What happens Tuesday?

What will the results of the Presidential Election be

  • Total voters
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It's looking like the Latino vote is out in force in a lot of the early voting and Trump has been doing terribly with them. I'm thinking Trump has effectively lost Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado and with that the race. I'm feeling a lot more confident this is Hillary's election to lose come election day.

I think after Tuesday there's a much longer conversation had about the Latino vote. They should be natural Republicans due to religious conservatism, attitudes towards the economy, etc. But the GOP picked possibly the most toxic candidate possible and may have cost the GOP a natural consistency for years down the road.
Trump Landslide

Electoral College: Trump 290, Clinton 248
Look maybe you can make the argument Trump could squeak by a with razor thin win, but there is no data whatsoever that indicates he would win in a landslide. That's just not in the cards.
True there is no hard data but all you need to do is look around and its like 2008 when Obama ran. Some are saying its like Reagan in the 80's. Its a movement and you'll see that play out on Tuesday.

I've seen no evidence of a movement. It's a cult of personality. For a movement there would be coattails
You cannot discount these massive rallies around the country and the huge amount of support he's seeing. Whens the last time you saw the LGBT community go and give a GOP candidate their flag and tell people to go vote for them? When was there ever a coalition of minorities going around the country telling other minorities to vote Trump? When did you see groups of "Chinese for GOP candidate" "Latino's for GOP candidate" "Gays for GOP Candidate" proudly carrying around their signs? When have you heard a lot of black people speaking out against the Dems and saying its time for change vote GOP (Trump)?

This stuff and more is happening. Never in my life have I seen such a diverse group of Americans support a GOP candidate. Sure its going to take more than this election to bring more over, but the movement has already begun. Thats not cult of personality, that's a real and tangible movement.

MSM sure won't show it, but I'm telling you on Nov 8th everyone will see.

I'm not discounting them. I just don't see evidence that it's a movement rather than a cult of personality. What other candidates are part of this movement? How many people are at their rallies? What's the platform of this movement?
I don't know if I'd say it's a cult of personality, but it is definately a movement that is NOT inclusive. It is very much a nativist movement and has tapped into a group (White Males without a College Degree) that have felt they are losing thier political power and economic security. That group is angry and isn't interested in outreach. It isn't interested in inclusion. It isn't interested in international cooperation.

Trump may ride that group to a narrow victory. I'm not ready to completely write off a Trump electoral win/poplular vote loss. But it's looking like he's heading for a loss. And worse for the GOP, they may be heading towards a string of losses as Trump's supporters aren't GOP outsiders, they're a big part of the base. And worse, they're pushing away the rest of the GOP base and may make it hard to bring in new blood.

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