What exactly do republicans have to offer blacks?

Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

The problem with white men thinking as they do is they denied everybody but themselves the opportunity for 188 years overtly and still would be doing it if not for laws stopping them. Even with the laws, there are white men wo still practice this covertly. But they can't see the unfairness in that. If is nation was 100 percent white then whites should have all the jobs. But it is not and because white men refuse accept the fact this is a diverse nation diversity pledges became necessary. So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.
It was white people who created laws to give blacks the same opportunities as everyone. It’s why we now have many successful black professionals in this country.

Why are you still complaining? Did they miss something that prevented you from accomplishing something?
It was white people that created laws to deprive Blacks of the same opportunities as everyone.
Are you going to go through life hating whites for something that happened before you were born? Something that democrats applauded and republicans fixed?
I dont hate whites. I feel sorry for them. Its got to suck to be so wrapped up and conflicted by insecurity that they actually created laws to hold back people they tried to convince themselves were inferior.

Yeah I know, I passed those exams because affirmative action took them for me. Do you think that your fellow jews who primarily vote democrat are in the democratic concertation camps? I've seen it all. Here we see a neo nazi Jew folks.

Sigh. You are irrational. When you grow up and become an adult we can have an adult conversation. Call me a Nazi to my face and I break your arm. Little man. You can call me anything else. Don’t care.

Watchout! Prime Time (im2) thinks he’s a badass!
So do you. You brag you were this bad ass wrestler in college but won't be honest you wrestled at like 120 pounds gook.

Don't care. Call me a Nazi to my face, I break your arm. If you are a Nazi, I break both.

You're a Jew that subscribes to neo nazi ideology. You ain't breaking no arms here. I wrestled in college too. I don't think I am a bad ass. I'm a 57 year old man. All I know is if I have to fight, the person might whip me, but they will not want to try it again.

I would lie on my back and break your arm within 30 seconds. You're all talk on the web. 57 wasted years. Shame.
Watchout! Prime Time (im2) thinks he’s a badass!
So do you. You brag you were this bad ass wrestler in college but won't be honest you wrestled at like 120 pounds gook.

Don't care. Call me a Nazi to my face, I break your arm. If you are a Nazi, I break both.

You're a Jew that subscribes to neo nazi ideology. You ain't breaking no arms here. I wrestled in college too. I don't think I am a bad ass. I'm a 57 year old man. All I know is if I have to fight, the person might whip me, but they will not want to try it again.

So we have 3 college wrestlers here. Unkotare, you and me. Interesting. I quit after the first year. Actually, I was a red shirt so technically I was never actually on the team but tell that to my nose and califlower ears. LOL.

Our assistant coach was olympic gold metalist Steve Fraser. He beat my ass for a year. I came out of that experience a much better wrestler and fighter. You'd have to be one big bad Jew Bear to beat me up. LOL.

Steve Fraser was a good one. A greco roman expert meaning he was very strong up top. Yeah, I don't see our jewish friend taking you with that kind of training. I watched him in the 84 olympics.

It is gender and race neutral from Inception. Slavery was to supposed end after 1808.
It couldnt be race neutral from inception since it mentioned the enslaved. Where did it say slavery would end in 1808? Thats something new.
it says Persons not race or gender. now do you understand?

What does the phrase all other persons mean in Art 1 Sec 2 Par 3 of the constitution?

"All other persons" meant all persons who were neither free nor untaxed Indians. Basically, it meant slaves. The phrase "all other persons" was eliminated by Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment."
not race or gender. it is an important distinction until the Civil War amendments.

But it was about race.
it was about natural rights for Persons; it had to be addressed, eventually.
Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal....

Isnt that the one that sued Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination?

Idk, is she?

Since IM2 can’t tell us of any opportunities he’s been denied, maybe you can.
Can you give us an example of being denied the opportunity to become something more than someone who swallows everything democrats feed them?
Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal....

Isnt that the one that sued Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination?

Idk, is she?

Since IM2 can’t tell us of any opportunities he’s been denied, maybe you can.
Can you give us an example of being denied the opportunity to become something more than someone who swallows everything democrats feed them?

Yep thats the same one.

Thats like asking someone when they stopped beating their dog. If youre serious you may want to rephrase your question so it makes sense.
Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal....

Isnt that the one that sued Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination?

Idk, is she?

