What Gives You People The Right To Ban People From Social Media Simply Over Differing Opinions?

"Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech" has limitations.

Private social media sets its own rules, no matter how distasteful, ignorant, dishonest, ludicrous, ridiculous or stupid they may be. However, defamation describes hurting someone's reputation or character by making fraudulent statements regarding that person (corporations are people too):

Dominion Voting Systems is suing One American News Network, Newsmax and Patrick Byrne, former head of Overstock, accusing them of spreading lies that the company conspired to rig the last election to steal the presidency from Donald Trump.

The lawsuits, filed Tuesday, are the latest in a series of defamation cases Dominion has brought against conservative news outlets and allies of the former president. Dominion sued each defendant for a little over $1.6 billion.

Dominion said OAN, Newsmax and Byrne falsely accused the voting machines supplier of manipulating votes and rigging elections in cities where their system was not even used. The outlets also repeated unproven claims that Dominion was founded to rig elections for former Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013.
Joe Rogan isn't banned.

trump was banned from twitter for calling for violence.
Spotify employees are trying to get him banned, along with Neil Young and some other idiots on Spotify.

Trump was banned long before Jan 6, so we all know that's utter bullshit.

Once again, the prog is spouting lies.

She got a 2 week time out. If she was white she would have gotten fired.

we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence," the company said late Friday.

Here, let me show you the google query I used:

"how trump got banned from twitter"

See how easy that is?
Being the owner of the platform gives the owners the right to police their site.

"You people" have no power to decide what a particular site will allow.
Being the owner of the platform gives the owners the right to police their site.

"You people" have no power to decide what a particular site will allow.
That is highly debatable.
But the problem doesn't seem to be just over what is right and what is wrong.....and not what they can legally get away with....especially since there seems to be a conspiracy to prevent their competition from giving people alternatives.
This seems to fall under antitrust statutes....and there's reckoning coming to Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms that are practicing censorship of conservative speech.
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View attachment 596119

Democrats are busying roaming around social-media trying to get anyone who they have a differing opinion with removed from the platform.
That's really what it amounts to.
They think that because they have the power to do it....nobody can stop them.

They dress up their censorship with a statement that the guilty party was spreading misinformation which goes against their made up rules.
Breaking the rules results in a ban.....but all the guilty party did was express a different opinion, and anyone who knows the left, having a different opinion is unforgivable.
So after years of warning....we can see the establishment using word-police to stifle freedom of speech.
Is this China.....or is it America?

Nobody is going to be allowed to have millions of followers, voice different opinions, and not end up being attacked by the left.
In a nutshell: The left is using the COVID pandemic to act as word-police against their opposition.
Whether the pandemic is real doesn't matter. What the left is doing with it is what is wrong and should be thoroughly condemned.
But not only is the Biden Adm encouraging this to continue....but they're working with social-media to make is worse.


The owner of the property, can do anything they want with it.
That is highly debatable.
But the problem doesn't seem to be over what is right and what is wrong.....not what they can legally get away with....especially since there seems to be a conspiracy to prevent their competition from giving people alternatives.
This seems to fall under antitrust statutes....and there's reckoning coming to Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms that are practicing censorship of conservative speech.
Sure there is, just like there is a reckoning coming for Right Wing Radio on the AM dial for excluding liberal speech.
The Church lady is a liberal parody of religionists.

Who the fuck are you? SATAN?
The Church lady WAS a parody of old time religonist.
Liberals - are the NEW Church Lady. Judging everyone, see themselves as perfect and everyone who doesn't believe like them is evil and beneath them.

And you are one of the founders of this new religion.
Illiberal wokeness is not a liberal concept.
It absolutely is.
Can't exactly say it is a conservative concept.
Liberals in America are so far away from what liberals are supposed to be it is crazy.
I can only imagine what the 1970 liberals would think of the insanity of the 2010s-2020 liberals.
They would hate you.
Announcement: I have canceled the entire left, they are no longer part of the human species.
View attachment 596119

Democrats are busying roaming around social-media trying to get anyone who they have a differing opinion with removed from the platform.
That's really what it amounts to.
They think that because they have the power to do it....nobody can stop them.

They dress up their censorship with a statement that the guilty party was spreading misinformation which goes against their made up rules.
Breaking the rules results in a ban.....but all the guilty party did was express a different opinion, and anyone who knows the left, having a different opinion is unforgivable.
So after years of warning....we can see the establishment using word-police to stifle freedom of speech.
Is this China.....or is it America?

