What hospital bed shortage?

could be the commies.... *shrugs*
I don't know why they would have to do with anything.

But the real problem may not be too many people with Covid, but instead not enough hospital beds for the population that the hospital is serving to begin with. Doesn't seem to be a problem for a great many other places... Why is it different over there?
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Democrats say hospital workers doctors, nurses, are racist.

They run commercials saying a black person doesn't get the same treatment as white people.

If they hospitals are racist, why not liars too?

You lie and deny.

Democrats say black people don't get the same care as white people at hospitals. They run ads saying that here.

Are they lying?
could be the commies.... *shrugs*
I don't know why they would have to do with anything.

But the real problem may not be too many people with Covid, but instead not enough hospital beds for the population that the hospital is serving to begin with. Doesn't seem to be a problem for a great many other places... Why is it different over there?
Not saying it is..not saying it isn't. *shrugs*
Every media outlet is lying...incredible.
Makes you wonder what their motivation for that is.
You came up with every media outlet... Not I... I don't watch them all so I wouldn't claim that.
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Democrats say hospital workers doctors, nurses, are racist.

They run commercials saying a black person doesn't get the same treatment as white people.

If they hospitals are racist, why not liars too?

You lie and deny.

Democrats say black people don't get the same care as white people at hospitals.

Are they lying?

I'm not a democrat, Fido. You'd have to ask them about your strangely un-sourced opinion about what they say.
I like this idea that the Hospitals stretched as thin as they are are just sitting on their hands...and some pinheads on the internet assume its just never occurred to them ...voila!! Solution!! Hire more nurses!

Soooo kooky

Don't be a jerk.

In your first post in this thread you carried on about a hospital in Albany and ....
I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

I had posted:

In the County I live in, EVERY LTC (Nursing Home) facility was mandated way back in March to establish a wing strictly for Covid patients. The cost wasn't cheap.
Yet ALL of those isolation wings remain empty.

You're not paying attention to the rest of reality.
I'm not sure how your super specific situation magically negates that there's lots of hospitals that are inundated right now.

I don't carry on about Albany, I was using an allegory to show why the logic in the OP is ridiculous. It wasn't an anecdote to imply a trend, like you just tried to do.

Yes, I'm sure some hospitals over prepared. News at 11, they dont magically negate the inundated Hospitals. This thread is stupid.
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.

You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...

No kidding? Really?

That's why the US imports those awesome two year RN's from overseas to work here.

And it's not the Docs or nurses who 'refuse' anything.
We're talking about ICU beds!
SoooOoOoo fucking stupid? Leonard hospital in Albany isn't full because there's ten open beds in a different state or in a county 200 miles away?

What a sick lack of humanity. I've BEEN in a hospital with Nurses crying their eyes out out in the break lounge because they're INUNDATED.

and that's magically not true because some old, kooky addled partisan on the internet say so mmm kayyy

Sorry your Albany nurses feel overwhelmed.

Lobby the Hospital Admins for more nursing staff.

The hospitals are raking in plenty of Federal monies to cover the costs.

You can lobby all you want but if a Nurse or Doctor refuses there isn’t much you can do and to train someone take two to four years of schooling... For Nursing...

No kidding? Really?

That's why the US imports those awesome two year RN's from overseas to work here.

And it's not the Docs or nurses who 'refuse' anything.
We're talking about ICU beds!

You better read what you wrote and I was responding to it, so you need to educate yourself seeing many have refused and the importing of Nurses you lack knowledge off because they have to prove their credentials while also take a test here!

Now get smart with me again because it was you responding to G.T. post with no knowledge of what is going on with the medical community!

The doctor (in small town Missouri--a guy who hunts deer to relax) said his father was diagnosed with Covid.

You can listen to it in his own words....

But of course...the media is lying about this..somehow right?
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Democrats say hospital workers doctors, nurses, are racist.

They run commercials saying a black person doesn't get the same treatment as white people.

If they hospitals are racist, why not liars too?

You lie and deny.

