What happens if the Democrats are successful in getting Trump killed before the election?

Did Biden make a statement? Where is our POTUS?
The last time it was spotted was here, piling more shame and humiliation on the country with that fucktard stuttering.

They need to just keep it at the beach (tie it to a lawn chair), dig a hole for it to shit in, and throw pop-tarts and Little Debbie cakes at it for sustenance.

Democrats should just shut up about Trump being some kind of monster. That is just irresponsible They say he will destroy the country as well. They haven't let up even after the first time he was shot at.
Jesus, the man is a violent monster, and so are all of his followers.

wow! what a horrible thing to say!

that woman is a monster!

Harris is a monster that wants babies to die.
Democrats should just shut up about Trump being some kind of monster. That is just irresponsible They say he will destroy the country as well. They haven't let up even after the first time he was shot at.

Is Trump's golf schedule available to the public?

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