What Have You Done?

In giving your view on out of wedlock births, and my proving it linked to criminality and welfare, you wrote " I don't see this issue as much of a problem as you."

It's a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

You are making a good case for why abortion should remain legal.

Truly the stupidest statement you've made today.....and that's goin' some.

Almost every single abortion in this country is for nothing more than convenience.

Only a Liberal...you, ducky....could imagine me making an argument in favor of the murder of the unborn.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky.....could claim that abortion is an argument against having a child when one is not ready for same.

I'm gonna assume that your post was simply the gum-flapping of one who'd love to be able to dispute my post.....but just can't come up with anything.

If you're not making a good case for why abortion should be legal, then you certainly are making a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged.

Unintended, out of wedlock pregnancies are a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

"... a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged."

It is available to everyone.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky....would imply that it should be provided by government, your neighbors paying for your....equipment.

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.
In giving your view on out of wedlock births, and my proving it linked to criminality and welfare, you wrote " I don't see this issue as much of a problem as you."

It's a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

You are making a good case for why abortion should remain legal.

Truly the stupidest statement you've made today.....and that's goin' some.

Almost every single abortion in this country is for nothing more than convenience.

Only a Liberal...you, ducky....could imagine me making an argument in favor of the murder of the unborn.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky.....could claim that abortion is an argument against having a child when one is not ready for same.

I'm gonna assume that your post was simply the gum-flapping of one who'd love to be able to dispute my post.....but just can't come up with anything.

If you're not making a good case for why abortion should be legal, then you certainly are making a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged.

Unintended, out of wedlock pregnancies are a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

"... a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged."

It is available to everyone.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky....would imply that it should be provided by government, your neighbors paying for your....equipment.

It's available to everyone who can afford it.

However, the people who cannot afford it are the ones producing the aforementioned societal problems.

If society doesn't intervene, then these children will continue to be born.

I guess the choices to solve the problem you posed are:
1. Making birth control free and affordable to those who can't afford it
2. Continuing to use abortion (and recommending it in some cases)
3. Forcing single mothers to give their babies to be given up for adoption, so they can be raised by two parent households
4. Forcing sterilization.
5. Making pregnancies out of wedlock a felony.

Any other suggestions?

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.
Frau Braun somehow confuses Democrats from over 100 years ago with Conservatives

One of the shortfalls from a cut and paste education
In giving your view on out of wedlock births, and my proving it linked to criminality and welfare, you wrote " I don't see this issue as much of a problem as you."

It's a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

You are making a good case for why abortion should remain legal.

Truly the stupidest statement you've made today.....and that's goin' some.

Almost every single abortion in this country is for nothing more than convenience.

Only a Liberal...you, ducky....could imagine me making an argument in favor of the murder of the unborn.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky.....could claim that abortion is an argument against having a child when one is not ready for same.

I'm gonna assume that your post was simply the gum-flapping of one who'd love to be able to dispute my post.....but just can't come up with anything.

If you're not making a good case for why abortion should be legal, then you certainly are making a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged.

Unintended, out of wedlock pregnancies are a huge problem for the child, for the mother, and for society.

"... a good case of why birth control should be made available to everyone who wants them and their use should be encouraged."

It is available to everyone.

Only a Liberal...you,ducky....would imply that it should be provided by government, your neighbors paying for your....equipment.

It's available to everyone who can afford it.

However, the people who cannot afford it are the ones producing the aforementioned societal problems.

If society doesn't intervene, then these children will continue to be born.

I guess the choices to solve the problem you posed are:
1. Making birth control free and affordable to those who can't afford it
2. Continuing to use abortion (and recommending it in some cases)
3. Forcing single mothers to give their babies to be given up for adoption, so they can be raised by two parent households
4. Forcing sterilization.
5. Making pregnancies out of wedlock a felony.

Any other suggestions?

"It's available to everyone who can afford it."

And everyone can afford it.


Gads, you sound more and more like a moron....or a liberal.

1. "The Cost: According to Planned Parenthood, birth control pills cost between $15 to $50 a month, depending on health-insurance coverage and type of pill. On an annual basis, that means the Pill costs between $160 to $600.Mar 5, 2012
The Real Cost of Birth Control | Spending | US News

2. You can do as well working one week a month at minimum wage as you can working $60,000-a-year, full-time, high-stress job.

My chart tells the story. It is pretty much self-explanatory.


3. “Means-tested welfare spending or aid to the poor…(non-welfare programs provide benefits and services for the general population)…in 2008, total government spending on means-tested welfare or aid to the poor amounted to $714 billion. This high level of welfare spending was the result of steady permanent growth in welfare spending over several decades rather than a short-term response to temporary economic conditions…$522 billion (73 percent) was federal expenditures, and $192 billion (27 percent) was state government funds.” Obama to Spend $10.3 Trillion on Welfare: Uncovering the Full Cost of Means-Tested Welfare or Aid to the Poor
a. By 2008, total welfare spending amounted to $16,800 per person in poverty, four times as much as the Census Bureau estimated was needed to eliminate all poverty in America- that would be $50,400 for a family of three!! Ibid.

b. Over the ten-year period from 2009 to 2018, federal and state welfare spending will total $10.3 trillion. Ibid.

c. This does not include ObamaCare.

