What hospital bed shortage?

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.
They're not my hospitals, that was an example to point out the retarded-level lakkalogic of the OP


Welp, your example failed.

Still, lobby ANY and ALL Hospital Admins for more nursing staff. (Only convenient if in YOUR neck of the woods, of course)

OBVIOUSLY - if you complain about Leonard hospital in Albany - many will believe it's close to home for you.
I agree...every hospital everywhere...red state, blue state, purple state, is lying about the hospital bed crisis to make the blob look bad.
We are discussing the numbers that the hospitals reported

so if anyone is lying its not them

rather its the liberal press and baby hitler politicians - mostly democrats - who are trying to whip the public into a panic

Its all bad news just to make the blob look bad right?

Has there been any actual bad news in the last 4 years?
It may have been before the election

and will be again if biden’s cheating falls short

but fanning a panic is good for the news business

and its made to order for the baby hitlers in the states and counties who love to flaunt their power

how else do you explain governors and mayors PLEADING with the public not to go out or gather and then ignoring their own rules?
What kind of OP is this? ... what good is a bed without staff? ... how many nurses are out today with Covid? ... how many overwork personnel have quit? ...

There's enough blame to pin on hospitals without making shit up ...
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.
They're not my hospitals, that was an example to point out the retarded-level lakkalogic of the OP


Welp, your example failed.

Still, lobby ANY and ALL Hospital Admins for more nursing staff. (Only convenient if in YOUR neck of the woods, of course)

OBVIOUSLY - if you complain about Leonard hospital in Albany - many will believe it's close to home for you.
No, my example did just fine to point out the retardation of the OP.

If you dont get it, I'm not at all surprised.

Nursing staff, by the way, isn't magically available. Hospitals are ALWAYS hiring. There's a shortage. There's also Nurses that can't work because...

Wait for it MeBelle

Wait for it MeBelle

I like this idea that the Hospitals stretched as thin as they are are just sitting on their hands...and some pinheads on the internet assume its just never occurred to them ...voila!! Solution!! Hire more nurses!

Soooo kooky
Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?

Yes, Abbott closed down elective surgery centers.

Please fill me in.
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.

You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...
The only whack-jobs still shoveling this Faux Crisis hor$e$hit are amoral business-folk who prize solvency more than human life.
Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?

Yes, Abbott closed down elective surgery centers.

Please fill me in.
Again. I'm not in Texas.

Our elective surgeries are being cancelled because they are moving people around.
Pretty simple.
Now, our governor met with the hospitals before this spike and created plans on what ifs. This is the direction they are taking. As I said, we have one county with two hospitals that are definitely overwhelmed. Enough so that they said do something.
Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?
Those who consume only MSM tv news, whether righties or lefties, seem to be the most afraid. We have friends and family on both political sides, scared shitless. They believe the bs they are told by the msm. They’ve become hermits afraid to leave their homes, while continuing to watch the tv. F-ing crazy.
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Democrats say hospital workers, doctors, nurses, are racist.

They run commercials saying a black person doesn't get the same treatment as white people.

If they hospitals are racist, why not liars too? Maybe they just tell black people they are full.
Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?
Those who consume only MSM tv news, whether righties or lefties, seem to be the most afraid. We have friends and family on both political sides, scared shitless. They believe the bs they are told by the msm. They’ve become hermits afraid to leave their homes, while continuing to watch the tv. F-ing crazy.

I agree. If all you are going to do is watch people interpret the news for you or national news then you are going to be afraid. What's crazier is that people have the power to stop it.
I like this idea that the Hospitals stretched as thin as they are are just sitting on their hands...and some pinheads on the internet assume its just never occurred to them ...voila!! Solution!! Hire more nurses!

Soooo kooky

Don't be a jerk.

In your first post in this thread you carried on about a hospital in Albany and ....
I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

I had posted:

In the County I live in, EVERY LTC (Nursing Home) facility was mandated way back in March to establish a wing strictly for Covid patients. The cost wasn't cheap.
Yet ALL of those isolation wings remain empty.

You're not paying attention to the rest of reality.

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