Since IM2 can’t tell us of any opportunities he’s been denied, maybe you can.
Can you give us an example of being denied the opportunity to become something more than someone who swallows everything democrats feed them?

Yep thats the same one.

Thats like asking someone when they stopped beating their dog. If youre serious you may want to rephrase your question so it makes sense.

Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal....

Isnt that the one that sued Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination?

Idk, is she?

Since IM2 can’t tell us of any opportunities he’s been denied, maybe you can.
Can you give us an example of being denied the opportunity to become something more than someone who swallows everything democrats feed them?

Yep thats the same one.

Thats like asking someone when they stopped beating their dog. If youre serious you may want to rephrase your question so it makes sense.


Link to what?
Here’s a short vid of a woman who was once a liberal....

Isnt that the one that sued Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination?

Idk, is she?

Since IM2 can’t tell us of any opportunities he’s been denied, maybe you can.
Can you give us an example of being denied the opportunity to become something more than someone who swallows everything democrats feed them?

Yep thats the same one.

Thats like asking someone when they stopped beating their dog. If youre serious you may want to rephrase your question so it makes sense.


Link to what?

Wtf? lol
A link that supports your claim of her suing the Stamford, Conn Board of Education for racial discrimination.
So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.

Simple solution to that is to start your own business, be your own boss in competition with your current boss, then provide superior product/service and put him out of business.

Problem solved!

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk

You need superior money to do this.

"Complex issues have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers."
Then find a business you CAN start. Nobody's stopping you. Get a small business loan for start up capital.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS! NOBODY is stopping you!

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk
Nice dodge.
No one hires Blacks and the nation is fine.
You’re a self-Hating Honky.
You're a racist loser who only made good money in the late 90's when IT first came out and every idiot with a Novell or MCSE could make $80K. Today those general IT guys do support desk work for $40K. You're a loser. Own it. Stop the victim mentality bullshit.
I make good money now and it’s obvious your logic is cloudy by anti-White racism.
I'm white idiot! I know right from wrong. I know what's fair. And so it's funny as fuck for you to tell me that my logic is clouded by anti white racism when I'm a fucking white man you fool!!! OMG.

Could it possibly be that you are the racist and you like the way things are because they favor you?

You know I've agreed with you on not shipping in indians to compete with Americans right? That has nothing to do with making sure the executive boardrooms all have about 20% minorities and 40% women.
Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

You were close. The most important aspect of HR is workforce planning/hiring, and retention.
Is there a law somewhere forcing a business to fill racial quotas?

What Happens When CEOs Take A Pledge To Improve Diversity And Inclusion?

Their shared beliefs were that this is one of society’s biggest issues, that their companies need to better represent the community, and that diverse teams perform better. Their commitment to improve the culture of their organizations resulted in the creation of the CEO Action Pledge for Diversity and Inclusion which now has over 350 member companies representing 85 different industries.

I hope all the more qualified whites denied jobs or promotions to make this happen, are libs happy to take one for the team.

They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous.

NOthing I said in any way indicated that I thought that. If you truly got that, you need to check your assumptions, BIG TIME.

My point was that their actions show that they do not do that. They were NOT doing it before and they are not doing it now.

What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

I'm pretty sure you pulled that number out of your ass. And I doubt they admitted that. I would assume they used weasel language so that libs like you could imagine they admitted that, while giving themselves deniability if someone tries to hold them accountable.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying.

Oh, it's not the really, really rich white males that will pay the price. It's the poor, the working class, the middle class white males who will pay for this bullshit, and the rich white males will accept the applause of libs like you, for being so "progressive".

But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now.

THe system has never been about giving me an unfair advantage, and it is currently biased against me.

You talking shit about me benefiting from "too much fairness" is rubbing salt in a lifetime of wounds.

But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

Said the man that some how got from my words, that I thought White CEOs should be looking out for me.

Are you retarded?
I know you’re white and I’ve been calling you a self-hating Honky.

I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

The problem with white men thinking as they do is they denied everybody but themselves the opportunity for 188 years overtly and still would be doing it if not for laws stopping them. Even with the laws, there are white men wo still practice this covertly. But they can't see the unfairness in that. If is nation was 100 percent white then whites should have all the jobs. But it is not and because white men refuse accept the fact this is a diverse nation diversity pledges became necessary. So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.
It was white people who created laws to give blacks the same opportunities as everyone. It’s why we now have many black professionals in this country.

