What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

/---- He/she entered my country illegally, thumbed his nose at our rule of law and take advantage of our welfare programs then send money they earn here off the books back to Mexico-- just for starters.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Well Trumpers feel that they are breathing our air...Yup breathing OUR air...
They eat food and just the fact that they talk different and aren't white in most cases.
Well that makes Trumpers angry...

How can America be great again and have people like that living here...

Not to mention the hundreds and hundreds of millions of them that vote illegally
and vote Democrat....

Trumpers can't have that.

/---- Your straw man argument is laughable. Do you work for CNN? You should fit right in.
I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate"

No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.

You're just plain crazy on all accounts and a self proclaimed historian no doubt. My guess is you own a mail order bride...maybe two?
How far back should we go for sake of debate? My descendants are cavemen who fundamentally defended their caves and 'space'...yep, they were territorial and had borders. Even they were intellectual enough to understand the importance in rationing available resources...kinda funny huh? Where do you go from here? WHOOPSIE....did you just get out-smarted?
The Feb 2011 report "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on US Taxpayers" from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a non-profit group that advocates limiting both legal and illegal immigration, "estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion;
nearly $29 billion at the federal level and
$84 billion at the state and local level. T
he study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts [apx $13 billion] do not come close to the level of expenditures..."
Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States - Wikipedia

Again, your numbers include the cost of educating AMERICAN CITIZENS.

For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

This is such an ignorant point of view. Out of sight so it must not hurt anyone. Carbon Monoxide is out of sight also, I guess you think that's harmless as well.

Dude. Go look at the question. Then answer it. You either have been deprived of something and an illegal immigrant is the reason you were, or you have not, or you don't know if you have or have not.

I answered the question I asked. I answered it directly and to the best of my knowledge about what I can discern about what I may or may not have been deprived of by an illegal immigrant. That's all I've asked anyone else to do. That's it. Period.

Do you see me here telling people who actually answered the question that their stated experiences and their awareness of them is ignorant or not so? No, you don't. Do you know why? Because I don't know them. I wasn't there to observe their being deprived. You, in your presumptive arrogance, think you know enough -- about me and my experiences no less -- to tell me that I too stupid to know whether I've been deprived.

I asked a very simple question. If you'd merely answered it honestly, there's no way you'd be getting this "eyeful" from me. I'm stopping here because as I write more, I'm getting more incensed over your vituperative hubris; thus on my account, don't bother answering the question for I won't see it. I don't care what else you may have to say for it was such a simple question and you couldn't simply answer it and be done. No. You had to not answer it and attempt to demean me.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

This is such an ignorant point of view. Out of sight so it must not hurt anyone. Carbon Monoxide is out of sight also, I guess you think that's harmless as well.

Dude. Go look at the question. Then answer it. You either have been deprived of something and an illegal immigrant is the reason you were, or you have not, or you don't know if you have or have not.

I answered the question I asked. I answered it directly and to the best of my knowledge about what I can discern about what I may or may not have been deprived of by an illegal immigrant. That's all I've asked anyone else to do. That's it. Period.

Do you see me here telling people who actually answered the question that their stated experiences and their awareness of them is ignorant or not so? No, you don't. Do you know why? Because I don't know them. I wasn't there to observe their being deprived. You, in your presumptive arrogance, think you know enough -- about me and my experiences no less -- to tell me that I too stupid to know whether I've been deprived.

I asked a very simple question. If you'd merely answered it honestly, there's no way you'd be getting this "eyeful" from me. I'm stopping here because as I write more, I'm getting more incensed over your vituperative hubris; thus on my account, don't bother answering the question for I won't see it. I don't care what else you may have to say for it was such a simple question and you couldn't simply answer it and be done.
Put everybody on your ignore list so you don't have to see their vitupor pooper side.
Last edited:
I think I maybe understand the thinking behind your OP--that too many people are making a ruckus about illegal immigrants without really having any evidence that they are harming us. We are being fed harmful "hate"

No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.
No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.

You're just plain crazy on all accounts and a self proclaimed historian no doubt. My guess is you own a mail order bride...maybe two?
How far back should we go for sake of debate? My descendants are cavemen who fundamentally defended their caves and 'space'...yep, they were territorial and had borders. Even they were intellectual enough to understand the importance in rationing available resources...kinda funny huh? Where do you go from here? WHOOPSIE....did you just get out-smarted?