Nobody is going to be allowed to have millions of followers, voice different opinions, and not end up being attacked by the left.
In a nutshell: The left is using the COVID pandemic to act as word-police against their opposition.
Whether the pandemic is real doesn't matter. What the left is doing with it is what is wrong and should be thoroughly condemned.
But not only is the Biden Adm encouraging this to continue....but they're working with social-media to make is worse.


Because they aren't opinions. I know your cult thinks facts are just opinions, but the real world does not operate that way.
View attachment 596119

Democrats are busying roaming around social-media trying to get anyone who they have a differing opinion with removed from the platform.
That's really what it amounts to.
They think that because they have the power to do it....nobody can stop them.

They dress up their censorship with a statement that the guilty party was spreading misinformation which goes against their made up rules.
Breaking the rules results in a ban.....but all the guilty party did was express a different opinion, and anyone who knows the left, having a different opinion is unforgivable.
So after years of warning....we can see the establishment using word-police to stifle freedom of speech.
Is this China.....or is it America?

Nobody is going to be allowed to have millions of followers, voice different opinions, and not end up being attacked by the left.
In a nutshell: The left is using the COVID pandemic to act as word-police against their opposition.
Whether the pandemic is real doesn't matter. What the left is doing with it is what is wrong and should be thoroughly condemned.
But not only is the Biden Adm encouraging this to continue....but they're working with social-media to make is worse.


Lol ya gotta follow the rules and policies of the site. This place let's ya get away with murder but I still find myself in time out every once in a while.
Sure there is, just like there is a reckoning coming for Right Wing Radio on the AM dial for excluding liberal speech.
They don't exclude liberal speech, you dolt.
Every 15 mins CBS or some other leftist news outlet is allowed to spread their propaganda dressed up as news during commercial breaks.
View attachment 596119

Democrats are busying roaming around social-media trying to get anyone who they have a differing opinion with removed from the platform.
That's really what it amounts to.
They think that because they have the power to do it....nobody can stop them.

They dress up their censorship with a statement that the guilty party was spreading misinformation which goes against their made up rules.
Breaking the rules results in a ban.....but all the guilty party did was express a different opinion, and anyone who knows the left, having a different opinion is unforgivable.
So after years of warning....we can see the establishment using word-police to stifle freedom of speech.
Is this China.....or is it America?

Nobody is going to be allowed to have millions of followers, voice different opinions, and not end up being attacked by the left.
In a nutshell: The left is using the COVID pandemic to act as word-police against their opposition.
Whether the pandemic is real doesn't matter. What the left is doing with it is what is wrong and should be thoroughly condemned.
But not only is the Biden Adm encouraging this to continue....but they're working with social-media to make is worse.


They do have the power, and nobody CAN stop them. Social media is 100% controlled by the dems, and in a society where having a social media presence and the ability to communicate is so important, ESPECIALLY in politics, that kind of power gives the left unprecedented control.

It's why I think that, if there is any expectation that free speech will continue, and not be filtered by the democratic party, some of these billionaire Republicans need to start pooling their resources together and start building new social media platforms, new social networks, AND means of distribution.

I would also add that they probably need to start building new broadband networks, because the last failsafe for the dems being able to control the flow of information, if all else fails, is the internet companies. If they decide they don't want certain types if information allowed on their networks, then you have nowhere to go, since most broadband companies have monopolies in cities and towns.
View attachment 596119

Democrats are busying roaming around social-media trying to get anyone who they have a differing opinion with removed from the platform.
That's really what it amounts to.
They think that because they have the power to do it....nobody can stop them.

They dress up their censorship with a statement that the guilty party was spreading misinformation which goes against their made up rules.
Breaking the rules results in a ban.....but all the guilty party did was express a different opinion, and anyone who knows the left, having a different opinion is unforgivable.
So after years of warning....we can see the establishment using word-police to stifle freedom of speech.
Is this China.....or is it America?

Nobody is going to be allowed to have millions of followers, voice different opinions, and not end up being attacked by the left.
In a nutshell: The left is using the COVID pandemic to act as word-police against their opposition.
Whether the pandemic is real doesn't matter. What the left is doing with it is what is wrong and should be thoroughly condemned.
But not only is the Biden Adm encouraging this to continue....but they're working with social-media to make is worse.


Better question, who gave them the authority?

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