Democrats say black people don't get the same care as white people at hospitals.

Are they lying?

I'm not a democrat, Fido. You'd have to ask them about your strangely un-sourced opinion about what they say.
Democrats also run ads here saying menthol cigarettes are racist.

You can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

If the hospitals are full of racist like the police, then lying about how busy they are shouldn't surprise anyone.
Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

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And I don't disagree there are unique situations. Anecdotal situations. But I'm pointing out the national MSM continues to blow isolated situations and make them the rule! They are not! The rule!
Again... explain to me how if ALL HOSPITALS are having the problem how come 1 out of 3 beds average are empty?
Do you understand? It is NOT a national emergency. But dummies that take anecdotal single situations and make it the rule it's happening all over is the problem! IT IS NOT!
I live in a red state. I'm a liberal. The name of the game was not about no one getting it. It was about making sure the hospitals were not overwhelmed. Period.

Turn the msm off.

The nimrods that are espousing everything based on fear and who truly believe that it can be knocked out by sending everyone home or going on lock down are morons. For sure.

This is not anecdotal. The following are not even states that I live in:

Ours are. In fact, one of the counties two local hospitals went to the board and told them they had to start coming up with a different plan. The governor said that it was time to get rid of the elective surgeries that had been scheduled.

Look, did they go berserk? Absofreakinglutely. It does not help if you go all the way to the other side of denial.

Elective surgeries do not take up ICU beds.

They want to utilize the areas.

Elective surgeries are generally out-patient and therefore don't require an ICU bed.
I get that. Do you understand what I said?
Those who consume only MSM tv news, whether righties or lefties, seem to be the most afraid. We have friends and family on both political sides, scared shitless. They believe the bs they are told by the msm. They’ve become hermits afraid to leave their homes, while continuing to watch the tv. F-ing crazy.
Well I agree regarding scared because they don't have the time, (like I do age 77) to do in depth backgrounding the News(by the way a name of a college journalism course I took at a time in the 60s when the MSM starting with Cronkite began infusing personal views into the news) or else they and many others would KNOW that the biased MSM did this!
This really venal and total hatred of Trump is primarily because of the attached substantiations. I unlike the MSM don't make this stuff up...i.e. "there is no evidence regarding election fraud"... the cry all the MSM is making!
"They" cite HOSPITAL ICU beds - they don't say 'Hospitals w/ Covid filled ICU beds'.

In the County I live in, EVERY LTC (Nursing Home) facility was mandated way back in March to establish a wing strictly for Covid patients. The cost wasn't cheap.
Yet ALL of those isolation wings remain empty.
Yep the whole world shut down their economies in every corner of the globe to hurt Trump. You got us.lol
Daily we hear/see from the extremely biased MSM... "Oh woe is us...not enough hospital beds for COVID! Woe is us!
FACTS though seem to belie this "sky is falling" hysteria!

View attachment 425737
You should all be ashamed

but you’re not
Of course I'm not! The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. Nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks, other providers of care and 43,000 individual members come together to form the AHA.
I'll tell you who YOU should be ashamed are lawyers! You've never heard of "defensive medicine" I'm 100% confident which costs Americans nearly $800 billion a year in wasted health care expenses...all because of lawyers!
YOU want proof? Take a little time and read the following...substantiated information! NOT guesses!
You're right...every hospital everywhere is lying to make Trump look bad. Diabolicial
Democrats say hospital workers doctors, nurses, are racist.

They run commercials saying a black person doesn't get the same treatment as white people.

If they hospitals are racist, why not liars too?

You lie and deny.

Democrats say black people don't get the same care as white people at hospitals.

Are they lying?

I'm not a democrat, Fido. You'd have to ask them about your strangely un-sourced opinion about what they say.
Democrats also run ads here saying menthol cigarettes are racist.

You can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist.

If the hospitals are full of racist like the police, then lying about how busy they are shouldn't surprise anyone.

Again, Fido, I'm not a Democrat. You'd have to ask them about your wildly silly and unsourced claims.

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