Nope, my wife is a member of the DAR, go figure. And no, my ancestors were not in to rationing anything. And yes, your descendants will probably be living in caves and defending their space.
The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.

You're just plain crazy on all accounts and a self proclaimed historian no doubt. My guess is you own a mail order bride...maybe two?
How far back should we go for sake of debate? My descendants are cavemen who fundamentally defended their caves and 'space'...yep, they were territorial and had borders. Even they were intellectual enough to understand the importance in rationing available resources...kinda funny huh? Where do you go from here? WHOOPSIE....did you just get out-smarted?

Nope, my wife is a member of the DAR, go figure. And no, my ancestors were not in to rationing anything. And yes, your descendants will probably be living in caves and defending their space.

Haha...that's exactly what I thought you'd say.
Translation: "You win, I failed"
Nice try though....NEXT!
No, I think his (her) point is that if they''re not bothering you directly, you have no reason to complain. If they have no impact on your life directly, we should not be pursuing the agenda of kicking them out and keeping new ones from coming in.

The OP is trying to be thought provocative without considering that immigrants (legal or illegal) have an impact on all our lives either directly or indirectly.

The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
I have lost money to them.
how would I know which are the legals and illegals in my town? In my profession I am not supposed to ask------so I do not.

actually I do ask-------the latinos----and they are always candid----because they
know that I will not TATTLE on them. I would not ask a muzzie
The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.
Oh, Jesus, Winston....NOT the poem! It always tears me up. Yes, we want the wretched refuse, but we should have the ability to decide how many we can afford, since these days we subsidize them until they get on their feet; they often work low wage jobs and continue to be eligible for assistance even after they're working. As for schooling, school is by far the largest expenditure of taxes in our little town, and I'm sure in yours as well. Legal immigrants, poor and wretched as you like, contribute to those schools. Illegals? They're not chipping in. I have no strong dislike of illegal immigrants -- they are here working hard usually -- but I certainly see the necessity of having control over how many people come here and when. They need to come in legally. I think, anyway. We're not as rich as we used to be, they say. I know that's true around here. So we need to be careful, yes?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

Here's some more data and demographics you can pretend to be unaware of. Another member here was kind enough to spend the time compiling this for desperate and confused souls. I'm fully aware you do not seek the whole truth but please read the below post thoroughly so you'll never again try to lead honest folks down a dishonest path with another not so clever post of yours.
THANKS keepitreal!

If your granddaughters are competing with illegal immigrants for jobs, then perhaps there's a problem somewhere?

Perhaps if the US helped Mexico more and made Mexico more prosperous, then many of these illegal immigrants wouldn't be flocking to the US. But many flock to do low paid jobs. You'd hope that with the education your granddaughters have received, that they'd be earning more than minimum wage.
This goes beyond jobs...
The financial burden they place on this country is enormous!

Most of them send a good portion of money back home,
it's not being placed back into the economy...
They can do this because we're providing their food,
housing, education, health care, utilities and cash.

Now it's our responsibility to get their country in order,
when we can't even get shit straight here?

Men and women died and sacrificed for this country,
for our freedom we enjoy today.
No one helped us to prosper, we helped ourselves

They should do whatever it takes to improve their country
instead of doing whatever it takes to enter this country illegally!

But then again they also help the burden by offering America businesses cheap labor. Everything has two sides to it. How many companies would be much poorer because they'd have to pay proper wages?

You're providing their food, housing, education, healthcare, utilities and cash? How's that? Illegals don't get food stamps etc. Any education is going to kids who will probably grow up in the US and become Americans anyway.

Yes, the US needs to get its house in order. It isn't doing that, and trying to sort out the immigration issue won't sort much out at all. What needs sorting out won't get sorted out because it's not in the interests of those who control the country to sort it out.

No one helped you? That's not true, but anyway. Go look up the World Bank, Bolivia and Water. The US govt has been enriching people by fucking over people in other countries for a long time. Invading Iraq, another example of the US govt trying to enrich the people through unethical means.
But then again they also help the burden by offering America businesses cheap labor. Everything has two sides to it. How many companies would be much poorer because they'd have to pay proper wages
I wasn't very happy with the post I left in haste,
I had to leave for work....

So, let's get this party started, shall we

I'm assuming your statement..
But then again they also help the burden
by offering America businesses cheap labor.

was in response to mine...
This goes beyond jobs...
The financial burden they place on this country is enormous!

