~What Got Ruined~


May 13, 2011
Have you ever set out to make an elaborate dish for a nice dinner date??? Or an extra special dish for company or maybe just for your family??
Only to totally somehow, mess the entire dish up??
Leave out an ingredient??
Drop the dish after it was finished cooking??
Anything to share??

I can't recall messing up a grand meal dish, but I'm sure I have. But I do remember a time or two, forgetting to remove the cardboard circle from the bottom of the frozen pizzas when my children were small, and the damn thing would catch fire sometimes ~LoL~
Back in the lean days, I was carrying a big pot of beans across the kitchen and it slipped out of my hands. We went hungry that evening. But when it happened, we just looked at each other and laughed. Love is grand.
i was young...i was going to impress my live in...big dinner party......everything was going fine.....my dessert was.....puff pastry balls....with scoops of ice cream inside them ...you dipped them in a chocolate sauce....wonderful.....impressive etc....well i was a new cook and got the recipe from the newspaper....there had been a misprint in the paper.....it should have said 1/4 teaspoon of salt and it said 1/4 cup of salt.....the chocolate sauce and pastry covered the first shock of the salt but not the 2nd....people were spitting it out in their plates....it was a fucking disaster

o and when i make souffle....i always have a pizza or something as back up
I used to be into "flaming" things. You know, flambe. Anyway, I had an expensive chafing dish and was practicing on making Steak Diane. You would cook the steak in butter and worcestershire sauce, I think it was, and at the end you would pour brandy over it and light it on fire. Very dramatic and impressive. The trick is warming the brandy just enough that it will ignite easily when you pour it on.

Anyway, I had this date I really wanted to impress. I had him over for dinner at my place and did the Steak Diane thing.

Trouble was, I got the brandy too hot and when I lit it, there was this gigantice flame that wooshed all the way up to the ceiling almost!!

My date had the funniest look on his face, because he had been watching all my preparations with great interest and when I flamed the steak he leaned way back in his chair and his eyes got really big as he looked upward at the tall column of fire. Like WTF! ROFL

Luckily, no one was hurt, not even the steak. It was delicious.
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I was a teenager, 16 to be exact... I wanted to make my girlfriend a cake for her 16th birthday. The cake came out OK I guess, but the icing was another story. You see, it was all made from scratch.... cake and all. Well I thought sugar was sugar man...but the recipe called for confectioners sugar. Needless to say the icing ended up being used as some really wierd chocolate milk monstrosity (my step brother & me had to try it) and the cake didnt get any icing.... and my girlfriend still ended up marrying me, and we are still together 22 yrs later.
Yep just the other day my can opener burned up spoiling my Beanie Weenie dish.
Yes. One time I was preparing supposedly a chicken curry for my husband and his best friend, I already poured in te coconut milk and upon tasting it, coconut milk was already spolied.. It was 1 kg of chicken meat and I cannot afford to just waste it. so what I did is that I strained it, kept the meat, and turned it into a chicken adobo instead.
when my husband and his best friend got home, they were delighted and stated that it is one of the most delicious adobo's that they have had so far...............
ah and last week i made a baking disaster and i knew when i was putting it in the dish it was gonna overflow....it did...the foil i put under the dish cause i knew it would overflow...was on a slanted rack...so the batter dipped on the foil and then on the bottom of the oven and caught fire....

i am looking at it assuring husband its just a batter drip fire....the cake was good....but rather messy

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