What Has Israel Become?

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...Israel can be stopped and will be dissolved...
Unlikely, but, if by some freak chance, that happens, the Arab-Muslim Palestinians of (what's left of) the West Bank and Gaza will have long-since been dispersed into Jordan and Lebanon, by that same time-frame. As for the rest, wake me up when Israel folds, or, for that matter, the United States, which will last far longer than ya'll in Londonistan.
Oh, I'm sure it's very appealing, to the self-appointed, subjective crusader for egalitarianism-at-all-costs, to portray Israel in such a light, but, the truth of the matter is, that the Israelis do not engage in apartheid nor apartheid-like practices - they merely keep the bloodthirsty and savage barbarians outside the gates, rather than submit and commit national suicide, quickly or more slowly.

I'm sure the Afrikaners said the same thing.

In fact, I remember (and occassionally made) the right wing defenses against Apartheid.

The ANC were communists who engaged in "Necklacing" (the practice up putting a gasoline soaked tire around a political opponents neck and setting it on fire.)

Some of those African countries are run by CANNIBALS!!!

And so on. Don't look at us, look at those other guys.
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

It's just the getting-to-that-point which has proved problematic, to date, but, they are, indeed, 'getting there', and have almost completed the process by now.

Look at it this way... they are in the process of squeezing the remaining Arab-Palestinians off the last few slivers of land left to them... and, in a manner of speaking, are simply returning the favor for 1300 years of Dhimmitude, and for the expulsion of multitudes of Jews from Muslim lands, in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose...

It's the Muslims turn in the barrel.

In some ways you are the most honest Zionist here.
Little pretence and all about "can do" rather than "should do" or "shouldn't do".

But your assessment is wrong. Israel can be stopped and will be dissolved. No state so extreme has stood the test of history. Not Sparta, not Carthage, not The Third Reich. And they have already overreached. Every new 'conquest' by Israel brings it a little more land and a lot more enemies. I hope their young ones are shown mercy when Israel is wound up.

However, the US will be required to pay restitution for a couple of hundred years for its part in all this. Restitution which may last longer than the US of A, the way it is going. Rightly so.

Now please explain how Israel will be dissolved :lol:
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

actually, polls show that half of young Israelis would immigrate to Europe if they could. simply put, they see the batshit insanity of living next to people who want to kill them because a Sky Fairy told them to.

For Younger Jews, Zionism is Crazy Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler to your Goyim friends.
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

actually, polls show that half of young Israelis would immigrate to Europe if they could. simply put, they see the batshit insanity of living next to people who want to kill them because a Sky Fairy told them to.

For Younger Jews, Zionism is Crazy Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler to your Goyim friends.

First of all, the poll was a third of Israelis.

Second of all, most Israelis are secular and they don't live in Israel because they believe God told them to. You need to get your facts straight, I keep catching you making big mistakes. Or maybe you're lying because of your extreme hatred for Israel..
Kondor, if Israel were so admirable, why is it universally hated across the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and Asia?

It's an apartheid regime, the last vestige of a European COlonialism the world would like very much to get beyond.
Oh, I'm sure it's very appealing, to the self-appointed, subjective crusader for egalitarianism-at-all-costs, to portray Israel in such a light, but, the truth of the matter is, that the Israelis do not engage in apartheid nor apartheid-like practices - they merely keep the bloodthirsty and savage barbarians outside the gates, rather than submit and commit national suicide, quickly or more slowly.

I'm sure the Afrikaners said the same thing.

In fact, I remember (and occassionally made) the right wing defenses against Apartheid.

The ANC were communists who engaged in "Necklacing" (the practice up putting a gasoline soaked tire around a political opponents neck and setting it on fire.)

Some of those African countries are run by CANNIBALS!!!

And so on. Don't look at us, look at those other guys.
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

It's just the getting-to-that-point which has proved problematic, to date, but, they are, indeed, 'getting there', and have almost completed the process by now.

Look at it this way... they are in the process of squeezing the remaining Arab-Palestinians off the last few slivers of land left to them... and, in a manner of speaking, are simply returning the favor for 1300 years of Dhimmitude, and for the expulsion of multitudes of Jews from Muslim lands, in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose...

It's the Muslims turn in the barrel.

In some ways you are the most honest Zionist here.
Little pretence and all about "can do" rather than "should do" or "shouldn't do".

But your assessment is wrong. Israel can be stopped and will be dissolved. No state so extreme has stood the test of history. Not Sparta, not Carthage, not The Third Reich. And they have already overreached. Every new 'conquest' by Israel brings it a little more land and a lot more enemies. I hope their young ones are shown mercy when Israel is wound up.

However, the US will be required to pay restitution for a couple of hundred years for its part in all this. Restitution which may last longer than the US of A, the way it is going. Rightly so.

Yeah? I suppose you think the Palestinians with their IslamoNazi mentality the last 65 years, who are infamous for being terrorists, are considered moderates.

"Israel will be dissolved"....you IslamoNazis have been jerking off to that for the last 65 years. Ha ha ha.
Kondor, if Israel were so admirable, why is it universally hated across the Middle East, Europe, Latin America and Asia?

It's an apartheid regime, the last vestige of a European COlonialism the world would like very much to get beyond.
Oh, I'm sure it's very appealing, to the self-appointed, subjective crusader for egalitarianism-at-all-costs, to portray Israel in such a light, but, the truth of the matter is, that the Israelis do not engage in apartheid nor apartheid-like practices - they merely keep the bloodthirsty and savage barbarians outside the gates, rather than submit and commit national suicide, quickly or more slowly.

I'm sure the Afrikaners said the same thing.

In fact, I remember (and occassionally made) the right wing defenses against Apartheid.

