What gospel did Jesus preach?

Reading the original writings of a saint can enlighten a believer somewhat but writings can't rebuke the thoughts in a reader's mind like a saint can to keep the reader (believer) listening to the Truth rather than their own deceptive thoughts.

A saint can't preach a false gospel like all Christian leaders do.

there is no such thing as Preaching ...

the meek shall inherit the Earth.

only a Spirits own thoughts will be judged ... sink or swim

Remission may be accomplished by an Individual - but it is the Task, for all to be saved or none at all.

Liars don't understand what a saint of God is unless they're chosen to believe the gospel we preach, which only means the spoken and written words that God gives us in our mind to speak or write down. The gospel is the same thing as the "voice of God".

it is amazing that i read only the first few pages of the Bible to a point indisputably aberrant to a theistic God ... and yet those first few pages remain tenable for belief.

a belief of either Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting or simply Admission by the same means - and that it is not the individual that ultimately must survive but the Species itself that is required ... there is no Preaching, there is only a Path.
there is no such thing as Preaching ...

the meek shall inherit the Earth.

only a Spirits own thoughts will be judged ... sink or swim

Remission may be accomplished by an Individual - but it is the Task, for all to be saved or none at all.

Liars don't understand what a saint of God is unless they're chosen to believe the gospel we preach, which only means the spoken and written words that God gives us in our mind to speak or write down. The gospel is the same thing as the "voice of God".

it is amazing that i read only the first few pages of the Bible to a point indisputably aberrant to a theistic God ... and yet those first few pages remain tenable for belief.

a belief of either Remission to the OuterWorld of the Everlasting or simply Admission by the same means - and that it is not the individual that ultimately must survive but the Species itself that is required ... there is no Preaching, there is only a Path.

That's right. The path has already been planned and created by our Creator for all His people. The preaching of the gospel gets His saints and most of His prophets killed.
The religious Roman leaders made sure of that because after killing all the true saints who witnessed "Christ" and testified to it, they started the false religion of Christianity to make sure their Christians would never become saints.
The religion didn't become false until it merged with big business, which, in turn, merged with big government.

There is much truth in what you are stating but remember there is a remnant of christians out there who are grieved over the money gospel, the name it and claim it stuff and the tv send us your thousand dollar pledge crowd. So there's that to consider too. Big business and the church do not mix. Those guys should have taken jobs as CEO's. Jesus never did have anything good to say about money. Not a single thing. Yet it consumes their sermons.

I'm grateful for preachers who refuse to be a part of that.
The religious Roman leaders made sure of that because after killing all the true saints who witnessed "Christ" and testified to it, they started the false religion of Christianity to make sure their Christians would never become saints.
The religion didn't become false until it merged with big business, which, in turn, merged with big government.

There is much truth in what you are stating but remember there is a remnant of christians out there who are grieved over the money gospel, the name it and claim it stuff and the tv send us your thousand dollar pledge crowd. So there's that to consider too. Big business and the church do not mix. Those guys should have taken jobs as CEO's. Jesus never did have anything good to say about money. Not a single thing. Yet it consumes their sermons.

I'm grateful for preachers who refuse to be a part of that.

Jesus and all the rest of us saints are made homeless by God because we know that all buildings are false gods that were built with human hands. Every single Christian church is built by the "beast" that influences the minds of sinners who have no idea who our Creator is.

We're also made eunuchs by God because we learn that no servant of God will ever be used in the next age for producing children. Only man was designed to make children in the next age because man will be born with two bodies of flesh, male and female. So man will be used to produce more flesh of God's people to fill His world with all His people to live forever and ever.

We former saints and prophets will get new flesh and be used by God to be His voice, just like He used our flesh for this age. We'll be used to speak the new language into existence and add new knowledge in it as time goes on.

We won't remember anything about the first age when we awaken in the New Heaven and Earth so we'll all start life anew. Thank God that no religions of man will be formed in the new age like all the false religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. of today. Never again will we understand a false god called Jesus.
Christ was born under the law. Christ's doctrine was grace.

Romans 6:14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace..

All men are sinners who are born into this world under the law.

Christians and all other men remain sinners until their flesh is destroyed during this age.

Saints (including the first saint that Christians call Jesus) are created as the Word, also known as Christ, Kingdom of God, Heaven, Holy Spirit, Son of God, etc. Saints are born into this world under the law but God changes the information (energy) in our flesh that causes the delusion (Lucifer, old covenant, satan, beast, antichrist, devil, wicked, etc.) in our thoughts. This is the born again experience that only us saints go through and we began to experience our new nature (Christ).

Christ is a symbolic name for information without deception, meaning we think differently than the sinners of this world. Since all God's people are under the law, all flesh has to perish during this age. The "Last Day" is the last day of this age when everyone on this planet and this whole world will be destroyed by God's fire (symbolic "lake of fire"), which is the time the hot molten lava will blow through the crust of this earth and melt everything. This will change the information by getting rid of all the bad energy (Lucifer, beast, satan, flesh, wicked, antichrist, false prophet).

Never again will man be deceived while experiencing life in his new flesh (both male and female). We saints of God will be used to speak the new language into existence and add all of God's knowledge into it. This knowledge will be our King on earth and all God's people will know that we have one Creator who gives us life experiences forever and ever. We won't experience death, decay or destruction again.
word, if Christ was the first saint, and you are the last, how is it that you, a sinner, was chosen instead of say Ronald McDonald?

If you knew who God was, you could ask Him. Otherwise, you can only believe the testimonies that come from Christ.

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