What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

And what did that get us?
Did it bring about peace?
When one is negotiating with the enemy, you want them scared shitless of what you might do next.

Iran does not seem to fear Trump
They have restarted their nuclear program
They never stopped their nuclear program, moron.

the international inspectors signed off every time they went in to take a looksey. guess who else said they were in compliance each time they were inspecting?

our own people.
Who is "our own people," a gang of Obama appointed ass lickers?
Going 10 mph over the speed limit is wrong. Crossing the street somewhere besides a crosswalk is wrong. Lying to your mother is wrong.

What the fuck is "after the fact" supposed to mean? The money in the charity was mostly his. It wasn't contributed by anonymous strangers. No one was ripped off. What part of that don't you understand?

I have had to pay a fine to the IRS for filing my taxes late. Do you imagine that should bar me from running for president? Your characterization of his motive is the result of TDS.

it means any cash given to the foundation was to be distributed among CHARITIES no matter who gave it. donny doesn't get to be an indian giver & take it back -- - - first enjoying the tax breaks it gave him, then using it for his personal benefit. once that cash goes into the foundation coffer - - taking it back is stealing. too bad so sad how the courts thought so too 'eh? hence the fines & therefore the outright BAN imposed that they can be any part of any future charity board or foundation.

Do you really want to go into this? If so, we should talk about the clinton foundation where 90% of contributions went for salaries and expenses (the clinton bank accounts) and only 10% to the needy.


fake news.

At the Clinton Foundation, Access Equals Corruption - Rasmussen Reports®

rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't.


Charity Navigator - Rating for Clinton Foundation


Clinton Foundation


Charity Report - Clinton Foundation - give.org
"rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't."

Osama Bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, Muhandis, and Soleimani

To SUB HUMANS, all of those are "the same."

Understanding things like Sunni and Shia are way beyond the intellectual capacity of SUB HUMANS....

As for answering one question, WHY are there NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi, they can't do that, but they can hurl insults and ask for censorship....

Osama and Al Baghdadi were both JEWISH.... and you love both because you are a SUB HUMAN who professes that Jews are chosen (humans) while you are not....
You should be banned. But God will Judge you for your hatred of Jews and Israel.
You should be banned.


Censorship = what the pro Israel Christians need when truth confronts them.....

But God will Judge you

Oh that GAWD.... the one who had one kid.... he made the entire universe, all 100+ billion galaxies, and he had only one kid, and he put that kid here.....

and amazingly enough, the people who actually observed that kid..... reject him and consider him a FRAUD....

but as a sub human, you "know better" than Jews, because you parrot a book written by Jews, which Jews reject and BURN.....

Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel - CNN.com
You should be banned.


Censorship = what the pro Israel Christians need when truth confronts them.....

But God will Judge you

Oh that GAWD.... the one who had one kid.... he made the entire universe, all 100+ billion galaxies, and he had only one kid, and he put that kid here.....

and amazingly enough, the people who actually observed that kid..... reject him and consider him a FRAUD....

but as a sub human, you "know better" than Jews, because you parrot a book written by Jews, which Jews reject and BURN.....

Hundreds of New Testaments torched in Israel - CNN.com
There is no censorship. God Promises to bless those who bless Israel and Curse those that curse Israel. You Curse Israel.

The Anti-Christ is coming soon, and you will bow down and worship him. All Jew Haters will. They all will be cast in to Hell when the True Messiah comes back on The Day of Judgment and destroys The Anti-Christ, The False Prophet, and all of his armies that have come to destroy the last remnant of Jews.

Then The Judgment, and sadly, you will be cast in to Hell with your false gods on that day.

Mahdi is The Anti-Christ, and The Islamic Jesus who comes to earth to "Break The Cross" is The False Prophet and is a False Jesus. And you will bow down to them, and worship them to your everlasting eternal damnation.

My suggestion to you is to give your life to Jesus Christ, The Risen One. All are welcomed but few come. Your time on Earth is short. Do not wait any longer unless you poison your soul with hatred and God sends you strong delusions so you believe in lies, and are unable to repent. Repent now before you seal your eternal fate.
You should be banned

There is no censorship


God Promises to bless those who bless Israel

and that's "true," because your beaked BIRDBRAIN parroted that from Da BiBULL.... so its true true true, because it was written by Jew Jew and Jew, and never mind Jews reject it and consider Jesus a TOTAL FRAUD....

