What has happened to this board?

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First off, SIR, nothing in what I said even had a whiff of victimization in it. So that was yet another fanciful perception of yours.

Second, none of us gets to read ALL the postings here, which I presume you and your 14 lieutenants do. So I have to go strictly on what I SEE, and what I SEE are more than enough right wingers who are just as pack-like and who are just as abusive and insulting as any on the left, and at least in equal numbers if not more. It's almost laughable that you somehow "miss" seeing that too, strangely believing it's all one-sided.

You might also check yourself for hypocrisy before you go ranting about ad hominem attacks.

As should YOU ma'am. I've NEVER seen you criticize a leftie even though I clearly remember you claiming to be non partisan when I first started posting here. I can tell you for FACT that Gunny has no problem chewing a righties ass when he thinks it's deserved.

You STFU too, neocon.

Jeez ... can I get some f-ing normal people here?

You crack me up. Look neocon up sometime and realize that it isn't me.
I have to wonder what some on the left feel about Hillary Rodham Clinton now. I bet I know what she thinks of them, back stabbed her big time, it is as if she was erased from their minds forever.

^ is what the left does when they find a new darling to fit their new progressive agenda
I bet a lot of them wish the DNC didn't screw her out of the presidency.

Pixie doesn't really know what she's talking about. Dem women really like Hillary.

I voted for her in the Primary. You're right, it was the DNC who screwed Hillary.. And that idiot campaign manager of hers.

She doesn't? *raises bullshit flag*

And you STILL voted for Obama; however, don't blame HER campaign manager. Blame the media and the leftwingnut superdelegates who voted against their constituents.

But that makes it okay to vote fr a chronic liar, right? Y'all are so fucking smart.:cuckoo:
I bet a lot of them wish the DNC didn't screw her out of the presidency.

Pixie doesn't really know what she's talking about. Dem women really like Hillary.

I voted for her in the Primary. You're right, it was the DNC who screwed Hillary.. And that idiot campaign manager of hers.

I actually do know what I am talking about. I figured you would vote for Hillary. But most on the left decided they had a better chance with Obama. Go figure huh?

Nah. Too much though involved in your ideal. They just voted for the (D).
I bet a lot of them wish the DNC didn't screw her out of the presidency.

Pixie doesn't really know what she's talking about. Dem women really like Hillary.

I voted for her in the Primary. You're right, it was the DNC who screwed Hillary.. And that idiot campaign manager of hers.

With Hillary in the WH, The President of the United States wouldn't have an excuse to bow out of Slickwillie's press conferences.

Disgusting as it is, she was a better option than McLame or O-blah-blah.
I'd disagree and say there are those on both sides who do it. Both sides have people who can't field or support their own argument without a pack to clap them on the back and scream "hallelujah". And usually they can't do it even then. :lol:

It's not a partisan thing, it's basic moron nature. But they have the right to do it...I just wish they wouldn't pollute every thread with it so the people who actually want to debate something once in a while can do so.

Not here. The right is so splintered right now they look like the post-Carter Democrats. They can't agree on the time of day, much less politics.
Maybe cuz we're not a bunch of mind-numb zombies.
Take now for example .... why do all the threads I post in turn into a bunch of leftwing women attacking me? What's really sad is y'all STILL can't keep up.:lol:

They're just hot for your bod.

Yeah. Kind of like a pride of lionesses trying to hamstring a gazelle.:cuckoo:
Pixie doesn't really know what she's talking about. Dem women really like Hillary.

I voted for her in the Primary. You're right, it was the DNC who screwed Hillary.. And that idiot campaign manager of hers.

I actually do know what I am talking about. I figured you would vote for Hillary. But most on the left decided they had a better chance with Obama. Go figure huh?

I knew I'd vote for whichever one won. If you recall, they both had approximately 18,000,000 votes in the primaries.

Besides, who would vote for McCain? :cuckoo:

Thanks for proving my point. Vote for the (D), did you? Nice. I'm impressed.
Pixie doesn't really know what she's talking about. Dem women really like Hillary.

I voted for her in the Primary. You're right, it was the DNC who screwed Hillary.. And that idiot campaign manager of hers.

I actually do know what I am talking about. I figured you would vote for Hillary. But most on the left decided they had a better chance with Obama. Go figure huh?