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.
Frau Braun somehow confuses Democrats from over 100 years ago with Conservatives

One of the shortfalls from a cut and paste education

Frau Braun???

A Nazi?

Only a Leftist can be a Nazi.....

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?

....experience vis-a-vis the last 100 years of foreign policy as supervised by the Democrats.
Let's imagine that you learned history....not what they massage and call history in government schools.....if you learned real history, pertinent to our society and the world, you'd recognize the questionable 'benefits' that have accrued as a result of Democrats in the presidency.

a. The survival of communism and the Soviet system...including the slaughter of over 100 million men, women and children.....and acquisition of the atomic bomb.

b. The birth of Red China

c. North Korea and the Korean War

d. Viet Cong and the Viet Nam War

e. An Islamofascist Iran, leader in state sponsorship of terrorism

f. Creation of the United Nations

All due to either Democrat/Liberal desire or design.
Frau Braun somehow confuses Democrats from over 100 years ago with Conservatives

One of the shortfalls from a cut and paste education

Frau Braun???

A Nazi?

Only a Leftist can be a Nazi.....

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?
Political Chic is the biggest Nazi sympathizer on USMB
The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?
I voted for Trump, I don't know what you are on the rag about,,,again...
The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...
Liberals created our Democracy

Conservatives supported the King
The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...
The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former the last 35 years have been the ruin of the middle class and our country's infrastructure because of hopelessness... Thanks Top great job only bulshit propaganda and hate make it possible... Thanks dupes czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?
The war on poverty ended with Nixon got in and ended big programs to get minorities in college and training. But it really got worse the last 35 years. See signature paragraph 1
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former the last 35 years have been the ruin of the middle class and our country's infrastructure because of hopelessness... Thanks Top great job only bulshit propaganda and hate make it possible... Thanks dupes czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?
The war on poverty ended with Nixon got in and ended big programs to get minorities in college and training. But it really got worse the last 35 years. See signature paragraph 1

Changing the subject???

That means I win again,huh?

OK....you can try again:
Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former the last 35 years have been the ruin of the middle class and our country's infrastructure because of hopelessness... Thanks Top great job only bulshit propaganda and hate make it possible... Thanks dupes czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?
The war on poverty ended with Nixon got in and ended big programs to get minorities in college and training. But it really got worse the last 35 years. See signature paragraph 1

For your remediation:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states:

“ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

Get it, Bolshevik....not the collective, or the state.
The liberal founders collectivized the country under a federal government. And they gave congress the power to legislate commerce.

Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption. But thanks for the depressions... At this point the Democrats should spend all their time fact-checking all your ridiculous brainwashed b*******, Dupe. Never have so many citizens believed so much crap and Hate... Great job GOP...
Complete bullshit. If you want to float a lie, add a bit of fact to it.

The Commerce clause provided the ability to REGULATE interstate commerce due to the fact that no state has authority once goods pass beyond their borders.
Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption. But thanks for the depressions... At this point the Democrats should spend all their time fact-checking all your ridiculous brainwashed b*******, Dupe. Never have so many citizens believed so much crap and Hate... Great job GOP...

"The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption."

C'mon.....at least put a little effort into making your lies believable....

Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress. The new bulshit GOP is only good at lying and cheating their dupes and the country... Socialist have to call themselves social Democrats in the United States to avoid the brainwashed cold war war dinosaurs like yourself. Nazis are right wing you fool. That's part of the liberal fascism theory that was invented 10 years ago, for morons like you only... Just like the clintons the foundation and Obama Soros Pelosi are all corrupt... Too bad there's no evidence and nothing is ever gotten anywhere near a courtroom. Your only explanation is that you're a conspiracy Nut Job...

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption. But thanks for the depressions... At this point the Democrats should spend all their time fact-checking all your ridiculous brainwashed b*******, Dupe. Never have so many citizens believed so much crap and Hate... Great job GOP...

"The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption."

C'mon.....at least put a little effort into making your lies believable....

Thanks for the depression, Dupe. zzzzzzzzzzzz
"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
You are incredibly misinformed about liberals... And everything else it appears. Change the channel, at least you used to make some sense... Yes, Liberals are interested in truth and facts, unlike the total BS GOP propaganda machine that runs your brains...

Here's your chance, blanko....

"Liberals created this country and everything good ever since that's why they call it progress."

Well, then, blanko......since the nation was founded based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government......
....why is it that Liberals stand for the very opposite:

...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Caught you in that same lie all communists...er, Liberals try to advance, huh?
The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption. But thanks for the depressions... At this point the Democrats should spend all their time fact-checking all your ridiculous brainwashed b*******, Dupe. Never have so many citizens believed so much crap and Hate... Great job GOP...

"The only regulation liberals want is to control GOP/big money corporate corruption."

C'mon.....at least put a little effort into making your lies believable....

Thanks for the depression, Dupe. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Running to another subject?

I win again.

Let's not stop now.

1. FDR, Democrat....extended a recession into the longest downturn in our history....five times longer than any previous one.
Because he wanted to.

2. FDR's invasion of the private housing markets....via Fannie and then Freddie (Democrat creations) unauthorized by the Constitution he sword to protect.....
....caused the market meltdown.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

It was Democrats and Democrat policies that caused the Mortgage Meltdown

That's the CliffNotes version.

I don't believe you can handle the details.

Yup.....Democrats.....the folks who brought you slavery and a nuclear Iran.


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