prefer Republicans or conservative and what they think it offers them. Why waste your time asking white people what I believe you consider a black issue? I really dont believe you would respect any other answer I gave you anyway.

I ask the whites here because you guys claim to be the experts on what blacks need and need to do. That includes our politics. So I ask white republicans have to offer. You can't show me policies which is probably why we would have a problem because what most republicans here claim the party offers blacks is based on an opinion about blacks that is not consistent with reality.
Jews start their own businesses and people come to them.
Stop the dependency bullshit.

And Jews don't shoot one another.
Bullshit. White Jews helped Stalin massacre other white Jews

I am living in the present. Join me.
Living in the present has nothing to do with the facts.
What facts?
You say you’re a resounding success; where are your fellow Blacks?
The facts that Jews kill each other.

They are all over the US. Why do you ask?

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