What has an illegal immigrant done to deprive you of something?

DW, That whole thing about, "...innocent, until proven guilty" is pretty much over your head, isn't it?
That applies to courtrooms with a formal accusation. It has nothing to do with legal definitions.

Now, you'll excuse Me, but I have no intention of playing the back and forth as you continue to come up with more and more idiotic examples and definitions simply because you are lonely and need more attention.


Calling someone an "illegal" has nothing to do with legal definitions?

Must be an "alternative fact"!
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
So, to carry your logic out to its conclusion, if someone comes in and kills your family, I can say why should they be put in jail?

After all, the death of your family hasn't affected Me in any way at all.

Dude. All my OP is is a simple answer to the title question. It's me sharing what my own experiences and observations are with regard to my life. Period.

The reason for that is quite simple:
  1. that's all the title question asks for, and I felt obliged to answer it to start the process of doing so.
  2. I created the thread to learn what instances of deprivation by an illegal immigrant other individuals have personally experienced. Had I wanted to know something other than that, I'd have asked something other than what I did ask.
Hard as it may be for the arrogant cusses here to fathom, I'm articulate enough to compose a question that, if directly answered, provides the information I seek. One member tacitly noted a contextual shortcoming that led to his misconstruing my answer to the title question, and I admitted to making that compositional mistake; however, that has no bearing on the thread question itself.

That said, obviously, I don't expect people to remark upon my personal experiences, nor would it make sense to as, to the best of my knowledge, nobody here knows me and has any way to know what I may or may not have been deprived of by an illegal immigrant.
Why is it that people in this forum struggle so to answer directly what may well be among the simplest question I've yet posed on USMB? Just how hard is it to answer the title question or just not post in the thread? There are only three very straightforward choices for directly answering the title question:
  • I haven't been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • I don't know whether I've been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • An illegal immigrant has deprived me of the following....
The thread question asks members to share their personal experiences with regard to having been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. That's it.

I don't get it.
  • Are members here so introverted they don't want to share their own personal experiences? That seems implausible, but maybe not....???
  • Is the membership here comprised largely of people whose reading comprehension is insufficient to know what the title question asks? I wouldn't have thought so, and i can't tell how old people are....I can tell a lot of people have trouble with simply answering a straightforward question.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but an "illegal" is actually someone who has been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Until then, he is "undocumented".
You have your terms confused.

When you do something against the law, you are doing something that is illegal. If you have no legal right to be in this country, you are here illegally.

Being convicted of being here illegally means you are a convict.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been willing to exploit the brown man?

Not to put too fine a point on it, but an "illegal" is actually someone who has been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Until then, he is "undocumented".
You have your terms confused.

When you do something against the law, you are doing something that is illegal. If you have no legal right to be in this country, you are here illegally.

Being convicted of being here illegally means you are a convict.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been willing to exploit the brown man?

Nope, DW. Wrong again. nobody is an "illegal" until convicted of a crime in a court of law. That is basicly high school Civics info. Did you sleep through the 8th grade?
Sorry, but you don't get to define terms.

  1. 1.
    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.

Notice it says nothing about conviction.

Have a nice day.

Hard to believe just how lost some of these people really are. The hair splitting semantics played by Liberal loonies is sometimes exhausting to read through. WOW...the shit these people will come up with!
Hair splitting? Tell ya what. If a prosecuter wants to remove an undocmented person, he would have to take him to court and prove that he was in the country illegally. If, during the trial, he were to refer to the defendant was an "illegal", the defence attopreny would object, and the judge would have the word stricken from the record. The Objection of the defence attorney would be upheld.

Don't like the law, as written, to conform to the Constitution? Well, then welcome to "Trump's World".
I don't want to be associated with "Trump's World," but the court process you describe is part of the reason we have so many illegal immigrants living here for years and "getting away with it." They were apprehended and because of the laws, and because of the overburdened court systems, those people were released with a court date which they never attended. They disappeared into the shadows. Now, is it fair to the people that snuck into the country and have managed to get away with it for years to all of a sudden have an administration come in that wants to send them home? It's not fair they were allowed to get away with it for so long, get their hopes up, they've lived their lives here, raised families here, put down roots, a lot of them. We can blame politicians on both sides of the aisle for not wanting to piss off the immigrant population and the employers that hire them.