This is flat out comical....

It translates as follows....

I parrot a book written by Jews who think the book is a TOTAL FRAUD, but I am certain it is true because my birdbrain parrots it, while Jews actually observed everything written in it.... and they know NOTHING....

Observing vs. Parroting


You cannot exceed the idiocy of the pro Israel Christian, you can only equal it. If ants worshiped anteaters and believed the only way for ants to get to "Heaven" is to be eaten by an anteater, it would EQUAL the IDIOCY, not exceed it...
You should be banned

There is no censorship


God Promises to bless those who bless Israel

and that's "true," because your beaked BIRDBRAIN parroted that from Da BiBULL.... so its true true true, because it was written by Jew Jew and Jew, and never mind Jews reject it and consider Jesus a TOTAL FRAUD....

This is flat out comical....

It translates as follows....

I parrot a book written by Jews who think the book is a TOTAL FRAUD, but I am certain it is true because my birdbrain parrots it, while Jews actually observed everything written in it.... and they know NOTHING....

Observing vs. Parroting


You cannot exceed the idiocy of the pro Israel Christian, you can only equal it. If ants worshiped anteaters and believed the only way for ants to get to "Heaven" is to be eaten by an anteater, it would EQUAL the IDIOCY, not exceed it...

2 Thessalonians 1

7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

2 Thessalonians

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Why do libs get so agitated about people’s faith
Because they are empty and angry as they have none
when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

The Crusaders believed that. They went to war over it. All died. Fraud Jesus never floated down from the clouds.... If you had been alive then, you'd have been a Crusader, and you'd have ended up dead fighting over a Jewish lie/fraud....

on them that know not God,

YOU do not "know" Gawd.... YOU never met/observed him.... Your only "evidence" of Gawd's existence is from PARROTING that book....

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy

then WHY am I STILL ALIVE????


The act of PARROTING, mindlessly repeating that which is written, spoken or observed, only proves one thing - that the individual doing the PARROTING has a BIRDBRAIN.....

This thread is a joke. Soleimani was traveling with a known terrorist (Muhandis) who had a death sentence on him for atrocities he committed in Kuwait. Soleimani was also classified as a terrorist and a war criminal & was under a travel ban since 2007 for terrorist activities, and both of them were scouting out sensitive US sites for attacks. MI 6 and Massad confirmed that as did our intelligence. What they were planning was going to be a lot worse than Benghazi.

This just proved you are so ignorant BIG TIME.

Are you saying Soleimani is the only one person one man commander in Iran?
Are you saying he doesn’t have generals or hundreds of lieutenants?
That can carry the attacks after him?

If Iran government wants to blow up US embassies. It’s a piece of cake..... But they are NOT stupid as our president. YOU GOT THAT?

Trump, Pompeo and supporters like you are so dumb talking to Americans with lies.

This is Trump explaining himself:
Trump and Pompeo is like a chiefs of police giving press conference.
We just shot Original Tree trying to rape a homeless 92 year old men. We shot him. That’s it. That’s the end of it.

See how stupid you are.
So you believe we should do nothing when Iran tries to blow up our embassies?

where's the hard core evidence that any embassy was in imminent danger? so much so that not one was notified that bombs were heading their way huh?

huh huh huh?

<pfffft> nobody is buying it fuck face.
Maybe you can ask your bunk mates, Osama Bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, Muhandis, and Soleimani when you dine with Hitler in Hell.

Soleimani and Muhandis were war criminals and proven documented terrorists. One had a death sentence on his head for atrocities committed in Kuwait, and the other was NEVER supposed to leave Iran because he had a UN travel ban on him since 2007 for terrorist activities,. Both had bombed US Embassies before as well and were planning to do it again on a bigger scale.

i literally didn't get thru the 1st sentence b4 i dismissed you.
And what did that get us?
Did it bring about peace?
When one is negotiating with the enemy, you want them scared shitless of what you might do next.

