What happens if Trump is convicted?

Nothing. You'll cry, whine, stamp your feet...and then go back to your lives just like the rest of us desperately want to.
Sorry, no state is going to secede over Donald John Trump.
You don't understand how bad this is bringing down America. No, over half the country is not going

to go quietly into the night. You wanted to start the shit, and you're gonna get it, and then some!

And then probably some more!
The indictments are brimming with pictures, testimony, transcripts, Emails and texts that demonstrates elegantly....it really is about the evidence.
No, it is about attempted Democrat hegemony in America, just like California.

Americans aren't going to go quietly into the night, there is potential for massive violence.

O no! Why am I telling a fuckin' Fed this? Eh, fuck it, it's the truth. :dunno:

Anybody with a functioning brain can figure out what's going to happen.

That's why the demoshills here can't. :auiqs.jpg:
You don't understand how bad this is bringing down America. No, over half the country is not going

to go quietly into the night. You wanted to start the shit, and you're gonna get it, and then some!

And then probably some more!

Smiling....y'all gonna complain more online?

Maybe boycott a beer? Complain about Barbie or Mr. Potatohead?
No, it is about attempted Democrat hegemony in America, just like California.

Americans aren't going to go quietly into the night, there is potential for massive violence.

The evidence in the indictment says otherwise. The indictment is thorough, detailed and damning.

Y'all just tried to shut down a vote of the people on abortion rights in Ohio. So please don't pretend you give a fiddler's fuck about the will of the people.
yeah. You are on the FBI list now. Congrats.

Zealots be zealots
I thought you went away after getting handed your ass a thousand times.

Don't matter. Trump is a criminal. Criminals go to prison.
Onof the things he should have considered before his criming.
Smiling....y'all gonna complain more online?

Maybe boycott a beer? Complain about Barbie or Mr. Potatohead?
Do you know what our congressional nuclear option is? Lets assume that you guys both convict Trump AND reelect our corrupt president. Do you what congress can do?
The evidence in the indictment says otherwise. The indictment is thorough, detailed and damning.

Y'all just tried to shut down a vote of the people on abortion rights in Ohio. So please don't pretend you give a fiddler's fuck about the will of the people.
No, it's not.

It's fucking watered down weaksauce.
Do you know what our congressional nuclear option is? Lets assume that you guys both convict Trump AND reelect our corrupt president. Do you what congress can do?

With or without the Senate and a Presidential Veto?
The picture that your painting would ensure the dissolution of the United States.
Go for it sport.
I'm sure THIS time it will end up different.
Different as in find the walls, line them up, light them up and bulldoze the traitors into a ditch.

You know, what should have happened in 1865.
Smiling....y'all gonna complain more online?

Maybe boycott a beer? Complain about Barbie or Mr. Potatohead?
To put this into perspective for you.

George Floyd was a piece of shit criminal and there were riots nationwide by lowlifes.

Trump is respected in America and there may be riots by everyone else and they'll be genuinely pissed the fuck off and


They're not going to be out for stealing and burning businesses and cop stations and Federal buildings.

They will be out for Democrat blood.
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No, it's not.

Don't take my word for it. Trump's own attorney general said the same thing:

“If even half of it is true, then he's toast,” Barr told “Fox News Sunday.” “It's a very detailed indictment, and it's very, very damning. And this idea of presenting Trump as a victim here, a victim of a witch hunt, is ridiculous.”

But hey, keep those eyes screwed shut. It won't matter.
To put this into perspective for you.

George Floyd was a piece of shit criminal and there were riots nationwide by lowlifes.

Trump is respected in America and there may be riots by everyone else and they'll be genuinely pissed the fuck off and armed.

Uh-huh. And when you start rioting, attacking people and burning down buildings....then what?

The police show up to stop you.....then what?

Share with me your fantasy.
With or without the Senate and a Presidential Veto?
Congress holds the power of the purse. We can shut down the government by simply defunding it. We could defund the Trump trial right now if we wanted to.

They wont do the nuclear option though. Instead they will reduce the annual pay of DOJ salaries to 1$. They will starve out the bad apples and force them to quit.
Start drinking. Your grasp of history is as feeble as your love and support of the Savior is...and quite pathetic to boot.

This is about Trump. And only Trump. Not some fucking grand conspiracy. He did this all to himself.

But I really like the fact you just can't give him up. What is it again that you think this man will deliver to you? :)
Nope. It's about you and the pathetic anti-American Democrat Party. The one that started racism after the civil war and still does with their welfare programs and telling blacks that they aren't smart enough to get voter ID cards nor compete at schools and in the market place. The same Party that fought against the Civil Rights Bills that made Bill Clinton incarcerate Blacks at a much higher level but now let them out and behave and act like wild animals stealing, killing, selling drugs and all manner of criminality. These are the sort of things Demorats are trying to hide with this continuous attack on Trump. Trump isn't the enemy. Hiding your continuous racism and anti-American capitalism constitutional republic is really your game. Trump is just a distraction to tear down the country and rebuild it as a Russia type communist country.
Go for it sport.
I'm sure THIS time it will end up different.
Different as in find the walls, line them up, light them up and bulldoze the traitors into a ditch.

You know, what should have happened in 1865.

And which State is behind this lunacy? Not even one.

This 'secession' and 'civil war' fantasy is just empty bravado these poor souls use to soothe their impotence.

What we'll actually get is whining, snivelling, and elaborate excuse making why someone *else* has to do the fighting.
Congress holds the power of the purse. We can shut down the government by simply defunding it. We could defund the Trump trial right now if we wanted to.

They wont do the nuclear option though. Instead they will reduce the annual pay of DOJ salaries to 1$. They will starve out the bad apples and force them to quit.

With or without the Senate and the veto power of the President? Again, the House can't pass so much flag ordinance without both the Senate and the President.

Laughing.....you really haven't thought this through, have you?

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