How can we manage this without it being such a joke? Can we expedite the process drastically or simplify the proceedings or find a manageable way of detaining the person until trial? We should look into how, realistically, to manage this problem. Not shoot them or violate our constitutional protections or act like assholes, but enforce our immigration laws. Right now we haven't got our arms around it.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but an "illegal" is actually someone who has been convicted of a crime in a court of law. Until then, he is "undocumented".
You have your terms confused.

When you do something against the law, you are doing something that is illegal. If you have no legal right to be in this country, you are here illegally.

Being convicted of being here illegally means you are a convict.

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been willing to exploit the brown man?

Nope, DW. Wrong again. nobody is an "illegal" until convicted of a crime in a court of law. That is basicly jr. high school Civics info. Did you sleep through the 8th grade?

Your stubborn ignorance is conspicuous. Why work hard to make it more so?

As you know, "illegal" has nothing to do with having been convicted of a crime. Here, allow me to inform you:

unlawful · illicit · illegitimate · criminal · felonious ·

  1. derogatory
    a person present in a country without official authorization.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
So are you saying that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer nothing or that you pay no taxes ?
Why is it that people in this forum struggle so to answer directly what may well be among the simplest question I've yet posed on USMB? Just how hard is it to answer the title question or just not post in the thread? There are only three very straightforward choices for directly answering the title question:
  • I haven't been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • I don't know whether I've been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • An illegal immigrant has deprived me of the following....
The thread question asks members to share their personal experiences with regard to having been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. That's it.

I don't get it.
  • Are members here so introverted they don't want to share their own personal experiences? That seems implausible, but maybe not....???
  • Is the membership here comprised largely of people whose reading comprehension is insufficient to know what the title question asks? I wouldn't have thought so, and i can't tell how old people are....I can tell a lot of people have trouble with simply answering a straightforward question.
Oops. And I just made another post that is technically "off topic."
But illegal immigration is a good topic for a thread. Why so adverse to more than answering your question?
Why is it that people in this forum struggle so to answer directly what may well be among the simplest question I've yet posed on USMB? Just how hard is it to answer the title question or just not post in the thread? There are only three very straightforward choices for directly answering the title question:
  • I haven't been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • I don't know whether I've been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • An illegal immigrant has deprived me of the following....
The thread question asks members to share their personal experiences with regard to having been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. That's it.

I don't get it.
  • Are members here so introverted they don't want to share their own personal experiences? That seems implausible, but maybe not....???
  • Is the membership here comprised largely of people whose reading comprehension is insufficient to know what the title question asks? I wouldn't have thought so, and i can't tell how old people are....I can tell a lot of people have trouble with simply answering a straightforward question.

"Dude" you aren't the first poster here to think you have everyone outsmarted as you walk your victims down a premeditated path. Your calculated use of retarded rhetoric tells the tale. Your post was loaded from the start and you got called out on your bullshit...that's all. No big deal, it happens here all the time...don't get all butthurt and run to your safe place.
Another thing, stop trying so hard to use an expanded vocabulary...people see right through that bullshit as well.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

You should pose this question to the growing numbers of families who have had a loved one murdered by an illegal alien.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
So are you saying that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer nothing or that you pay no taxes ?

NO! NO! NO! How often need I say this? My post is a direct answer to the title question.

Why is that so hard for so many members to comprehend? It was a very simple and straightforward question that I asked.

Do you folks want to answer a complex question that has only complex answers? I asked one yesterday and I wouldn't expect to receive one for several days, maybe weeks, as it's taking me some time to compose my own answer to the question I asked.
DW, That whole thing about, "...innocent, until proven guilty" is pretty much over your head, isn't it?
That applies to courtrooms with a formal accusation. It has nothing to do with legal definitions.

Now, you'll excuse Me, but I have no intention of playing the back and forth as you continue to come up with more and more idiotic examples and definitions simply because you are lonely and need more attention.


Calling someone an "illegal" has nothing to do with legal definitions?

Must be an "alternative fact"!