Iran does not seem to fear Trump
They have restarted their nuclear program
They never stopped their nuclear program, moron.

the international inspectors signed off every time they went in to take a looksey. guess who else said they were in compliance each time they were inspecting?

our own people.
Who is "our own people," a gang of Obama appointed ass lickers?

people that cleared the way after trump was in office.
it means any cash given to the foundation was to be distributed among CHARITIES no matter who gave it. donny doesn't get to be an indian giver & take it back -- - - first enjoying the tax breaks it gave him, then using it for his personal benefit. once that cash goes into the foundation coffer - - taking it back is stealing. too bad so sad how the courts thought so too 'eh? hence the fines & therefore the outright BAN imposed that they can be any part of any future charity board or foundation.

Do you really want to go into this? If so, we should talk about the clinton foundation where 90% of contributions went for salaries and expenses (the clinton bank accounts) and only 10% to the needy.


fake news.

At the Clinton Foundation, Access Equals Corruption - Rasmussen Reports®

rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't.


Charity Navigator - Rating for Clinton Foundation


Clinton Foundation


Charity Report - Clinton Foundation - give.org
"rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't."


the BBB is biased?
when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

The Crusaders believed that. They went to war over it. All died. Fraud Jesus never floated down from the clouds.... If you had been alive then, you'd have been a Crusader, and you'd have ended up dead fighting over a Jewish lie/fraud....

on them that know not God,

YOU do not "know" Gawd.... YOU never met/observed him.... Your only "evidence" of Gawd's existence is from PARROTING that book....

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy

then WHY am I STILL ALIVE????


The act of PARROTING, mindlessly repeating that which is written, spoken or observed, only proves one thing - that the individual doing the PARROTING has a BIRDBRAIN.....

You are a condemned man, and I pray in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, that somehow that your heart has not completely become stone, and that there is still some reason within in you, and some part of you that wants to know God, rather than be condemned apart from God for eternity.
When one is negotiating with the enemy, you want them scared shitless of what you might do next.

Iran does not seem to fear Trump
They have restarted their nuclear program
They never stopped their nuclear program, moron.

the international inspectors signed off every time they went in to take a looksey. guess who else said they were in compliance each time they were inspecting?

our own people.
Who is "our own people," a gang of Obama appointed ass lickers?

people that cleared the way after trump was in office.

Cleared what way?
Do you really want to go into this? If so, we should talk about the clinton foundation where 90% of contributions went for salaries and expenses (the clinton bank accounts) and only 10% to the needy.


fake news.

At the Clinton Foundation, Access Equals Corruption - Rasmussen Reports®

rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't.


Charity Navigator - Rating for Clinton Foundation


Clinton Foundation


Charity Report - Clinton Foundation - give.org
"rasmussen is biased...

& these organizations aren't."


the BBB is biased?
Was that the only source you listed?

And, yeah, the BBB is anything but a market oriented organization.
Iran does not seem to fear Trump
They have restarted their nuclear program
They never stopped their nuclear program, moron.

They totally dismantled their nuclear program and abandoned their supplies of enriched uranium

Stupid Trump is letting them rebuild.

What a moron
Sure they did. How do we know that?
Because certified international weapons inspectors witnessed the destruction of centrifuges and surrender of enriched uranium.
Too bad Barry let Iran make all military bases off limits to inspections.

BTW, Love your sig. Not many people would openly admit that anyone he agrees with is wrong.
Our nuclear weapons inspections did not include the ability to inspect and report on all Iranian military strength and capability. We would not allow such inspections either

What we did inspect was the destruction of hard to get centrifuges and enriched uranium

Much better than what Donnie Dealmaker got us
No inspections and allowing Iran to restart their nuclear program
The Clinton Foundation is one of the more respected in the world.

one of the more respected WHAT??????

Kleptocratic PAY for PLAY money laundering schemes???
Charitable foundations

If the Clinton Foundation was the least bit corrupt, the Republican Congress would have shut them down. God knows they tried
Iran does not seem to fear Trump
They have restarted their nuclear program
They never stopped their nuclear program, moron.

the international inspectors signed off every time they went in to take a looksey. guess who else said they were in compliance each time they were inspecting?

our own people.
Who is "our own people," a gang of Obama appointed ass lickers?

people that cleared the way after trump was in office.

Cleared what way?

for iran to keep the sanctions lifted.
Was that the only source you listed?

And, yeah, the BBB is anything but a market oriented organization.

the links are right there dummy.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Well if it's a Democrat then nothing. Schiff lied, Pelosi lied, Schumer can't open his mouth without telling a lie and frankly, as far as Presidential lying,we saw that during 8 years of the liar and fake President Obama.

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