Why are you still complaining? Did they miss something that prevented you from accomplishing something?

It was blacks who forced whites to make those laws and they still don't follow them.
What opportunities are you complaining about? Can you give us an example?

You can stop pretending you don't know.
I do see where you are coming from and I can agree somewhat with you. Here goes. Ok, so I'm a hard working white guy and I get my masters at Michigan State like my brother did and instead of my brother getting his first shot at becoming a VP, maybe he would have never gotten the opportunity because the company was hell bent on finding a minority or woman for the job.

So I see where you white men are coming from. I get it. And I don't like that scenario either. But until the board rooms have a diverse look, companies that want to do the right thing are going to go out of their way to find a woman or minority.

My brother didn't want the VP job back after he stopped being VP a few years ago because he still makes the same $ but half the stress. So, they found a woman in the company to do it. She couldn't have done it without him but remember, he couldn't have done it without someone else's help either.

Anyways, long story short is now that she's a VP, it's hard to keep her. Other companies want her now that she's qualified to be VP because they too signed that diversity pledge. So, they paid her double what she was making now. So instead of $1 million a year she's now making $2 million a year.

My brother might quit and go work for her. She still can't do the job without him. There is so much she doesn't know. But that's not a slam on her. My brother has to surround himself with people who know all the HR shit he doesn't know. He's an expert in 3 or 4 out of 5 areas of HR so where he is weak, he hires people who are experts in those areas of HR.
I don't even know what the 5 things are in HR. Pensions, Benefits, Compensation, Payroll, etc? I have no clue.

The problem with white men thinking as they do is they denied everybody but themselves the opportunity for 188 years overtly and still would be doing it if not for laws stopping them. Even with the laws, there are white men wo still practice this covertly. But they can't see the unfairness in that. If is nation was 100 percent white then whites should have all the jobs. But it is not and because white men refuse accept the fact this is a diverse nation diversity pledges became necessary. So the next time talk about this from the perspective of a non white who is smarter than the boss they trained.
It was white people who created laws to give blacks the same opportunities as everyone. It’s why we now have many black professionals in this country.

Why are you still complaining? Did they miss something that prevented you from accomplishing something?

It was blacks who forced whites to make those laws and they still don't follow them.
What opportunities are you complaining about? Can you give us an example?

You can stop pretending you don't know.
Know what?
I hope all the more qualified whites denied jobs or promotions to make this happen, are libs happy to take one for the team.

They/You aren't more qualified. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is just the right wings argument against diversity. You aren't more qualified or smarter. You are simply white. And the guy hiring is white.

If they have to put effort into making it happen, it is because hiring the best person for the job, was not giving them the diversity outcome you wanted.

THe CEO's just showed how much they give a damn about their white employees, ie zero.

Your assumption that whites look out for each other, is disproved by your own link.
Your assumption that white male CEO's should look out for you is ridiculous. What they are admitting is that racial bias plays a role in white 99% of their staff is white males. They need to look at themselves and keep this pledge.

Yea, it sucks to be me. A male white rich man. When it comes time to promote someone, they might give a minority or woman this pledge. I get what you are saying. But the fact is life is too fair for us rich white males. And you don't want the system to change because it works for a guy like you right now. But what happens when my kid marries a black and I have a black grandkid? I want the future to work for all Americans. Right now it's not fair for women or blacks because of racial bias that you may not even be aware you have.

There are more women in universities now than men. Stop whining.
Yea, so why are there so many more men climbing higher on the corporate ladder? We used to think it was women's fault and their fault alone. They stopped working to have kids seems to be a popular excuse given as to why so few women are on the BOD or the Upper management work chart. Now most companies realize their unconscious bias and they are trying to promote more women and minorities.

We will implement and expand unconscious bias education: Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases -- that is human nature. Unconscious bias education enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We will commit to rolling out and/or expanding unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations. Additionally, we will make non-proprietary unconscious bias education modules available to others free of charge.

What sucks is that white men will show up to vote against this but stupid women and minorities won't show up to vote for this shit.

Talk about Orwellian nonsense. You can be accused of racism, and honestly saying that you are not racist or discriminating is no defense now, because you might be doing it without knowing you are doing it.

And you need special , mandatory training to learn how you are a bigot, even if you though you were being completely fair.

What a load of utter, insane, crap.

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