What has Obama accomplished?

Ah geez, not this shit again.

He has made Jimmy Carter look like a solon and a patriot. That's a real achievment.
What about the GOP? What have they done?

Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.
Is that the same OBL that Bush didn't care about even after 9-11, the one Obama killed, or a different one?
Deflection. No surprise. Clinton passed up the opportunity to kill him with a drone. We knew he was behind the USS Cole bombing but Clinton didn't take him out because there was no political advantage to doing so. The rest is history, asshole.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.
Is that the same OBL that Bush didn't care about even after 9-11, the one Obama killed, or a different one?
Deflection. No surprise. Clinton passed up the opportunity to kill him with a drone. We knew he was behind the USS Cole bombing but Clinton didn't take him out because there was no political advantage to doing so. The rest is history, asshole.
Yes, the history is quite clear. 9-11 was George Walker Bush. Carry on.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.
Is that the same OBL that Bush didn't care about even after 9-11, the one Obama killed, or a different one?
Deflection. No surprise. Clinton passed up the opportunity to kill him with a drone. We knew he was behind the USS Cole bombing but Clinton didn't take him out because there was no political advantage to doing so. The rest is history, asshole.
Yes, the history is quite clear. 9-11 was George Walker Bush. Carry on.
That's the best you've got? I'm not surprised.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.
Is that the same OBL that Bush didn't care about even after 9-11, the one Obama killed, or a different one?
Deflection. No surprise. Clinton passed up the opportunity to kill him with a drone. We knew he was behind the USS Cole bombing but Clinton didn't take him out because there was no political advantage to doing so. The rest is history, asshole.
Yes, the history is quite clear. 9-11 was George Walker Bush. Carry on.
That's the best you've got? I'm not surprised.
That's all that is required.
Set back race relations 40 years
Made the media become nothing more then a lying lap dog for his fucked up belief system.
Screwed over a friend of over 35 years in Eygpt and ripped the heart out of libya that had some of the highest living standards in all of africa in turned it into a shit hole today.
Licked the butt hole of castro! After half a fucking century as enemies. The commie bastard isn't backing down either!
Weaken our millitary as we now have to deal with people that get in with less training requirments(woman).
Set back race relations 40 years
Made the media become nothing more then a lying lap dog for his fucked up belief system.
Screwed over a friend of over 35 years in Eygpt and ripped the heart out of libya that had some of the highest living standards in all of africa in turned it into a shit hole today.
Licked the butt hole of castro! After half a fucking century as enemies. The commie bastard isn't backing down either!
Weaken our millitary as we now have to deal with people that get in with less training requirments(woman).
Damn right, the fucker has done everything in his power to fuck up this country as much as possible. He has brought out every disgusting POS in the country who hates America and everything it stands for. These maggots love him and his criminal cohorts. This board is full of them too.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

OBL kills 3,000 Americans and Bush says, who cares, I'm focused on the war I started in Iraq.

Liberals don't care about rich people from the towers.

Libs also don't care about the millions killed every year by abortion.

They only care about Americas enemies and water boarding.
Why do you care? What did Bush accomplish, this?
No, Clinton accomplished that when he declined to take out bin Laden when he had the chance.

Here's how concerned Shrub was about bin Laden 6 months after 9/11

Six months after 9/11 bin laden was hiding out in caves unable to do anything. Thanks to US policy that made it impossible for him to communicate in any way beyond writing letters and occasionally making videos.
You either like someone or you don't - if Obama had choked Bin Laden to death with his own two hands, you guys would SWEAR that it was only possible because Bin Laden was weak from living in Pakistan and not eating regular meals!

Thank you, President Bush!

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