It was basically 50-50, with Obama winning by just a hair. The problem people saw with Hillary was not the kind of president she could make, but that the right would come after her with full artillery because of their hatred for her husband. We felt that she would fall under the weight of it all. The blogosphere was all locked and loaded, more so than for Obama who at that time, lacked the history of the Clintons which the Republicans would have dredged up in its entirety. Personally, to this day I don't think she could have won.

No, Hillary could not have won, because the left and their pandering would not allow that

Obama was placed in office by the superdelgates. They ignored the will of the people, Hillary won more primaries and caucuses until the end of the season. And the real Hillary supporters were left to hang

Obama could not be second and the result of a Hillary win would have been that black voters would feel disenfranchised and would not vote for the Democrat Party as a voting block for many years to come. The democratic party does not care about the people, but about pandering to a certain group for votes, in the end, that is always what they do

The left put Obama on a pedestal like I have never seen and now that they see he does not deserve that place, will they admit it? I doubt it.
I'd disagree and say there are those on both sides who do it. Both sides have people who can't field or support their own argument without a pack to clap them on the back and scream "hallelujah". And usually they can't do it even then. :lol:

It's not a partisan thing, it's basic moron nature. But they have the right to do it...I just wish they wouldn't pollute every thread with it so the people who actually want to debate something once in a while can do so.

Not here. The right is so splintered right now they look like the post-Carter Democrats. They can't agree on the time of day, much less politics.

Take now for example .... why do all the threads I post in turn into a bunch of leftwing women attacking me? What's really sad is y'all STILL can't keep up.:lol:

I actually don't recall ever seeing you post in an "intellectual" thread. You say you would like to give your honest opinion sans all the bullshit. But I've never seen anything posted by you that wasn't meant to criticize. I have no idea what your "opinion" is on any issue. All I know is you hate Obama, hated Bush, hate lefties, think we're all stupid, and wish you could run this board without us. But again, of course I don't get to read every thread, so maybe I've just missed out over the past 20 months.

Why didn't you join this thread? Lots and lots of great information, great debate, and very little bullshit, and on a particularly historic and current issue.


Let's get this straight. I CAN run this board without you. Get it yet, Einstein? Want to rethink THAT one and run it by me again based on fact?

You're damned f-ing straight I don't like EITHER political party. BOTH suck and don't give a damn about anything but political success.

Obama lied straight to y'all's faces and you STILL voted for the rock star. Not even the actual winner of the Democratic Primary.

Too bad the sheeple in this country can't vote for what's right. Wonder what the polls would look like if "None of the Above" won the election....

Like I said ... you want to dance? I think conhog's in your league. I'm sure I can introduce you.

Otherwise, if you want to try and debate with me, pull your partisan head out of your ass and get a connect with right and wrong and the US Constitution.
Honestly, then quit acting like you know what's going on. Ask conhog, mal and liability. I would tell you to ask nevadamedic, glockmail and martin but they can't post here. Ask wicked jester when he comes back from his week off.

Truth is, I've banned more rightwingers here than I have leftwingers. Learn to live with it.

Don't give em facts Gunny. They do not take well to facts, only innuendo

Pixie, a "fact" is something anyone should have access to. We aren't privy to how many people get banned from here and who they are. That said, I have seen Gunny strip naked the likes of Teapartysamurai and a few others, and I do appreciate that he knows bullshit smells the same no matter which political piehole it emanates from. But I also know that he lets a lot of bullshit masquerading as intelligent opinion pass just because of who the poster is.


I let a lot of bullshit go on BOTH sides, regardless the poster. I won't name names, but there are people on both sides of the aisle I despise that have been here for years.

It's called trying to balance freedom of speech vs draconian, fascist rule.

Don't think I don't recognize bullshit for the cowpie I just stepped in. I can't argue every post and thread on this board. I have too many diapers to change.

I can relate

I hadn't been here in quite a while but when my membership renewal got paid I figured I'd take another look...shortly after returning I found out that I was an asshole for only being a supporting member donating yearly and not also adding to the monthly coffers.

Not sure if I'll still be here next year but I will be a slight bit richer asshole if I am.

What are you talking about?:cuckoo:

Fact is, why should we charge people a recurring charge when they aren't posting here? How hard is THAT?

Me :cuckoo: ?

Thanks :dunno:

You tell me...USMB did.

Prior to my return last October, I had one post in June and prior to that April...would that vaguely resemble "aren't posting here"?