How do you figure, illegal immigrants help ease
the financial burden they place on our country,
because they work under the table for petty cash?

Are they paying taxes? No, they are not...
Neither is the employer paying them under the table.
Is this money circulated back into our economy?
No, it is not!

Illegal immigrants send home $50 billion annually
but cost taxpayers more than $113 billion

Illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. send $50 billion in remittances to their home countries each year, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The World Bank estimates that number is even higher, closer to $120 billion.

Americans are the ones forced to pick up the $113 billion tab for taking care of the country’s 12 million illegal immigrants. Is it the responsibility of taxpaying citizens to cover the cost of illegal immigration and the government’s aid to these countries while illegal workers continue to send their money overseas to send $50 billion overseas?

Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America

Remittances are monies sent by foreign-born workers (legal immigrants and illegal aliens) back to their home country. The transfers are facilitated by sending money through banks, making investments in the home country, or by returning to the home country while retaining bank accounts and other assets in the United States.

Remittances are essentially a tax-free transfer of wealth out of the U.S. Approximately $20 billion of Mexican remittances each year disappear from the U.S. economy via the institutionalized money transfer industry, never to return. While this massive amount may be considered virtual foreign aid, it is a non-sanctioned transfer of wealth that is based on a fundamental violation of America’s immigration and employment laws.

Projecting $26 billion sent as tax-free remittances by illegal aliens to Mexico in 2014,44 the negative impacts of this loss on the American economy would be significant. That amount would purchase 1.5 million cars or 15-million computers, and $200 billion sent back to Mexico over the past 10 years would have purchased Americans an astounding number: 15 million cars along with 150 million additional computers.45 It well could have saved countless homeowners from foreclosure.

Mexico received the largest amount of remittances in 2009). Of 10 countries receiving 40 percent of total remittances and related flows from the U.S., Mexico received about 61 percent of funds. Mexico’s central bank reported remittances totaling $21.27 billion in 2010. Remittances are indeed a significant source of income to Mexico. Remittance inflows of $25.3 billion to Mexico comprised approximately 3 percent of Mexico’s 2008 GDP.


This is from 2014...I'm sure this amount has doubled... easily

Companies would be poorer?
No, businesses would see less profits.
If you're a good business owner, you should know
how to drive your sales, if not, might be in the wrong business!
You're providing their food, housing, education, healthcare, utilities and cash? How's that? Illegals don't get food stamps etc. Any education is going to kids who will probably grow up in the US and become Americans anyway.
They don't? Think again!
Illegal immigrants can apply for assistance
on behalf of their u.s. born children..plus there's other numerous loopholes.
Which, I might add, is thanks to ofuckingcantwaittilyourgone
The majority of welfare recipients are immigrants...legal and illegal

And, this is data from 2012, wtf do you think it is now?!

Welfare Use by Legal and Illegal Immigrant Households

    • An estimated 49 percent of households headed by legal immigrants used one or more welfare programs in 2012, compared to 30 percent of households headed by natives.
    • Households headed by legal immigrants have higher use rates than native households overall and for cash programs (14 percent vs. 10 percent), food programs (36 percent vs. 22 percent), and Medicaid (39 percent vs. 23 percent). Use of housing programs is similar.
    • Legal immigrant households account for three-quarters of all immigrant households accessing one or more welfare programs.
    • Less-educated legal immigrants make extensive use of every type of welfare program, including cash, food, Medicaid, and housing.
    • The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants have modest levels of education; therefore, the high use of welfare associated with less-educated legal immigrants indicates that legalization would likely increase welfare costs, particularly for cash and housing programs.
    • Restrictions on new legal immigrants’ access to welfare have not prevented them from accessing programs at high rates because restrictions often apply to only a modest share of immigrants at any one time, some programs are not restricted, there are numerous exceptions and exemptions, and some provisions are entirely unenforced. Equally important, immigrants, including those illegally in the country, can receive welfare on behalf of their U.S.-born children.




Well, there's a comforting thought. A public school education...
dummy down kids, indoctrination and safe spaces...
where you can blow bubbles, color and play with play doh!
And, the point still being, we have to foot the bill!

You don't think that effects the quality of education?

Yes, the US needs to get its house in order. It isn't doing that, and trying to sort out the immigration issue won't sort much out at all. What needs sorting out won't get sorted out because it's not in the interests of those who control the country to sort it out.
I think immigration reform should go two ways

Instead of focusing on getting illegals out,
we should legalize everyones immigration status
and they should have to pay a monthly reimbursement fee
for the financial strain of benefiting yet not having contributed,
plus, they need to start holding 'sponsors' accountable as well.