The fact is you and your whack-job Liberal buddies have bent over backward trying to package and re-label iILEGALS...and now your want to rewrite the dictionary...it's actually quite comical to watch how desperate (or ignorant) you people really are.
Illegal aliens
Illeagal immigrants
Undocumented immigrants
It doesn't really matter what you call them or how you sell it....we still see them as the same old drain on taxpayers and burden on society.
By the way, what part of Mexico are you from?
Why is it that people in this forum struggle so to answer directly what may well be among the simplest question I've yet posed on USMB? Just how hard is it to answer the title question or just not post in the thread? There are only three very straightforward choices for directly answering the title question:
  • I haven't been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • I don't know whether I've been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • An illegal immigrant has deprived me of the following....
The thread question asks members to share their personal experiences with regard to having been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. That's it.

I don't get it.
  • Are members here so introverted they don't want to share their own personal experiences? That seems implausible, but maybe not....???
  • Is the membership here comprised largely of people whose reading comprehension is insufficient to know what the title question asks? I wouldn't have thought so, and i can't tell how old people are....I can tell a lot of people have trouble with simply answering a straightforward question.
Oops. And I just made another post that is technically "off topic."
But illegal immigration is a good topic for a thread. Why so adverse to more than answering your question?

Because it makes it hard to collect the information I actually want to obtain.

I want to learn about the nature and extent of people's experiences as go having been by an illegal immigrant been deprived of something. There is ample documentation on the WWW about the every imaginable macro-level impact of illegal immigration. I don't need to ask about that; I can find that on my own. I am trying to obtain information I cannot nearly as readily obtain from the Internet, other, of course, than the fact that this forum resides on the Internet.

For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
So are you saying that illegal immigration costs the taxpayer nothing or that you pay no taxes ?

NO! NO! NO! How often need I say this? My post is a direct answer to the title question.

Why is that so hard for so many members to comprehend? It was a very simple and straightforward question that I asked.

Do you folks want to answer a complex question that has only complex answers? I asked one yesterday and I wouldn't expect to receive one for several days, maybe weeks, as it's taking me some time to compose my own answer to the question I asked.

I noticed people keep posting the same things over and over. Is that how this thread works? Sorry, I didn't know.

""Dude" you aren't the first poster here to think you have everyone outsmarted as you walk your victims down a premeditated path. Your calculated use of retarded rhetoric tells the tale. Your post was loaded from the start and you got called out on your bullshit...that's all. No big deal, it happens here all the time...don't get all butthurt and run to your safe place.
Another thing, stop trying so hard to use an expanded vocabulary...people see right through that bullshit as well."
Why is it that people in this forum struggle so to answer directly what may well be among the simplest question I've yet posed on USMB? Just how hard is it to answer the title question or just not post in the thread? There are only three very straightforward choices for directly answering the title question:
  • I haven't been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • I don't know whether I've been deprived of anything by an illegal immigrant.
  • An illegal immigrant has deprived me of the following....
The thread question asks members to share their personal experiences with regard to having been deprived of something by an illegal immigrant. That's it.

I don't get it.
  • Are members here so introverted they don't want to share their own personal experiences? That seems implausible, but maybe not....???
  • Is the membership here comprised largely of people whose reading comprehension is insufficient to know what the title question asks? I wouldn't have thought so, and i can't tell how old people are....I can tell a lot of people have trouble with simply answering a straightforward question.

"Dude" you aren't the first poster here to think you have everyone outsmarted as you walk your victims down a premeditated path. Your calculated use of retarded rhetoric tells the tale. Your post was loaded from the start and you got called out on your bullshit...that's all. No big deal, it happens here all the time...don't get all butthurt and run to your safe place.
Another thing, stop trying so hard to use an expanded vocabulary...people see right through that bullshit as well.

You are wrong. Look at my replies (ratings) to people who've simply answered the question. What have I said to them? I have thanked them for their response. No challenge. No rebuttal. No nothing. Just plain old "thank you."
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.

You should pose this question to the growing numbers of families who have had a loved one murdered by an illegal alien.

If any of them is here, I'd love for them to share their story in that regard. They can do it in as much or little detail as suits them. Maybe they'd say "my relative was murdered by an illegal immigrant." Maybe they'd go into more detail. However they choose to handle it is up to them. All I want is a direct and honest answer.
how would I know which are the legals and illegals in my town? In my profession I am not supposed to ask------so I do not.

actually I do ask-------the latinos----and they are always candid----because they
know that I will not TATTLE on them. I would not ask a muzzie

Okay...so I believe your earlier answer was essentially "I don't know." Now that you've shared that you do ask Latinos whether they are legal, have they or any other illegal immigrant deprived you of something?
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
I have lost money to them.