The ANC were communists who engaged in "Necklacing" (the practice up putting a gasoline soaked tire around a political opponents neck and setting it on fire.)

Some of those African countries are run by CANNIBALS!!!

And so on. Don't look at us, look at those other guys.
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

It's just the getting-to-that-point which has proved problematic, to date, but, they are, indeed, 'getting there', and have almost completed the process by now.

Look at it this way... they are in the process of squeezing the remaining Arab-Palestinians off the last few slivers of land left to them... and, in a manner of speaking, are simply returning the favor for 1300 years of Dhimmitude, and for the expulsion of multitudes of Jews from Muslim lands, in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose...

It's the Muslims turn in the barrel.

In some ways you are the most honest Zionist here.
Little pretence and all about "can do" rather than "should do" or "shouldn't do".

But your assessment is wrong. Israel can be stopped and will be dissolved. No state so extreme has stood the test of history. Not Sparta, not Carthage, not The Third Reich. And they have already overreached. Every new 'conquest' by Israel brings it a little more land and a lot more enemies. I hope their young ones are shown mercy when Israel is wound up.

However, the US will be required to pay restitution for a couple of hundred years for its part in all this. Restitution which may last longer than the US of A, the way it is going. Rightly so.

Yeah? I suppose you think the Palestinians with their IslamoNazi mentality the last 65 years, who are infamous for being terrorists, are considered moderates.

"Israel will be dissolved"....you IslamoNazis have been jerking off to that for the last 65 years. Ha ha ha.

Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration
Totalitarian, Draconian, oppressive dictatorships never end well.
Yeah, IslamoFacism will not end well. It will end like Nazism and Communism did.

Ooooh. "Islamo-Fascism". Let's give it a comic book name to make it sound scary.

Reality check, slick. They just want the Jews off their land.

And when did Jerusalem become Arab land?

Reality check, Arabs don't get to slaughter Jews, just because they want to worship at their holy site, which was there long before the filth of Islam arrived in the Holy land.
As opposed to the mentally stable Arab / Islamic people that surround Israel, striving to destroy it on a regular basis. Yup.

You mean the same thing most people would do if someone invaded their land?

Joe stop blowing Islamic fart out of your mouth. When did this mythical Palestine belong to the 20th century Arab invaders ? At least not for the last 800 years. In fact the Ottoman Turks have been calling it Southern Syria for the last 800 years.

And if your Mooooslem brethren don't behave themselves, Israel will continue to take the animals out, one by one. Just like it did this dog that shot the rabbi for no reason.

Israel isn't going anywhere, and Jerusalem will never be under Moooslem control. Maybe a few shithole mosques, but that's it.
Frankly, Joe, I don't think the Israelis give two shits what you or I think about what they're doing.

They are in the process of completing their Reconquista, after 2000 years.

Nobody is going to stop them, and, once completed, they'll quite probably be content, to dwell within their own land, and not attack their neighbors.

actually, polls show that half of young Israelis would immigrate to Europe if they could. simply put, they see the batshit insanity of living next to people who want to kill them because a Sky Fairy told them to.

For Younger Jews, Zionism is Crazy Uncle Moshe screaming about Hitler to your Goyim friends.

Yeah, which polls, the ones you jerk off to? Or the Neo Nazi Times polls?

"...Jews are universally hated by many cultures and in many regions of the world, primarily out of...."

everyone experiences being HATED. some even worse than 'the jews or ... po' black folk.' - so [yawn] anti-Semitism. boring. even jewish and 'po' black folk HATE others.

but no one hates better than THE ISLAMISTS..........the ones committing mind-boggling atrocities around the world - they're diabolically evil. and jamokes like pbells, billo - they're on the side of this evil. ....disturbing.
First of all, the poll was a third of Israelis.

Second of all, most Israelis are secular and they don't live in Israel because they believe God told them to. You need to get your facts straight, I keep catching you making big mistakes. Or maybe you're lying because of your extreme hatred for Israel..

again, when people act like assholes because a Sky Pixie told them to, I always want to smack their asses down
Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration

I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.
Translation..... "I want to see millions of Jews dead, because it's their fault i'm so miserable"... Who else could be responsible?:cuckoo:
It has noth
First of all, the poll was a third of Israelis.

Second of all, most Israelis are secular and they don't live in Israel because they believe God told them to. You need to get your facts straight, I keep catching you making big mistakes. Or maybe you're lying because of your extreme hatred for Israel..

again, when people act like assholes because a Sky Pixie told them to, I always want to smack their asses down
What Israel does has NOTHING to do with God !

Israel is a secular country with a relatively secular government.
And if people choose to believe in God, it's not your business and you shouldn't mock them because you're an Atheist.
No it
Funny how Nazi Joe thinks everyone has the same desire as he does to see Israel destroyed.
Whenever someone talk about Israel being destroyed like Joe has so many times, it's usually a sign of frustration

I want to see Israel destroyed because it's a monument to Religious Stupidity.

That is a completely false statement.

Having read many of your posts about Israel, it's evident that your portrayal of the country is completely distorted. Most Israelis are secular. Sure there are some religious nuts that live there, but they don't dictate the laws of the country.
Your descriptions of Israel are more associated with Muslim states.
First of all, the poll was a third of Israelis.

Second of all, most Israelis are secular and they don't live in Israel because they believe God told them to. You need to get your facts straight, I keep catching you making big mistakes. Or maybe you're lying because of your extreme hatred for Israel..

again, when people act like assholes because a Sky Pixie told them to, I always want to smack their asses down

But it's you Moooooslems that are slaughtering and beheading the infidels by the hundreds of thousands because their Mohammad sky pixie told them to. Keep up, and stay off the crack.
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