No worries, I'm being entertained recently and figure to get my monies worth considering I voluntarily contributed initially and accepted the automatic renewal...quite honestly I had completely forgotten about it until I got it withdrawn from my account...then again, like I said, one post since April.

Personally, I find the political discussion to be a waste of time but I enjoy the music thread and sharing some jokes.

Did I notice you commenting on how busy you are?

Doesn't surprise me that you are because sure as hell, you're the only one that I pos rep on music that doesn't acknowledge with a thanks...no problem, I've been too busy too to make those extra clicks on your behalf too...not that you would likely give a shit considering my small offering...besides I'm just an asshole lib, right?

Instead of publicly whining, how about a PM with the exact problem? Hell, this board will charge permanently banned members a recurring charge.

You must be "special".:cuckoo:
As should YOU ma'am. I've NEVER seen you criticize a leftie even though I clearly remember you claiming to be non partisan when I first started posting here. I can tell you for FACT that Gunny has no problem chewing a righties ass when he thinks it's deserved.

You STFU too, neocon.

Jeez ... can I get some f-ing normal people here?

You crack me up. Look neocon up sometime and realize that it isn't me.

All I have to do is read your posts, Rick Perry. A Democrat wearing a Navy suit and red tie doesn't make you a conservative. Just a necon and Republican't.

You're out of your league. Get back in it.
Is it just me or has this board really turned into an absolute cesspool?

I've gone just to a few threads and it's about 10% meaningful debate and 90% bullshit, trolling, name calling, ad hominems ...

I haven't been here actively in a while, but I remember this place being much more civil and way more enjoyable.

Is it because of all the new members?

What happened?

It has been taken over by the echo chamber. A group of not too bright trolls who hate Obama, Democrats and are threatened by ideas which conflict with RW dogma.

is this a canned message? did you read the post you are responding to?


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You STFU too, neocon.

Jeez ... can I get some f-ing normal people here?

You crack me up. Look neocon up sometime and realize that it isn't me.

All I have to do is read your posts, Rick Perry. A Democrat wearing a Navy suit and red tie doesn't make you a conservative. Just a necon and Republican't.

You're out of your league. Get back in it.

Actually, I have never claimed to be a strict conservative. Other's pigeonholed me there. I have in fact correctly said that I am conservative on some issues; and liberal on others. I'm sorry if my having more than one facet confuses you. BUT a neocon in terms of US politics is one who favors using all of the US's powers to bring democracy to foreign nations. I favor letting other nations do as they please, with NO intervention on our part UNLESS they fuck with us at which point we destroy them.
Fact is, and back to the OP, it really doesn't need to matter what one's personal, political beliefs are. That has NOTHING to do with manners and the ability to discuss a topic without resorting to ad hominems, red herrings and just flat out personal attacks because one's ass is getting whooped.

The fact is, there ARE more active leftwing posters on this board and they run in packs like dogs. Deny what you want. Willful blindness on your part does not negate reality.

Another fact is, before the influx of leftwingers who cannot handle the responsibility that goes with freedom of speech instead of abusing the privilege, this board was more civil.

I allow it because the ideal is correct. In practice, the left can't handle it.

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit..

More lefties than righties...RATFLMAO!!! What a crock. Wanna start a list of lefties? I'll start a list of righties...I bet dollars to donuts my list would be twice as long as yours..

Pack of dogs huh? Check out the thanks in the FIRST post in this thread and THIS post....righties the lot of them. Care to find me a similar leftie post?

You really are living in la-la land or outright lying if you think the board is/was more civil since the influx of righties came on board from Hannity....Christ for every uncivil leftie, I'll give you half a dozen righties...easily...
You crack me up. Look neocon up sometime and realize that it isn't me.

All I have to do is read your posts, Rick Perry. A Democrat wearing a Navy suit and red tie doesn't make you a conservative. Just a necon and Republican't.

You're out of your league. Get back in it.

Actually, I have never claimed to be a strict conservative. Other's pigeonholed me there. I have in fact correctly said that I am conservative on some issues; and liberal on others. I'm sorry if my having more than one facet confuses you. BUT a neocon in terms of US politics is one who favors using all of the US's powers to bring democracy to foreign nations. I favor letting other nations do as they please, with NO intervention on our part UNLESS they fuck with us at which point we destroy them.

S'okay. I never thought you were any close facsimile thereof.

YOU? Confuse ME? Maybe in 1967 (I was in 2nd grade).

If this thread was a pinball machine, you'd be out of balls.:lol:
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