The focus needs to shift to stopping the flow, hence forth
and creating revenue from the immigrants that are here already

No one helped you? That's not true, but anyway. Go look up the World Bank, Bolivia and Water. The US govt has been enriching people by fucking over people in other countries for a long time. Invading Iraq, another
I told you the post was in haste but, you know what I mean...
Come on now...we can not sustain at this rate
We need to return to a time when people carried their own weight!

Nice having a decent discussion for a change, thanks :bye1:
Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

I have nothing against those who are not potential criminals

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.
Oh, Jesus, Winston....NOT the poem! It always tears me up. Yes, we want the wretched refuse, but we should have the ability to decide how many we can afford, since these days we subsidize them until they get on their feet; they often work low wage jobs and continue to be eligible for assistance even after they're working. As for schooling, school is by far the largest expenditure of taxes in our little town, and I'm sure in yours as well. Legal immigrants, poor and wretched as you like, contribute to those schools. Illegals? They're not chipping in. I have no strong dislike of illegal immigrants -- they are here working hard usually -- but I certainly see the necessity of having control over how many people come here and when. They need to come in legally. I think, anyway. We're not as rich as we used to be, they say. I know that's true around here. So we need to be careful, yes?
The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.

Where does it day that the wretched refuse should enter illegally and remain under the radar? Where does it say to use false IDs and stolen identities? Where does it say that those who intend to commit crimes should pour in?

It meant that people came through Ellis Island and were willing to assimilate. It never meant that they should come and strive to change America into the places they were fleeing from.

It was intended as an invitation to escape from dictatorships and tyrannical governments. Now, the left seems to believe that it's intended to bring those things here.
The OP is a damn liar playing Libtard trickery in typical Libtard semantics. He's likely an illegal or of recent illegal descent himself. He's not really fooling anyone here with his antics, we're all just playing along for the entertainment value. Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows that all LEGITIMATE Americans are negatively affected by illegals on many levels both socially and economically....there's nothing trivial about it. Illegitimate folks wouldn't know any better as there's a good chance they're just as third-world as the illegals. Simple stuff here.

Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.

Very deep, very noble stuff right there...got me all warm and fuzzy inside...I almost wanted to forget about the realities and economics for a minute. Then I snapped out of it and realized this noble theory is not applicable in today's world with today's humans...sorry.
Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.

Very deep, very noble stuff right there...got me all warm and fuzzy inside...I almost wanted to forget about the realities and economics for a minute. Then I snapped out of it and realized this noble theory is not applicable in today's world with today's humans...sorry.
this noble theory is not applicable in today's world with today's humans...sorry.
That's where you're wrong. When we lose our urge to be noble, we're toast. We're animals. We're nothing.
The ideals must never fail. I think in order to keep the dream alive, we have to husband our own resources, though, so I agree with you there.
Never let anyone tell you "today's humans" can't hold on to a noble theory.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but an "illegal" is actually someone who has been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Until then, he is "undocumented".
You have your terms confused.

When you do something against the law, you are doing something that is illegal. If you have no legal right to be in this country, you are here illegally.

Being convicted of being here illegally means you are a convict.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been willing to exploit the brown man?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but an "illegal" is actually someone who has been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Until then, he is "undocumented".
You have your terms confused.

When you do something against the law, you are doing something that is illegal. If you have no legal right to be in this country, you are here illegally.

Being convicted of being here illegally means you are a convict.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been willing to exploit the brown man?

Nope, DW. Wrong again. nobody is an "illegal" until convicted of a crime in a court of law. That is basicly high school Civics info. Did you sleep through the 8th grade?
Sorry, but you don't get to define terms.

  1. 1.
    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.

Notice it says nothing about conviction.

Have a nice day.

Hard to believe just how lost some of these people really are. The hair splitting semantics played by Liberal loonies is sometimes exhausting to read through. WOW...the shit these people will come up with!
Hair splitting? Tell ya what. If a prosecuter wants to remove an undocmented person, he would have to take him to court and prove that he was in the country illegally. If, during the trial, he were to refer to the defendant was an "illegal", the defence attopreny would object, and the judge would have the word stricken from the record. The Objection of the defence attorney would be upheld.

Don't like the law, as written, to conform to the Constitution? Well, then welcome to "Trump's World".

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