Cock Fight

Documentary on how chicken farmers are getting screwed.
For me the answer is "not a damn thing." D.C. has a ton of immigrants from all over the world. So do the other places where I spend a fair amount of time. I've not lost a job to an illegal immigrant. None of them have come traipsing through the neighborhood. No lost benefits, no longer lines anywhere, and I don't see that my taxes have gone up so as I'd notice because of them.
I have lost money to them.

Cock Fight

Documentary on how chicken farmers are getting screwed.

Video denies public access. Not viewable. Did you intend that we watch it?

It's actually just the first video that I can't view...at least so far.
Last edited:
Oh, no doubt, every legal citizen is affected by the presence of illegal immigrants--but not negatively. Overall, it is a positive impact. You pay lower prices for everything from groceries to home. Your social security check is bigger than it would otherwise be. And those people buy stuff--furniture, beer, food--and that produces jobs.

Nope, my son is going to be 22 years old and making some major bank. I have no doubt it would never be happening if he would not have spent that summer in the tomato fields right there beside those "illegal immigrants". So for me, personally, those illegal immigrants have given me far more than they have ever taken away.

"Winston, please enlighten me on exactly just how one becomes so disconnected from reality?
Daddy issues?
Abused as a child?
Also, what part of Mexico are you from?"

I am going to put it to you straight. I am Melungeon. My family has been in this valley since long before there was a United States. We let all you other yahoos stay around because, most of the time, you have enough sense to leave us the hell alone. I can tell you that Sherman went over a mountain rather than cross this here valley. I can also tell you that it was one of my forefathers that shot Fergunson off his horse at Kings Mountain.

We have been a muddled up mess of a gene pool since before the American Revolution. At Kings Mountain, native American wives, with their babies in slings on their bellies, were reloading the muskets. Long before white men were in this valley there was a group of MUSLIMS, escaped slaves off of wrecked ships along the Carolina coast had worked their way inland. Spanish explorers left behind. Maybe even members of the Lost Colony.

Diversity is what made me and it is what made this nation. Illegal immigration is not even in my vocabulary. Freedom of movement is at the core of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
Without free and open borders this nation is destined to despotism. Because as I have said time and time again, a government is no longer of the people, by the people, for the people, when the government gets to pick the people.
I'm 100% with you--a glorious explanation of diversity, imo--until we get to the above. If all the countries around us were on equal footing economically and socially, as they are in the EU, I could easily see open borders between the countries. But the U.S. is subsidizing the failures of so many countries south of us. With the concerns of terrorists coming here from the Middle East, we need to keep a close eye on who enters, not only through the front door via the State Department, but through the back door, on the southern border.
Great rant on diversity, though.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't want the educated. I don't want the wealthy. I want the WRETCHED REFUSE. It is what we ALL WERE. If we can't live by that creed take the damn statue down.

Where does it day that the wretched refuse should enter illegally and remain under the radar? Where does it say to use false IDs and stolen identities? Where does it say that those who intend to commit crimes should pour in?

It meant that people came through Ellis Island and were willing to assimilate. It never meant that they should come and strive to change America into the places they were fleeing from.

It was intended as an invitation to escape from dictatorships and tyrannical governments. Now, the left seems to believe that it's intended to bring those things here.

There were no immigration laws when Ellis Island opened. Hell, anyone could come on in. That is what Ellis Island was, a processing station where people completed the necessary paperwork. Nobody bothered to attempt a go around because damn near everyone was accepted in. Unless they were sick, then they were TREATED before they were, not sent back, but allowed in.

That changed in 1921. That was when the government decided to determine who could come in and who couldn't. That was when "quotas" began. And within a decade what did we get, oh yeah, the GREAT DEPRESSION. I mean you think we would learn. Immigration did not become a national issue until 1875, can you say LONG DEPRESSION.

And yes, every single wave of immigration into this country has "changed" America. We are not the Borg. We do not assimilate our immigrants. It is their very presence that protects America from becoming a dictatorship and historically we have embraced both immigrants and their cultures.

The truth is America is unique. America is "special". At least it was, when it was one of the only countries in the entire world with an open border. Hell, that is what made America great. When we throw up barriers along our border and limit those who can enter we become just like every other nation on the planet. That is when we can no longer consider ourselves "special".

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